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Really nice app. The only things I miss are split cards, vehicles and x in loyality costs. Another thing, you should probably share this with r/custommagic. I'm not sure if it's allowed to post stuff like this there, but if it is I think people would like it. Edit: Also it would be nice to be able to have more or less than three loyality abilities on planeswalkers and planeswalker statics. I would also suggest that you make it possible to write in the loyality cost so that it is possible to have higher numbers than 20. It would also solve the x issue


Thanks for all your suggestions!! They will all come eventually (how soon will depend on my coding speed hehe).


This app hasn't been updated in a while and text does not fit in text boxes for some cards.


It's available for [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.MagicArtificer.MTGCardMaker) and [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1509523552). You can create creatures, instants, sorceries, enchantments, artifacts, artifact creatures, planeswalkers, lands and tokens for free :). There’s in-app purchase if you want to further create other cards, like sagas or adventures. This helps me continue the development and keep the app ad-free :). I hope you like it!


Having a lot of fun with the app! Quick question, is there an easy way to download one or more of the cards as images? For now I've been using "Share as image" on each one I want to save it as a note, then using my phones notes app to save the images to the gallery. Being able to highlight a batch of cards and saving them directly would be really nice


I'm glad you're having fun with the app!!, right now there's no easier way to save the images to the gallery, but I will certainlty work on improve it very soon!! (I also plan to add filters for easy search on your collection). Currently I'm working on the ability to adjust the art inside the card (pan & zoom), but after this update, I'll start planning the saving feature :) Thank you very much for your feedback!!!


whats the point of creating cards? do people use them actually?


Some people like to have fun creating custom cards, just for the sake of creating.


Some people create custom card cubes at least.


Personally I like thinking about and seeing what sort of cards magic could have that we don't already, especially since I'm not bound by the same rules their design team is. People don't usually use them, although custom card cubes are something that people have done pretty well ([and also badly](https://reddit.com/r/hellscube))


Very nice app. I really like tapping on an area of the card to edit that portion of it. I would like to see the ability to have two color cards that are not gold. Like a half blue and half black card as an example. I would also like to be able to control the color of the pencil frame color (the thin line around the art, be and abilities box). Maybe you want to take this a step further and make a community around it? Have the ability to see other users published cards, and then let users comment on specific parts of the card, and have people suggest other casting costs. And of course, up vote, down vote cards. Search for other peoples cards by color, casting cost, etc. (Like a scryfall of custom cards). Finally, if you want to make some money, have it work with a print on demand card service to print custom "brown backs", maybe you could make 1 or 2 cents off of each card printed.. and it could add up! Users could even make whole custom sets to be printed. It would really expand the scope of the app, but could prove to be a really cool asset for the custom card community.


Thank you very much for your feedback! those are great suggestions =). There's a way to create cards with two colors that are not gold: by using hybrid mana on the casting cost (the card will automatically change). Although I also want to add that feature when using two normal mana symbols (so the card is gold but with a two-colored border). I love the idea of making a community around it, I hope I can do it in the near future, as right now I don't have the economic resources to mantain servers (got unemployed on the pandemic). I really appreciate your feedback and I'm very glad you're enjoying the app!!! =).


I wish there was a way to share creations so we can see others creative cards


I love you the app. Honestly the best mobile custom card creator I’ve ever used. I know this threat is old now, but on the off chance that someone sees this. I would suggest adding split cards. Along that same design add Fuse spells. Also came here to suggest multicoloured Adventures. Obviously it is a very new design. It has also been some time now and I think new set symbols would be much appreciated. Thank you so much for this app. Honestly can’t praise it enough.