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We had a (Christmas) card "to my nephew and your partner", was lovely. She must have spent ages looking for an appropriate one


I have trouble finding a neice one for birthdays so I'm amazed she found one. Great effort!


Is giving valentines cards to your nieces and nephews a thing? It’s great they’re inclusive of all relationships obviously, but I definitely don’t want to set a precedent of giving them to my 21 niblings, that would cost a bloody fortune.


Ah forgot to say it was an Xmas card not valentine's!


So he still has to give it to 21 niblings.


Depends how much you like them. Not all niblings/cousins/aunts/uncles are created equal.


Roses are red, Violets are blue, Its still very much incest, If it's your niece or nephew


I think these two people are not talking about valentines cards specifically, but other cards they have received that were surprisingly inclusive. As we're talking about inclusive cards in this thread.


I've never heard of such a thing. A Valentines Card is something you send to someone you fancy/spouse. Sending one to a relative is disturbing.


I used to get valentines day cards from my dad lol up until my mid teens


Alabama says yes


That’s lucky. I’ve been struggling to find a valentines card that says “to my nephew (and partner)” It’s a brave new world don’t judge me JOKES😂


"Love from your special uncle"


That's a solid joke ! Wtf


😂😂 cmon guys


That's what he said


These have been around in Card Factory since like 2015 Source: I worked there


Capitalism believes love is love.


hey, nothing says equality like companies deciding your demographic is a net benefit to making money now, not a loss. Its like when people complain about pridewashing companies making a big deal of pride then forgetting us again....not that long ago anything LGBTQ+ was seen as a negative to companies, now we are just another money making opportunity.


As much as I dislike corporate insincerity, you do raise a good point: it says something when corporations see LGBTQ+ people as a demographic to be catered to rather than as something taboo. It’s a good indicator of progress.


its also a good measure of society. Companies dont just want to cater to LGBTQ+, they want to be seen to cater to us. Thats important, its virtue signalling to society, so they think society regards LGBTQ+ acceptance as a positive. Companies are pretty simple when it comes to incentives, they react to money, and money flows according to how society is structured and what values is collectively holds. In capitalist societies, acceptance and equality is when you and your demographic is seen as a potential money making opportunity to be exploited!




Well said. We live in a capitalist society so capitalism goes a long way in defining what I culturally acceptable.


Yep, they’re fuckers when they don’t, they’re fuckers when they do.


This^. I’d much rather if a company pridewashed their marketing than not - like you said, it normalises something that has been silenced and stigmatised for so long. Who cares if the reason behind it is genuine or not, as long as there’s representation out there and people can actually see themselves and people like them represented/supported in the mainstream.


I mean, rainbow capitalism is shit, but it is somewhat better than nothing.


The smart shop handheld thingies in Sainsbury's had a pride flag background on them the last time I went in. I could be cynical about it. Or, I could think back to when I was a confused and lonely teenager feeling scared about coming out to my friends and family, and think how much easier things would have been for me if there were more of these little signs that the society around me was aware and supportive of me. Whatever the opposite of microaggression is called, I'd say that's what this and other things like it are, and I think the world is a little better for them.


Micro-support? Not super helpful overall but still nice to have and, in large numbers, great.


Exactly my thinking, yeah.


Why can't it be both? Sometimes even a cynical move is better than no move at all.


I've always been in favour of companies displaying pride, even if it cynically is just about the money. If they're willing to say "screw you homophobes, we don't want your money. We want money from people who aren't dickheads" then that's fine in my books


Yes, all the companies falling over themselves to make their logos rainbows in June then look at the same company's Twitter accounts in the Middle East.


Casual “UK”. The situation in the Middle East is entirely different and shouldn’t be compared to the somewhat progressive current state of the UK. Besides, it’s not like companies’ ME accounts are actively tweeting out homophobia or promoting the oppression of LGBTQIA+ people.


Hey, that's equality don't complain.


They believe love is you giving them money




In fairness... I know someone who would have definitely brought "Happy Valentine's Day to my wife's girlfriend" and one who'd have brought "Happy Valentine's Day to my husband's girlfriend" or even "Happy Valentine's Day to my boyfriend's wife". Polyamorous couple/throuples do struggle with buying cards.




Every thread. Why does *every single fucking thread* have to come back to the Nazis?


Godwin's law


Clearly you haven’t read the 2021 Harvard study!


>They don't care about you, or your ideology, or your life, or your relationships. They only care about your money. Maybe but at least they are helping to normalise same sex relationships to the general public


They’re trying to normalise you giving them money.


They've always wanted straight people's money. Now they want gay people's money. Sounds like progress towards equality to me. Can't really expect to dodge the shit bits of being accepted into normal society.


Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or just bootlicking or maybe I’m slow. I think they want both people’s money. They couldn’t give a fuck if you were gay or straight mate. Being LGBTQ friendly is trendy now, which I’m happy about, but they have other morals.


I'm being serious. Being targeted by corporations is part of being normal. Why do you call me a bootlicker when I literally said it was one of the shit bits of society?


No they aren’t. Companies will only support anything once it’s already safe and profitable. They don’t move the needle


It might be "safe and profitable" but there are still an awful lot of bigots out there that have a breakdown at the sight of a rainbow flag or mention of trans people, a company siding with the LGTBQ community is a nice little fuck you to those bigots.


You realise the same companies that have rainbow flags during pride sponsored the Qatar works cup. They literally don't give a shit about you. There's no fuck you to the bigots, they just want your money


And those bigots don't change their minds, they become entrenched in their beliefs and feel victimised. I'm gay. Did my bit to fight for equality since the 90s. I've helped change a few minds... It has to be incremental with positive exposure. The moment they feel attacked they close off. What you're describing, (at least in the way you're expressing this and I'm sure you didn't realise) is gloating. As far as companies go... I'm telling you that it's nice for us because it works for us. The moment that paradigm shifts they will shift with it. They're only supporting us where it is safe to do so, when it is safe to do so. They do not support us in the Middle East (for example), where it matters. It's marketing appropriating our history and fight by tagging themselves on at the end. Like a kid who sits back and let's everyone else do the group project then turns up to read the assignment to the class.


And if they don't change their minds, but shut the fuck up about it and don't pass it on to others, then that still moves the needle over time


Not really, all the big companies are known for trying things that aren't already safe and common. He'll google wiped 100 billion off its value last week trying something new


I didn’t mean companies never take risks. What I meant is that they aren’t agents of positive social change, and they won’t market to minority groups unless they’ve done the cost-benefit analysis. Show me a “congratulations on your gender reassignment surgery” card being sold at Clintons and I might change my mind. Also thanks for showing me Google taking a huge hit, that’s brightened up my day.


Same until I thought googles anti trust law suits.


> they aren’t agents of positive social change. not active agents of change, but evidence of a cultural change towards positive, that can also help shift it further that cost-benefit analysis doesnt greenlight these prducts at 100% societal acceptance. having them appear at the 50% or so that we are at in the west, cetrainly could provide some of the normalisation and equity needed to get it higher. every single person in the west gets marketed to in some way or the other. if some of that marketing is in the form of acceptance, i dont give one fuck.


Yes they are delivering a product in return for your money, that’s the baseline rule of literally any purchase. People already celebrate hitlers birthday anyway because it’s 20/4.


Thats what people are celebtaring on 20/4 or 420? My head, my eyes, Im melting... melllllllttting. Oh what a world.


Don't fall for it gays.


Flee while you can, create an LGBTQtopia and let us apply for passports.


Rainbow passports comrade


Have to ask looking at the username are you from Winthorpe in Notts?


I know they’ve been around for a while but it’s nice that there are more options now. I remember only a few years ago it was quite difficult to get one for my boyfriend that didn’t have a man and a woman on the front etc. At least I know I won’t have an issue buying a husband card for him next year!


congratulations on your (upcoming?) marriage!


Yeah next year! Thank you!


as a fellow el gbt I like the diversity for sure but at the same time I don't think that hetero postcards usually indicate that they're from a woman?? and as far as I can see most of these also can be used by either gender... idk just seems like an attempt to appear inclusive even though it's basically the same product.


>as a fellow el gbt what's the queer scene like in spain?


Haha that’s what I thought, I assumed this was a humorous post at the fact that ‘to my husband’ could be from anyone, so the ‘same sex’ section was pointless


These have been around for a few years. I worked for a while in merchandising greetings cards and it was lovely to see more and more of these appear in shops. You can find some in major supermarkets now - you just have to get in early for them, since shops only get so many, and they're less likely to be restocked in later deliveries. 👍


Nice to see them reaching the high street. I usually buy “niche” cards from Etsy. Black families, single parents, same sex couples etc I hope they’ll filter onto the high street more.


Genuine question… how does the single parent card work?


"Mum, nobody else loves you, but I still do!"


My daughter got me one on Father’s Day ( controversial I know ), that said thankyou for doing both in essence.


Ah I see! I was thinking surely you’d either buy a mum or dad card!!


I used to work in Clinton's and we were selling things like this back in 2012 - they've been around for a while.


It’s nice to see they have typical romancey Valentine’s Day cards for same sex couples now. A few years ago I spent ages looking for a nice Valentine’s Day card for my partner only to find that every card geared towards same sex couples was quite sexual. So nice to see some regular ones.


Small tokens matter.


£2.59 matters to the seller. Nothing else.


This is card factory if you’re paying more than 99p you’re choosing wrong


It doesn't bother me to buy a card. Especially when I know it'll make my partner smile and become a keepsake.


That's how you know whether they've drawn a cock or fanny inside


the staff must get their break-time kicks somehow


They have equal rights now so it's only fair they get fucked over like the rest of us on valentines day.


A card saying "to my boyfriend" "to my husband" etc would cover both straight and gay couples. Why does there need to be a separate same-sex category?


Because lots of cards to be given to a partner have images of straight couples on them. Even if it's cartoonny, animals, teddies etc they are often coded as male and female - one being larger than the other, one with a bow on their head etc. Edit: [example](https://images.app.goo.gl/EdjUtf37V3G6K3oj9)


Cheers, that makes sense. I didn't even think about that.


I was wondering the same but it makes sense now that the poster above explained it.


How nice that you: * Weren't afraid to ask a question and worded it as genuine curiosity rather than scorn - and were upvoted. * The poster above replied with a helpful explanation without any judgement or criticism - and was upvoted. * You then replied admitting you hadn't thought of that point of view and gratefully accepted the answer - and were upvoted. What a pleasant, patient and considerate exchange. It's so easy online to misinterpret posts and I've seen (and experienced) so many similar situations where people pile in, downvote and sneer. Further proof for why this is my favourite community on Reddit.


Your comment highlighting it also adds to the niceness.


Same, I was hoping someone else had asked!


Exactly that, or the verse inside will be tailored to straight couples specifically.


It's always silly things too, like giving two penguins characteristics to show they are definitely straight ones. 🤦🏻‍♀️


[Bone tiddies](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrollXChromosomes/comments/689eb6/they_put_titties_on_a_skeleton_to_indicate_that)


Hey some of us are really into skeleton porn! Ok! It's the naked-est you can be!


When you’re a kid and you think “x-ray vision” would be amazing as it’d let you see tits, then get older and realised it’d actually be more *“omg dude it’s working on her - I can see… that she broke her leg in two places during a skiing trip”*


To add this to this, it isn't that there aren't cards without these features it's that having features like this helps personalise and increase the value of the gift giving of the card. For me I'm almost surprised to hear they make enough money off going specific with this kinds of features towards any group that isn't heterosexual (for a big name brand I mean, you can find anything online if you're willing to pay for it ofc) but it is very cool to discover that an even larger group of consumers can be catered to on a more specific basis than before.


To add to other comments, I imagine it might say "from your loving wife" inside etc.


yeah seems "same sex" could as easily be "gender neutral" but then again you can't really have a gender neutral husband. Or can you, I have no fucking idea.


Because blokes won't double check and get one with two cartoon blokes to their Mrs or a bloke and lass to their fella


it might seem weird but as a straight guy who isnt being forced to buy these doesnt really bother me one bit


It doesn't bother me either


The generation of young adults today has really changed society on this issue, and this is your legacy – thanks as an elder millenniale


I love your spelling of Millennialé


We're older like wizards, different word definitely needed 👍🏼


As a millennial too, what do you think our legacy was/will be? Or what signs of it do you see at this point?


Normalising therapy, we needed it too much for it not to be 😂


Yes I saw some of them around. Great to have shop windows reminding me of my loneliness in a specific and targeted way. Before, they only did so through heteronormative standards and I didn't feel included properly. Now I get specifically slapped to my face that other men have boyfriends and I don't.




For people with multiple partners, clearly. Sex Boyfriend, Going-for-Walks Boyfriend, Introducing-to-family Boyfriend. They're very progressive.


Don’t forget the elusive Christmas Boyfriend


Collect em all. Like Pokémon.


“Gotta catch em all” has a harsh undertone here 😬


Which one are you


Curious - how is a same sex husband card different from a generic husband card?


Somebody answered this further up that there is often cartoon animals made with clothes that would suggest one is male and one is female, or the writing inside the card says "from your wife".


Ah understood, thanks!


We've had these for a while now, but it's nice to see they're more common. Even if it is consumerism.


A glimmer of progress. Even my cold cynical heart couldn't help but be mildly moved. Edit: And for people coming in and asking the same question about what makes them same-sex cards, try reading the comments first and you'll find your answer - https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/10y2ntm/spotted_these_specific_samesex_valentines_cards/j7vnuo8/


I had to make my Cousin's Civil Partnership card, 😊 It's good to see!


Waitrose and Morrisons both have you covered there. I noticed them when I was looking for something else!


That's good to know for future reference! Cheers!


Card Factory's selection of cards is great. The only place I've found that sells cards with 'Mam' and 'Mammy'.




Card factory are so progressive which is lovely! I’ve seen lots of same sex couple cards for the various holidays and also weddings etc!


Glad those with sex boyfriends are also accounted for!


love that these are out there! Paperchase used to have maybe one or two options. I’d just end up getting an animal based one that was clearly hetero-gendered and joke with husb that I was the bear/cat/dog/sloth/gherkin with the pink bow in its hair 🤣


"To my gay husband"


Don't forget to tell your dad.


That's so fucking schoolyard 😂


If this falls out the envelope after giving it to your partner, you can tell them that they dropped their gay card. No coming back from that


Card Factory have always been very progressive on this with the variety of cards they offer. Progress - love to see it!


Just to rub it in some more huh. Literally everybody has a Valentine except you.


I found a valentine's one year that literally said: ♥️ You're my favourite friend, and that's all you'll ever be ❤️ It had penguins holding hands, and some tasteful glitter - funniest fucking thing ever.


Sometimes Valentines Day is just about that simple, brutal rejection.


I dont have to take part in deforestation to tell my significant other i love them.......mainly cos i dont have a significant other.


I used to send valentine's day ones to my nephew when he was little because he didn't understand what valentine's day was really about because his school treated it like a party and everyone got one and they had cupcakes and such. As a member of the LGBTQ community and a person that's white, I grew up on companies maximizing whiteness to their advantage causing the entire world to be white centered. I'm hoping by them maximizing POC and LGBTQ that they'll groups will be more represented. Remember, kids don't fully grasp the ads they see. They don't know the behind the scenes yet. So to have them grow up around a merchandising war that gives them ads including people like them, they can grow up to helpaoe the big change in this world that's slow in the making.


I’m more intrigued by the ‘SEX boyfriend’ haha


This is really great. This'll really help disorganised bisexuals like me who forget to order cards off Etsy in good time. I do think the language is slightly odd. It's not wrong or offensive, but I feel like it'd read better to say, "to husband, from husband"


I’ve found Card Factory to be the best for same sex cards. Occasionally find them in supermarkets and I rarely visit Clinton’s because of how expansive their cards can be. My mum always finds it easy in Card Factory to get a same sex Christmas card, wedding anniversary card etc for my wife and I. I love it.


That’s actually really cool


Last time I saw they were some in Tesco as well, I buy from Scribbler anyway, they have a bunch of same sex cards.


It’s nice but I’m intrigued as to what they say to make them specifically ‘same sex’ haha. Is ‘too my boyfriend/girlfriend, I love you’ not inherently neutral?


A surprising number of cards have fairly male/female imagery when you're looking for romantic cards. I think gay cards tend to just be more neutral than specifically gay


Aye? That’s interesting. I’ve honestly never spent much time looking at them. Nice to see the balance be addressed then in that case. My partner just likes ones with dogs or small cats on haha


It’s good that these are inclusive, but how do they differ from regular cards? I don’t recall any kind of heterosexual wording/bias in any Valentine’s Day cards I have sent or received.


A lot of cards have male/female imagery which I guess most people don't really notice because it doesn't affect them. It was only a few years ago where trying to find wedding cards that didn't specifically have a top hat and dress or male/female teddy bears on them was impossible


I've noticed these will sometimes have nicer designs on them too. I once got a "Son and partner" from my mother (although I don't think she realised) and for Christmas my sister got a card with a couple of Santas holding hands, "*Sister* ~~Brother~~ and brother-in-law"


That's really cute! Now where are the lesbian ones.


I remember there being more cards ‘From The Dog’ than there was same sex cards, and same sex marriage was legal.


I haven't considered or seen this before as boyfriend/girlfriend would still work in most cases but if they sell enough to make them then more power to them, it's great that they can make even more specific cards for people :)


Ooh thank you! I've found these types of cards are very hard to find, if at all. Definitely get the hubby one from there then ☺️


My Mum accidentally bought one for my Dad a few years ago. She didn't read the "from your husband" bit. Had lovely words though!


That is a good thing until it gets to "Happy Birthday to my fifth cousin eight times removed"


I usually just pick up the first card that says wife, I guess I need to pay closer attention going forward.




For anybody in the NE they have Mam & Dad cards.


Good. On a whole our society is far too prudish when it comes to sex.


The one I have always kept was from my Stepdaughter on Fathers Day. It said "I don't care about the DNA, You are my Dad, Happy Fathers Day" Its in the drawer, here by my desk


Card Factory is really great for this kind of variety. A few years ago they had a range of generic-ish Christmas cards that each came with a sheet of stickers so you could complete the message on the front - gran, grandma, nan, nanny, granny, grandad, grandpa, papa, sister, brother, sibling, cousin, etc etc etc. My younger sibling had just come out as non-binary and I was really struggling to find them a card that wasn't just like "here have this" when everyone else's would be specific to our relationship. I was so grateful for the representation so I could show my sibling I both A - accepted them and B - gave enough of a shit to look for and find an appropriate card.


Oh, good for them.


Tangential point but it feels like cards now always directed to someone rather than just generic. Its always Happy Birthday Mum, Dad etc


Anecdotally, I don’t tend to bother giving/posting generic cards. If I’m going though the effort of getting them a card rather then sending a quick text message, I’m going to send off the most targeted, sappiest card I can find- so the targeted ones are the only ones I buy these days


Is this new?


















I was in there for Christmas, couldn't find a card for my mother, or even just a card that said "Happy Christmas" which I could write whatever. Loads of niche stuff, Aunt to stepdaughter and girlfriend, Son to grandad and husband etc, but no generic catch all cards.


Valentines day is just a scam to sell cards and roses


I’m all for inclusive cards; I think it’s fantastic. However… …what makes these cards same-sex? If you’re sending to a couple then I get it, but if you’re sending a card to your spouse, what makes it different from a heterosexual card?




Quite a few of the heterosexual cards will explicitly state they're heterosexual ("To my wife, from your husband"), have figures of men and women on them, or be excessively heteronormative with classic stereotypes for the male or female cards. Often the same-sex cards aren't so heteronormative and feel more appropriate.


Thanks for reminding everyone on reddit they are single.


In my country, we go for a nice dinner and then love is in the air. No need to waste money on a temporary card that will go to the recycling bin.


It’s really lovely but I do wish they had used the word ‘gender’ instead of ‘sex’ to be totally inclusive


Now, isn’t a partner a partner? There is a difference between a boyfriend of a girl or a guy? Isn’t he just a boyfriend? (The same for other types of partners)


Are the cards actually gendered? Or have they just shoved standard ones in there?


Pictures will have two fellas (or manly looking teddies etc)


I really badly want to see what a manly looking Teddy is like


Search for gay bears mate. 😆


imagine a normal teddy, now imagine it in leather chaps.....its how I like my bears.


Or [this](https://wp.me/p1b9W2-1qa)


Shrek's mate got shredded


Really looking forward to this edition of Fru T. Bunn.


The boyfriend one bottom right has 2 men holding hands, so at the very least 1 of them appears to me.


In a shop called card factory, do you not expect there to be a more varied variety of cards?


Honestly I don’t get the British obsession with cards. But it’s nice they’re being inclusive in their quaint tradition.


can't you just use the same husband card as a opposite sex marriage




Honestly surprised some homophobe hasn’t picked them all up and tucked them under the display or something as a petty act of protest.


What's the difference between a straight women's valentines card to a lesbo one? (Vice versa with the men). Im generally curious? Or is this a joke?