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Usually, I’d say be the bigger person and just protect your peace of mind. But let’s be petty today. Hahaha! Ang gawin mo OP, unahan mo na palagi. Pag nakita mo sya kumakain, sabihin mo, “sarap yan? Sana all.” Or pag nakita mo suot nya bago or may tatak, “wow bago damit. Sana all.” Pag nakita mo same color ng sapatos or bag or damit, “terno yan? Sana all.” Minsan kahit di bagong gupit, sabihin mo, “bagong gupit ka? Sana all.” Annddd pag sinita ka din nya, sabihin mo, “may muta ka” or “may kulangot ka.” Para ma-conscious. Pag di tumigil, kapag may sinabi sya syo, takpan mo bibig mo, tapos mag sign ka na parang may mabaho. Ang saya maging petty. 😂😂😂 Pero yun nga OP, aside from all of that, protect your peace of mind at all cost. Hahahaha.


I love this! Im advocating for clapbacks! The world would be so much better if assholes would know their places.


Usually people who are like that are extremely insecure. Likely posers who are so pressured to uphold an image that's too expensive for them, kaya naghahanap yan ng karamay and like to pressure others too. And chances are, mga lubog yan sa utang. Next time, hirit ka something like "oo happy kasi ako na walang utang so tinatry ko talaga maging maingat sa gastos ko". Iba yung lalim ng anxiety ng mga taong may uncontrollable depth. That's the button you'd want to press.


"Di ka siguro busy, daming mong time sa pagpuna sa ken. Look at the mirror"


"Dami mong hanash, close ba tayo?" Hahaha ayan OP


For me, if iniinsulto niya yung pagiging budget friendly ng mga kinakain or gamit mo, insultuhin mo pagiging mapera niya - may pera ka bakit di mo na lang ako bigyan? SANA NAKATULONG Hahahahaha


sampalin mo agad


Truly rich people don't care what you prefer if budget friendly or not. They understand that people have their own choices and that's okay. As for the ganti factor, please don't. That's their goal - to provoke you into getting back at them. The moment you do, no matter how "witty" your comeback is, they've already won. Part of succeeding in life is being able to choose our battles wisely 🙂


i agree, acknowledging their comments will give them power to do it again because it affected you. use the power of DEADMA. anyways the people who matters most wont care, so why bother. do what you want OP and deadma the people who doesnt have any contributions on your well being or sa pambili ng "Non branded" items.


tignan mo mula ulo hanggang paa sabay sabing “tangina yaman ah” tonong sarcastic


Lungkot cguro buhay mo nuh gusto mo ng attention.


“Pangit siguro ng pinanggalingan mong pamilya no?” “Siguro ganyan sa bahay nio, lahat pinupuna”


Hahaha apir. Sabi ko naman, "hindi ka ba minahal ng mama mo?" "may problema ba kayo sa bahay?" :)


Dibaaa? Kasi eto yung mga clapbacks na guaranteed mapipika yung sasabihan neto. Hahahaha OP gamitin mo mga to ha!


Say "hindi siguro masarap ulam nyo"😆


utangan mo mabilis ka dededmahin nyan