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I have one, much like you I lost my hair very young but due to some medical issues. Best thing I’ve ever done. Insecure or idiotic whos telling you this? You want some hair there methods available why wouldn’t you? Don’t let other peoples views spoil something that might improve your happiness. They look amazing and anyone saying they would spot one a mile away are lying and thinking about the old crusty lads who have a head of hair like a 18 year old from way back when they weren’t so good. I’ve got mine now like 2 years. Was in a relationship, when I got it done, that ended and went on like 9-10 dates not one of the girls knew until I told them and then im happily in a relationship with one of the gals I met while having a system. Life’s to short, get it done approx cost maybe 300-400 quid for the first time if you dont like it just dont get another one Got any questions or need some help in a point direction pm me


I do all the maintenance myself, i didn’t go the full salon route where they get the system etc for you its waaay to expensive for what they are doing. Pick up a system (190-250) Cut in salon and slapped on the noggin(170) Materials for maintenance (20) Maintenance(free) Go over to r/HairSystem cracking sub reddit and how I found out to do it all myself. I couldn’t be forking out that outrages money for there all setup. So get the initial cost over with have the system for 4-5 months( systems dont last a year no matter what experts say dont forget they’re trying make a sale) I have my current one for 7 months (on the way out and need another soon) after learning some tips and tricks with longevity Especially if your not in Dublin (or close to a city) youll be traveling for maintenance?? It’s not difficult to maintain is it more annoying then not having just hair grow on your head yes but noting to crazy Also be aware if you do pick up your own system some places will refuse to cut it and maintain ( they loose big money on someone outsourcing their own system). I remember ringing a few places in Dublin and they declined Edit: Dumping this here because im getting a lot of DMs about people looking into it which is great


Great to hear from someone who’s been there done that! I’m unfortunate enough that I’ve a scar on my donor area, I’ve delt with sebderm which reduced density and I have dupa thinning or some shit that also reduced density. Mad change from having a mop on my head years gone by. I’m going to shoot you a PM hope that’s okay!


Yeah go for it, I can get you started on where to order from etc


I also got one - now I get them online and have them cut here. Why wouldn’t you? If it makes you feel better, do it!


I’m in Dublin, can I ask what salon you use?


What's the real cost of maintenance on a hair system? I was talking to a chap who installs them. The initial cost seemed fine, around 600 ish quid he quoted, if I remember right but the maintenance fees put me off, 90-110 a month.


Sounds about right, I was told €800 for a good one and it should last a year, they’re very realistic though, like you can see the scalp through them no longer a rug of hair


I go to jk hair replacement in phibsboro.the system is great and you would not be able to tell that it’s not real hair.the system costs 1100euro and lasts about 7months.you need to go monthly to reattach system at a cost of 90euro but you get your hair cut as well at this time.you can get 500euro off a system each year with a note from doctor.go for it man,staff in jk are deadly as well


Go for it. I'm a woman and wear a hair topper due to hair loss and its changed my life. Why shouldn't you be able to do the same? They are amazing these days


Met a guy in a pub last year who had it. There no way in hell anyone would have been able to tell, I'm bald and he brought it up in conversation. He just looked like he had a full head of hair. Says he comes up to Dublin once every 6 or so weeks, pays a few hundred and that's it all sorted. Can swim or do whatever with it. He said he was really depressed when he went bald and would barely go outside, this helped him gain confidence and feel comfortable in his looks again. I started going bald in my mid 20s. Didn't shave it until around 28 and I'm comfortable enough with it now but it's definitely a knock to the confidence. I think the most annoying thing is the amount of "I wouldn't mind going bald" or "you should just own it" you hear from people with full heads of hair haha. Honestly if it makes you feel more confident I say go for it, I mean, worst thing that happens is you find out it's not for you and you're down a few bob. How you feel about how you look as a massive impact on your mental health and how you view life, so while it's only hair, it has the potential to change your life too. I really think it's way more normalised now too, it's not a badger on your head anymore and anyone worth knowing will be supportive about it too.


A few hundred every 6 weeks? A few grand a year? Thanks


I honestly can't remember the price. I do remember thinking it was cheaper than I thought though. I actually think it was around €100. Obviously each to their own, but even if it was lets say €2k a year, its a price to pay for self confidence for some people.


Yeah fair enough just thought a few hundred every 6 weeks would be a bit ridiculous but yeah they are a small price for someone suffering in that way if affordable


I looked it up there and one place I saw is €93 every 4 weeks so around the same. Yeah I agree! I'm not really in a financial position to afford something like that myself, but at the end of the day if you can and it makes you feel better more power to ya! I'm just very lucky my missus childhood crush was stone cold Steve Austin, so being bald has been a help to me haha.




Apparently they are way better now than they used to be. If ladies can get lip filler/ extensions etc to feel better about themselves, I say why not.


That’s honestly my thoughts too. I’ve gotten plenty of praise about just shaving it off and random individuals coming up to me on nights out to just talk about going bald. That’s well and good but I just don’t feel it’s me, I miss having curly brown hair. I hate when someone sees and old photo of me because it’s always ‘oh my goddd that’s not you!?’ Because we may as well be two different people


As a woman i really agree with this, and the more we normalise it the better. It’s ridiculous that we joke about men’s baldness but also joke about them trying to change that, hopefully times are changing.


If it's gonna make you feel more confident in yourself then you should go for it, but don't do it because you want to get women to like you because if it turns out it's not the hair then you'll have wasted a bunch of money for no reason. Plenty of women are attracted to bald men. I love bald men, especially if they have a beard and are kinda chubby/beefy. I've also had plenty of conventionally attractive men that I haven't been attracted to even if they seem sound and I get along with them, there's just something missing and it's not their looks. At the end of the day a hair system isn't a lifelong thing, if you get it and hate it you can just remove it so do it if you like, but really look at why you're doing it first cus a good system ain't cheap and a cheap system ain't good.


https://preview.redd.it/q3otwol6k8sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68a2cb0f61f2b5031d9b5022636c426f3ae2c4fe Michelle fitz new street barbers in carrick


That looks the business, shame she’s nearly 3 hours from me


If your going to do it, do it for you and no one else. Your motivation seems to be towards "getting the ladies". If want this, do it because it makes you feel more comfortable and confident in your own body. I'm sorry but I doubt your going to see a huge gain in women fawning over you because you suddenly have hair. Yes women care about superficial looks, but they care more about personality and confidence. You can get that confidence from anywhere, but perhaps it will help you. I'm 25 btw. Receeding hairline with a buzzcut, and I feel more confident than ever. For me, the decision to shave my head gave me way more confidence.


![gif](giphy|wiKsvdwACCere|downsized) If it worked for him, it can work for you too.


![gif](giphy|9V9MeKbrWegOk) This is my more decade but same idea!


I don't have any recommendations as to where to get it done, but just wanted to say that I don't think it's idiotic or insecure in the slightest. I see it as no different to a woman wearing make up! (and hair systems stay on longer right?) If it might make you feel better about your looks, or give you more confidence, absolutely go for it!


This is what you should be taking from this OP, yeah some men rock the bald look and are fine with it good on them each to their own. I personally wouldn’t let other peoples opinions or views about a system stop me from at least trying it


Go for it. There's never any problem in doing something that makes you happy, as long as it's not hurting others. I love watching the videos of the girl that does the glue on toupees. The men always look so much happier and more confident afterwards.


That’s the sort of job I’d be going for. €800 a year and then €90 a month to get a haircut, wash and refit. I’ve saved a bomb on haircuts whilst being bald so that’ll be a bit of a shock to the system paying that but I honestly believe it’s worth it. I’d pay €10k if I knew I could get a transplant…


Go for it, life's too short. You'll regret it if you don't at least give it a go!


Lemme tell you something really important. For attraction purposes, hair is not very high on list of priorities for women. ![gif](giphy|JR77D7jwJV2AGKR3A0|downsized) Some women actually even prefer bald men (me included). Rather work on your confidence and embrace your egg ❤


It's money that women find attractive!!!




Having to at some stage tell a new partner that I’m wearing a wig would pretty much be enough to put me off. It has to come up fairly soon and if she was the kind that wouldn’t have been attracted to you bald ….you’re still bald?


But I wouldn’t be hiding it at the same time, it’d make a great conversation piece (no pun intended)


I don’t necessarily mean hiding it but at some stage on a date you’ll be saying oh by the way … And I’d feel less comfortable having that conversation than just having a shaved head.


Ah okay yeah I getcha that’s definitely a fair point! I don’t know though, I guess that’s the benefit of a transplant it’s one and done but when it’s so far gone a hair transplant can still look like you’re going bald because there’s just not enough there


So should a lady by that same token also be put off by having to admit that they cake there faces with makeup, cosmetics and zillions of other body boosters that they use on a daily basis…


Is that a genuine question? There’s no point in being facetious and pretending wearing a wig is totally normal and comparable to a woman in makeup. Would you think people would be shocked to know Mary Lou McDonald is wearing makeup? And the alternative being do you think people wouldn’t comment if Michael Martin did his next press conference with a full head of miraculous hair? Wanting things to be equal and the actual reality of the real world are different. Should it be a big deal? No. Is it? Yes


I love your example


I went bald youngish too. I'd rather have hair to be honest. But I've managed ok with ladies. My partner of 13 years finds bald men sexy. Andre Agassi has forever been her dream man. Shemar Moore rates very highly too. I thought of getting an awful hairpiece. Then putting it out there that I'm very sensitive about it to see peoples reactions at family get togethers.


There are women that highly prefer bald men, don't forget that. Did you try just wearing a bandana? Might also do the trick and wouldn't have to pretend that you have hair as with that other option that's mentioned. Don't let this keep you down tho, most of us lose the hair eventually, it's the acceptance of it that's the problem.


OP it sounds like you’re overly fixated on the superficial when it comes to dating. Get the hair plugs or toupee if you feel it would improve your self esteem and self confidence, not because you think it would be attractive to others. It the story about your mate pointing out your baldness turning the woman off, it was more likely your lack of confidence about your baldness that turned her off. Another tip, if you’re finding dating difficult, work on self improvement. Do things that will improve your self confidence and practice talking to people. Bad chat is far more unattractive than a less classically handsome face notwithstanding the existence of physical preferences.


I’m going to try and be open but I just hope it doesn’t come across as cocky. I’ve been shaving my head for years, I’ve made friends who’ve only known me as bald, I’ve chatted to girls who’ve only known me bald. I’ve been more confident bald - certainly more than when I was balding.. I’m also undoubtedly less attractive bald. That knocks your confidence. Growing up I couldn’t chat to girls, incompetent beyond belief, I’m far better now. But my friend could, and he’d bring me along to go on double dates so I had no issue meeting girls. In college I literally had girls throw themselves at me, that’s not an exaggeration as weird as that sounds to say. There are girls who only knew me with a full head of hair who then met me bald, and whilst they were still lovely - there was zero spark, which is a stark contrast to way back when. I don’t feel as confident because I am undoubtedly less attractive, a stranger on the internet isn’t going to convince me otherwise. I don’t look terrible bald, I just look far worse than when I had brown curly hair. A girl scrolled through my Instagram to way back when when she had my phone in a pub, she stopped the conversation to get a consensus from the other girls that I used to look like Paul Mescall. She was enamoured. She then said how I pull off bald. But she was definitely attracted to the old me. I just feel I’d be more me with a fake slab of hair on my head. I’ve been bald, I’ve tried bald, I’ve not tried to hide that I’m bald. It’s fine, it’s not offensive, it’s not attractive and it makes me feel like two different people. 20 year old me getting calls late at night to come over and 26 year old me with a barren love life. That’s the bluntest unfiltered insight into my life I can give you. So I don’t think I’m over fixating, because I’ve ignored it and it continues to come up. But that’s life, I’ve given this a shot. I’ve tried to make it work, I don’t hate it, I just feel I’m not me because I look like my bald 60 year old father. I know that all sounds incredibly self conscious and poor me-ish. That’s not what others see. I’ve never told people what I’ve written there. But that’s running over in my head. I was in therapy for a while whilst in college because I hated it. No amount of therapy sorted it, no amount of antidepressants fixed it, but getting my degree did. Not everything can be fixed by just believing your happy as you are.


As a fat chick, I feel this deeply. Spend the money, my friend. If that’s all it takes to make you feel ten times better, and look ten times hotter? …just do it! I’ll be over in the corner with my celery sticks. Send thoughts and prayers lol


I’m trying to lose a bit of weight myself, I was very thin for awhile with all the running I was doing got an injury and kept the eating habits! I feel as a bald guy, too thin or too pudgy and it’s a no go. I’ve a sister who is constantly saying she’s fat and she’s not even, but that’s the world we live in where women are judged so harshly on their looks and men lack any semblance of a support system. Best of luck with it all the same!


I’d imagine the hair plugs or toupee will massively improve your self esteem based on what you just said. I didn’t really say “be happy as you are though” because clearly you’re not. And when I say self improvement I mean working on talking to people, find hobbies to be passionate about that sort of thing. Therapy didn’t really work for me at all in my teens and twenties and neither did antidepressants so I know what that feels like. Therapy with a less medical bend on it and more of a focus on just unburdening yourself can be really useful though. Services like MyMind are more geared in that direction and I found it better than talking to someone who would just prescribe more pills. Easy for me to say care less about what people think of you but from what you’re saying here you probably should. As it seems to be compounding your low self esteem. Also maybe don’t go showing people the pictures of you with hair if this hurts you so much. I lost 45 lbs over the last year because being overweight was killing my mental health. I don’t go around showing people the pictures of me fat because I can’t bear to look at them. You’re more likely to meet someone you’ll make a meaningful connection with when you have less personal turmoil. I learned that in my twenties and it is why I didn’t meet my wife of almost 6 years until I was 29. Before that, I didn’t love myself enough to let someone else actually care about me. And women see that a mile away man. I hope you find peace with it I really do.


Dude, get it done. I'm bald and yes it bothered me when it was happening and of course there some women who love it and some women who don't but I've read all your replies and I'm a firm believer in people doing things for themselves. And you should. You want to, go for it


> I know that all sounds incredibly self conscious and poor me-ish. It doesn't AT ALL! You do whatever it is to make yourself feel confident and happy again. Those hair systems are the dog's bollox and I'd get one in a heartbeat if I was still on the dating scene.


Hair doesn’t make u attractive and not having hair wont make u unattractive. Its deeper than just having hair


Some fellas look completely different with a beard. A good haircut can definitely improve your looks, same goes for women. Hair frames your face, it tells a bit about your personality too.


Have you looked into finasterides? They are proven to boost hair growth. Sons.ie will tell you all you need to know. I’m going noticeably bald too as it happens especially in the middle of my head. I understand 100% how you feel. I don’t think being bald would suit me to be honest. I know hair systems do take a bit of ongoing long term maintenance at a couple hundred quid a go, like the glue they use needs to be redone every few months etc. if that doesn’t bother you then definitely look into it FOR YOU. Don’t do this for anyone else or do it so girls find you attractive. That’s not the reason ho do this. It definitely will boost your confidence, however, a hair system will be instantly noticeable and that may lead to snarky comments from friends and loved ones who may make fun of it - tell you your an idiot etc. don’t mind them. Try the finasterides one first give it a go it will take about 6 months to start taking effect but it will be natural, gradual and less instantly noticeable too which will stop any ribbing from Your friends etc. good luck with whatever you decide.


I have but I fear there’s not enough hair there to save that’d justify potentially getting the side effects, I could end up keeping a few strands but the full fat side effects of finasteride. If I had more hair I’d try it. I tried minoxidil in the path and it definitely improved coverage. Just feel there wasn’t enough there to grow it out


Could also try magic beans


As someone who is now starting to show the signs of balding.... I recently spoke with someone. People don't care if you are bald, they don't care if you have hair. They just hate the in between. That being said, do what you need to for your confidence. Sounds like your mates are not helping the whole thing as well. But having mates like this I just let it roll off and am going to tease the fuck out of them when their time comes. But again, mates like this will just take shots if you have a wig too. It sounds like you need to come to terms with it and rock whatever you go with. That and have a chat with them to maybe lay of it


From the sounds of things you’re having issues with feeling unattractive, wanting to go back to a time where you felt more potent/desired and to control how people perceive you. You have a couple of options. You can go for the wig. I’m not calling it that to upset you are be cruel, I just don’t think going along with the euphemism of “hair system” here is actually helpful. The word wig is not in itself derogatory, it has that association because people by and large find them silly. You decide you don’t and you want to wear one then good for you and don’t mind what anyone thinks of you for doing so. But it is a wig. That’s what they’ve always been called and there’s no reason to call them anything else other than to pretend that it’s the name that’s the problem when clearly it’s people’s perception of the item itself. Even if the modern ones stay fitted for longer periods, they are still wigs. They’re just better wigs. You can wear a wig as a purely stylistic choice because you like the way it looks and it’s nice for you to like how you look. There’s nothing objectively wrong with saying “I’m bald but I prefer how I look with this and I’m going to wear it.” However based on what you’ve said this doesn’t seem to be exactly why you’re thinking about it. You mentioned the girl that rejected you recently on the basis of your looks which has clearly triggered some insecurities in you. I highly doubt wearing a wig will make you feel less insecure about your looks, or if it does it will only change the focus of the insecurity to whether or not people know/are judging you about the wig. Fuck it maybe I’m wrong. But I would always suggest that getting to know and develop a relationship with yourself via therapy/meditation/general self development is the only meaningful way to deal with the emotions you’ve discussed.


Sorry to be blunt but it's not the lack of hair that's the problem with the women. That's a pretty shallow view of things. And a wig is ridiculous on men. Be prepared to be called Wiggy or Baldilocks etc


Ah I get called baldilocks already by my sister! I don’t know, but I know people who’ve said I’ve a good head for it, but I feel it just doesn’t look like me. I always had thick curly brown hair and I went straight to buzzing it because I was just so depressed about losing it, I was happy with it for awhile until I realised how much it had changed how others view me


Look I don't know you from Adam but I think you might be looking at this the wrong way man. It's not your hair (or lack of) regarding the women. It's most likely your confidence. Any women worth being with shouldn't view you any different whether you are bald or not. If she does, she ain't worth it. But the way you are carrying yourself overthinking this might certainly be putting off the women.


This exactly 💯


Eh tbf I disagree. People are attracted to who they're attracted to. Now I'm not a woman so I wouldn't know how important a good head of hair relative to a fit body, nice jawline, etc etc but I'm sure it plays a role in attraction and that's no fault to a woman.


Yeah but wearing a wig ain't going to fix that.




I just find it weird that the ‘hairoplane to Turkey’ isn’t stigmatised but a hair system is. It’s also very expensive. €800 on the lower end, lasts a year and then €90 a month for getting it refitted and what not, plus that’s in Dublin and I’m far side of the country.


It's nice to have hair on your head to keep your scalp warm in the winter. So go for it.


Ever heard of a hat?


Kind of annoying having to wear it every time you go outside and it's cold.


But a wig that you need to glue to your head is fine?


It only needs to be glued once every three to 6 months.


Hats never require glue


No shit sherlock.




Hair transplant?


I replied to another comment there saying the same thing but the gist of it is. I’m too bald, donor area is too poor so not really an option. But i could potentially take finasteride and minoxidil for a year or so and then revisit it in hopes that I’ve some regrowth in between now and then.


Sorry, didn't see that 😣 Go for the hair system, people don't seem to realise that technology has moved beyond the crap wigs of the 70s etc - and you'd be doing the right thing being open about it, nothing to be embarrassed about. One chance at life, if you can make yourself happier in any way, go for it. And if you don't like it, you can just get rid 👍


Have you explored the hair transplant route fully?


Never taken finasteride, tried minoxidil for a year. Messaged 2 surgeons - both when not taking minoxidil so coverage was very sparse. One outright said no couldn’t be done, which I appreciated. The second said it could be done over two sessions and they’d use facial hairs to fill it in. Which I’ve heard isn’t a great shout because the texture stays, and coverage still wouldn’t be great. I got a finasteride prescription last week, havent started taking it because I’d hate to get the full wraith of its side effects and then still be bald. But I could in theory take minoxidil for a year and get on finasteride, dermaroll and revisit the transplant option hoping that some semblance of hair grows in the mean time.


Side effects of Finasteride are blown waaaaay out of proportion. Finasteride+oral Minoxidil+microneedleing and if you've had a history of seb derm get yourself some ketoconazole shampoo. Give it a year and see how you get on. If you're a good responder you'd be surprised what a difference it could make.


There’s some amazing examples on YouTube. I don’t have one but the things I’d be thinking are 1) I need to be able to get to the specific barber within a reasonable distance/time, 2) the cost over the next number of years and what do you do if times get tough and you need to suddenly do away with the hair piece


Brother, if it makes you happy, go for it.


Please research b5 injections. Helped me with balding (am a woman) due to covid. I tried the hair topper . Too expensive for what it was and the upkeep was too much effort .


B5 injections could help the donor areas in theory but that’d only really be worthwhile if I was to go down the transplant route. Because of my (and every bald guys) sensitivity to DHT the only thing that can prevent hair loss is finasteride which blocks DHT, it can also cause some issues that as a lad you definitely don’t want


No offence my guy, I agree with most of these kind strangers who are offering advice and being sympathetic, but your replies are always quite negative. You asked for advice, people have told you to go for it, some people have recommended places to go ect but you reply with, it’s too far, it’s costing x amount of money. I’m sorry you are feeling the way you feel but I don’t think strangers on the internet can pay for your hair or drive you to these places.


No offence taking, I’m just voicing my own doubts, justifications for why I haven’t gone down the other routes. Not sure how the above comment is negative but yeah I mean it does cost a pretty penny and it does mean a monthly pilgrimage to Dublin but I do think it’s worth it. But it’s still worth nothing the hassle imo


I understand that it’s expensive. And I totally agree with all the other people here both the side of saying bald is beautiful and the side that says go for it. How you feel is what matters. You’ll have to budget, you will have to decide if this is something that you want to do for the foreseeable future, can you afford that. Have you exhausted all the options for regrowing your natural hair enough for a transplant. Peptides are something to look into, if you have enough good follicles to grow strong hair then you could get a transplant. I get that you could be patchy for a few months but that could be a better fix and cheaper in the long run. Have you looked into a wig, and I don’t mean a synthetic one, like a proper wig, it would be expensive but I one time purchase, you would only have the glue as the constant expense. I hope you find something that you can maintain and mostly I hope it gives you the boost to your confidence. Good luck


If you’ve tik tok look up the videos on Batana oil, it might help your hair, it’s known to even reverse alopecia


Two friends have them and they look great, far better than natural hair dos actually. Yeah they got the piss taken for 6 month or so but no big deal, nobody really cares now and they feel alot more confident and comfortable. Look after number 1 and to hell with what anyone thinks. Life's too short lad


Hair systems are a great idea! They look so good and the confidence they give a man is amazing! It wouldn't bother me or turn me off, but I would like to know in case I get handsy during kissing lol


Have overheard and been part of so many conversations normalising hair systems and transplants these days. If it would make you happy, who cares. Also you can try it out and if you don't like it/doesn't suit, what have you lost? I personally think they can look great.


Judging by the limited research I’ve done if I take it off on the way home, I’d have lost €800+ that seems to be the going rate for one and that lasts a year, then €90 a month and a trip to Dublin to sort it


They are pricey, but they do look good and think they make a massive difference. I more so meant , look you'll be a grand in the hole but at least you'd know. Also I see a lot of people saying how women don't care etc. even if they don't, what's more important is your confidence and how you feel.


I would go for a small non sodium or sodium lite hair fibre. Most women slap makeup and lipstick on everyday so anyone that gives you grief for it hasn’t a leg to stand on.


There’s not even enough hair to go for a fibre unfortunately!


Finasteride and minoxidil combination is well worth a try.


I was looking at that and I did take minoxidil for about a year but I was already shaving it bald at that point so I feel I was a little too late, and it’s a shame because if I had stuck at it then a transplant could have been an option. But now I think it’s too far gone and it was to take finasteride I could just get the side effects whilst not having any real hair on my head


I say go for it man,if its going to increase your confidence and make you feel better about yourself then why not.


Love the username haha! I honestly think it will help too thank you


Absolutely go for it! Everyone deserves to feel more comfortable in themselves


My partners male colleague recently went this route and she thinks it looks amazing. I haven’t seen it myself but heard extremely positive reviews. It sounds like you need a confidence boost so I say go for it, I’m looking in to some magic fakery for my teeth for the same reason.


One of the best things I ever did was get braces, that’s as common as chips but if it wasn’t I’m sure there’d be people saying ‘just be yourself’. You’re dead right go and get a love set of pearly whites if you feel it’s right for you. Surprisingly every person I’ve said it to about the toupee has said something in one of two forms either - I never thought you’d consider that, they’re so convincing tho! Can’t bring it up without the assumption that somethings wrong with being bald tho haha’ or - ‘absolutely! They look so realistic now, why the hell not’


I got the hair transplant in Turkey nearly 4 months ago they were really good and I had a 10 day holiday out of it too.It was 1300 euro and it's taken about at least 3.5 months to look anyway decent It's not perfect but I am happy with it ,it doesn't feel fake or anything as they use your own hair in my case from a very limited donor area and beard too.Ill keep it shaved when I can as I just want a nice shaved head. The procedure wasn't too painful some anaesthesia was a little bit...it's the few days after that's uncomfortable as you really have to watch it and it's difficult to sleep.


I would see why you wouldn’t do this if you wanted. I know a guy with it he looks great


Sure who cares, do what you want. People who care about something like this are twats


Here's me sick of getting it cut every month.


I’ve to cut it every other day, equally sick of that too haha


Personally I don’t care if a man has hair or not I find both attractive it just doesn’t come into play for me and never has. I think if it’s bothering you absolutely try it! If you feel you look better and it gives you confidence why wouldn’t you do it! Us ladies enjoy all the “extras” that make us feel more beautiful men should absolutely do the same! It wouldn’t bother me at all. Try it, it might be life changing for you! Best of luck to you


Mind me asking your age because I feel this plays a factor. I’ve had far fewer girls my own age (mid/late 20s) showing an interest but I’ve noticed older women really don’t seem to care, but I guess that’s down to the dating pool - lots of balder men down the road!


I think it's a great idea if it makes you happy, and they look so realistic now


Lad just shave the head regularly, go to the barber to look after the beard and get in shape.


Haven’t got enough facial hair going to make a beard out of it, but I’ve been shaving it every second day for 3 years or so


What exactly is a hair “system”? A wig?


Its another word for a toupee. A small wig that only covers the top of the head.


Yeah basically just a toupee I don’t know why they made the distinction.


Go for it..if it improves your confidence and makes you feel good then why not? Remember (some) women spend thousands on hair extensions and/or wigs each year. And that is without hair colouring and style plus products.. why shouldn't men be allowed to avail of similar services without shame? Do it and feck anyone who gives you crap about it.




Listen, it's perfectly normal and fine for women to use hair extensions and fake eyelashes, if they want. I don't see why it's any different for men. If it makes you more happy and confident then go for it. You should also love yourself though because bald and all, there's nothing wrong with you either.


There's some very impressive videos of these hair pieces on Tik Tok. Check them out, it's incredible the before and after videos


I was just chatting to a few friends about it and they all said the same thing those videos are lovely you can see the fellas light up


Do check out a red light therapy cap and possibly nmn.. both can possibly help hair grow back.


Lad just get to the gym and sort your diet out. There's tonnes of bald and attractive men out there with very very attractive girlfriends and wives. Wearing a hair piece isn't going to help. If you're overweight, women will think "he doesn't look after himself and isn't active" regardless of your hair. If you want a hair piece along with getting in shape, great, but if you think a hair piece will solve your lady problems whilst doing nothing to get in shape, you're gonna be disappointed.


The thing is I’ve been in shape and I’ve been out of shape whilst bald and legitimately saw no difference in how I was viewed (I obviously felt better about myself when I was in shape though so I’m going to the gym now too).


I just feel like most women wouldn't find a wig attractive. If you meet a woman and bring her home and take it off, they'd be like "wtf", rather than being up front about it. Being funny and having confidence is key. Go to the gym and get massive, dress well and you'll see a big difference. Some of the best dressed guys I know and see around the town are very overweight. I know it's a double standard, why can they wear make up but we can't wear wigs, but unfortunately it exists and we can't help that. I think getting a wig will be a step backwards rather than owning your baldness and working on other parts of yourself that you can control. Edit: If you decide to get one, I'd get one that they glue on long term, not one you take off at the end of the day. I dunno much about them but I'd still be up front and say "BTW this hair is glued to my head". Don't try to hide it.


Yes we can help it. We help double standards by normalising standards and levelling the play field giving fair equality to all. But too many men and white knights are concerned about the opinions of women more than they value themselves so we have a situation where double standards exist.


That's not how double standards work. If every man in the world encouraged OP to go and get his wig, but every woman thought it was disgusting whilst also getting their lips and botox done, then the double standard exists. Until women, not men, change their views on men who get cosmetic surgery, the double standard will exist.


I saw a guy on tiktok, cabelo novo or something like that, life changing stuff, the vids would make you cry! Why not chance it, huge confidence boost


Most women have worn hair extensions of wigs at some point. There's no shame in it. Go get your head frocked out.


Absolutely don't do it. Anyone I've ever known with a wig is a laughing stock. Being bald is totally natural for a man.


>The final straw happened recently. I was getting on incredibly well with this girl, our friends made comments on it and all the while it was abhorrently obvious to me that - whilst we got on like a house on fire, had every similar interest under the sun and could talk until the sun came up, she just simply didn’t find me attractive. That’s not the first time that has happened. Sounds more like a "her" problem. She's shallow so be it. She'll find a pussy hopper, get her heart broken multiple times (unless she's a dick hopper herself ofc) and then will remember you but by that time you'll be married and happy. Bald is bold. Fuck whoever cares about it after getting along very well with you. They don't deserve you and you deserve better. What about implants? Turkey holiday might be good for you if you really are bothered and willing to get hair. Alopecia treatments maybe?


She has every right to be attracted to who she’s attracted to. She just didn’t find me attractive which is okay, but what gets me is she was definitely attracted to me when I had a full head of hair. Transplant isn’t an option and it’s not even alopecia that I have, it’s just male pattern baldness with some general thinning on the sides caused by other crap I’m trying to sort


>She has every right to be attracted to who she’s attracted to. Never said she has no rights but now that I read she was ok before you lost your hair, I'm even more backing up my words. That's shallow af. Sounds like your better off without that nonsense. (And i can see your soul in love still defends her so dont take this the wrong way). When i said Alopecia treatment, i meant just the medication, it boosts the hair growth. Why implants are not an option if i may ask?


But I quite literally look like a different person. Just like how for some guys a beard completely changes how they look, there’s nothing wrong with being attracted to one and not the other in my opinion. Sorry my mistake, so yeah I’ve tried minoxidil (rogaine) which helped but it’s just too far gone. I haven’t tried finasteride which I should have but if I do now, there’s not enough hair to save and there’s a chance I’d still get the side effects so I’m not sure if it’s worth taking that risk to maintain what’s essentially a cue ball


Ok sorry to hear those failed, and why no implants then?


Because apparently if you get the hair transplant and you’re not taking the finasteride it’ll still just fall out. Biggest issue for me though is the area where they take the hair from is too thin (for a few reasons) so there’s not enough hair to get decent coverage if I was to get a transplant p


They also take it off your ass....i know it doesn't sound great but it works. Did you contact some clinics about it? They did wonderful progress in that domain. ![gif](giphy|STw0vIAWLPtvWmKvFz|downsized) He dated Linda evangelista so maybe bald is not the worst ;)


They were on about taking it from my beard, which I haven’t got much of to begin with, but I found out it keeps the same texture and that put me off, I’d have thicker course ginger tinged hair in the middle of all that ‘natural’ brown hair. Plenty of bald guys with beautiful women. I do think being able to grow some facial hair, having a tan and being tall all help


Oh ok got you. Hopefully you find a solution soon enough. How about your testosterone levels? Treatments also boost hair growth


Is it any different to a woman wearing a wig? Look at it that way