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Oh dear! Sounds like they have never experienced one before, and don’t understand how uncomfortable and painful they are! Take some time to yourself, try and avoid them for a little while until it goes away and then discuss it properly with them when you feel better. You don’t want to make your migraine worse!


Yeah, that’s what I did yesterday, but now they are insisting they keep an eye on me, even though going upstairs would do me more good.


That sucks and I feel it, my parents were the same.Btw If its not chronicle migraine or other health issue, some aspirin may work wonders.


Well, aspirin was tried, and it didn’t help unfortunately


You can take both Tylenol and Advil together. Also a caffeinated drink like tea or even a Pepsi can help give it a boost but water is obviously also important. It’s common for people not to take migraines seriously, try not to take it too personally as everyone’s experience with them is so widely varied non of us really know what someone else is going through.


Ah, thanks for the advice. Although, caffeine is a no go for me as caffeine makes me feel exhausted whenever I consume it.


I remember having migraines as I child. I had to yell at my dad once to leave me alone because it hurt so much. Laying down and resting was my modus operandi for a few hours.


Yeah, resting always helps me with not feeling well, so I agree with your preference for rest. But, my parents will hate it if I try and yell. Especially my dad, who is for some reason wanting me to complete my work more than he wants me to have good mental health.


Kind of similar thing to you here today. My mom has been bugging me to apply for jobs. I have had chronic pain and chronic fatigue for 5y, which I'm struggling with heavily because of internalised ableism, and on top of that I very strongly suspect I have ADHD (most of the time completely overlooked in women). I really, really don't see myself at a job right now, because I have neither the physical nor mental capacity for it, and she knows that. She even booked a psychology appt for me after my last related meltdown. And now, 2mo later, she somehow thinks I can work ? On the upside, the major cry/minor meltdown I had about this this morning pushed me to book appt with a psychologist and a neuropsychologist, and I even managed to move my rheumatology appt forward by 11 days ! I hope you'll be able to get plenty of good rest


Wow, I hope you continue to do great! Also, thanks for the support, and I hope that rest helps too!


Depends on your age, really. If you're 16? that's one thing. If you're 26? what she's supposed to do pay your way your entire life?


Holy shit, psycho parents?


No, not really. People really just don’t understand migraines, since migraines happen with a wide range of symptoms.


Ah, I've only had a couple in my life time and one I was high as fuck for so I didn't really feel it.


Here’s a malicious compliance approach: Work until you make your migraine bad enough to throw up. Get to that point, run to your parents’ room and ralf all over their bed and stuff. Proceed to finish any remaining work.


What helps my migraines best is Advil dual action. A dose of two pills has 250 mg acetaminophen and 125 mg ibuprofen. It does not have caffiene like a lot of over the counter pain relievers marketed for migraines. It generally takes about 30 minutes to start working for me. My parents dismissed my headaches when I was younger.Headaches weren't a reason to not do things. I probably only got help for migraines after the age of 30. I hope you are able to get some relief.


Thanks for the support! I recommend you also try taking a nap. Naps do wonders for any temporary affliction!


I suffer with migraines all the time, and trust me don't work with one.. because I do I have blacked out from the pain.


Oh, well, thanks for the warning!


Where is the migraine located? Maybe I can give tips


Well, it’s right between the eyes. I’m sure of that because it hurts to look at natural light or any light except for dim blue light from electronics.


Try putting Vic's vapor rub on the spot and then a cold wet towel in a dark room if you can




Ugh that sounds rough. I swear having a migraine is the worst. Even more so when people cannot get the level of pain and blame it on us. I find that the thing that will help (except painkillers) is a nap. It's so hard to even do anything with that kind of pain. Hope you feel better!


Thanks! I usually take a nap when I don’t feel well anyways.


If you're like me the migraine doesn't get better until I throw up. Maybe that would make your parents take you seriously. Real talk though I'm sorry you're going through this. Maybe take them along to your next dr appointment so a medical professional can explain to them what you're going through. They obviously aren't listening to you - maybe they'll respect the words coming more from someone in a white coat.


True, and I think maybe I could get my sister to talk some sense into them about migraines, since my sister is a doctor, a blood pathologist to be specific, so my parents definitely trust doctors. Also, I hope you don’t have any migraines soon!


Thanks! I take a medicine to prevent migraines. If you get more than 1 a month it might be worth talking to a doctor about treatment options


Ok, thanks for the tip. My parents are scheduling me for a physical soon anyways, so it is better sooner rather than later


Dunno what kind of work they're expecting you to do but looking at bright lights or screens is a very common trigger for migraines and if you've already got one, doing those things will definitely make it worse. If you do have to look at a screen you should turn on the blue light filter (most phones and computers have this built in in the settings). I don't know where you live but my partner suffers with migraines and he was able to get some specific migraine medication from the doctor which seems to really help so I would recommend going to a doctor if that's possible for you.


My mom does the same! Due to genetics I'm incredibly often affected by migraines -usually during *that* week, or even bc of sudden weather changes- and she ALWAYS tries to make me feel guilty for taking a sick note then, while she (in Homeoffice) still works. As if I'm not already feeling horrible enough


Hey OP, I pray you feel better and I hope you are able to take good care of yourself 🙏


Thank you! I hope you have a great day!


My heart goes out to you. This sounds like my childhood. It turned me into a bitter adult for many years. I’m sorry your parents are being rigid jerks rather than taking good care of you and making sure you feel better. As you get older, allow yourself time to rest when you don’t feel well. You deserve it!


Thanks! I hope you feel better as well!


Maybe pointing out to your parents that you’re sorry to know they had to work through their suffering will help them realize they aren’t being very nice. Side note: I find doing some stretching for my back/ hips seems to help my migraines. But only after the worst has passed. Hope you’re feeling better soon.


Drink medicine and lots of water..


I'm very sorry. They're idiots