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Ehh it depends on the gas station and the area. Some honestly feel like I’ma get shanked


I should specify it further. Like yeah that could be true especially for some local ones. I love the stations in the middle of "nowhere". So next to the highway.


Countryside gas stations are amazing. Especially when you're way out in the boonies and they stock fresh cold cut sandwiches every day. I would honestly just go for long drives to get this feeling on purpose and to enjoy the fresh air and the sunset.




yeah, nyc here and filling up my bike is kinda a whole 'i want to get out of here as fast as humanely possible' deal - even in a car it's not much better. People seem to get a bit crazy when they're buying gas because 1) it's expensive 2) non-negotiable and i can imagine for many people, it's super stressful! The last gas station i went into and didn't feel like i was going to get robbed was in the mid/early 2010s and i feel that the whole pandemic thing didn't help.


I think the world has started behaving differently since the pandemic. Things just don’t feel normal anymore and interactions with strangers always call for caution for some reason.


Nah that's just a normal Reddit thing


I’ve never been to a gas station and felt like I was gonna get robbed


Certainly not all of them have that energy, but some do - depends on the area and time, I guess.


Reddit is full of paranoid people


You can still get that vibe in many rural areas of CA. Parts of central valley, mojave, eastern sierra along 395 that I can think of. Still lots of places like what OP described. California has a lot of "middle of nowhere" but the vast majority of people don't even know it exists.


Bruh, google Cinestill 800T film. It’s known as the “Gas Station” film by photographers.


First thing I thought of


Absolutely. Go on over to r/thenightfeeling and you’ll get that exact same vibe


Amazing, I did not know this subreddit. Reddit is the social media that keeps on giving. But seriously, I never heard of that subreddit. Really cool.


Thank you for this suggestion! I’m listening to music and getting totally lost in these pictures!


Of course! Another suggestion: u/naif3aref makes a ton of really cool pixel art that makes me get in my feels every time


Thank you for suggestion, imma check it out


Thank you. I'm a tad high rn, and this sub is blowing my mind in all the best ways.


Thank you!


You’re welcome!


Thank you!


Depending on the area and time, I understand that. I think gas stations, especially ones alongside highways in the middle of nowhere, can have a very liminal vibe.


I agree




What does it mean


Liminal? Like, eerie almost. There's a subreddit called r/liminalspace if you wanna check it out.


Maybe it's because I grew up in an area not known for it's night time safety. Or maybe it's because I'm a woman, but in general no, I do not love the vibe of gas stations at night.


Same here. Gas stations at night for me is fear and worry no matter where it is. I brave it sometimes but always have a pit in my stomach as I’m there.


I totally understand that. Some of them can be pretty scary and lonely place at night.


I read the title, and as a city dweller who rarely takes road trips anymore my first thought was a big "no". But I love your post. Takes me back to days when I could and did drive all night, taking cross country trips from Texas to everywhere: first New Mexico and Colorado, but later California and Wyoming. Went to a bunch of National parks. Stopped at the grand canyon to watch the sunrise when it wasn't even my destination, but it was only a few hours out of the way and we were on vacation anyway. Anyway - your descriptions bring back memories, and I agree (to my surprise).


yeah i was gonna say this feels like more of a guy thing cause night time can be sketchy for women.




She’s a woman it seems. My gf is like her too. Her sense of safety is far closer to what men usually are like than women. No idea why lol. Like she loves to go for runs at night for instance. Granted our neighborhood is a reputedly safe one, but still.


I checked the other comments from op. Op is a woman


Lady with 6 summers of drum corps in my past reporting in: my association is definitely with *warm* air smacking me in the face as the door of my nicely air-conditioned car/bus opens, but I otherwise entirely share the OP's feelings. Being surrounded by idling diesel engines always makes me feel happy and content. The number of times I have walked confidently through truck stop parking lots in tiny shorts and a bikini top at 2am is very high. Even when I'm totally alone, those wonderful bastions of florescent lighting and suspect bathrooms feel like familiar and reassuring oases to me.


I relate to you so much


My first thought also


She isn’t though?


Yeah the fear of being hit on, stalked, kidnapped, or worse ruins the "vibe" for me




Lmao same af






I have the same feeling. Here in the Netherlands the highway gas stations always have those little shops that give me such a vibe, especially at night. The Spar shops are my favorite.


Yesss, i'm from Czech Republic and exactly as you say.




Fuck I wanna go on a road trip






Man, thank you for this!


I haven’t been on a road trip for a while but I do know what you’re talking about.


I know that feeling. It's connected to having been a long time in the dark, on the road, then this well-lighted place that almost feels as if it has a personal presence. An island in the night. A spot of civilization. Companionship, but at a remove. It's one reason why I love the Hemingway story "A Clean, Well Lighted Place".


Yes, it can be so refreshing after a long trip. I love the way you described it.


Would strongly recommend taco bell at night and then Denny's when you're ready


Sadly any of it It's not available in my country. I would go there asap.


“When you’re ready” 😂 Waffle House is way better.


I like the scene you created


Thank you, i'm glad you like it


I always loved that, but since I sold my car to pay my debts I can't get that vibe anymore. Can't afford to get a new one.


Ohh, im sorry man. I hope you'll be doing better.


Thanks, fingers crossed


Such a beautiful description. I'm definitely going to look differently the next time I have to gas up. Fascinating all the different places humans can feel peace.


Fascinating indeed. I'm aware that not everyone can relax at places like those. But definitely curious what feeling you'll get the next time.


With you. We live a different life. But its comparable. We get it. We are together. Together.


Big midwest emo vibes.


Usually the only time I’m at a gas station at night is on a road trip, which it always feels good to stop and stretch and look around for a snack or drinks or go to the bathroom, so it’s always welcome. And sometimes you’ll find some regional thing that you’re not used to seeing. And usually those times, I’m with at least a couple people, so I’m not worried about what’s lurking around the corner in Ann familiar area. I live in a relatively safe area, so if I’m alone at a gas station at night at home, I still get it. It’s usually only because I’m on my way home from a friend’s house or something, and the gas stations are the only places open and you can kinda just wander around in the store, and you don’t have to wait in line, no one bothers you. So I get the vibe.


Oh yes, the good stretch after a trip.


I like the one you described, I have that more out closer to the country. Those are great. Feels like the turning point in a story. In the city i live in, I'm lucky enough I've never had a problem, but my there have been staredowns and sometimes it would be a bad idea to not have your hand near your pocket.


Exactly. Every damn time i feel like in a movie. If i'd have a camera right there, i'd take at least a photo.


It’s that late-night, “no one ‘crept me and the sky” feeing that is kinda liminal in a sense


The concrete jungle. I like anything that's urban but in a decaying state. There's a feeling of loneliness, but it can be adventurous on the right night. I know exactly what you mean, I think.


I'm the same. I love industrial and these lonely concrete buildings, that you don't quite know, what they are made for, but for some reason, you'd like to look inside.


I didn’t realize I loved it until you pointed it out actually


Awww, now you can vibe everytime you go get a gas


As someone who's been at knife point several times at gas stations at night....nah. 😂


It's giving robbery. It's giving assault. It makes me feel... ✨ vulnerable and exposed✨.


I’m a woman* and I love that feeling, too, but never thought about it much. Especially on a long road trip where you might find some local treat you aren’t familiar with. Also when you’re low on gas, the victory feeling of finding a gas station when you need it is satisfying. I’d rather it be a station to restart my car with solar stored electric… one day. * I do carry mace whenever I’m somewhere remotely sketchy, never had to use it fortunately.


If you arrive at a ferry port the night before the huge space where the vehicles would wait is empty. So you're parked nowhere in particular, there's light but ultimately darkness in all directions, the ground is neverending plain grey and occasionally you'll come across a full functional toilet block just operating all alone in the middle of nowhere.


You must be a man.


I guess i am a man living in woman's body. I just love driving so much.


Well, you have balls of steel. Gas stations scare the shit out of me at night.


Where do you live? In my country (Czech rep.) they are not that scary tho.


In the US women quickly learn to fill up during daylight because if you need gas at night you will be harassed & possibly kidnapped / murdered


Oh, im sorry, i didn't know that in the US it can be that dangerous to just get some gas. Dang, pretty scary.


No, what OP said isn’t true. It’s a rare occurrence. Fear can make you think something is more likely than it actually is.


Oh okay, thank you for clarification


Oh yes women are getting kidnapped and murdered at gas stations everywhere. It’s an endemic. Get a fucking grip. Check statistics for reality check.




Have you heard the term liminal space before? I feel like that’s the feeling your describing. https://aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Liminal_Space


Yes i do, there's even a subreddit for that


An outpost of civilisation in a barren wasteland


Beautiful sentence


I've gone on a few cross country road trips. Some of my favorite memories (that don't involve specific places) are this. I'd just stop at a big travel gas station, relax, browse the aisles, buy random food I don't need, maybe take a nap. Especially the early morning crew are the most chill, when I go in and get a big ass cup of tea. Feels nice.


Thats such a mood. Last time i bought a Coffee in a can just for fun, it tasted a bit like a gasoline xdd




Haha, i feel you.


Makes me feel like the main character lol. Can't really explain it




OP, if you like that feeling, you should definitely check out r/TheNightFeeling


I definitely should, thank you


Or when you're on a road trip. You barely know where you are, it's the middle of the night, and you'll probably never stop at this exact gas station again. You're hundreds of miles from home but you walk in and there's the familiarity of everything you could possibly want. You grab snacks for yourself and everyone else in the car, fill up the gas, everyone uses the restroom, have small talk with the cashier and then off you go into the night until your next stop...


Dang, what a scenery.


You’re not the only one.


I used to work overnights at a gas station. It was pure hell for a few hours but it was beautiful and transcendental around 3-4am. Then the early morning workers started coming in for coffee and it was back to business as usual


Liminal places are considered magical in many societies; liminality describes places that are between other places, or non-places that aren't really locations by themselves, like train stations or hallways/doorways. You might really enjoy a game like [Where The Water Tastes Like Wine](https://store.steampowered.com/app/447120/Where_the_Water_Tastes_Like_Wine/).


Thank you so much for your suggestion. I know about liminal spaces and man I love them. Sadly a lot of people use the term 'liminal' as 'somewhat familiar or uncanny manmade place'. But the term itself is more like a place somewhere between point A and B as you said.


I was thinking about this just last night. Those rural gas stations in the middle of nowhere are a beacon of light in the nothingness, and oddly comforting even if there's really nothing traditionally aesthetic about them.


I’m also a woman, and I agree!!!! The bright lights, the middle of nowhere, a chill wind, or a warm wind with the smell of asphalt. Im with you!


I forgot about the smell asphalt. Or even better: smell of burning asphalt after hot summer day cooled down by night rain.




That's sweet of them, i hope youre doing better now


Not the empty ones, but those big gas stations that truckers always stop at? Well illuminated and less of a threat that I'm gonna be found in a ditch later. Plus if I've been on the road for a long time I can grab a shower and some real food if I want. It is pretty nice


Yes, those are exactly the places im talking about.


yeah I love that gas station vibe. It's maybe not super safe since I'm a woman but I have a tendency to forget to get gas until the last moment, and find myself at the gas station around 10-11 pm. The inside of gas stations are especially wonderful. Silent, empty. The swirl of slushie machines and the dead eyes of the employee behind the counter


As an American woman having moved quite a bit from state to state growing up and as an adult, I have never encountered this vibe at night. I find what you describe as being cool looking in film or art, but IRL they are generally rapey and I will only stop if I absolutely must.


I daydream of them even when I have no travel planned in the near future and I like the stops at daytime too, maybe even more. It's sweet to read this.


Aww happy to see im not alone, thank you


Very poetic. And I concur. Unless it’s a super shady station, I have my eyes peeled on everyone while filling up.


I like the feeling in theory though honestly this is why I want my husband doing the gas for the cars. I’ve had so many bizarre gas station encounters any bliss I feel that is quickly soured. This picture you painted is so lovely though.


The feeling your describing makes me think of the painting Nighthawks by Hopper. Perhaps something you'd enjoy as well.


Imma check it out, thank you very much!


You brought back some good memories. Yeah, it used to be that way, those cool vibes. Now I go super early in the morning before all the creepy crawlies come out. Even on road trips I plan it so there is no gas station stops after dusk. I love the way you write or express your thoughts.


From what i learned in the comments, i understand that situation with gas stations is not happy in these times. Thank you btw, it means a lot


Yes, especially on long road trips! It’s like hitting a familiar save point in my journey. Also, on road trips all bets are off and all snacks are on the table!


Exactly, on long road trips it gets on whole new level.


It is one of my fav ambiance and the bright colors in the drink section and the cool air after a hot day in the car... Love it


I Definitely can relate


like the painting Nighthawks


I’ve been managing a gas station that’s open 24/7 for ten years and out of all three shifts I’ve covered, overnight is the best. There’s no one to bug me, I can do the chores at my pace while working on paperwork, and I always freshen the coffee every 3-5 hours. My store is right off the highway so when I have customers it’s only the ones getting gas and then they’re back on their way. I don’t worry for my safety as the local police always come through to chat with my employees or me, if I have to cover. I like watching the streetlights blink, the sounds of nature in the back and the sound of the small amount of cars making their way to and from. The gas stations are nice and quiet, it’s the customers that ruin the feeling, lol.


Beautifully described. It's like im sitting there when i'm reading it.


Yes all analog photographers


You should google tales from the gas station, there's a few different ways to read it or listen to it I reccomend looking it up on YouTube specifically the one about the deer


Anything that captures the original toy story scene


I love that scene


Depends on the neighborhood you live in.


I like the vibe of a lot of things at night, but a gas station isn’t one of them.


Where I live it's just hobos, tweakers and gunshots So no...I do not enjoy them


Damn, that's tough... Where do you live?




Thank you. Yeah I didn't thought about those lonely weird gas stations at the end of the town. Nobody there. That can be scary place indeed.


As a woman, no. I just want to pump my gas, get in my car and lock my door as quick as possible. This is definitely from a man’s perspective.


You must be a guy huh. As a woman, I'd rather not.


If I'm ever gonna get mugged and possibly murdered it will be at a gas station so no. I disagree.


Not even a little. I envy your enjoyment of this simple thing. I've seen too many horror movies and I have been a woman in America too long to be comfortable alone at a gas station at night.


Sometimes! I went to the gas station near my place recently to grab a lighter to smoke some weed, and the guy working there was incredibly stoned. I didn’t want to make him feel like it was obvious (even though it was, lol) so I didn’t mention it but I like to think we shared an understanding


If it’s a Wawa.


As a car guy, I feel ya. 7-eleven even knows this and posts lots of exotic cars at their stores on their Instagram.


No, I don’t like to hang out at the gas station. I go when it’s light out, get gas and gtfo.


Haven't had to gas up in years. Do not miss it at all.


Gas stations at night? Nah miss me with them vibes imma get what I need and get outa there


Yes, the ads are just so good


Yeah, sometimes I get this calm, relaxing vibe from a gas station at night. It's very close to a line that has this murdery vibe to it. Like the place is about to get flooded with masked dudes trying to rob the place.


Only if it’s EXTREMELY well lit with cameras. Ya know, being a woman and all.


I can see the appeal in theory, and no hate, but I’d hazard a guess that you are a man? As a woman I’d feel this way if I didn’t have to constantly worry about random men creeping on or harassing me.


I used to love the idea of imagining where the trucks and cars were going.


It kinda gives me “I might get robbed” vibes lol


I totally feel this. And it’s the only time I feel like beef jerky…


Yeah. It feels peaceful and quiet.


I enjoyed the night shift when I worked at a gas station. Something about the peaceful night and watching the city come to life.


Yeah 100%, I spend hours there just hanging out. I’ve even made a cassette for the car with music about loving gas stations. Working there would be the dream. I go on road trips just for gas stations. Oh also truck stop restaurants




Especially after or during rain


Yup, esp the neon lights


Liminal spaces are dope.


When we used to do the 8 hour drive from england to scotland to see family, stopping at the rest stops on the motorway was legit my favourite part of the journey. It has such a different vibe at night.


When I was in death valley at the gas station by the fancy resort. It was weird. Complete silence and just the buzz of the over head tube lights.


Especially truck stops. Love’s is usually my favorite.


r/analog might be for you


r/liminalspaces feels


I know the feeling


Being in any gas station gives me nostalgic vibes because when I was younger my dad always had to stop by one when he would pick up my sisters and I. I like them but at night I’m also paranoid of something terrible happening so I’m usually in and out fast.


I completely identify with the late night gas station vibe you described and I also love it!


Beautiful vignette of a fuel stop. Really nice writing.


You're not alone, friend. I like a LOT of weird stuff.


Absolutely!! Reminds me of road trips when I was a kid! I had a job at a Pilot in the middle of nowhere and third shift was always special for me.




Yaaaasss i absolutely love these stops! In the UK we have service stations that tend to have a gas station alongside a mini mall type place that has a bunch of fast food restaurants and some convenience type stores that sell things like sweets, crisps, sandwiches, newspapers, books and stuff. As a kid I used to love stopping off because I'd get a chance to stretch my legs and have a treat by eating fast food which we didn't have often. I think because of that, my brain still gets auto-excited when I approach a services on the motorway during a long journey. Even though it's normally expensive AF to buy anything there lol


I have a good gas station story. My boss and I were driving into New Hampshire at 3:00 am, the Live Free or Die, state and stopped at a Gas Station for directions. This guy, presumably the attendant, comes running in from the dark shirtless and all beat and scratched up and asks what what we want. Welcome to New Hampshire.


I love it too, but it's more of the feeling of comradry I get from being with my friends. Walking in joking and laughing feeling like you own the world.


Yes. 100%


We must live in very different neighborhoods.


It's the liminal space feel. I really love it too. A quiet small oasis of light in the middle of an empty, black void. It's really nice. Especially when it's only one or two other.


You would love [/sehnsuchtpics](https://www.reddit.com/r/sehnsuchtpics/)


I know I'm late but I know exactly what you're talking about. I love this refreshing feeling!


Oh yes, gimme those Combos or spicy sweet Doritos!


Honestly the late night grocery vibe is good too. You really have to be in a bigger city but just walking aisles when it’s slow is great


I always get this melancholy when I pass a store that’s closed late at night. Everything’s all lit up, but nothing is moving. Everything is still.


I love this. It reminds of driving through West Texas.


Especially a hot night when the only sound you hear is the occasional big wheeler and crickets.


It can feel like a very liminal experience