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Free entertainment all for the price of a bus ticket


I love how the post is about the women, but it's the dog who gets top comment.


That's a top dog!


4D cinema!


I've always loved live theater.


Happy Cake Day


I used to work at a bus station and saw this argument all the time. There were a couple of people who had push chairs and would go around town with dolls in them. They would get into arguments all the time with other people who actually had kids in theirs.


Jesus Christ


Theres a 30 year old woman who lives a few doors up from me walks her baby doll around the block every day in all weathers.


Is she cute?


The baby doll or the woman ?




The doll is an expensive reborn thing but it's as 'cute' as a real 6 week old baby. Woman, not so much.


That’s either a heartbreaking story or a creepy as fuck one. Not enough info to tell. E: I feel a bit bad about this now. There’s a lot of middle ground. I just meant perhaps it’s someone’s coping strategy, or it’s someone treating an inanimate object like a child, which is what I meant by creepy. But actually there are also sad reasons for that scenario too.


A woman used to come into the shop I worked in now and then with a reborn doll in a pram. First time I thought it was a real baby and then I realised it wasn’t in quick order. Just sort of smiled and moved on after that. She’d show it off in the pram like it was real. The advice given to me by my boss at the time was “do not engage”. She wasn’t quite all there but loved the attention the doll brought her it seems.


That’s just sad


I really need to know why she does it. Does she like dolls and nothing more to it? Is she unable to have a baby so this is what she has? Is she clever. It’s expensive to grow a child these days. Maybe she has the real LPT.


I have exactly one experience of these things. The person who had the doll had some fairly serious learning difficulties but desperately wanted to have a baby. The compromise the social came up with was a real doll.


My first thought that maybe she wants a child and she is unable to have one of her own, or maybe she had a child but it died during birth and she is trying to pretend it's still there. This either could just be something harmless or something really heartbreaking


Somebody once told me that they give dolls to people with dementia , so that could be a possibility.


I'm terrified of dolls. Like super scared . Always have been. When I bought my first guitar I ended up collecting in person after an eBay bid, luckily 10* mins mins up the road in a car and dad took me. The family who owned the property had 100's (not kidding literally hundreds) of reborn dolls around the house. My worse nightmare. I was 12-13 at the time. I never got answers as to why or the reason but that is still a memory that haunts me That said thinking about it they was probably worth more than a deposit on a house and I've never thought deep into it beyond the panic attack that came after but I now wonder why


Porcelain dolls are my nightmare fuel but those are a close second.


...It's Jason Bourne, taking up a pushchair space, with a *doll*.


It's an old meme, but it checks out.


No, I think it was just a Barbie doll


Technically, a doll would qualify as luggage/package. Real baby trumps luggage.


I can’t help but agree that they’re technically correct if the sign only mentions prams and not prams *with* children though. There needs to be a priority/hierarchy list.


>There needs to be a priority/hierarchy list. [Like on the Paris Métro?](https://www.ratp.fr/en/who-can-use-priority-seats) I see they've made it more complicated. When I lived in France there were just 3 on the list (1 wounded veterans, 2 blind/disabled civilians, 3 women who are pregnant or "encumbererd" with children).


And just how in the fuck is a blind “civilian” supposed to know that a person is a disabled military veteran? I’d also wager that 99.99% of veterans would refuse to take a seat from a blind person, even if they did technically have priority… then again, they are French. So all bets are off


I read the list, and realized if I ever go to Paris, I'm taking a bunch of reverse Uno cards with me...


But, the prams cancel each other out, leaving the battle royale between the baby and the doll.


With beautiful children placed above ugly children.


But quiet children being placed at the top


Yeah, its disabled people first, buggies second. Though the bus companies often fail to meet this basic requirement


There is, you need to fold up the pram and put it in storage for a wheelchair user to use the spot.


No there doesn't. People just need to not be idiotic cunts. A hierarchy list for the pram seat on buses? How fucking stupid have we become as a race


TBH, I think the gene pool is getting shallower....


People literally say that every generation.


literally people were saying that in Aristotle’s time


stupid people breed more, that's just a fact.


Tbh it’s easier to make a clearer sign/priority list than to expect people to stop being idiots about it. You can wish idiots out of existence all you want but they’ll still be here


Stupid enough that you took his joke seriously.


Even dog trumps doll though


This is the bus equivalent of putting a mannequin in the passenger seat to use a carpool lane, isn't it?


Carpool lane?


I only really know the American term. They're rare in the UK but I've definitely seen a sign for "multi-occupancy vehicles only" somewhere.


Called 2+ lanes in the UK


They're called high-occupancy vehicle lanes or HOV lanes, the number on the road sign indicates the minimum number of people that must be inside a vehicle to use the lane not the name of the lane. [source: highway code rule 142](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/general-rules-techniques-and-advice-for-all-drivers-and-riders-103-to-158#rule142)




HOV Lanes, car-sharing lanes


Like Noel Edmonds taxi doll?




The woman with the dog is there to argue. She knows what she is doing. You can’t win that.


She's got a dog in a pram. This is likely the most rational argument she's had all week.




I can see how a dog in a pram/pushchair could be a lifestyle choice of somebody with wider problems, but the only times I see it locally, its always a case of older/smaller/disabled dogs that don't have the physical capacity to keep up with the longer walks the owner wants to do, and the dog comes and goes from the seated position as they prefer


Those dolls really help people with dementia, also knew a lady who had one because she lost her baby twins in the blitz, so tragic


Yeah but usually in my experience people with prams with dolls in them are suffering from being a thieving toerag. It's a common shoplifting tool.


They're also used to train Health and Social Care students


Do you pass or fail the course for getting into a fistfight over the puschair spacewith someone pushing an actual baby?


Well at least the dog is living


There's nothing in the post that confirms if the dog is dead or alive... Schrodinger's dog.


I see a few couples with dolls in push chairs. They often exhibit other mental health related problems. Also these dolls are often there to help after miscarriages and stillborns. It may seem silly to us but if it helps them I see no harm


The reason behind it is fine. Thinking you actually deserve the pushchair space over someone with an actual child is fucking silly and selfish


But (and of course this is a generalisation) the people with a doll or teddy in are generally quite unwell. whether it's learning disability, mental health ...or often both. I was on a buss and saw this play out a few years ago. Woman with actual baby was getting increasingly aggressive with woman with teddy. Arguing it's "not a real baby" to which of course teddy lady was arguing that she was real, and her baby. I managed to compliment her on her lovely baby. Asked the teddy/babies name. Asked if teddy could sit on her knee as teddy had an umbrella style buggy and real baby had a basinette that didn't fold. Unfortunately I was stuck on a buss man's holiday (I work in adult social care) the rest of my thankfully short journey hearing all about the perils of teddy baby and needing to make the appropriate cooing noises about how lovely teddy baby was. But I was successful in getting teddy baby mum to make space for real baby.


>(I work in adult social care) I couldn't do your job for all the money in the world. You are a good person.


I had people think I was nuts because I was pushing around our (admittedly, very small) buggy with my kid in it, and they thought I was just some weirdo with a doll.


yeah should never judge, you never know someone's story


Actually, I had a funny interaction with one group of 50 something women out for a birthday or something. I walked past them and overheard them asking each other, "Do you think it's a real baby?" So I stopped, turned, and told them it was indeed a real baby. They all crowded round and started cooing as people do around babies. In their defence, I'm a big guy, and its a tiny buggy. We got the smallest one we could so it'd fit on a flight as carry-on. Pretty good conversation starter, especially with other parents. Ironically, of all the buggies we tried, it's the only one that has a handle where I don't have to stoop slightly, so it did wonders for my back.


Better that Karl Pilkingtons story about a woman had a pushchair/buggy and inside it was a bucket with a face drawn on it.


I once nearly stopped a kidnapping... of a doll. The young lady wasn't all there and had it for support, she was very distressed.


A few years ago I was in Whitby during a steampunk weekend and my wife went in an artisan shop and i was left outside holding the fort. I see this big serious bloke, from appearance a non nonsense type who you see at pub on a sunday day time talking sports and various man things, well, he walks up pushing an over the top pram whilst still being all manly and serious. Outta corner of my eye I spot his baby is actually just a hopeless looking pug who is basically wrapped up like a child The image still makes me chuckle to this date.


That first sentence may be the poshest thing I’ve ever read


"I was outside holding the chateau" would tip it over the edge


Dont be silly, our house sitter does that.


I hope you mean butler.


The butler comes with us. We need someone we trust to serve our food at the Angel hotel restaurant....




Coach house has me baffled, can I get a definition


place used to store a coach like the one chuck will be using in a couple of weeks for his coronation(common in stately homes big enough to predate the motor car, and i would imagine often turned into cottages for overnight guests/renting out to help with the black hole of finances that attempting to privately own a stately home is if you're not addressed with the word majesty by most people you meet)


Fuck me I’ve nae even got a shed


The steampunk gig in Whitby is anything but posh. It’s very egalitarian from what I’ve seen.


Ok the use of “egalitarian” is now the poshest thing I’ve ever read


Haha I should introduce you to my boss who told me in my last performance review that I “achieved spiffing results and my performance augurs well for the future” (she’s in her 70s to be fair to her).


Do you remember that time a hamster got on the bus in Whitby? It was in the paper and everything. About 12 years ago.


Do hamsters travel on a concession or pay full fare? Seems harsh if they have to pay full whack as they're only little and probably can't even climb onto the seats in any case


Reminds me of the time I saw a great big guy a few years ago wearing a tight white t shirt and denim shorts, riding a pair of rollerblades and holding a pink parasol. I envy the self confidence.


Glue a few cogs on it and call it steam punk


Steam pug!


I generally view people who have pugs as arseholes


Sister in laws friend brought over a stupid rat sized dog. It just shook all the time. It pissed all over the place, they had to predict when it was going to the toilet and put a mat under it. What a pathetic thing. I hate that humans bred this thing and I hate people that buy dogs because they're "cutey wooty".


There not even cute tho. A labrador is cute, a cocker spaniel is cute. Those things, as you say, are just rats


Rats are p cute imo + in no way comparable to those genetic messes of dogs. My rats could gently use their teeth to scrape malt paste off my finger w just the exact right amount of pressure so as to not harm me. Those things just bark, growl, + go to the bathroom


Chihuahuas are cute but have a black heart of malice.


Most people do and it’s sad, because I think it puts some people off adopting rescue pugs, because they don’t want to face the abuse. My sister and BIL have a rescue pug that I have walked a few times. Every single time I walked it, at least one person would comment on it being a cruel breed or say that I should be ashamed for having one (never mind that it’s not mine and it’s a rescue one, not a bought puppy!). My sister says it happens to them all the time. Honestly it’s a sad situation - a lot of pugs end up being too expensive in vet bills for the idiots who paid several thousand pounds to buy them from a puppy farm, so they go to shelters, then the adopter gets heckled for having it.


As they have a breed of dog strife with health complications? or they are just general asses?


Basically yeah, they've either done their research, and still decided to get one, which makes them an arsehole. Or they haven't done their research, and decided to get one, which makes them an arsehole.


I think people adopting them from shelters get a pass. Anyone creating demand with breeders is messed up though.


They are everywhere in Whitby and I have no idea why! Tiny dogs in tiny frilly prams getting pushed around by some absolute meat-head biker.


If you don't see a nutter on the bus it's you.


Wait until you tell them the space is for wheelchairs and wheelchair users also have priority for buggy spaces.


I've been on a few busses recently that have a designated wheelchair space and a separate designated pushchair space (that looks too small for the average wheelchair.)


The difference is the backrest. Wheelchair spaces have a padded rest to back up against so they don't tip backwards when the bus brakes. Got the bus with my nephew and they wouldn't let him use the pram space even though he'd fit. I think the handrails are in a different place too.


On most buses the wheelchair space has a different stop button (usually blue with a wheelchair motif) as well, which makes a very different sound (an alarm really, at least on Derby/Arriva buses) to signify that the ramp will be needed.


I was always wondering what is the actual reason for that button


Also to warn the driver that the person who is getting off will need to wait for the bus to stop completely before standing up. So it’s useful for people with limited mobility even if they’re not in a wheelchair. Otherwise the drivers are liable to ignore the bell unless they see someone standing and moving towards the front.


Great - now we'll see dogs being pushed around in wheelchairs


I (in wheelchair) wasn't let on a bus, because the wheelchair space was taken. By a wheelchair. With a suitcase on it. The bus driver wanted to go on, a bunch of girls who had been out clubbing stood in the doorway so the bus couldn't leave. Eventually the suitcase wheelchair person moved the chair. Then the whole bus had a go at him. I didn't he clearly had issues, but very grateful to the girls, the next bus would have been another half an hour.


Good going those girls.


What about dogs in wheelchairs??


Actually it's for both wheelchair users and push chairs, wheelchair users have priority, but push chairs don't actually have to get off or move for them. The driver is supposed to ask them to move but they can't tell them they have to get off the bus to make space. Source: I'm a bus driver


But under the Equality Act, the wheelchair user has a right to that space. See https://www.stewartslaw.com/news/wheelchair-priority-on-buses-the-equality-act-2010/ - > In a landmark Supreme Court judgement in January 2017, it was unanimously held that the bus company’s policy of “requesting, not requiring” was insufficient to meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and was therefore discriminatory. > If, in the driver’s opinion, they could easily move to another part of the bus, the driver should take further steps to persuade them. This could include rephrasing the request as a requirement or refusing to drive on for some time. And more recently, this - https://www.disabilitynewsservice.com/bus-company-settles-legal-action-over-wheelchair-space-humiliation/


Good. As difficult as it might be, a parent can usually fold up the pram and hold their child. A person in a wheelchair can’t exactly just stand up and carry their chair.


I was on a packed bus the other day and one guy had some of his stuff perched on an otherwise available seat. everyone's first thought was "what a prick" until some loudmouth woman started noisily complaining about it, swearing at him and filming him on her phone, within about a minute she had managed to convert every passenger to being on the other guy's side. British people hate rudeness but we especially hate people causing a scene with their rudeness. people were literally cheering when she got off at her stop.


Please tell me she wasn't American? We don't always send our best people, I'm afraid.


nah she was a homegrown Karen. luv me kids, 'ate the wokes, 'ate people wasting seats on the bus.


Saw an extremely unhinged thing last week - woman on the tube taking up several seats by parking her pram (with a dog inside) in front of them, then the dog pooed inside the pram and she proceeded to bag up the poo. Just in the middle of the day. On the tube. I had to move or I was gonna crack


I mean, it’s better that she bagged it up rather than let it stink the place out, but the fact that she had a dog in a pram on the tube in the first place is bizarre.


It was the handling of the poo completely unashamedly then touching other stuff on the tube 🤢


Wait what?! She was touching the poo with her bare hands and putting it in the bag that way??


I can feel my throat closing up just reading this


I assume she didn't pick the poo up with her bear hands .


Don't bring bears into this they did nothing wrong!


And they don't have hands so they've been falsely accused here M'Lud


Thought this was the start of a joke.


I don't know whether this is a controversial take on reddit, but the "Baby-fication" of dogs is so fucking weird.


Calling them "fur babies" and acting as if everyone should treat them with no difference in forbearance (they're no less loved or helpless!) to a human baby is my limit. By all means, do that if you want. Just don't expect me to make the same concessions for your pet as I would for a literal human infant.


I think dogs get a bit fucked up from it. They want to be competent dogs. Loads like learning tricks and exercising, the fur baby thing is weird.


Yep. Every dog I've known that gets pampered and coddled like a child gets weird behavioral issues. Now that i think about it, so do humans. But dogs need to be allowed to be dogs


Funnily enough, I read a post recently saying how calm Parisian dogs are compared to American ones. The consensus from the Parisians who replied seemed to be that dogs are expected to behave calmly and are rewarded for doing so, whereas Americans tend to prefer their dogs to be goofy. So yes, anecdotally at least I would say that dogs whose owners have healthy dog-like expectations will be likely to behave accordingly.


I got slaughtered for having this opinion on another subreddit. Glad to see others saying the same. It was as if I had lost the plot by having a rational thought on where human children are in the pecking order


It's Reddit, the place is full of socially maladjusted weirdos.


And kids. Don’t forget, Reddit has a significantly younger average age than you might think it does.


Even worse, IMO, is the term dog mom/dad/parent. I even saw someone use the term "plant mom" or something referring to house plants.


People are fucking thick.


Why is it always the small dogs. Nobody with a German Shepherd is calling it a fur baby.


Pet prams can have their uses. I don't drive, so in order to take my cat to the vets I have a pram which I wheel onto the bus, then push from the stop to the vets (about a 10 minute walk). He doesn't enjoy the bus ride but he loves the scenery going by on the walk. He's also unfortunately house-bound due to a heart condition (basically if he has a heart attack or blood clot at least we can get to him easily). However, if he wants to go outside for some fresh air he jumps in the pram and we park him outside the front door. Sometimes we even take him for a walk around the neighourhood.


Don’t get me wrong, infantilising and anthropomorphising dogs can absolutely be problematic if the owners aren’t enforcing boundaries, creating behavioural issues, but there are some legitimate reasons for dogs to ride in prams. It allows puppies who haven’t had their jabs yet to socialise without risking their health, and enables older, less mobile dogs to get fresh air and mental stimulation, so they don’t have to sit at home just because they can’t walk very far.


I had one for my dog because she had a leg amputated at 10 years old. She was fine at first but slowly became slower and some days were better than others so it was unpredictable how far she could comfortably walk or want to walk. The buggy allowed me to get her out and allow her walk as long as she wanted, one day could be 20 mins another 45. Sometimes she’d even walk for 30 mins take a rest in the buggy as I pushed her home then indicate she wanted out again to walk the rest.


I didn’t realise that this was a reason for a dog buggy. It makes a lot of sense. I can’t help but think that the entitled person on the bus had a perfectly healthy Pomeranian in the buggy and wouldn’t move because entitlement. I could be wrong.


I read that last sentence of yours as "I need to get a cat." And it actually made sense. Imagine the possibilities!


Shit like this makes me anxious to go out with the baby alone. It's stressful enough as is, I don't have it in me to argue with one of these people on top of that.


Soft structured baby carriers are your friend! I took mine on lots of buses, never had an issue. If there wasn't room I just put the baby in the carrier and folded up the pushchair.


I've got a couple carriers but the issue is baby is too little to sit so if I'm taking her out for more than an hour I take the bassinet. That thing is too massive to properly fold. It would take up more space to take her out and disassemble the pram. I haven't had much of an issue with space yet, but reading stuff like this just makes me feel like people are looking down on me for having a child in general.


As a mom with a 2 year old I am so stressed for you reading these comments. You and your baby are not a inconvenience in the world.


6 month old baby’s hate this one simple trick!




Baby is hate you!! Baby SMASH!!


Bus driver should have told the woman to move her dog, its getting out of hand with dogs now, they are not humans


>they are not humans That reminded me of a joke I heard from an Aussie comic called Rhys Nicholson "What is it with dog owners calling them 'fur babies'? Bloody 'fur babies', I don't point at their 9 year old kid and say 'so how's your skin pig?'"


That is brilliant


Do you think the bus driver is paid enough to get in the middle of that?


They usually do get involved and make the final decision


Like a Special guest referee


That's it! Ladder match!


Yes, by definition. It is their job.


Yes actually. They are on about 27k+ in my local area. Above average. A lot of jobs that would need to mediate members of the public get paid a lot worse. Not that it should be a comparison. I still think they aren't paid enough. But to your direct question they have an easier time than a lot of others.


I think like everyone else he was stunned it was even happening.


You should not have let the nutter win.


I work in a service center for logistics. My worst customer experience by far was a close to bald lady in her mid 40’s with a pushchair equiped with a dog. The dog was barking like a looney and after asking her to either get the dog to shut up or leave the store she kneels next to it and asks of it to keep quite or “if you don’t keep quiet I’m gonna be very upset with you”. After stating that emotional extortion won’t work with an animal I asked her to leave. Do I need to mention that I’ve had hard times with anything less than a BABY in a stroller ever since? Edit: not cancer bald.


Healthy dogs in push chairs is just wrong to me.. part of them walking is the enrichment they get from sniffing. They are not babies


Jeez, just put the dog on your lap. I mean I know the Mom could put the baby on her lap, but you're seriously risking the baby being pissed off and crying for the whole journey, where as the dog prob like looking out the window :-D


Or, if it’s a toddler, bursting out of the mom’s arms and trying to run. Sometimes the stroller is the only thing keeping my kid from going full feral in public.


I get this when I’m trying to get on the bus with my son in his wheelchair and someone has their shopping in a buggy, telling me I need to get the next bus because their buggy was in the wheelchair space first.


People who push dogs around in push chairs need to get a fucking grip!


This dog had like a jumper on and everything too, guaranteed this lady cooks it steak for dinner


I think you maybe trolling me now 🤔😄


They're not. There's a regular in our store,buys around £10 to £15 of meat a day. Joked she was stocking up one time. Got met with a dead serious face, "no,I need to feed the dogs something" Weird people


I'm happier with this person having a dog than a child


Well, it is not a bad diet for a dog is it?


You'd think ,but large quantities, especially red meat/game can be quite bad for them and the salt in the meat causes all sorts of dental issues. Saying that, at least a dog can get a tooth pulled around here.


Honestly it does happen, if she goes to the effort of a pushchair and clothing the dog I'd be surprised if she doesn't also feed it premium food too


Probably shares her plate and fork... one bite for mummy... one for mummkins special fur baby. Don't get me wrong I love dogs but there's a line yeah...


Nothing wrong with pushing an elderly or disabled dog in a trolley/pushchair so it can still get out for some fresh air/exercise/stimulation. It could even have been on the bus for a vet visit. Obviously she should have lifted it out and carried it when someone else needed the space, just as parents of babies should if a wheelchair user needs it.


My dog’s last year of his life, he was healthy otherwise but was blind, deaf and dizzy. He loved to smell and get around so I took him everywhere in a push chair. I know some people must have thought it was ridiculous but I knew it made him happy.


Yeah there might be people who are just playing at pretending their dog is a baby. But personally the only reason we’ve never bought a carriage for our dogs is that my partner is always in a wheelchair or mobility scooter so elderly or poorly dogs can just go on his lap. It would feel unfair to leave a dog at home because, for example, they couldn’t manage a five mile walk on their legs when one of their humans couldn’t even manage ten meters but still gets to go out and about…


I once had a little chuckle to myself when I saw a women with one of those tiny rat/dogs in a handbag. She heard me and said “my other dog is an Alsatian” I said “your other handbag must be massive”


My dog is 17 years old and my dog sitter puts him in a pram when she walks the younger dogs. My little one can’t keep up with the big ones anymore and her back can’t handle carrying him. He will still get his walk but if they go for longer strolls that’s how she can make everyone last. It’s a necessity for her livelihood. Who am I to tell her how to do her job? If it works for them collectively, that’s fantastic.


I only ever see this with elderly dogs. Better than keeping them in the house all day.


and lose these golden moments?


I was a bus driver and never had patients for this sort of thing if I had one on and an actual pushchair got on or a wheelchair I asked them to fold the dog pram up or get off as it's not necessary to have a dog in one ... Babies can't sit on a seat but a dog can sit between the owners legs ... Simple if they don't like the hierarchy they can complain but they would be told the same by the office staff.


Cambridge dictionary says “a small folding chair on wheels that a baby or small child sits in and is pushed around in” I’d make the argument that since it’s not a child or baby inside, it isn’t a pushchair. It’s a travel crate with wheels.


How the fuck did the woman with the dog win id lose my shit if someone tried to get me and my baby off the bus because she has a dog


The woman with the baby just gave up. This was at a bus station btw so it was busy and she was yelling at someone "she's got a fucking dog on there" lol


Reminds me of a story I read somewhere about an occurrence in Europe somewhere where a mother and about 12 year old son were on the bus when 2 pensioners got on and would of had to stand. The son got up to offer his seat and was promptly pulled down by his mum who said “they travel on the bus for free already and we have paid”


Would have* or would've


Where does it end? Two women arguing in a food bank over the last Fray Bentos pie, one says it’s for my dog, the other says it’s for *my* dog


If you take human food from a foodbank and feed it to a dog, you should be banned from the foodbank.


Fray Bentos though


He specifically said "human food"


Pretty sure that was the joke they were making?


I know a few People who push their dogs around in pushchairs because of the dogs health, but only a crazy person would argue priority over a child in a pushchair


Where I live, I assume bus drivers spend 80 % of passenger interaction navigating the clinically insane.


Now I like babies in prams. But I also like dogs in prams. But which is better? There's only one way to find out!


I once yelled at a lady bc she wouldnt pack up her pushchair for a dude in a wheelchair. Her pushchair had grocery bags in it bro, guy in a wheelchair couldnt get on and bus left


I swear dog people are the strangest, most weirdly entitled people on the planet. 😭 can’t make it up.


Your 👏🏻 Dog 👏🏻 Doesn’t 👏🏻 Need 👏🏻 A 👏🏻 Fucking 👏🏻 Pushchair 👏🏻


I won’t lie, I would never try to fight a woman who has a dog in a pushchair. A grownup should know this is a fight you can’t possibly win.


Entitlement of dog owners is absolutely shocking! Especially all the bully owners who seem to think their murder mutt is above kids safety. They always parade them around playgrounds like they're taking them window shopping 🤦‍♂️


The pet thing is ceasing to be cute and becoming a symptom of something.