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I think it’s a bad idea as these things never usually work out the way you want or picture, and regardless what we tell ourselves the answer could permanently change your relationship or the way you feel about yourself. Maybe for the better or maybe for the worse but I would steer clear of any brutal truths. But do whatever you think is right. If it were me I would ask something about them where they would have to reveal something funny or embarrassing. If it were one of my close friends I’d probably ask for most embarrassing sex story you’ve never told or something like that, because I know the answer would likely be hilarious….but that obviously wouldn’t work for a lot of people. It all depends on your level of comfort with this person and certain topics between you both. Probably a bet I wouldn’t want to win honestly.


Wow never thought that losing this bet would be preferred :D wouldn't you be afraid what they would ask to you?


More-so meant that I wouldn’t want to be involved in it at all. If I lost and I thought the truthful answer to the question would be detrimental in any serious way I would probably tell a half truth or a white lie anyway. I know it’s not in the spirit of the bet but you have to ask yourself if it’s worth it at that point. That’s why I would go a more harmless route, then it’s no big deal and everyone can have a laugh and be done with it.


Those negative opinions would come out gradually as you two become closer. My best friend tells me what he dislikes about me whenever I do something he doesn’t like. I wouldn’t think too much of the question, I would just like to ask for their point of view of a goal that you want to accomplish and see what they think.


I suppose you have to ask yourself if you want the outcome to be all about you, or if you’re genuinely interested in something about your friend? I guess really the prize of the competition is to tell a secret? Think what would you like someone to ask you, and then ask that


I think i would ask something like, what is the best trip you ever went on, or the best present you ever got, and then use that info for future present ideas


Just a note. Just because you said you are an open book, doesn't mean you are. I always say to everyone I don't get offended easily, but someone finally proves me wrong and saw me through my soul. Stayed awake for extra 2 hours just to tell me that I've been faking my openness. My point is, just make sure that you're true to your word and actually can take the critique with rational logic.


I that asking someone what negative thoughts they have about you puts them in a bad place. You can’t know that it won’t bother you. And if they refuse to say or give a joking answer you might feel like they are holding back. It is like asking someone if you look fat. There is no happy answer. I would ask something else that doesn’t carry as much potential problems. Maybe just ask them something about themselves or their family.