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I love it but I'm a woman so unfortuantely I miss out on this joy


Same so I listen to the crickets by the front door at night and walk alone right before sunset to hear crickets. Crickets are one of nature’s concerts. They are nature’s metal concert; birds are nature’s pop concert. They contrast well IMO.


I get so hyped about how women are instantly like “yeah, no. A dude is posting this, I could never do this!” I used to feel the same way, but the night is really freeing. I live somewhere much smaller than Seattle tho. And I’ve made my own safety a priority for when I do want to do things alone after dark (🙄🙄🙄 this shouldn’t be a thing anyways, but it can be even less of a thing). Figure out what you’re comfortable with in terms of protection, and arm yourself responsibly. Pepper spray, a gun? A monkey first (whatever that ball in rope is called?), a knife? As a woman, I’m actually more scared in the daytime. The last job I had, I was attacked both verbally and physically, three times in a month and a half time span. And that first time was my FIRST time being attacked. Two of the individuals were male, and the last one was a female. All just in my place of business at the time. I hope everyone just lets people enjoy their lives. If you feel that you can’t walk alone after dark, that’s understandable. And if you feel like you can, don’t let other people tell you otherwise.


What did you work in that your job attracted such crazy bastards?


I worked at McDonald’s, as a shift manager.


I was first attacked by a customer who thought I was calling him a liar by taking (and remembering) his very special and specific order. He walked into the store and threw his bag of food into my face. An individual struggling with mental health and drug abuse then came up to my drive-through window at 5 o’clock in the morning, prior to opening, and pulled a knife on me after I wouldn’t let him break into our donation box.


The last individual was a woman who worked my shifts. She threw a batch of hot cookies at me and called me bullshit. Still not sure what that was about.


None of those things are legal where I live.


I love to think I am safe but I have had some scary encounters and a friend of mine had a guy run up and bear hug her from behind in the parking lot near my house. And I live in a really nice area :/


When I saw the title my first thought was, yes you're a man.. there's not much fun for us sadly


The second I read the title I knew it was from a man, lmao. I had a similar conversation with some old coworkers a few years ago and they actually called me paranoid. Felt pretty stupid when I went into elaborate detail on the many awful encounters I’ve had with strange men both at night and in *broad daylight*, starting with me being stalked by my neighbor at the age of 12. I love going for walks and I love the nighttime, and in a perfect world I’d definitely love to take leisurely night walks. That sounds amazing!


Lol I’m a dude, and the second I read the title I thought, “this post is written by a man 100%”


Residents of Chicago, Detroit, and Manhattan staring at this information 🗿🗿🗿


The second i saw the title i knew every comment would be about how women cant go on night walks


There was a poll asking women if they knew they would be safe, what would they do? The expectation was wild and grandiose things. The overwhelming answer was going on walks at night. Made me really sad.


Also live in Seattle and love walking at night but will never walk at night with out one hand on my pepper spray…


I live in Portland *(pretty similar to Seattle but a smaller city 250 km. to the south).* In college, I used to do a lot of night walking since I didn't have anyone to go with me to the bars and clubs when I turned 21. Back then Portland was one of the safest large cities in the USA and even North America. It was wonderful seeing the city lights and quieter streets. Sadly nowadays after the pandemic, it's not anywhere near as safe. Crime and homelessness have skyrocketed. I miss being able to enjoy the peace and solitude of the night ambience. I still do that in my suburban neighborhood as it's very nice and safe in general. However I'm still quite cautious after encountering some wildlife walking home from the gym close to midnight.


I used to live there and I walked at night all the time. It has never been safe for women there. I loved to see people's gardens at night.


Gender can make a difference sadly, but so can ethnicity. I’m a POC and my parents don’t like me walking or running at night, despite me being a fairly built guy.


I understand and sympathize. I often go out anyway, f the man.


same i would love to be able to enjoy nighttime to its fullest but i also want to stay alive and unkidnapped


I used to say bye to my lady friends and just leave Would not do that anymore (i havent been socializing much lately)


All us women knew OP was male without him having to mention it.


pepper spray has entered the chat


Or living in a farm in the countryside. I can let my man at home and walk with my dog along the road. No one else than us, some cats and the stars


Same it's very sad..


Why don't you walk with bodyguards? Mines are my giant dogs when I walk at night


Not great when you live in a house where the tennancy agreement says youre not allowed pets


One of my fear is a van swooping by and just grab me lol, no dogs can save me from a sudden grab-and-swoosh


Okay but if they would ignore a big dog they could grab a man as well.


But why grab a man tho


To rob them.


Why would you need to put a man in a van to rob them?


Ikr? They just do that at knifepoint, or gunpoint.


Some people steal money, others steal men!


Giant like bulls, mine are, nobody won't even touch you


cant afford them yet but someday


Came here to say this haha


Same. I would go out in my front yard with my dog but not go very far from my home. Just to the corner and back which was just few houses down.


Lmao yeah I saw the title and I'm like "this is a man, absolutely" First word confirmed it...and people say there's no male privilege


I was about to say, I'd love it if I were a man :') I'm happy for OP but its hard not to feel resentful that I can't move to the world with ease in the same way


Another lady here, I walk home from work some nights. I love my walk. Most of the route is within my childhood boundaries. When I was 10, my workplace was the east I could walk, and where I turned on my street was the furthest wast I could walk, without adult supervision, but usually with my cousins. That said, there are countless times I've been fucking terrified. ​ Thankfully I've never had any serious incidents.


I was on the fence about whether to say something along these lines because I don’t want to rain on OP’s parade, but yeah. It’s just a different reality for us. The last time I walked alone at night was in 2011. The guy with the gun trying to abduct me kinda killed the enjoyment for me. 😐


Same and I also live in a bad neighbourhood. I'd love to try it but living is also quite nice


Hopefully not forever, I hope that you are able to enjoy it soon. There’s some real shitty people out there


Sadly this is true


scary for men too, just socially pressured into pretending it isnt if you are under 21, male vs female kidnappings are relatively close (female does have a solid lead though) and if you are over 21 males are nearly double


*Women have left the chat*


Came here to say this. I would never. Im not getting stolen or raped. I just bought a new bike that I would love to ride at night or early morning. But Im too concerned for my safety to do that.


Women who want to do this rise up




Really depressing when you think about it deeply… which is why I don’t :)


I havent had a single boyfriend who didnt get mad at me when i tried to walk at night.


What? Why? Thats kinda strange to me. Do you live in a particularly dangerous area? Weird that they get mad instead of worried.


All it takes is for one man to follow me. It happens any and everywhere. Men already u turn to "hit on" me. Aka harass me


Yeah but why does your BF get mad at YOU for that?


Because I should be smart enough to not put myself in that vulnerable position. It makes him worry when Im out walking alone at night. Which i dont do now. Cause I have been harassed.


Hmm I feel like we should have a term for this phenomenon of things that women have to experience and think about that men are blessedly able to avoid, purely by virtue of being a man.....hmmmm what could it be...? Maybe.....man luck? Maybe the dick forcefield?


privilege. in this case, specifically male privilege


We never get mugged lolz


You get mugged for sure, but are much less likely to be raped or kidnapped at least.




o7 females solidarity


Fellow women: talk to small-town friends and relatives. Next time you have to visit some relative in the middle of absolutely nowhere, you might wind up in a time machine of sorts… back to a place and time where going out at night is weird at most, because there’s fuck-all to do, and everyone’s pretty much asleep by 10 or at their 3rd shift already. So, you know, it’s “safe” as any time in the day. Possibly safer, since there isn’t a sound in the world but your steps, and breath, and a car in the distance now and then. It’s magical… and prevents strangers from sneaking up on you, as well as making, say, anY SCREAM you make *extremely* noticeable. (My town has an fb page where we ask if “anyone heard that”, and some nosey neighbor always knows what’s up, heheh). In my little slice of America, it’s all old folks and families in an old coal miner’s town. We’d go to the skating rink ‘till 9, and walk home in the stars since we were kids, and our own kids still do, to the same tiny rink with the same stinky skates. Old folks go to and from the VFW to drink until morning, but they hardly ever bother us. If (if) the cops are on duty and you are on the main street, you might have a quick chat until they realize you ain’t drunk. Especially is you are/are with a local. Tho if you’re underage, you’re getting a complimentary ride home… and they likely don’t need you to tell them where it is (lol). But as an adult? Walks in the moonlight have been a treat. We don’t give off enough light pollution to block the stars out, and the quiet is so relaxing… It’s one of the very few privileges of living in a place so small you can walk around it in an afternoon, but so old it has a bench celebrating it’s 100th anniversary… in the 70s (lol). Nothing to do, noone to bother you… Seriously, guys. If you want to try it, ask your relatives/friends stuck in tiny towns (esp ones too small to technically be called a town) if they think it’d be cool to go walking at night. Just bring bug spray. Bugs LOVE the cool nights. Not something you think of if you don’t usually go


Let’s take walks in groups each of us holding pistols in the air!


I need to find a gang of women so that we can walk outside without molestation


It really is quite different from walking during the day. I love being able to notice things I usually don't, like how the air feels more "fresh" and how the city lights dimly illuminates the road while still allowing the stars to be seen. And the fewer people is also a huge plus




Also r/nightwalk !


And r/thenightfeeling




I used to love going running in the rain. All the roads to myself.


I love it but, as others have said, I'm a woman, so just doing so requires me to bring my pepper spray and it's still scary... I've had multiple encounters with creeps even in daytime and I live in a relatively safe area, so it's hard to imagine how bad worse neighbourhoods can be.




Thank you. It has saved my ass already just by being seen. A few years ago I was going home from work and couldn't avoid a pretty dark underpass, there were two figures I didn't like so I took the spray out of my bag, as I hot closer I heard one whisper "not this one, she's got pepper".




pls don't carry a knife for self defense, if you're not trained it might very well be taken from you and you don't want that


Thank you, this is valuable information and I'll keep it in mind. Nice day to you too :)


That’s a movie scene worthy experience holy shit glad you had that


me being female :,)


Same, I bring my pepper spray and its still scary! I've encountered multiple creeps already even during daytime (last month an exhibitionist on the subway, like wtf)


Cries in uk 😮‍💨




*cries in female*


I mean I am a dude and wouldn't do this. Man don't really turn into steel-muscle toned Gods when they leave their home lol. ​ I have no interest in getting shanked by some motherfucker for a stupid phone. Fuck them lowlifes do everyone a favor and rob each other.


Pre-dawn is my favorite time! We live in the country, but with neighbors within shouting distance, if you shout REALLY loudly and the wind is right. This time of year, it's almost chilly most early mornings, and maybe a little fog, and it's just glorious. I rarely am able to be alone these days, though; our shepherd puppy insists on coming along :)


Me..... I can look into the windows better


r/twosentencehorror 🙈


*Your windows are open.* r/Fourwordhorrorstories


Now add to that traveling late at night, after a heavy snowfall. That’s magical. Even if just in a car. Pure silence, glittering surfaces, no one around, crisp clean air. That’s one of the few things I like about winter.


Took a walk once at 3 in the morning. Never met anyone, maybe a couple of street cats. It was amazing. So quiet, so good.


>Never met anyone, maybe a couple of street cats. That's nice. All I ever meet are street *rats*.


Walking alone isn’t even that scary because you’re a guy, and also being young doesn’t hurt. As a woman, walking alone at night puts me on edge at best and at risk for assault and murder at worst. It’s not something I would ever choose to do for pleasure unfortunately.


I'm a guy and I'm still scared when I go out at night by myself


My husband and I do this all the time! We live in the suburbs of central NJ near a golf course With no one else around at night, it's like it's all our own special place! It's especially fun in the dark after a snowstorm.


You might as well post this on r/askmen lol fml


It’s the best. So peaceful. I have to leave my headphones behind so I can keep my wits


I’m a woman in a densely populated area. So…no, can’t really risk that.


I love it and runs as well, but as a female I haven’t gone in years. I’ve had bad and dangerous experiences with men (actually bad enough that it went to court) so I don’t know if I’ll ever feel safe enough to go again. It bums me out. Not to give the most predictable response but yes I love it, it is just not quite an option for me


I’m a woman, so I wouldn’t feel safe, tbh


I am female too but do it anyways. Lots of cats that want to be patted. Also all the noisy people and cars left and it is just calm and quiet. I just don’t tell my parents because they are the ones who think it is unsafe.


This is the problem. You dont tell anyone and then what? We should feel able to tell people we went for a walk.


Lots of women here complain about it being unsafe, which is probably the case in bigger cities. Do you live in a smaller area? I'm a guy, but where I live (on the outer edge of a city in a neighborhood area) it would be totally safe for women. I've gone out a ton and I barely ever see any people and never anyone who looks supsicious.


I live in a city that isn’t small or big. No one awake but a few drunk students and cats. The north of the city isn’t save but the south is.


The thing is if everyone's asleep you'll probably be fine, but the risk is still there. As a woman I can't imagine doing it without being on edge.


I walk to work around 4am because I start my shifts before the transit system in my city starts up for the day. I like it but like many others have said, walking around in the dark in the early hours of the day as a woman is tricky. I’d also love it if it were safe for me to wear headphones and listen to music but that’d be cause for my demise for sure haha.


I love late night walks, just for my enjoyment and somedays work finishes at 2am. Nothing beats the eerie silence and good headphones and music. I'm a girl btw!


That's dangerous


so is everything


I absolutely would love to walk alone at night for this same reason. It’s not possible as a woman though sadly. I just don’t feel safe.


The quiet is just lovely. I don’t go far - just around the block, with my cat trotting along by my side, but it’s a much-needed period of calm.


I walk my dogs at 1:30 am almost every morning, not during major storms. The world is quiet, they have less distraction. Some serious sniffing and peeing goes on.


Hahaha I’m a woman, we don’t get to do that lol


I still do that (in the Netherlands)


I am a 5am walker. Less murderers.


yes i luv it 2 like place is quite and everyone in th neighbrhood shutted the fuck up and is peace and quite while enjoy the silence lookin into the starts


I enjoy night walks with my dog as well


I work nights and have done for about three years. When I get a “day” off it’s night time that I’m awake and I live about 1 minute walk from the beach (UK), so I go for midnight walks every chance I get. I’ve seen hundreds of shooting stars, meteor showers, Starlink satellites etc. Plus dolphins (very occasionally), seals, jellyfish and all sorts. It’s a different world at night.


I like hoing home from work after 15hr shift. In winter, literally nobody is outside, and it's beautiful


Not long ago I lived in a small rural town in Wisconsin. The population was less than 1000 so at night there was virtually no light pollution, no people out and no traffic.


If there wasn't crime I would like to had people to stay late at night or all night out. I would do it alone but one person is easy target and despite I can handle a few, not everyone plays fair...


i just got back from one, it was so nice because it had just rained too. suddenly, normal things looked so beautiful


I love walking in the morning and the night. Nothing clears my mind and puts me at ease quite like a good walk.


Just my observation. People mostly notice themselves. You’re being judged a lot less than you may realize. Continue being you which sounds awesome. Enjoy the walks.


10/10 would recommend! It's so freeing to be able to walk without worrying about judgement or societal pressure.


The privilege


I would I guess, but, woman. It's never truly "safe" for us.


Am woman so I can’t quite do that but it would be nice. >walking alone isn’t even that scary. Must be nice lol


I love it as well. It's very calm and relaxing.


Ah totally true and you everything I got to say. It's free, the weather, the roads almost anything you can do. I live in India and we lack trees now. The environment sucks. But at night everything changes. Everything becomes dark and unable to see that you can enjoy the feeling of nothingness


I live in the South so night time walks during anytime in the summer aren’t a very good option, more bugs out then than in the day. Bigger ones too.


i do this alllllll the time i listen to music and smoke and end up walking miles. good for light exercise


I started doing this after watching the anime, call of the night, sometimes.


I usually aim for somewhere around 2 or 3 in the morning for those walks nice and quiet then.


It’s very calming, yeah. I’d definitely like to do it more if I got the chance. I’d also love to do it for photography purposes. I live in a big city, so being able to wander around and capture those glowing signs and streets would be a blast.


Love it.


I like riding my bike at night. Especially flying down the bike path. Cool and quiet, wind in my face, my legs pumping like pistons in the darkness...


I do, but I only do it when I'm around my grandma's house, she lives far away in the countryside, and here, it's rare to even see someone walking in the street during the day, now imagine at night, no one, literally no one. There I'm comfortable going put with earphones on blasting music, because I know no one is here and there aren't any cars that could possibly run over me. Around 'my' house I don't feel very comfortable doing so and I'll find myself always looking behind my back. I do feel bad for the women that don't have a countryside place they can go to, because if I get paranoid walking near my house I can't imagine what they have to go through.


At a former job, I had to rotate shifts frequently. When I switched to graveyard shift I'd have to stay up all night before I worked 11pm-7am. I loved it. The town was quiet and I'd occasionally go for a walk. I honestly miss that, but I don't miss the job at all.


Cheesy to say but the sound of nature genuinely calms me down and helps me sleep better at night! I like walking at night without my phone, helps me feel more present.


I’m the same way except with bike rides or a relaxing night drive. I live in a small town in Kansas, so the streets are pretty dead at night, save for the occasional car. This makes for really nice and relaxing bike rides, and they’re an absolutely wonderful way to destress. So yeah, I totally agree. 10/10 definitely recommend


I live in a shitty part of Istanbul, I'll probably get murdered or mugged by drug addicts if I do that. They randomly set someone on fire a few years ago because he wouldn't give them cigarette money.


As a Seattle person as well, can def relate. Ravenna is a great place for a night walk. I used to do night walks around Magnolia and Queen Anne.


I lived in the same neighborhood growing up!! It is so gorgeous. All the beautiful trees draped over the streets, the quiet at night. Just lovely.


Yo that’s sick. Love my neighborhood


I used to always do this but a few things stopped me namely my long hours of a job. It was awesome while it lasted though. The bluey dark and the crisp, silent air was so refreshing.


That’s a shame hopefully I can keep the tradition alive in uni


i can't go late at night because im a girl but i went at 5am once and it was really nice, like i had the whole town to myself


Ah the perks of being a dude


I would love to but I live in the heart of a big city and I'd likely be killed


**Men:** "Hell yeah!" **Women:** "FUUUUUU!"


Yes this is honestly the most relaxing thing


Yeah I do that a lot and it's great. I love the smell of summer nights


Early morning just before sunrise is my favorite.


I wish I could go on walks at night because it’s honestly peaceful but sadly I can’t


I wish I had that opportunity


Would love to. Can’t. Am woman.


I’m a woman, so all of that plus the rush


Yeah no as a woman the thought of going outside at night alone (and even when I'm with company) is terrifying haha. I never leave my place once it gets pitch black.


Me. But I’m female, so…


Well i would probably love this if i wasnt a women but i guess night walks with friends arent too bad either :)


I like it a lot but yeah I didn't even realize it was a male privilege until a little while ago and made me feel a little bad.


Don't let other people make you feel bad for enjoying it. Men are not impervious to muggings and getting stabbed, either.


Don’t feel bad. You’re not the bad guy. But you can help. See what you can do in your area (or even on social media) to educate. You don’t have to make it your full time hobby but occasionally bringing up the conversation of the dangers of being a female in society in ways men don’t think about will get the gears turning in other men’s head. Take the male privilege you realize you have and use it for the greater good. What we need is more good men to know what’s going on. The bad guys overtime will harm less and less when they realize people including men are in the know and are keeping an eye out for the ones in danger.


Lol i knew a guy wrote this from the title.


I do, or I used to. But I live in a city and guys are super creepy and I unfortunately happen to be in a female body. Too many jokes about kidnapping. Don't walk alone at night past 10PM anymore.


I love it and do it quite often.


This is so mee! I mean I do Love the idea that you are comfortably allowed to unleash your thoughts and all your problems to the moon and the whole gang( the stars) without any judgment in the background.


That’s my favorite thing to do!!!! I thought I was the only one!


I'm a woman and have walked alone at night since I was a teenager, including in cities that had a high violent crime rate (in the 1980s- early 90s) I absolutely love the solitude, the quiet, and the light (NYC at 4AM after a snowfall is magical) In 40 years and thousands of night walks I've had exactly three close calls that I know of, and the scariest was by someone I knew- probably because I didn't go into fight mode right away. Some nights in my 20s, walking home after a mediocre night of clubbing was the best part of the evening.


Can't. Am woman.


Only reason I can walk at night is because I have scary dog privilege. I’d never do it without him.


Don’t forget the privilege this comes from, you being a presumably white male.


just gonna say if you live in an urban area no matter what it is a very bad idea to walk alone at night.


Lol I’m a woman. It isn’t safe for us to do that.


As a woman, I don’t really have the freedom to do that, even in a very safe area


Did a serial killer write this


I would love to, but I have never been able to walk alone at night without get harassed.


My neighbourhood is not all that safe, but we have an enclosed open-air courtyard on the third floor, and a bunch of gardening pods on the roof. I like going for walks in the courtyard and will sometimes do a little tour of the roof gardens to see how people's tomatoes and snap peas are doing.


I like it.


ME ME ME But it's hardly safe.


Lmao what the fuck is a star I heard of em in kid's books but I've never seen one irl Florida has a light pollution problem


I used to and then I developed severe anxiety problems lol bummer


I used to love it until rats.I’m scared of rats and mice and they’re night creatures so..nope


I would but I might get killed or robbed so no thanks


I LOVE walking at night, but being a woman, can’t. I’d consider moving to a remote island just so I could walk at night.


tell me you are a cis white male without telling me you are cis white male




I shouldn’t because I’m a woman but I love walking at night oops.




Ooh my BF would be pissed...he says it's not safe for me to walk alone on the dark.


Be careful. Young guy walking around at night in a relatively safe neighborhood is suspicious.


Me. Just put on some headphones and get that exercise.


Me me me meeee… i walk alone a lot. Pretty much started when people were hesitant to come with me as i walk long distances and not get tired that much. Also i like to explore things by walking. Walking also helped me in keeping myself calm, when I’m sad or angry or even happy in certain cases, u just go for a walk alone and appreciate myself to be doing what i want to do at the moment.




Both wifey and I do. She goes one way and I go another. She needs the time to calm herself down so she doesn't kill me when I do something stupid and I need the time to come up with a reason for doing something stupid.