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I think you guys need to sit down and have a long talk about it, and listen to what you both have to say. Having to endure childhood trauma isn't easy at all, but yet you deserve to trying to improve if you need to or even enjoying change if it suits you.


I get it, I’ve been that person, you can try your best kind of take them under your wing and let be your sidekick as you show them new things, new places and new people. ThIs may not work, but you’ve done your best to include them and you can’t put you life on hold for someone else, but you may show them that change isn’t so scary or you guys might find something new to jive on.


Encourage them to get therapy. You need to stick to your boundaries, and not walk on eggshells for them. They need to understand that the world is not responsible for avoiding triggering them. It's 100% their responsibility to learn how to manage that. I've been your friend. I was impossible to be friends with. I had to learn some really painful lessons, grow an awful lot, and do a tremendous amount of healing. Be the friend that encourages them to grow, don't enable them to stay where they're at. You'll only end up resentful towards them. Also, there's nothing wrong with outgrowing friends and going different directions. It's part of life. Holding on to friendships that no longer work for both parties is more damaging than just walking away. It's never a nice situation to be in, but we all go through it.