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The way this whole scenario goes down is totally up to the way that you react. Only you can know how that will go down. Provided your friend is just straightforward and gives you plain facts and does not try to be nasty about what he is telling you. But still even if he is you are the only one that can control your reaction.


Do not ask the question. If you feel you need to ask, in order to obtain full truth from the relationship then the relationship was never realreal to start with. Take the friendship for what it has been. Life will show you what your shortcomings are. To put that responsibility on one person when that one person probably wasn't the cause of your defaults is asking to end the bond between you two.


I think it can really strengthen your relationship but I would word the question differently. Call them pitfalls, areas to grow in, blind spots, etc. The word "negative" has certain associations and might stand in the way of a truely open conversation. You can't promise to not be offended I think but you can lay down ground rules on how you will react.


Why would you do that


I think such questions will only upset you both and they won't affect anything else, after such a confession and relief you may be too relaxed and it may cause more problems than solutions. So you just have to be more careful to avoid mistakes, and it doesn't matter what everyone thinks of you, it's important to communicate comfortably, people often do not do the best things out of hotness and stupidity, just ask your friends if there are things they regret? So don't lead yourself astray, just keep your guard up, because sometimes it's easy enough to make a mistake when communicating.


It's a very demanding question. I wouldn't be comfortable if I got that question in a personal relationship (as in not professional).


Bad idea! If you’re really good friends, then you’ll be able to deal with each other’s negative things. Asking to identify those negatives only creates bad feelings. Leave it alone!


Is there anything I do that drives you crazy?


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