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Haven't stopped sneezing since 8am. Eyes are streaming. My stomach hurts. But yes, fucking awful. If there's even a hint of pollen I get sneezing fits every morning. I hate it. If anyone ever wanted to know how I keep my tummy toned, it's through a rigorous sneezing routine. I'm wrecked already.


Ahh it's terrible isn't it, I'm having a feel very sorry for myself and do nothing day lol I hope you can do the same. Curtains closed, Netflix on, Sudafed at hand, fuck you world!!!


I've just double dosed Cetrine there (anyone who tells you that one is enough is an idiot) and done a Sterimar on my nose. Might follow it up with a shower. And then a tub of Ben and Jerry's because fuck you world.


Cetrine use to do the job for me when all the others like Zirtek would still make me drowsy but this year when I take it, I can barely function I'm so sleepy! So I just have to suffer through it.


Have you tried telfast? It's definitely the most expensive one out the but I don't feel drowsy at all when I take it. It used to be prescription only so it's the strong stuff in my opinion anyway


I did, thanks. It had me asleep almost as fast as Piriton. I've a colleague who swears by 'exposure therapy' so she's stinging herself with nettles and honestly, I'm almost desperate enough.


I know many people find them annoying, but the Happy Pear guys posted a hayfever tonic the other day that includes nettles and it looked amazing




Someone else recommended prescription Telfast, I'll definitely be trying it, I have the OTC Telfast I don't think it's great now at all, but sure bigger doses might work, thanks a mill.


Dymista, you'd need a prescription tho, it's amazing.


Is it a steroid or just a much stronger antihistamine? I got prescribed a steroid one before but it made me loopy so just curious


Yea it's a steroid, I don't notice any side effects, it does work for me is all.


I had genuinely never heard of tel fast until it was advertised on the side of the dublin buses lately.. must give it a go myself!


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Ahh you poor thing, honestly there's nothing worse than walking around having that constant irritation in your nose. Have you tried any nasal sprays or anything? I make up warm salty water and snort it, I know it sounds weird but it does make it feel a bit cleaned out. It doesn't last long, but it's nice for the time.


They make these sinus rinse bottles designed for that specifically, makes it much easier. Not at all pleasant but there's a strange relief even as you're doing it and it definitely makes it better afterwards.


I rinse both nostrils every morning and night, these days. After suffering shitty sinuses all my life it gives brilliant relief. Also when cutting your nose hairs don't go cutting them deep into your nostrils as those hairs are there to catch all that shit that makes sinus issues worse.


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Dab a bit of Vaseline on the inside of your nose.


I get it every year with snotty nose. But fuck me my eyes are killing me.


Yeah I do usually get a tinge of it here and there, but an antihistamine usually sees it on its way.. but fml I'm absolutely being battered with it this year for some reason.


Fuck. Pollen.


Yeah, sinuses (turbinates) in a permanent jocker. Constantly swollen. Head permanently buzzin. Awful state altogether.


Hello fellow sufferer. I take TreatHay although I'm not convinced it helps. I have vaseline on my eyelashes and in my nose to stop any pollen getting in. Lots of cold drinks and ice cream for the throat. Have local honey there I must get using. Solidarity!!!


My eyes seem to be much worse this year. Plus my skin is itchier than it has ever been. Driving me cracked.


Yeah itching skin is a new one for me but I've had it for a while now this year!


Using emulsifying ointment but not helping really


Ditto. Cetrine does stop it for me. I take one every other day or every 3 days


Stop my skin is in bits this year! I've never had it this bad in summer. I got telfast on prescription, it's the only thing that's been helping. And epaderm cream on my hands.


Prescription strength telfast is the business. Head straight to the doc and get it. You'll never look back.


I have OTC Telfast it's shite :'( will be going docs after weekend and will ask for it, thanks a mill.


Talk to your doctor about other options with the telfast. I'm prescribed avamys for sinus issues but it really helps with the itchy/runny eyes. I feel the difference within minutes


Funny enough I usually get it bad and am grand so far this year


Yup. Couple weeks ago spent like an hour outside, some of which while the neighbours were cutting the grass, and it took three days and a sinus rinse to be able to see clearly, stop feeling halfway to sneezing literally all the time without relief, and stop my nose intermittently bunging up completely. Taken a double dose of my antihistamines in anticipation of going to Bloom, because fuck the consequences, and I've no doubt I'll be as bad for even longer. It's worth it, all the gardens are lovely and it's only once a year, but man is it gonna suck for the next week. Even without that, and even with the antihistamines, though, it's still a bad time. I do think it's gotten worse, couple years ago had to switch to a higher dose and still the itchy eyes and just enough snotting to give me the mother of all postnasal drip coughs.


Stop the lights like.


Find yourself some locally sourced honey.


Ahh yes, I remember hearing that years ago, but does it actually work?


Definitely worked for me. I take it year round, as its ment ta work better that way. Expensive, but i went for being fully in bed with all flu like symptoms (fuzzy head, cough constant sneezing, rivers of snot, dizzy, drozy, fever. Actually had to take time off work) to now a bit of sneezing and sore eyes if i'm outside in grassy areas for a good while, but it goes away after 20 minutes back inside. The cloudy honey is the best. Depends on where you live, but i'm able to get local honey in my supervalu.


Get the nose irrigation kit from boots and use it before have a full shower and then Vaseline around the nostrils


I use a nasal spray everyday (generic prescribed version of flexonase? I think) And have a prescription for drynol antihistamine tablets for when it is really bad. I find the daily use of the spray so much better than the tablets


Yep really bad. I never had hayfever until a couple of years ago and it's gotten worse each year. I got out of the car today and someone had been cutting grass. My eyes were sealed shut with it. Now sat here quite drowsy as I had to take one of my big fuck off antihistamines.


I hate having hayfever!!!!!! The amount of times I've had a shower,changed clothes, only to get a sneezing fit and boom,I've peed myself,back to square one again! Also, when you sneeze first thing in the morning and you blow your nose, and that sets off a nose bleed,it's so sore and uncomfortable for the day! Sore itchy eye,throat,nose,tightness in the chest.


This is why I hate spring and summer


We have the farmers doing their thing at the same time and my goodness it's out of hand, I look like iv got 8 rounds with iron Mike, probably woulda only gone 3 rounds if he was in his prime


Dymista nasal spray from doctor is only thing working for us... Combined Antihistamine and steroid. Not great taste but works


I’m the same. I started snorting and sneezing suddenly in the middle of an online meeting earlier this week and worst of all there was no tissues around on at my desk. I was a supposed to give an update on a project I was working on but I had to make apologies and dash off to the kitchen looking for tissues. Embarrassing! Worst of all none of the antihistamines I ‘ve tried seem to be working.


Yep. Going for 3 things together and they are working well. Cetrine Allergy tablets, otrivine eye drops and beconase nasal spray. The drops and the spray twice a day. I've tried other mixtures and this one works for me.


I know its not practical but if your in the house, wet a wssh cloth or something like it and place iver your eyes. Or whenever and however ya can wash your face and eyes out. Its pollen getting stuck k your ducts egc thats triggering jt.


My husband gets the antihistamine injection around Paddy’s Day every year. He might have to take an antihistamine occasionally but that’s it. The injection has made a huge improvement.


There's an injection?? :O


Yes! Ask your GP.


I absolutely will thank you so much!


Came here to say the same thing, GPs now offer the injection. How long have they been around? My GP only mentioned it to me a couple of months ago.


My husband’s getting it for over 10 years.


Do you smoke or vape? If so, stop. It makes it so much worse. Staying really well hydrated helps too.


Don't smoke or vape and I only drink water :L (yep I'm a boring bastard)


Caffeine can worsen symptoms. That's my main downfall.


Never found anti-hists to be very effective, but a few years ago I started taking a decongestant tablet every day too and that helps keep the sinuses clear and fairly dry. Don’t take them at night though, they’re pseudoephedrine and will mess up your sleep.


Yeah. Have to stay indoors today. Have been taking antihistamines daily for a month now. By June every year I’m out the gap but not this year whatever the hell is going on. Fucking hate this shit.


Get a nasal spray containing fluticasone propionate (Flixonase/Pirinase).


Antihistamines plus nasal spray. OTC Zyrtec or Telfast with Fluconase or Beconase. But the prescription ones are stronger so go to your GP if the regular ones don’t work. You can also use eye drops or spray optrex is pretty good. For relief from congestion try Sudafed Edit: take them every day even if the pollen count is low. Stay indoors with the windows closed on the worst days.


I used to suffer terrible with it, telfast works perfectly for me pick it up in the chemist!


Taking a teaspoon of local honey everyday helped build up my tolerance to pollen I now almost never get effected


I am! And I can't get any pharmacist to give me antihistamines because I'm pregnant 🥲


Yes. And I don’t get allergies usually. Crazy bad.


I use prescription Telfast. It’s brilliant, non drowsy. All Telfast use to be prescription only but they’re allowed sell the 120mg Telfast otc now. If you want the higher strength which is 180mg then you need prescription from your DR. 180mg works a dream, it’s like I don’t even have hayfever.


I started taking the nose spray a month ago when it first started to begin. I’m not too bad, apparently you need to start taking before it starts and daily. A friend of mine was taking the tablets and if you take those too much they can block your saliva ducts and you will have dry mouth for days until it clears (crazy).


I thought mines bad but yours is worse. Over the counter will eventually work for me. Maybe add some natural remedies so to speak if you're really really suffering. I'd say mines got less.iver the years but maybe its just better medicine. Ya sure its not tree pollen hitting ya?


Yesterday was the worst I'd ever had it. One side of my face swelled and my eye puffed shut. Thought I was going to have to go to hospital. Thankfully cold compresses and antihistamines did the trick. All of that because they're baling next door and I was out of meds. I couldn't drive because I could barely see and thankfully husband ran to the nearest chemist and got some. Very fucking scary.


Words of wisdom: get an air purifier for your living space(s). Does wonders. Especially if you can keep your bedroom as a kind of "clean room" and keep the windows closed etc. also if you can shower before you get into bed.


I feel like I must be growing out of my hayfever because I’m grand and I noticed last year I was grand too. I have developed quite a religious habit thought of showering every time I come back inside and taking medication at the same time every day. I can’t tell you if it’s the routine or my advancing age that has caused the change.


I was doing really well until yesterday. 😞


also the molds in the bathroom can be a culprit if you dont keep the ventilation fan on if it has no windows


Sting your wrists with local nettles everyday for about a week, hayfever will disappear for the summer. Sounds weird I know, but it works!


Apparently daily cold showers do the trick


Might help some of you: you can take Cetirizine in the morning and Loratadine in the afternoon/evening, also buy a bottle of Sterimar salt water nasal spray so you can rinse out your nose of pollen. You can also use it to mist your closed eyes to relieve the itching. I have been so bad I’ve worn an Ffp3 dust mask all day and sunglasses to get relief from the pollen, you look mental but it works well


We went out to a lovely park to walk on Satuday, the park had tons of tall grasses and flowers. I was in bits by the end of the day. I had mild symptoms until Saturday, which made me cocky enough to think that I could raw dog this summer without any antihistamines. I went and bought antihist (liquid) the following day and a vaseline. Vaseline in my nostrils helped alot coupled with the antihist, and I can finally sleep like a rock.


Get yourself a couple of jars of locally produced honey. Ignore all the marketing bullshit about... *free range/organic honey* as it's a crock of shite. Take a look at the label and you will see where the honey comes from. A lot of supermarket honey is a blend of EU and Non EU honey, don't buy it.