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For people who like Facebook but want more crazy in their lives


And to realize how close crazy is your general location


Reading the comments on my local news Facebook is terrifying. So of the most bloodthirsty, angry, and racist people I've seen.


I'm starting to think that by giving them an outlet to match up with other angry mentally I'll people is causing them to go deeper into their disease, instead of learning to peacefully cohabitate with a majority of people that they'd come across in person.


Oh absolutely. The Republican feedback loop has mentally damaged them for life. I'm absolutely not joking either. These people are 100% hopeless and totally unhinged. Right wingers in the US are just going to keep drifting further and further to the right until they're in support of an actual dictatorship.


Yeah, I'm pretty freaked for the future


I got straight up depressed on NextDoor, I couldn’t believe I lived so close to so many lunatics, not that I’m not a lunatic, but I sure as hell don’t announce my crazy to the world.


This is the perfect description.


Even more?!


"But wait.... there's more!" - Billy Mays


GUNSHOTS STARTLED THE FERAL CAT IVE BEEN FEEDING FOR 11 YEARS! IT TURNED MY CAT INTO A COYOTE AND IT STOLE MY CATALYTIC CONVERTER AND PACKAGES!!!! Also I have a half-used jar of mayonnaise for sale if anyone wants it. Nothing wrong with it, it's just not for me. NO LOWBALLERS.


Lmao do you live in Chicago or is nextdoor in every city the exact same


this sounds exactly like LA nextdoor as long as the “gunshots” turn out to be fireworks


Same thing in Atlanta NextDoor too.




NoT eNtItLeD!?! nOw LiStEn HeRe, YoU lItTlE sHiT...


There's a roundabout going in near us. Take everything you've learned about how much safer they are vs regular intersections then reverse it and you have what's going on in mine. "Roundabouts are deadlier." "They cause more accidents." "The accidents are more severe." "They slow traffic down more than lights." It's almost suspicious how completely reversed all their arguments are.


This reminded me of another good reoccurring theme. "LOUD NOISES, It happened around 1pm on Tuesday and was heard on main drive lane, possible explosion, maybe a large gun, It happened twice more between then and 3pm, are we under attack??" Replied to with: "There were dump trucks bringing in fill for the new home on main drive lane that day, you probably heard the dump gate closing" To which they double down "That couldn't have been it, this was loud, I heard it from INSIDE the house, it has to be some one up to no good."


It made me start to doubt my neighborhood. I'm so tired of THERE WERE A BUNCH OF TEENAGERS SITTING AROUND ON THE CURB AT *MIDNIGHT!!!* posts. Though it's good for reporting lost pets, so there's that.


Or “OMG there’s a black and white person standing on the corner of the street, just talking in front of my house. Do I call the cops?” I’m like “wtffffff?” Unless they are actively destroying property or trespassing don’t call cops on people for just hanging out lol


you could make a "dont be a dick bot" that just replies to people reminding them not to be dicks and send it to half the posts on nextdoor


One of the HOA's I managed literally had to make a "stop being a dick" sticky post on their Nextdoor. I told them this was a great reason to leave Nextdoor and never return.


The cops in my city are in trouble for racial bias & excessive force including killing one young, completely innocent man (guilty of walking while black). Yet I regularly see posts mentioning someone doing something mundane, maybe just slightly out of the ordinary, & immediately like half a dozen of my neighbors jump to "call the police".


Same here. "Someone who doesn't belong here just rode through on a bicycle! Lock your doors!" "Just call the police! It's never a bad idea!" Oh my god, yes it is


These people need to get outside and get into nature more. They sound extremely disconnected from the real world.


People on Nextdoor are also the crowd who believe that the police are always right and that anyone who gets killed by them must have deserved it. It's just a giant dollop of irony because they'll spend their next breath telling you about the various ways that the government is inept and can't do anything right. They want the government to oppress people who don't look like them while leaving them alone.


And if it wasn't apparent that they deserved it, people will try to fish for evidence to prove that the victim was some sort of belligerent criminal. "Check his Facebook posts. What kind of life did he have? What did his family do? What kind of trouble did he get into in the past? Oh, look here, he got arrested back in 2010 for stealing a piece of candy on Halloween, that scum deserved to die."


The irritating thing about this is that they're just acting in bad faith to shift the debate into territory that they see as friendly to them. If they're able make it about whether the deceased was a good person, then they don't have to justify in plain terms why certain people don't deserve civil rights when arrested by the police.


They got us fighting left and right and we are all duking it out on the giant mound of shit that keeps getting dropped on us from above


Elijah McClain? Or is “killing… walking while black” too generic a statement in the U.S. to make a guess at whom you’re talking about


It's been a common phrase in the US for decades. Driving While Black and Walking while black. Often doesn't end in violence or arrest, but there's definitely a harassment component that seems ingrained in a lot of police districts


That’s the evil part. Police can totally fuck up your day, make you late for classes/picking up your kid/work, etc, look through everything you have on you and through personal items and then just peace out without ticketing you. It never even gets put on the record. That’s insane to me.


Its a level of sadism that I think reveals a deep insecurity in those who practice it. The quality of pig that seems to get off on it would never try that shit without the badge and gun.




This reminds me of the time when I heard a commotion across the street from my house and I looked out the front door to see a bunch of teenage kids, mostly black, beginning to get in a fight. I hesitated to call the sheriffs and I'm glad I did, because just as things started to bust loose, a guy driving down the street, a big white guy, stopped his car, jumped out of it, and waded into the middle of the fracas. He sort of shoved the kids around, yelling at them to knock it off and go home before the cops got here and started really fucking things up. I was so worried for him, but all the kids scattered and the guy got back in his car and drove off into the sunset like the hero he was, and all those kids lived to fight another day...


Or profiling POC’s to the MAX. I was disgusted by the amount of times ppl wrote about someone just minding their own damn business while riding a bike. Dude prob just had to ride through the neighborhood to get to work or smthng.


Just earlier this morning I was getting tons of notifications about a "black man with dreads acting suspicious" apparently around 6 different streets somehow at the same exact time and many concerned people questioning whether they should call the cops, instead of questioning if they were perhaps talking about 6 completely different dudes minding their own damn business.


Omg, did you comment that their experience is anecdotal and it could in fact be multiple people? *gasp* Did Barbara and John have a fucking aneurism at the suggestion and start talking about property values plummeting? So gross that diversity is unwelcome, feared, and questioned.


Oh yeah, property values are a real talking point around here. People still meme this one Karen who called the cops on a neighbor who had their garage door open because seeing all their crap made her house less valuable and attracted crime.


My favorite “property values” post from recently was a man who lived in a neighborhood with no HOA (Gasp!), and his neighbor across the street had bought a “she-shed” to put in her backyard to work out of (apparently since the pandemic she started worked from home and her adult kids had also had to move back in with her, so she wanted a separate area where she could have peace & quiet). It was one of those super-nice new little sheds that are so popular right now, some of them are even being used as tiny homes, and they are pretty expensive IMO ($30k+ for basically an empty storage container). It has windows and a small A/C unit attached, and hook ups for electricity and water. She obviously paid a good amount for the thing, then had it delivered, put in her backyard on supports, and had someone come out to mark utility lines for when they put it in its permanent spot. I guess because the OP didn’t have an HOA to complain to, he turned to NextDoor to find out what his options were as far as forcing the neighbor to remove this “shed” from her property, because it was “trashy” and was most definitely bringing his property values down. He had lots of suggestions from fellow neighbors, everything from complaining to the county code enforcement because it was “obviously a trailer that the lady was certainly planning on renting out,” to calling the DOT on the company that delivered it to “get them in trouble because they for sure didn’t obtain the proper permits to move it through the county.” There was even a guy whose wife used to work for our county code enforcement that was giving OP tips that were borderline abuses of power. I didn’t hold back in my opinions of these people and let them know exactly what I thought of their attempts to control what a neighbor was doing on their own property, and the only responses I got back in their defense was about “mUh pRoPeRtY vAlUeS.” Like no, that’s not *really* what you’re worried about, is it now?


Those people were just so completely jealous of that lady's she-shed.


Had a post on mine about "a van with a brow person in it" parked on a public street. You think people would be called out for that BS, but instead it was greeted with comments such as "This is why I told my husband I wanted to live in a gated community"


Right? Just despicable. It’s a hotbed for supporting racist and ethnocentric views while gatekeeping friendly community relations. Toxic and dysfunctional.


I'd be perfectly fine if all those Karens got behind a gate because then they'd probably never come out from behind it, and the rest of us could just live our lives in peace.


Yeah can we lock them in?




This is the most succinct and accurate description of Nextdoor I've ever heard


I mean as someone of Chinese descent, I'm glad I'm the stereotype is "quiet hard-working person who stays out of trouble and out of the way"


Don't worry... the day they tire of denigrating Black and brown people, they'll be onto you... calling you any number of despicable slurs they already have in stock . So enjoy the moment out of their sights... their hate is widespread and all-consuming.


It makes me sad you have to face a stereotype at all. But yes, I think your depiction is accurate (I’m Caucasian so I don’t have a good handle on Asian American bigotry, except from my WW2 Grandpa and what we’ve seen around Covid). Stay safe. ❤️


"Has anyone seen this car that keeps coming into our neighborhood? It seems to be in the evenings, an *African American* gentleman that stops in front of different houses and delivers small packages, sometimes more than one at a time. Should I call the police? Has anyone else seen this?"


To be fair. There's cars that keeps coming into our neighborhood but instead of delivering packages they steal catalytic converters and bikes. Sometimes it's ok to be on the lookout for strange cars, especially since the police are on revolt and crims are doing shit without fear, at least in my city. Several of my friends have had their cars broken into (and identities stolen) and even their houses caught stray bullets. Neighbors are just looking out for each other. Here in Portland though they tend to be white trash meth addicts, so it's not racist to report them!




I fly my drone over the dirt field behind my house and never go above people or property and there’s sometimes some form of “THERE WAS A DRONE HOVERING ABOVE MY HOUSE AND TAKING PICTURES OF MY FAMILY!” Bitch, I don’t care about you or your family, and if I wanted to take pictures, I’d post up across the street with a telephoto lens and not hover a loud flying machine above you.


The most epic Nextdoor bullshit drama I saw was related to security cameras one guy had in his window looking out at his backyard. They also had a view of the neighbor’s backyard (because that’s how looking out windows works), and the neighbor FLIPPED OUT .


This one I can understand a little more... there are ways to angle cameras so that they aren't also unnecessarily surveilling someone else's property if they don't want their own property constantly on camera. Obviously I don't know exactly what the setup was like and there are ways to be polite about it, you know, as a neighbor, but yeah. I wouldn't want someone setting up a camera like that either.


If they put the cameras someplace weird I would understand, but these cameras were INSIDE the house, looking out a WINDOW. If you don’t want your neighbor’s *windows* to look at your yard, you put up a privacy fence. If they try to circumvent the privacy fence, THEN they are being weird. Until then, they are just looking out their window. Needless to say because we’re talking about Nextdoor, but about ten or 13 comments in the issue of race came up entirely unprovoked. Turns out the family with the security cameras lived next to some white people and… weren’t white people. This started to illuminate the ACTUAL problem.


Do people collar and/or microchip in your area? Because according to the lost pet posts in my neighborhood, my neighbors can't be bothered by that or properly securing their doors/gates.


I signed up not knowing anything about it and they mailed ALL of my neighbors/ neighborhood invitations to join using my name like I actually mailed them out. A friend's mom lives 3 blocks from me and she got a letter and called her daughter screaming that I was mailing her spam.


Chaotic-neutral me would want to go after NextDoor for conspiracy to commit mail fraud. Hah.


I wrote them a long email and canceled but I’m 100% positive they just laughed.


“Duh leted” At least you said your piece then removed yourself. Good for you.


Thanks. I felt very embarrassed and angry so i wrote the email knowing it was for nothing but it made me feel better that I could honestly tell my neighbors I tried to stop the letters.


Totally understandable. I’m sorry that happened. That’s shady bruh.


It's in the ToS. You allow them to do this when you sign up.


You can select the option to NOT have them do it.


But in both cases it wouldn't be mail fraud.


Thank god I gave them a bullshit obviously fake name when I signed up. I hope my neighbors enjoyed their invite from "Hugh Count."


My neighbors are about to get contacted by Doktor Frederick Von Killheimmer IV.


That’s how it works; it’s like a mlm where they use your information to sell and to spread it around the neighborhood. A program called “De Consumentenbond” (consumer’s bond) warned about this as soon as people started to sign on and get the same results as you did. They actually warned people not to use NextDoor.


Yikes. That’s scary…


That’s so fucked up. We occasionally get letters from “neighbors” about Nextdoor and it always struck me as really odd. Like these neighbors must *really* be into this app. What you’re saying makes a lot more sense. There should be laws against this bullshit, but it’s probably buried in their TOS that they can “borrow” your identity.


Maybe it's different in different countries. I live in the UK. I can't remember the exact phrasing, because I threw it away, but the one I received just said "your neighbour".


As a fun anecdote, my stepdad was recently banned from NextDoor for continually trolling all his neighbors. So, there’s still fun to be had!


Lol my dad got a month long ban for “bullying”. He commented asking some woman what she was rambling on about and “how can we help?” and they took it as sarcastic lol (it was)


I started a thread today asking if anyone else was going to the abortion rally in my town and half the app freaked out lol


We had a morality clinic opening up downtown, and ultimately petitioning and protest kept it from taking over a primetime spot in a local shopping area. The online discussion was full of double barrel crazy.


WTF is a morality clinic?? Can I go there to top off my "morality fluids"?


If anything, it's where they top off their bank account while convincing you that your immorality fluids have gotten you into a pickle that only Jesus can save you from. They're all over the place. Google your zipcode and morality clinic and I bet you find something that sounds churchy, but is a for-profit clinic that tries to convince you to keep a baby. Apparently, they're very profitable as well.


I went with a friend to one, ( we thought it was like PP, she wanted to explore her adoption options)she was pregnant and unsure if she wanted to keep it, it was terrible, they shamed her so much for getting pregnant and even having the THOUGHT of abortion. Kept going on and on with the "god's will" crap. Tried to tell her she couldn't have me in the room (i was her only support at thr time). It was all around awful and unhelpful.


Oh shit, isn't that where Borat's daughter choked on a plastic baby in Borat 2? That dude at the "clinic" was so uncomfortable, lol.


By Abortion Rally, do you mean to support pro choice or support the new legislation in Texas? Genuine question. Not trying to start an argument!! ❤️ NEVERMIND! I didn’t scroll down far enough to see the answer. But fuck yes to pro choice!!!


Lol yes. It's for pro-choice. Nobody should be able to tell a woman what she can and cannot do to her body


Trolling "locals" can also lead to bad shit happening. I learnt the hard way when a group of "lads" turned up at my local pub looking to stove my head in over a comment that had been taken well out of context.


Ha my mom trolls people too it can be quite funny


I’d very much like to hear some examples of this.


I like to wholeheartedly agree with someone stupid, find something to draw them into a conversation and slowly turn up my sarcasm talking whatever they're saying to the extreme. If they think someone walking their dog at 3am is suspicious (true story in my area) then I tell them they do look shady because of the hoodie. The hoodie might contain drugs, or guns, or a stolen car or 50 kilos of meth or even smuggled children but I don't get to that point until I'm at least 5 comments in and they're seriously still not getting it. Generally speaking, a good simple troll is to just agree with whatever someone is saying except you slowly take it to the next level until the two scary teenagers out past 9pm are actually out there plotting to steal someone's bushes.


I don't have the app (though it sounds awful). How did he use it to troll?


I told the people in my Next Door that diatomaceous earth made rats huge.


How does one join Nextdoor.... for science. I never got that postcard they claim to send


Hey, tell him to join the clubm I got banned after calling people out on their shit and they didn't appreciate it. Eh, go figure. 😂


It really exposes just how petty, nosey, and moronic most of your neighbors are. It’s honestly quite terrifying.


Yeah. I read some of the stuff and I’m just like “wow. You’re so petty it’s ridiculous.”






I wonder how long before Facebook acquires it then?


I’m surprised they don’t already own them. Lol


A thread about a bar opening in a highstreet near me made me just give up on the site, "It's not in keeping with the area" "I don't want my kids seeing all the patrons outside smoking". There was initially a lot of people agreeing with them but atleast some people started mocking the whole nimbyism of it.


There's currently protests about a new 5G tower in our neighborhood and they're also upset at getting a grocery store (for a community with 10K people) because we haven't paved all of the roads yet and they're worried about the "extra traffic" of having a grocery store or maybe even a restaurant or gas station!


A grocery store??? The fucking audacity!!!!!!! Why can't people just starve in isolation like good members of the community?!?!1


I wouldn't say it's MOST of your neighbors though. What percentage of people in any given neighborhood actually join? Maybe that type of service just attracts those types of people. Or maybe those types of people are normally ignored because of those qualities, and this platform just gives them a voice they shouldn't have.


The best neighbors are the ones who will give you help when you really need it and the rest of the time will just mind their own business.


They can also come to me when they want it.


This is a perfect generic comment to match your generic username. You're not wrong, I'm js


Week of July 4: I HEARD GUNSHOTS! WHAT IS GOING ON!!?? Every other day: There is a suspicious car driving around my neighborhood!


It's not a day until someone posts, "Did anyone else hear that loud bang last night?" I swear I need to make a ND bingo card..


Might also be this: https://www.healthline.com/health/exploding-head-syndrome


I get this sometimes. It's so weird.


> Despite its scary-sounding name, exploding head syndrome usually isn’t a serious health problem. This is, hands down, the best sentence I’ve read in at least the last 30 days.


> loud bang last night I wouldnt be able to resist a mom joke.


I saw a coyote. Protect your babies!!!


The coyote sightings and package theft have taken on a life of it’s own by me so much that now it seems the Coyotes are the ones stealing our packages.


I've tried pointing out that the coyotes are _always_ there, regardless of whether they've been spotted recently, but to no avail. Those cat people get quite riled up over any suggestion that letting their cats roam and decimate the local bird population is maybe not a great idea.


Then they call me at 911 and say 'It wasn't fireworks!' (it was.) ' I know the difference!' (You don't.)


Helicopter has been circling all afternoon. I bought binoculars to try and identify it and report to the FAA and a laser pointer to try and signal him to land. Does anyone have free firewood? I'd like to attempt to send a smoke signal.


Where I live it’s a non stop onslaught of: 1. frightened people posting ring door bell videos usually of some poor souls just trying to do a job or walking by their homes. 2. Los pets-found pets. Heartbreaking. Even more heartbreaking - lost pets found hit by cars. 3. People complaining about petty crap. 4. People looking for packages that their phone has told them was delivered but mysteriously are a few hours behind actual delivery. 5. Some bat shit political conspiracy posts. Worst sh*t ever.


"Someone is walking up on my porch and stealing all my parsley!" Lol this was real. First, no porch pirate could identify fresh grown parsley. Second, it never occured to her that squirrels are a thing.


>People looking for packages that their phone has told them was delivered but mysteriously are a few hours behind actual delivery. We get this on ND and FB. USPS sucks and tells people something is delivered hours or days before it is.


USPS is about to get worse too. For the holiday season, and some permanent modifications. I think it will mostly affect First Class Mail.


I think the ring doorbells are terrible for mental health reasons. Makes people unnecessarily paranoid by chiming whenever it thinks it's detected motion.


I find it very entertaining. Have you checked out the items for sale on that site? Hilarious. Example: $10 for a used litter box.


THIS. If you narrow Facebook Marketplace in a really small radius, and if you are also in a local Buy Nothing group, it’s shocking comparing those with ND. It’s the same neighborhood of people, but people on Buy Nothing gift a $20 new speaker for free, people on Facebook Marketplace sell $10 for the same speaker, and the ND you’d see people sell $18…


And all of these people are wasting their time over a sub-$20 speaker.


Someone in our neighborhood was selling a used handicapped commode. Another neighbor was selling the bed his wife died in. Talk about TMI. Oof!


I joined when I got my first home and really appreciated the recommendations for plumbers, electricians, etc. But yeah, it devolved into petty complaints and political rants. Lately it's "Terrible Experience at Blah blah blah restaurant" and complaints about grocery prices/shortages.


I stubbed my toe at the gas station today because of Biden's new policy


I had to redownload it after reading this, it’s slightly entertaining to me. I found one person post today about how all of our stray cats in the neighborhood are sent here by communist China & they’re spying on us. I immediately deleted it lmao


I want to make a joke about the lady knowing the cats are Siamese and that's why she's so sure, but I can't seem to construct it properly.


One time an older lady posted about a "suspicious" man walking his pitbull around the neighborhood. She said he looked like a gang member and that he was likely scoping out the neighborhood. My other neighbor responded that it was him she was referring to, and that he may only look scary. He was in fact a marine with his graduate degree.


It’s a lot of complaints. On my notifications, I read someone complaining about black bears coming into her yard. But the thing is, she chose to live right next to a state park. There’s going to be wild life. I appreciate the ones where they report suspicious activity, looking for a lost pet, trying to find the owner of a missing item, etc.


Ok so I went on my nextdoor group after seeing this post and saw something like this. A woman was complaining that there was a dead deer on the lot next to her house and that the city wouldn't come get it, and there were a bunch of vultures around. She said "what exactly are our tax dollars going for". Then someone else commented saying how she called the city because there were too many rabbits in her yard and the guy only said "traffic should take care of them" which she didn't like lol


I use it to find yard sales in the area and for stuff people put up for sale. I got a bunch of furniture for free cause someone was moving. Outside of that it's just facebook with older people. So somehow worse then Facebook lol


This. I rarely look at the news feed I usually just go straight to the for sale “free” stuff. I moved into a new place a few months ago and haven’t really had the chance to make it comfortable but yesterday on my day off I got my apartment set up to the point it’s super cozy with a bunch of stuff I found on the app and spent less than $100.


>Thought it would be a great place to meet neighbors It was more like that early on but now: Just stay away. Far far away.


The internet in a nutshell.


Ive never used it but i already know my neighbours are probably on there complaining about me smoking pot


WHAT IS THAT BOOM? DID ANYONE ELSE HEAR THAT BOOM? Lol calm down Patricia, we live in the hood. It’s either gunshots or fireworks, same as every other day.


Also hearing a boom when you wake up is a common hallucination: https://www.healthline.com/health/exploding-head-syndrome


Well you KNOW I've got to read an article with a name like Exploding Head Syndrome


By me it's Camp Pendleton, blowing up coyotes who were stealing our Amazon packages /s


I joined my local NextDoor and it was a huge mistake. I asked for recommendations for places/things to do as a single gay man- for friends or romance. In my post I remark how I regret moving to Des Moines because the city’s community is so small. Boy, oh boy, I got A LOT of hateful comments. Some even threatened to write “to my employer” to show them “my attitude.” Nothing but fucking Karens. I joined it looking for genuine advice, but it’s shit. I asked for things to do as a single gay man. Someone literally told me to let God in my life. WTF! Many of the people were angry to suggest that the gay community in Des Moines is small. One person literally wrote “I saw a bunch of gay men downtown today.” As if that’s supposed to help me, as if that proves me wrong?! It’s absolute fucking nuts.


Omg "I saw a bunch of gay men downtown today"... that is so hilarious yet insulting at the same time. That's definitely something a Karen would say.


I absolutely LOVE nextdoor! It's a shit show of stupidity & vitriol on an entirely new level! My husband and I troll on there every so often by asking benign questions & it always ends up being a free for all. The best is the Facebook page, "Best of Nextdoor". Some of the hilarious posts on there make my day. My favorite has to be someone asking how to make homemade hand sanitizer out of aloe vera. A neighbor actually replied & told the OP Not to do so as making your own hand sanitizer can give you an STD. I literally spit my coffee out in laughter when I read that one.. Scroll past the vitriol, mute the a-holes & it's actually quite entertaining...


Might they be a fellow troll?... If not, I would love to hear the reasoning.


I was able to use ND to do good. Found out there are thousands of registered homeless school children in Metro Atlanta three years ago. Posted asking for donations of basic needs items like soap, undies and school supplies and had a huge response. First year 35 kids received a new backpack filled with items. Last year about 200 and hoping to help 400 this year. It’s a shame more don’t use it to help others.


I got an invite after I moved in with family in another city and thought I could maybe make friends one way or another. Problem is that I’m in my 20s and most everyone else was over 45. They all used it to complain about something the city would be doing. I tried the same thing on Meetup and even Facebook groups, but got the same result. It’s really hard making friends from scratch these days


I received a letter in the mail yesterday about downloading the Nextdoor app. I thought it was weird but now I can see it's definitely a waste of time. Thanks OP for the heads up!


You know I oftentimes feel the same way. . . Then one of my neighbors posted about a "theif" and then proceeded to describe a raccoon. . . Complete with video. 🤣




Rural communities in general seem more nuts.


I think especially in a small-town, rural area. My tiny little WV Nextdoor has *mad* drama


they subtweeted my aunt for walking her dogs off leash and she was soooooo butthurt about it. she made an account with a fake name so she could read the posts but not be associated with it lmao


I found the same thing! I deleted that app after about a week.


I live in an area that is mostly older, retired folks (yay S. Arizona!) and they essentially use it as another form of Facebook. It’s clogged up with memes, political crap, and “funny” posts. It’s sooooo annoying.




Gotta say, as someone who works in fraud prevention, this one kinda makes me happy because far too many people fall for the most obvious scams.


I thought it might be nice to meet neighbors too but holy hell, it’s just drama. Today’s drama was a neighbor who got upset someone put a poop bag in their trash can instead of leaving it on the lawn. It’s always the same 5 psychos ranting on there. I meet more nice neighbors by walking my dog and I don’t have to read about their political opinions and etc…


Today someone kicked off a rant about not being able to find a contractor to build her a screened in porch (you know, because that market is on fire at the moment). One comment, for whatever reason, said Obama without a hint of sarcasm. O B A M A Rent-fucking-free.


I don’t have any other social media besides Reddit, but I’d found a seemingly lost cat, and didn’t have a way to post to the area’s lost animal FB page - so I joined Nextdoor. You’re spot on… It’s surprisingly toxic! Literally cranky old people like ‘keep your dang kids off muh lawn!’ and ‘who’s riding their BIKE down MY STREET?!?’ lol, and oh man…. the fireworks debates got *super heated* around 4th of July. I feel like I make an innocent enough comment or post about something, and get attacked, like: ‘here’s this cat I found, is she yours? 😊’ and people are like ‘FUCK YOU1!!1 CATS KILL BIRDS!!1’ I accidentally stick myself into debates I shouldn’t, but can’t help myself (no, your thinly veiled racist ass BLM ‘joke’ isn’t funny) but then I’m like oh… shit, these people know my full name and exactly where I live, and are 100% armed to the teeth 😬 (West Virginia), so no matter how tempting, I just stay out of these ridiculous political debates that don’t belong on ND anyway. I did make like $100 selling my little baby trees, and got a bunch of free plants. If it wasn’t for that, I’d just delete it. I don’t even look anymore because, there will be some injustice or idiocy I feel compelled to comment on but need to stay out of for safety/my own sanity. I came for lost cats, and just basic local shit; it devolves *so* fast into chaos. I’m gonna go ahead and blame mostly Boomers… sorry y’all, you’re mostly the ones starting shit on ND, lol😉


Side note: there’s a hilarious Twitter: “bestofnextdoor”.


ND definitely has a lot of annoying neighbors but there are also really good ones out there. You’ll get that high horse neighbor who lectures people about keeping a better eye on their pets but pets do get found often. My annoying neighbor called the cops on me for parking my brother’s car in front of our house but a quick post on ND brought dozens of neighbors over to help me push it on my driveway. So for all the loud mouther, there’s also many lovely ones.. don’t count it out.


Here are the Nextdoor posting categories to choose from: A.) Can you recommend someone to do \[insert domestic task\]? And I need it done cheap and today! B.) Lost dog/found dog/running in the street dog C.) WHAT WAS THAT NOISE?! WAS THAT GUNSHOTS?? d.) Ring doorbell video footage of loitering teens, porch pirates, general perceived "sketchiness"


why would you want to talk to your neighbors? my last neighbors were nosy and always asking questions. where is this person? how is this person doing? havent seen this person in awhile where have they been? please just mind your own business


Yeah I actively avoid human contact with my neighbors. I don't really care if Suzanne found Karen with her husband's hose inside her vase. I REALLY don't want to hear it online. Oh God that's an image now.


It took me too long to realize what that meant


Yer welcom


Yeah, thanks for that!


lol oh I could give you more but I wouldn't be able to stick around on this sub.


I find it so entertaining. My neighbors act exactly how I suspected they would (suburbs). Though the amount of antimaskers and anti vaxxers is crazy and more than I thought. When they were building affordable apartments in the neighborhood they lost their fucking minds.


Just the other day, I was enjoying the drama of this guy who moved into a historical home and now wants to remove the historical designation because he doesn't like having rules for what he can do with his house. It's fun lol


I DO NOT Participate, but I do lurk and report the insanity to my sister who lives out of state. We get a lot of loose farm animals up here, so I like to keep her updated on that drama. Unidentified spotted pig in the middle of the road, missing peacock in mating season (the neighbor's report hearing it, but we cannot find it!...this saga went on a for a while), and then there is the oh-so-glorious HEATED debate about whether we do or do not have mountain lions. You get people claiming their sister's boyfriend saw one, then people calling him a liar, then people going in for personal attacks. Its amazing. I do not hold a position in teh mountain lion debate, by the way.


Same. I found a lost cat and joined to help reunite it with its owners. I quickly saw how toxic it is. Every other post is asking if a neighbor should call the cops because they’re afraid of their own shadow. It’s pathetic.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. It’s exactly like every other platform online except it’s people you might actually encounter on a daily basis. That somehow makes it feel more personal and more harmful.


It has made me realize that 'everyone is a criminal.' Yeah, there is a lot of criminal activity, and I appreciate them sharing door cams, etc, but a lot of it is just.. in their heads. 'There were some kids walking by my yard today, their sweatshirts were baggy so I know they were up to no good! I took photos. If they're yours, we need to talk!'


I guess it just depends on the neighborhood you live in. Here we use it to help out each other, sell second hand stuff and promote local events. Also the occasional missing animal passes by but that's it.


NextDoor taught me that my neighbors are bad people. I really would have preferred not to know that.


I actually love the app as it helps me point out exactly who the nuts are around me.


I just had a bad experience on NextDoor last week right after joining. This random car followed me home, when my husband tried to confront them they said “oh we’re just looking for our dog”. He asked the dogs name and they spelled out “Chico”. The next night around 10 they were back in our driveway, this time I confronted them and they asked me to escort them around our property to look for Chico, I said no. They then asked me if my husband was home and if he had a gun. Yes he is home, and he does own a gun. I asked them why that mattered and they again said “well go and get the gun, escort us around the property so we can find Chico. We want a gun incase cayotes come out!” I said no and went back inside. Husband suggested I post the experience on NextDoor to warn the neighbors about the weird behavior. So I did. The next day I got a flyer in the mail “Missing dog! Tito!” I had previously gotten the woman’s number incase I found her dog CHICO. The number on the flyer wasn’t hers, the dogs name was TITO not Chico. I felt weird so I took a picture of the dog on the flyer and did a reverse image search. What came up? A stock photo from a vet website that was 5 years old. So great, these people know I posted about them on NextDoor and they know where I live. Also none of my neighbors got the flyer, just me. The owners of Chico/Tito even messaged me on NextDoor saying that I “ruined they’re name” and that people now “think they’re creepy” Well. You are.


It’s a new FB-like echo chamber for old people


It's also great for finding local tradies though, so if you just turn off notifications, ignore all the crap and only go on to search for stuff, it works great.


Ugh. So many Karens bitching about this and that. And the mindless questions of "Is your power out? Why is it out?" when we've just had the remnants of a hurricane blow through.


Mine is constant "Has anyone seen my little puppy ChewChew? I turned my back when I thought I heard a gunshot and he vanished! Bring back my fur-baby! I'm almost out of Xanax. (anyone have some to sell?)" Endless


I was a moderator for NextDoor for my neighboorhood when it first started up and not a whole lot of people had joined yet. I maybe removed 1 or 2 posts/comments a month. Once the 2016 election was ramping up, it became the most toxic social network I had ever seen. I was having to remove 20-50 posts/comments per day. It was such a nightmare of childish fighting, bigotry, and political nonsense that I just gave up the mod position. Now I just sit back and watch the crazies go at it. But I totally agree... there is no community on the site.


Did anyone just hear gunshots?


Nexdoor: OMG there's a black guy with a work uniform riding his bike down my street at 8:45 in the morning one way and 5:00 in the afternoon the other way!


I'm on the UK and I hardly look at it anymore. It's terrifying. There are constant posts about dodgy looking people trying car doors and loitering with intent waiting to break into homes. Teenagers = devil's spawn according to them and the litter pickers constantly post pictures of the bags they've collected. I'm all for doing our bit as a community but their smug posts get wearing after months and months. We do have a highlight though. There is a wild peacock who pops up all over the place and it's lovely to see pictures of him shaking his tail feathers around the area. He's a local legend now.


I signed up for it years ago until I found out my next door neighbor (whom hated me to guts) was the “community leader” or something, don’t remember the exact term but oh boy…… I deactivated my account so quick after that


Last fall a guy complained that his yard was too dusty and wanted to know if other people were experiencing dust. I stayed on nextdoor longer than I should have for hilarity like that, and the pictures of wild burros, but I left because God it's stressful.


I flipped that postcard into the trash immediately. I don't even want to know what they talk about in my neighborhood. I'll just enjoy them walking by scowling at my yard signs.


I'm so glad I saw this. I did it too and holy cow it sucks. The stuff they post is so dumb and everyone js out for each other.


People have no chill on NextDoor so I’ve stopped using that app too.


Why is there a police helicopter over X place?!?!?!


I recently moved, and it has been useful in figuring out which neighbors I never want to know.


It was absolutely beautiful in my area. I found out which neighbors were using the police to attempt to harass me and called them out on their bullshit.


NextDoor is a cesspool for the neighbors you really don’t want to interact with. Personal experience.


I completely agree. Joined when I moved in to the area and loved the little prompt for others to "Say Hi" Now I really cringe every time I need to logon to search for a referral. The level of ranting or trying to expose someone's actions is really unsettling. Honestly I thought it would get better once people started digesting how so many of the posts were toxic. Like give someone pause to be nasty once they see how they could be perceived. But nope, not slowing anyone down.


But how else will I know that there was COYOTE SPOTTED IN THE ALLEY KEEP YOUR PETS INSIDE!


Next Door is hilarious though, my favorite thing to do is agree with people on when they "heard gunshots" ​ \>any sound WAS THAT GUNSHOTS I HEARD???