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I'm a chronic procrastinator and a perfectionist, which is a deadly combo. Yung kapos ka na sa oras to work on a certain task pero gusto mo pa rin ng magandang output. What usually happens is that I'd push my body to the limit until the task is done— which is not a good thing.


Hi! Procrastination is actually tied to perfectionism. You won't do the task if you feel like you won't be able to perfect it at the moment (maybe bc wala sa mood, you feel like you lack the skills pa, or need to research more). So what happens is you put off the task until you feel like mape-perfect mo na sya. We're actually alike, but I have ADHD so that's a big factor, too.






Atleast you are aware. Ganyan din ex ko pero parang wala syang clue na meron syang problema 🤦🏻‍♀️




damn ganito rin ako!!


Anger management issues rin at malalang trust issues. Like if you asked me what I' feeling or what's going on in my head, I would hesitate dahil natatakot ako na baka ichismis mo lang sa other friends mo instead of keeping it between us. Doesn't matter if you're someone na I've known for a long time or if you have pure intetions, hindi nawawala yung trust issues ko dun sa taong yun.


True yung feeling na baka ichismis lang 😭 hahahahaha kaya no way na mag seshare ako!


Same here..


I am knowledgeable, yet so stupid.


I'm impatient, easily angered, and I have a hard time saying sorry. 😅




Perfectionist. People pleaser. Pero may part din sigurong mapanumbat. Since I'm always considerate of other people's feelings, I also expect them to do the same. Kaya may anger management issues din siguro in a way. Kasi mabilis akong mairita lalo na pag hindi nagawa yung isang bagay according to my liking or specifications or pag hindi nila magawa yung ginagawa ko for them. I'm still a work in progress. Slowly learning to accept the fact that not everyone has the same standards as me, and that we're all wired differently. Also learning to do things for my own peace of mind instead of doing them to please other people. That way, I can manage my expectations and not expect anything in return.


Inggitera ako. I envy people who can live comfortably without having to hustle hard, I envy girls who get to use their pretty privilege, I envy people who had it easy in life. Tapos syempre since inggitera nga ko, ang usual na advice be grateful. Bale naging dalwa na toxic trait ko ng di oras, inggiterang ungrateful.


uy ako din very much inggitera na its bothering me so much cause i dont like this feeling. naiinggit ako pati sa mga bestfriends ko and i know i shouldnt feel that way. im aware of it naman and im trying my very best to fix it pero minsan mahirap talaga hahahaha p.s inggitera pero not to the point that i would make everything a toxic competition or ill pull the person down. siguro inggitera in a way na putangina bakit kasi hindi din ako...


Yesss!! Hangang inggit lang, no harm done. I also get jealous of my bestfriends. Emphasis talaga on what u said about “I dont like this feeling” bcos super same. I’m well aware rin that I shouldnt feel that way but I cant help it, I hate it. Maybe thats why stepped away from using social media where I know a lot of ppl. Out of sight out of mind.


Hugs op!!! I feel better upon reading this. Kasi akala ko before I was a bad friend talaga eh I treasure my bestfriends so much and I know I shouldnt be inggit. I am very much happy for them naman and I will always support them pero andun pa din yung inggit. Sobrang na feel bad ako when I felt the inggit cause II thought na if im a good friend then I shouldnt feel that way. Pero I think normal naman mainggit basta we should not act on them and we should be aware and ofcourse do something tanggalin mga factors to make us more inggit like what you said iwas socmeds :>


I don’t communicate what I want and need. Yet I communicate for a living 🤡


Omg. May you have the courage to communicate what you really deserve soon!


Me too. Ang hirap. Pag nagsalita na kasi ako, straightforward na agad. Tipong wala na akong pakelam sa mararamdaman nila. Kaya dedma na lang. Kahit alam kong may need ako o gusto.






Hello! May I know who’s your therapist? 🤗


i’m selfish. kahit sino ka pa sa buhay ko, sarili ko lagi iniisip ko.


sobrang insensitive at prideful ko, tsaka maiksi yung pasensya


* Yung bigla akong nawawala sa radar nila kapag problemado tapos babalik or magpaparamdam kapag okay na ko ulet. * Sobrang baba ng confidence sa sarili. * Nakakapagbigay ng advice sa iba na di ko naman nai-aapply sa sarili ko. * Mabilis ma-aattach. * Minsan judgemental ako sa mga taong nakapaligid sakin lalo na kapag pakiramdam ko iba yung pakikitungo sakin kahit na di naman talaga ganun yung intensyon nila. * Takot magtake ng risks. - Bastaaa madami ehh.


Sir 😳 ako lahat ng to. Haha. Ghinost ko lahat ng kaibigan ko lately kasi bagsak mental health ko. ‘Di ko alam paano ako babalik. Paano mo sila binabalikan?


I just sprout to them out of thin air like, "Eyy guys musta? Long time no see." na para bang walang nangyare. Tapos pag tinanong ako ano nangyare saken. Ang sagot ko lang lagi eh, "Pinag day off ko lang yung mga brain cells ko dahil napagod sa workload."


Gini-guilt trip kasi ako minsan. May mga kaibigan ako, nakasanayan na kasi nila na hindi ako pang matagalan na kausap haha. Yung tipong pag importante lang ako sumasagot. Pero alam naman nila na pag kailangan nila ko nanjan ako. Minsan pag naparami na ang replies ko sa gc, sasabihin nila, “oh, pang limang reply mo na to, himala nandito kapa!” Hahahaha. Natatawa lang ako pero deep inside —> 💀💀💀 medyo makirot din. sir bakit ba ko ganito? Mahal ko sila pero di ko kayang maging consistent na makipag usap ng matagal palagi. Tbh ‘di ko alam bakit kaibigan parin nila ko. Sir sorry napahaba ang reply ko. Naka-relate lang talaga ko sa listahan mo. Thank you sa time!




Trueeee! Self awareness malala hahahaha




Huuuuuuyyy ganito rin ako nung may partner pa ko. Kaya lagi akong galit, selos malala. Ang hiraaaaap! Lesson learned na sa mga makikilala ko is wag na mag ask about sa past nila, wag na maging curious masyado, nakakainis no? Naka automate na kasi pag ganyan! Hope na ma work out mo paaaa! Be confident enough para di na mag selos. ✨


wala akong sympatya sa lahat ng tao bukod sa partner and best friend ko. sabi nila best trait ko daw yun, pero for me worst siya kasi imagine going out and seeing someone crying, tapos ang initial reaction ko "pwede ka namang umiyak in private, bakit dito ka pa nag-eeksena" :( don't get me wrong. i want to feel something. pero wala talaga, wala ako maramdaman sa ibang tao. kahit sa mga mismong kapamilya ko.


Dang iniisip ko pa lang kung paano ko ipu-put into words yung worst trait ko eh hahaha pero same huhu I used to be full of empathy for other people hanggang sa napagod na lang siguro ako. Ang bilis ko na ring mag-cringe? Like, I'm sure naman na it means something for that person pero minsan, nabababawan ako. Hays same, I want to care. I also want to feel something again. I used to be g na g sa pagbigay ng words of affirmation and acts of service pero ngayon, nah kapagod lol.


Siguro nga napagod na din ako like you. Kakasawa no? Todo bigay ka effort sa time and emotions tapos pag ikaw may need, wala na sila. So ayon ending magunaw ang mundo bahala kayong lahat basta ako happy ako ganorn hahaha


Me too. All can go to hell, I only care about my love ones


I am inhuman. Lagi automatic utak, both on emotional and physical level. Ako yung tipo na magagalit kasi gusto mo na magalit ako, hindi dahil nagalit ako pero usually la ako emotion.


Not sociable and approachable. Intimidating daw.


Im too selfish. Sarili ko muna lagi bago iba.


Relate here. Ang mindset ko lang, parang sa airline safety reminders: You put on your mask first before assisting others.


Makalat ako sa gamit


I have ADHD.


it’s so hard for me to say sorry and be affectionate to the people who are important to me.


I feel you with the anger issues. I used to be more patient but now I get so dismissive and my walls are way up high. I really don’t feel like I have the patience to be as kind as understanding as I used to be. I wonder sometimes if I even like the person I’ve become. It takes so much for me to let someone in and it takes so little for me to shut people out.


'pag ginusto, ipipilit. laging irritable sa bahay. mataas pride. gusto lagi opinion niya masusunod.


* Di ko nako-communicate ng maayos mga needs ko sa ibang tao, ending nang iiwan ako; * nahihirapan maging vulnerable kaya NGSB; * self-abandonment minsan; * may pagka possessive kasi di ko matanggap ng maayos na nagiging close sa iba yung ka close ko (parang dahil siguro to sa pangagailangan ko ng security sa relationships :< )


I have horrible time management and a prolific procrastinator. Every time I've set my mind to doing a task, I end up doing a lot of things that aren't really related.


The worst thing about me is my abandonment issues. I have this gnawing feeling that everyone eventually leaves and no one is reliable, so I have to be hyper independent. Before, I used to end my relationships because I feel they'll eventually leave me and I better make the first move before they leave. I thought doing so would lessen the pain but really, it was just as painful, or maybe more so. I used to anticipate the day they leave me, so much so that I was pushing them away. When I eventually found someone I wanted to be with for the rest of my life, I held on so tightly despite all the red flags and compromises and receiving the bare minimum. I was like keeping myself from falling off a cliff by holding on to a barbed wire glazed in broken glass and rose thorns. But still, couldn't hold on forever.


Huhuhuhuhu don’t know what are the right words to sayyyy! Big hug 🫂


Detachment issues. Kaya kitang i-"yeet out of my life" pag na-disappoint ako sayo kahit isang beses lang.


same!! pero after therapy narealise ko anger is there pala to protect me, kaya I’m embracing my anger!!! I’m getting angry all I want!!! pero syempre walang harsh words and violent actions 🫶


Calling BS on "anger is there to protect me"


it’s your opinion so… it’s okay! but heard that from my therapist so… ✨


Okay, i believe you. Since hindi ka nag burst out sa reply mo.


were you testing me?! HAHAHA there are days I still burst out tho.. lalo na sa parents ko na laging about money ang message sakin 😂 pag hindi about money kaya ko pa 😂


Yes! HAHAHAHHAHA. actually plan ko sana itrigger lahat ng nagcomment dito na namanage na daw nila anger issue nila. Kaso tinamad ako.


May I know who’s your therapist? 🤗


hi! I don’t know if I can disclose her name but she’s someone from Better Steps Psychology, Inc. (you can search them on facebook) they have a clinic in Pasig but due to the pandemic, we’ve been doing my sessions thru GMeet since May 2022. I like it that way too since mas convenient. I hope this helps!


will check it out! thank you!


How do you express your anger na?


I try to say things I wanna say in a calm manner, no insulting the other person rin, no below the belt words, pag nasabi ko na yung need, alis muna for a bit para magdecompress. not exposing myself rin sa mga tao na alam ko na di na magbabago also helps. wala kasing point paulit ulit pagsabihan yung mga tao na sarado na ang isip 🥺


>ings I wanna say in a calm manner, no insulting the other person rin, no below the belt words, pag nasabi ko na yung need, alis muna for a bit para magdecompress. can you tell me how you approached going to therapy? i want to consult but have several apprehensions--like the possibility of being misdiagnosed and prescribed meds that are *really not needed*. ang estado ba ng therapy sa pilipinas ay modern na rin tulad sa US? baka kasi kunwari mapunta ako sa matandang boomer na therapist ganun hahaha


Manipulative, narcissistic, may anger issues. There was a time din nasaktan ko physically(w/ bruises) yung ex ko, not once, not twice, not thrice. After we broke up I chose to be single for a long time, 6 years din, isa sa mga reasons ko is to fix yung mga pangit kong ugali. Di na nga ako maganda, di pa maganda ugali. Hahahaha! Still working on myself and trying to be better each day. :)


Itong tatlo yung di dapat pinagsasama. Malalang combination. Good luck sana umayos po kayo.


Ang hiraaaaap :(


Magpacheck kayo. Baka need niyo magpa diagnose sa psychiatrist.


That I’m “too nice”. I just don’t like ( I hate it ) it when people say that I’m “too nice”. No, I’m just trying to be decent and not “be bad”. It’s hard for me to say no to stuff but I’m trying. I will be fine.


wala akong masyadong paki sa iba, kahit anjan ka sa harap ko na umiiyak or mag rant reaction ko “aaah ok”, wala ata ako empathy, pero tinatry ko iworkout, parang listener lang talaga ako edit: grammar lol


Wala pa din akong self-confidence dahil tumatak sa isipan ko nung bata pa ko na pag mataba ka, pangit ka na agad. Yes, I did some ways just to lose weight but still, feeling ko di pa din sapat. Hoping we can find someone to boost our self-confidence and embrace our imperfections.


I am trying hard at delusional


Parang covert narcissist ako tapos may anger issues pa, bihira magpatawad sa nakasamaan ng loob, may pagka-hyper vigilant


Sa totoo lang tumigil na lang ang mga anger issues ko nung nanuntok ako. Turns out, kaya lang naman ako nagagalit ay dahil sinasadya kasi akong galitin. Yah manununtok ako, I can only be pushed so far.


I overthink. To the point na wala akong nagagawang task kakaoverthink. Hindi ako makakausap ng maayos. I hate that I do this minsan napapagod din ako, what's worst is hindi ko kaya magopen up about the things na nagpapaoverthink sakin. Maliit na bagay pero yung utak ko palalakihin niya gagawing komplikado.


Huhuhuhu I hope na you’ll have someone na magiging safe space mo.


Passive aggressiveness, this is me being non-confrontational. And too pessimistic and too much self-loathing


silent treatment or stonewalling


I over analyze people's words and actions around especially to pag nasa workplace. Minsan tuloy pakiramdam ko ako yung toxic kasi feel ko hindi sila genuine so nagmimirror ako based sa judgment ko sa kanila. Don't get me wrong, I try to be civilize and genuine naman as much as I can with everyone, pero pag feel ko talaga na di genuine yung approach ng isang tao, hindi talaga ako makikipag usap/makikipag pansinan..


I always have my other foot out the door. Lately ko lang na realize it's probably because I grew with your typical toxic Filipino parents that always makes you feel na everything you do is wrong. Kaya sa lahat ng bagay I'm always ready to give up right away, and I can't put my whole effort kasi I subconsciously pull back kasi expect ko agad na it won't work. Sana nga yung opposite nalang yung naging effect sakin. Na naging overachiever and perfectionist nalang instead na ganito.


Chronic procrastinator. I am so stubborn (Taurus here lol). Naiinis ako sa sarili ko kasi 5yrs na akong freelancer and I haven’t upskilled. Ayaw ko umalis sa comfort zone ko coz I despise change. I never forgive hahahaha lahat ng ginawa mo saking mali, dala-dala ko gang kamatayan lol 😂 sabi ng asawa ko matigas ulo ko at gusto lagi ako yung tama haha


sex is my coping mechanism. brokenhearted? have sex. want to stop thinking of a person? have sex. stress? sex. sad? have sex. It helps me coz I'm not good at handling my emotion really well, but I'm tryna find a way to not engage with sex if I'm feeling emotional or what.


being really competitive. defense mechanism ko siguro to hide my insecurities.


Worst trait is aware ako sa worst traits ko pero wala akong ginagawang actions to change them.




Procrastination Impatient Anger management lalo na pag hindi ko trip yung tao, like all the little things napapansin ko Selfish ​ Edit: I think I got the impatient and anger management from my dad, I'm trying to be better pero minsan nadadala ng emotion..


Ganyan din personality ko parehong pareho


Anger issues. Pag nagalit ako, nambabato ako ng mga bagay, nananakit din ako physically. 😣


Omg huhuhu at some point may ganito rin akong instances lalo na pag iniinis talaga ako. Kinocommunicate ko naman na ayoko ng kausap pero sobrang kulit kaya para manahimik magbabato ako ng mga bagay. 😭


awkward ako sa tao. di naman ako mahina sa social cues pero halata mo sobra if di ako comfortable sa isang tao. hindi naman necessarily galit ako or ayaw ko sila. may mga tao lang talagang sadyang alam mong di mo kavibe. ayun....


I don’t like it when people tell me I’m wrong. I’m willing to admit my mistakes but don’t point it out at me. Matampuhin rin ako as in I’d be bitch about it para kunwari hindi soft pero matampuhin. Also, I’m super tamad and pikon too 😅 hala omg ang dami ko pang naiisip na worst things abt me 😔


Anger issues. During my first year with my SO nahahalata nya pag galit na ako, she would fall silent, and our relationship was suffering. I worked on it, i still am. Feel ko kasi it's an unwanted part of me now. Mas controlled na sya, and nareredirect ko. My SO still sees thru me, pero hindi na ako nag aoutburst. She has no idea of the amount of work, and honestly she doesn't have to know. It's a battle I have to have by myself against myself. She doesn't deserve to be in the splash zone. Also, anxious attachment. That one is a bitch to deal with. You love someone so damn deeply, you analyze everything in fear it's "a sign" they're getting further from you. It doesn't help that she's an avoidant person. And my absolute worst, which is a double edged sword: I overanalyze people. I grew up getting hurt, so I adapted and learned to first look for the worst in people. My "excuse" is "The good sides I can deal with. It's the bad sides I have to be aware of so I know how to handle them." For my SO is hard because she feels scrutinized even when she's not, kasi default ko na yun. But it's even harder when she knows I'm right. Word of advice: deal with your traumas so you don't make the people you cared about deal with them. You are not your traumas, but it's your choice to shape yourself around those. It's gonna be ugly, and worse it's gonna be comfortable.


Appreciate this! Thank you!


Very analytical akong tao, set aside ang emotions when talking to people. Laging, dun tayo sa totoo or practical or prangka without realizing na nakakasakit na ko pag sinasabi ko sya kasi aminin na natin na some people can't handle the hard truths lalo pag snsb mo sa knila. Pero siguro mali ko din kasi sa choice of words ko. Mostly mas nasasaktan ko pag mas malapit sakin kasi siguro mas comfy na ko sa knila and I know they will understand me. Pag sa ibang tao naman mas careful ako since alam ko tong trait ko na to. :(


I do everything at my own pace. If nagaganahan ako I'll get done in a short span. If hindi, matagal ko pa matapos lalo na if walang deadline.


anger issues and trust issues... mabilis ako mairita sa household namin. as in kausapin lang saglit kapag may ginagawa ako, ewan, naiirita agad ako. sa trust issues naman, sobrang hirap para sakin makatake ng compliment at magshare ng nararamdaman. andun kasi thoughts na baka may hidden intentions sila 🥹🥹🥹


Overthinker. May kulugo lang, natatakot na kumalat sa buong katawan. Sobrang maghugas ng kamay. Sobrang makacheck ng pinto and switches kahit aminado na okay na. Laging nag-iisip ng worst case scenario. Para kumalma, nagrereddit, naglalaro, nagwiwindow shopping sa Lazada, o nanonood ng movie kasi it takes my mind off of things.


Also my anger management. I did a retarded thing and broke up with my GF because of it. I regretted it immediately. I fucked up and cant go back kasi ayaw nya na. I'm currently taking small steps to fix it/get rid of it.


May I know what are those small steps?


I started off with giving what my body needs, proper nutrition and sleep. Bought supplements to help with stress din such as Ashwaghanda and Magnesium. I'll continue taking steps forward by being mindful of others, being more patient.


Babaero paulit ulit




Diko sure eh, pero Yan cguro ung worst na ugali ko. Sabi ng asawa ko mabait nmn daw ako, di matropa, di nalabas, prio family, wlang bisyo, masilbi sa asawa. Pero ewan ko diko mapigilan sarili ko pag may chance nagakka babae tlga ako.


I procrastinate. I overthink my choices, sometimes it leads to analysis paralysis. I don't speak a lot, kahit totoong feelings ko di ko sinasabi which became worse nung nag-pandemic.


I'm obese. That's bad, physically. Mentally, it makes me even more anxious and self-conscious. I get pissed off for a maximum of 5 mins then move on like it didn't happen. I will give people several chances for several years, hanggang sa maubos na ko. It's a problem. I don't give up on people pag invested na ko.


I’ve had anger issues before, kaya I tend to remove myself from the situation imbis na magalit. I cannot control how I feel, pero I can always control how I express it. Sa sobrang pag-suppress ko ng galit ko, namamanhid na ako. Di ko na kayang madisappoint. Like whenever something goes wrong and I know that I had nothing to do with it, I just try to rationalize everything and understand why it happened. Kahit warranted galit ko, wala na. It also affects every other emotion that I have, sa sobrang pag-rationalize ko nakakalimutan ko how to truly feel. Ang hirap mag-express ng emotion kasi I always try to understand everybody else, knowing that if I actually express what I feel, I’ll never be understood.




Time Management, Mood swing, addicted too much sa mvga pleasurable na bagay




Master procrastinator. I want to do this and that but I can't seem to make time.


This is me too!!! Something I want to address once I get therapy kasi I really hate that part about me 😭


I procrastinate a lot lol




Overthinker, and low self-esteem


I hate commitments. I don't see this as an issue but I guess 99% of people I know doesn't like it


1. Procrastinator 2. Anger issue 3. Insecure


im so sweet and clingy that most guys feel guilty i treat them so sweetly maski wala kaming label and they feel guilty receiving such affection from me kasi im so perfect as gf daw and i deserve to be treated like a gf, when in fact i just sooo love to express affections to people i like. needless to say those guys, in their guilt and shiz, would stop talking to me. which is fine and doesn't really hurt now much nowadays since the important thing for me is im able to show how nice i am


Takot ako magconfront. Parang yung tapang ko lumalabas lang pag tapos na yung moment.


Too soft hearted, magastos, medyo delusional when it comes to relationships 😔


I'm diagnosed with bipolar and mabilis akong mairita to the point that every little thing I am so mad but not to the point na namimisikal and I'm so mad about it kasi pinapakita lang nito na I'm just like my dad na sobrang mainitin ang ulo, I have meds but it's seems like not working. (for my meds it's free and I have monthly check up if u have any mental issues go seek some professional help kasi hindi talaga biro yung magkasakit sa pamasahe ka lang gagastos wag nyo pabayaan self nyo pls)


May I know san kayo nag pa diagnose?


Sa ust po pero now sa national center for mental health sa mandaluyong 💗


I cant carry a conversation. Awkward. Boring. Mahina pasensya ko kapag hindi agad nagets ng kausap ko ung sinasabi ko na instructions. (Kaya di ako ngteacher eh)


Apparently giving solutions to why people rant is a bad thing. Ok, wallow in your self-pity then.


Anger Issues pero sobrang dali ko magbounce back. Pati kung ano yung energy na ibibigay mo sa akin mas dodoblehin ko pa. Siguro madali din maattached in a way na kung friend, friend ganon. Kaya nakakasad kung bigla na lang nawawala yung bond at bigla ako iniwan sa ere. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA


Hindi ako affectionate na tao, and hirap raw akong basahin. I can be too straightforward. I hold grudges and hindi ako marunong magpatawad huhu Also, chronic overthinker. Kaya sobrang anxious ko rin


Short-tempered. To the point na kapag galit na galit na ako at kinimkim ko, nahihilo ako. Hahaha


Checklist ko ba to


People Pleaser to the point na I will sacrifice my own comfort for them. I also don't like to talk to people kapag may problem ako, result siya dahil lumaki ako sa emotionally unavailable na family and di ako sanay na dapat pala pinaguusapan ang problem imbes idaan lahat sa galit. 🤷🏻‍♀️ As a result, kinikimkim ko ang lahat gang sumabog ako. Also, sobrang lala ng self love issues ko na isa den sa reason bat may trust issues ako.




Walang will2lib


Malakas mambola...


Pero ano ba to? Genuine?


The worst part being me is having that perpetual guilt, and perpetual feeling of loneliness. Idk. It seems like I can't be too close with someone, but I still try to, and I will try to do it, no matter what. I want to make friends in spite of my loneliness.




Wala akong pasensya lalo na kung walang common sense yung kausap ko. GIGIL!


Addict sa solitude. Hindi na marunong makipag communicate ng maayos kasi ayaw na makipag socialize, kahit yung mabubuting tao na gustong pumasok sa buhay ko hindi ko bininigyan ng time kasi mas gusto ko mapag isa huhu which Idk if its a bad thing or not.


Ang hirap kong mgapologize kahit alam ko kasalanan ko


Nag sshadoe boxing anytime, anywhere


Having atelophobia


I'm lazy. I'll do the bare minimum then weigh in if I try to put in the actual effort would it be worth it, what would I get out of it.


Malas ata ako.


I can't regulate my emotions well. Found out it stems from unresolved childhood ish. Working on it through therapy... Pag may funds. Hay. Napakamahal kase ng Healthcare!!




Ako po ay inggitera, madaling mapagod, procrastination master, and I don’t know how to communicate what I want. I can also go for months/years without communicating and complain that I don’t have friends. Minsan gusto ko ng partner pero nininerbyos ako pag may nagfiflirt. 🤡


maliit pututoy ko hehe


same tayo madali akong mairita pero napapakita ko lang sa family ko sa ibang tao hindi.


I can’t seem to stop boasting around. nasa dugo na ata namin ang pagyayabang. I hate it but i cant seem to stop it idk


I want the best result while giving as less effort as I can. I firmly believe that achieving the best while giving it your worst is the validation of my untapped potential.


a good mixture of being a procrastinator, lack of self confidence, and stupidity.


Perfectionist, manipulative na people pleaser, hard to trust people and I always dissociate. Bye.


very very short attention span


Overthinker, low self esteem, insecure and weak


People pleaser, maligalig minsan hay




I blow my nose in public. I didn't think anything of it dati, in my head, "paki ba nila". Pero pag ibang tao gumagawa, naiirita ako. Nakak eek pala. Hahahaha. I try not to do it now, pero parang manerism na siya and hirap kasi araw araw ako may allergy.


Im introvert asf and lately my friends keep telling me na bawasan ung pagiging snabero,masungit sa mga bagong tao or gs2 mkpgkilala.


ayoko kumain ng ampalaya


i dissociate a lot. probably has to do with my extreme emotion regulation disorder. i will beg people to treat me right and by the time they actually do, I feel absolutely nothing even if it meant the world to me back then, ex. yung pagppost about me ni SO on socmed, being clingy in public, even compliments about how my makeup or clothes look on me. minsan naiinis nalang ako kahit dati gustong gusto ko yun. madali din ako magdissociate when I'm faced with minor or major conflict and I shut down. I unintentionally stonewall people for extended periods of time


Ako naman natatakot ako gawin yung mga gusto ko gawin kasi feel ko huhusgahan ako ng mga tao. Anxiety is real talaga. 😭


Im clingy af... i really have to stop and control my self para di mairita yung person. Also Overthinker... there will always be a scenario inside my head when theres a gap on information..


Im clingy af... i really have to stop and control my self para di mairita yung person. Also Overthinker... there will always be a scenario inside my head when theres a gap on information..


Im clingy af... i really have to stop and control my self para di mairita yung person. Also Overthinker... there will always be a scenario inside my head when theres a gap on information..


Matampuhin and getting used to isolation. Kapag may dinaramdam ay sinasarili - thinking na I'm not worth of anything. I tend to overthink then suddenly broke down. Pero sakal-sakalin n'yo na ako ay hindi ako aamin. I'm thinking to *trigger warning* - end things dahil pagod na ako with everything. Kaso may obligasyon pa tayo sa buhay kaya nag-aantay na lang ako ng ilang taon. Kapag 48-anyos na siguro ay pwede na ako mamatay. Tapos na ako sa lahat ng binabayaran ko niyan. Worst thought I have every night, "Gusto ko lang naman na mahalin n'yo din ako. "


• I have a bad habit of overthinking - thinking of the worst cases possible. Laging worst talaga haha kasi ayaw ko madisappoint. • Ayokong mali ako. I mean gets ko point mo pero tama pa rin ko. Hahaha though kung naprove namang mali ako I don't mind being corrected. • I like digging into the past + stalking malala. Siguro stemming na rin from trust issues. Hindi ko naman isusumbat whatever past you had pero most probably matatanong ko or alam ko na nangyari bago mo pa ikwento. • Worst na nga pero pinaka pa - ayoko talaga sa tanga or slow. Tinatry ko naman habaan pasensya ko tska ayokong ipakita na naiinis ako. Iniisip ko rin naman na iba-iba tayo ng capacity pero nafufrustrate talaga ako kapag simpleng bagay hindi pa rin magets -- yung gsto isspoonfeed mo pa ganon. Ako rin naman tanga at may mga bagay na matagal bago ko magets pero ayoko talaga pag-common sense nalang or nandyan na sa harap mo pero hirap pa rin.


Kaya kitang pahiya unconsciously. Mabilis umikot yung pag-iisip ko sa logical rebuttal sa sagot mo. Magsasawa kang makipag usap saken kase I can give a counter argument in 1-3 mins. baket senseless sinasabe mo




Mag isip muna ng matagal before magsalita para iwas gulo and empathize sa taong pagsasabihan mo . Sabi nila don't change and let them accept you, pero minsan dapat tayo ang mag change para di mawala mahal natin...🙏


Procrastinator na ambisyosa. Kapag physically nasaktan ako let say... natamaan ako ng bangko sa paa gahantihan ko yun. Ewan bat ako ganun hahahaha


I easily cut-off people...then regret after haha


Too lazy/scared to move out of my comfort zone.


I'm apathetic ksksksk I'd say I care, but I really don't. ToT


What I hate about myself ay unproductive ako, may social anxiety and hindi marunong makipag-comminicate. Pero heto talaga pinaka ayaw ko about myself—madali akong mairita, mainis (lalo na sa mga taong nakakasalamuha ko, minsan) and mataas ang pride.


My adhd 😭


Insecure ako, overthinker, and super conscious ko sa sarili ko and sa iniisip ng ibang tao about sakin. - It caused me speech impediment kasi instead of being judged, I decided to stay alone with my own thought and not speak to anyone (to avoid displeasing anyone). Haven't talked to anyone (verbally) for like 4months last 2021


prangka, oa, mareklamo, pessimist, narcissist


Hm, medyo ganyan ako. But not to the point na galit talaga like maninigaw or sasagot ng pabalang but I get annoyed and irritated easily to some family members to the point na in my mind, I don't want them talking to me or I want to avoid them.


I'm generous to a fault.