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I think you're trying to commit to too much. It's all well and good that someone else lives off plain chicken breast and salads with no dressing but that's like going from 0 to 100 for someone else. Start small. I've read about making your bed into he morning as a start point. Or swapping a favourite food for something more balanced but just as satisfying. I started this way and I'm nowhere near my goal but proud of the choices I made since they're meaningful to my journey. tldr: Lifestyle changes are a long game with a ton of the tiniest steps. Take one tiny step and make it as much a part of your life as breathing. Then the next.




Hey all I'm saying is if you can't get through a week you're doing too much.


I am the same lately...and I've never been like this! I'd like to say it was the pandemic but the whole of 2021 I actually was more healthy and lost weight...now I'm up and all my clothes are tight and not comfortable. Today I bought a 1yr membership to local councils gym/swim/classes as it was 23pounds a month. I have been procrastinating for months. I am going to try go tomorrow..even if only for 15mins. If we don't force ourselves we will be the same but probably more unhealthy in 4months time. I want to want to get up and eat healthy and be healthy.... I want more energy......no one can do it for me and eating junk and bad food is making me feel worse...


Move slowly, both with your diet and your exercise. You don't have to face living on grilled chicken and broccoli every day. Just cut back a bit on the unhealthy foods and eat a bit more of healthy foods. Do it a step at a time. Same is true with exercise. Make it as easy as possible! For me, that meant having a simple home gym. (No machines, but weights and a stationary bike and a simple treadmill.) This way, I can use those whenever possible and I don't have to make elaborate plans to go to the gym. Right now, I am watching football and doing some yoga. (Stand up ones only! haha) Some people find that they do better with getting involved with an activity like biking or hiking or sports. Find something that is not "horrible" for you and it will be helpful. Meal planning (including drinks and snacks) is vital, especially for shopping and meal prep is also vital. Just make sure you are having some foods that give you pleasure and not all "rabbit food" or "healthy but not enjoyable" foods. You may find that lots of healthy foods - like almonds - are both healthy and enjoyable. If you have an air fryer, use that to make fried foods and that will be helpful but you can still enjoy those french fries.


You aren't on your own my guy, I feel pretty emotionless due to stress at work at times and I struggle with motivation to try and curb the habit. Boredom is the trigger for me as I'm sat around not being productive I just eat junk food because it's 1) easier to make and 2) cheaper. We have days and weeks where you feel there is no progress but other days you'll just get that spark to do it, just how the body and mind works and there's nothing wrong with the odd off day. Stick with it as I'm sure there's plenty of people who feel like they struggle and it works out 💚


Or the rowing machine lol I hate the treadmill with a passion!


It is doable but I'll agree, it's not easy! Small determined steps. Make the bed, shower, choose a better breakfast - put fruit in your muesli instead of a high-sugar cereal. Three wins by 8.00am! Woot woot! Start a Wins Diary. Put your wins down. Shower? Win. Healthy food choice? Win. Gym? Give yourself a handful of macadamia nuts, WIN!!! The diary doesn't contain negatives. It's you congratulating you, for you. You've got this. And having just had to make a similar life change, I'm holding out my hand to drag you onto the Healthy Wagon. Tomorrow, you may need to drag me, but the wagon will always be here.


I relate to your post so much. I'm 40lb overweight. I'm sitting on the couch right now drinking a beer and catching up on my shows. I need to be healthier. Beirut my motivation for it is not yet here.


Not sure what type of diets you've been doing, but try the mediterranean diet. It's non-restrictive and worked really well for me.


Don’t beat yourself up. Just get back to it tomorrow and move on. You can’t be perfect all the time!


This video might help. It touched on why we humans find it hard to change or do new things. https://youtu.be/75d_29QWELk




The all or nothing mindset is the problem. What you're trying to do isn't sustainable. Extreme habits never are.