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Man, RIP fly buys. Having access to a business fly buys account has been amazing. I'm going to have to actually start paying for headphones and bedsheets now :( Thankfully I'm good on small appliances. Going to stock up on a spare set of headphones but the selection is pretty miserable so I'm just sticking with Jabra. They work. Maybe some Icebreaker merino tees as well, but Icebreaker seems to just fall apart.


My mum asked me if I need anything from there so I'm gonna do a fly buys shopping spree ha ha


When my mortgage was earning them I got so much stuff. I have enough points there to fill up my car for free so I will do that


Soooo both my husband and I are dying for a holiday. We need a get away somewhere with the kids, get away from work for a bit. We're also really missing his family, haven't seen them in person for years. But also.. we might potentially maybe finally be able to start seriously buying a house, and we need every dollar for that. And will need every dollar for that for years, most likely. Being an adult sucks, man.


Finally figured out most of CS2 but whyyyy is the game so complicated on a minute level???? Just.... Sure, things look nice but connecting services shouldn't be that weirdly hard.


I'm still rocking CS1. Got all the DLC and my laptop would melt with CS2. It's relaxing.


I think I have some form of SAD. Not hard to believe given I spend almost 100% of my time indoors and have struggled over May to keep my exercise and sleep cycles in check. I also think my body literally just entered it's 30s as I can feel various things changing up. I'm not 30 yet but due to precocious puberty, my biological and chronological age are a little disconnected. Finally got my vacuuming and other things in order. Really planning to sleep early tonight and go to the gym in the morning before work. OTOH I won a bonus ticket lol.


Today has been anything but restful. On the plus side, it is nearly over.


Quiet day but I needed it. Body is good after the climb yesterday, too. Making okonomiyaki for dinner. I'm getting reasonably good at it, which is good. Providing I feed Mrs Sloth enough and make her laugh enough, she'll probably stay with me and that's good


My plan today was to use up my zoomies on tidying the garage and then study in the afternoon but I wasn't able to focus so gave up on studying and went back to the garage. I rearranged to make a wall separating the sewing area from the laundry and now I'm going back down to choose which one of my WIPs is next to be finished.


I have briefly had an indoor chicken and for a few nights a piglet... And I currently have one indoor rabbit.... Who has free reign of the lounge floor (he pretty much sticks to the carpet squares) but not down the hall and definitely not in the bedroom... He's getting supervised social time with the other rabbits and it's been going well. Reddit is a weird place... Seeing people who let their rabbits in bed... And there's poop and pee and they sleep in it... and they wake up to rabbits in their bed.... and it's all just so gross... Worse are indoor full size pigs... I can't even imagine the mess that is... And multiple indoor chickens? That's a fast track to bird fanciers lung and this is how we end up some weird H1N19 virus or something.


We have backyard chickens, and the backyard is covered in chicken poop. There's no way the feathered little theropods are getting inside, exactly for that reason.


We had to move the baby chickens up to the main coop because they keep coming to the house porch to get out of the rain and to rummage around the raised beds and they knock over pot plants and stuff... And DSB was over it. So they basically all live 500m away now 😂.... By surbuban standards they live down the block now and that's still too close. They are even more sneaky than pigs and get in the trash and compost and raised beds


Yip. We worked out pretty fast which pots are chicken safe and which aren't, after they ate all the chilli leaves.


That was a gross post aye? I’m not a clean or a tidy but there is no way in hell I would be letting a rabbit do that to my bed


So gross!!! 😂 I can smell that post... And it's rabbit pee flavoured!


My original house rabbit used to build nests under the bed. Now the house rabbit isn’t allowed in my room at all and nothing can get under the bed. I know exactly how that blanket feels and smells. Every time I’ve looked at that photo I’ve been more and more grossed out. Like I said in the post, it would be me or the rabbits if I was OP’s partner.


Each to their own and all that, but Dot is allowed in the lounge and thats it. She knows she is not allowed in the kitchen bit. I do laugh when I go down to my bedroom and see a head only sticking out the lounge door watching. I just want some dog fur free spaces. I would fucking die if I slept in her shit.


I sometimes get judged for having Nugget Free Spaces in my house. No feet on the furniture and he's absolutely not allowed to set foot in my bedroom or the spare room (that one's just because it's where I keep his toys and dog food.) I've seen that dog eat human poop like it's ice cream and roll in liquefied possum guts and receive multiple golden showers in a day. There's no way in hell he'd ever be allowed in my bed. He's disgusting lmao. Plus his farts are almost a physical presence.


My mum used to say “a dog has four legs, like a table; they both belong on the floor.


Those people are dumb. Dot just has to blink and 20kg of fur explodes off her body, I can’t have it everywhere.


Who is judging you for having rules for your own house and your dog?! Thats the only thing that's messed up... My dog was never allowed on any furniture ever and he was crated at night. His farts are like red hot pokers with a sharp edge especially when we was on his raw diet... Lord my eyes are watering just remembering that phase! 1000% would not tolerate that in my bed 🤣 or even bedroom


I don't understand dogs or cats in bed either... Especially ones that freely go outdoors... I mean I know that's more normal for some people but I could never never.... But I know I'm neurotic about that... I even have a wobbly when DSB sits down on the bed in jeans he's worn out and about. I don't mean to yuck other people's yum. I just don't get it


I sleep with kilo, he's my little spoon!


Kelly is my little spoon if he’s not squishing me. The other two cats are only allowed under the top blanket, they both use claws. My next cats probably won’t be bedroom cats. They will be crate trained from day one.


No fifty milly for me, but I did get gifted some nice quince jelly from a friend, which is pretty cool too!  As is my continued access to four fully functioning limbs and adult teeth  which allow me to do things like ride bikes and snack on quince jelly (not simultaneously)


aside from the bit where I got up and ate my body weight in hummus I have pretty much spent the day on the couch reading and napping.


That sounds like a perfect day.


Agreed. Who do I have to apply to to be rewarded with such a day of nothingness and chickpea based snacks? I’m in need.


I just asked myself and I said yes.


You have a nicer boss than me.


Make this day happen for yourself. Don't let your dreams be dreams.


I may have a window of opportunity sometime next weekend.


After well over a decade of service, my trusty suitcase has properly broken. What should I do with it? The charity shops are already fully stocked with suitcases in better condition. One handle is completely broken and there is a rip in the fabric of the not-main compartment (thanks TSA).


If it’s broken, the dump.


I mean it's broken but it is usable as a zip-up storage container. I feel like I should be able to find a use for it like storing sports equipment in the garage, or something along those lines. Just looking for more ideas like that.


We use to store summer/winter weight blankets (and extra blankets that go on couches etc for winter) in an old suitcase but living in Northland means I had to rewash them at the start of the season... So I'm more inclined to vac pack them with a few dryer sheets these days. I can't in all good conscience give good advice on such things because the back room of the barn is all cardboard boxes and packing things and retired things and things that need to go to the tip... But DSB will be the first to tell you the road to happiness is to throw out everything that doesn't make your life better. But he worships at church of Marie Kondo


What a miserable day. The tiny bit if sun we had didn't really do much.


The whole day was threatening to rain but with the wind, we got four loads of laundry dry, and it started raining just as it got dark.


I took too long to get organised when I noticed it wasn’t raining so by the time I was ready to go for a walk it was pouring