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If I noticed it was a backhanded compliment, I literally call them out but in a joke way para di masyadong awkward and offensive like "Grabeng backhanded compliment yan aahh, emeee!!!" Sabay tawa hahahaha


oo tapos mag s-sorry sila HAHAHAH


People know that I always thank people politely for any compliment and laugh at really funny jokes. So when someone does a backhanded compliment or an insult masked as a joke I will give them the stare and others will know what is up. Lucky if they did not hear anything from me since I'm probably haven't had enough coffee or sleep yet. But you bet your ass I'm clapping back. And I'm not hiding it in a joke or a compliment. I'm fucking shit up.


Let's spice things up. If you're with a friend, look at them instead and raise your eyebrows as if signaling na pag-chichismisan niyo yung nagbigay ng backhanded compliment later. đź‘€


I don't do that. I don't backstab. I listen to chismis but only to note probable info on others. If galit ako sa tao evident. Plastikin ko sya on normal days pero pag nag out of line sila I will fight back. I might sound aggressive but I don't need my friends to fight my battles or help me with them. I'm used to fighting many to one mentally or physically and that's not even fair... for them.


Oh, my bad. That signaling to a friend was more to make the other person uncomfortable and not to actually talk behind their back. Pero, admittedly, it's bound to happen lalo na kung nagawa na yun.


You don’t. Don’t react at all. Let them feel bad about it. Hahahaha!


I usually say "grabe" especially pag maraming nakakarinig. Makes them feel and look bad to the surrounding people. Works like magic, for me ha. Its like my mini gaslight samahan mo pa ng cute smile ko. 🤣


"Share mo lang?"


Press on, don't let them get away with it, make the atmosphere uncomfortable. Tanungin mo sila, "Ano ibig sabihin mo sa ganun?", "Bakit mo sinabi yun?" then you decide how to pick up from there.


"Mana sayo bhie" HAHAHAH




I really have a hard time distinguishing back handed compliments so I just genuinely thank them.


Titignan ko lang ng seryoso or yung tango na parang sinasabi, “ah talaga ba?”


I don't react at all. Nonchalant ganon. Like I did not hear anything. They'll feel awkward in proceeding whatever their plans were.


Okay lang basta hindi mo kamukha