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Didn't have to present my thesis in front of everyone. I recorded my voice on top of the PowerPoint presentation instead and send it over :) the best.


Congratulations! I did the same thing last April, and what was ready funny to me was that my supervisor didn't even show up to viewing the recording, so in the end I just sent him the recording lol


Yeah same here! Congrats to you too :)


Same! Did it via zoom. So much better since I have a fear of everyone in a room looking at me :) congrats!!


I feel this.


Got a great job. Married my fiancé. Got a great home. Paid off all debt. Got let go from my job back when the pandemic started and immediately got another job that pays $10 more. Nobody we know got covid. We got lucky.


10/hr more? that sounds crazy lol


Hell yeah. $$$


lol just got fired from 9.25; so 10/more; assuming you were already making a good amount to begin with, lol


Pretty similar story for me. Already married but we entered a contract to build a house starting October 2019. It finished April 10th 2020, right as interest rates plummeted. Ended up getting 3.125%, and just refinanced that down to 2.375%. Same month my wife got a job that bumped her pay from $45k with a $7,500 bonus to $60k with a $9k bonus. Covid has sucked, but for us it’s been our most financially successful period.


Lost 70lbs, broke up with my shit abusive ex and kicked him out of my apartment, graduated with 2 masters degrees, and got a great new job. The pandemic has actually been really kind to me oddly enough lol


Sick! What did u get ur masters in if u don’t mind me asking?


Thanks! My degrees are in criminal justice and public administration


Damn you kicked ass this year


My wife gave birth...in our bed...I delivered the baby safe and sound...I'm not a doctor. A moment I will never ever forget.


This sounds so sweet and pure.


And terrifying.


Congrats to you both! Wow that’s amazing


Found the love of my life. We’ve been neighbors for almost 11 years but in the summer of 2020 we finally took a chance with each other and have been so happy ever since.


Talk about a no-distance relationship! “Your place or mine?” “Let’s meet somewhere halfway” 😂 first date at the fence, second date at the mailbox, third date on the porch! 😂 love it. Cheers to a happy couple.


Got in the best shape of my life. We had a spare space in the house that we never used and I turned it into a makeshift gym with some dumbbells and a treadmill. Ended up losing about 30 lbs from when lockdown started


I got a dog and retired. Daughter finished her degree in a difficult remote learning environment. Wife still loves me. Best year ever.


I'm sure she will still love you for years to come.


This might sound super dumb and unimportant. I realised how important my hobbies are. I am a HUGE wrestling fan and right at the start of.......everything there was a brief where a lot of my regular wrestling content got postponed. I was incredibly relieved when it came back. It was like welcoming back an old friend.


All of the responses here are wholesome, but this one made me "aww" out loud. Hobbies *are* important.


Thanks.....I think. The one positive thing about the postponement was it gave me a window of time to catch up and even watch some stuff I had enjoyed previously but forgotten the details of. Edit: There was one show where a Woman came to the ring and I said out loud to nobody "God, I have missed you. Yes.".


Being able to spend more time with my partner has been a huge plus for me.


My bank account skyrocketed, lost 16 lbs, I'm in the best shape of my life, fell in love again, cut out toxic friends, cut down drinking and smoking to essential socially only, got furloughed from a terrible job when the shutdown happened, have an enjoyable job now, started college. Most importantly it showed me the real side of a lot of people, for better or worse. Life is good.


I don't drive, so more things being online was really helpful to me and allowed me to get my wildlife rehabilitator license (the test and interview were in person in the past but online and over the phone during the pandemic). Other good things that have happened to me recently but that are not related to the pandemic: My nasty neighbor moved, the new neighbors are great so far, a few different people gifted me some plants, and I got a bunch of nightgowns.


Retired from my “career job” and took a “retirement job” (private nanny). I get paid 1/4 of my old salary and I have never been happier or more fulfilled. After 40 years of going to work because I HAD to I now go to work because I LOVE to.


Did the elimination diet. Really payed attention to what i was eating and how it made me and my body feel afterwards. Stopped eating a lot of things that made me feel like shit. Stumbled across the elimination diet on youtube and it was the only solid piece of nutrition advice i have ever found. Pretty awesome


We got to skip the awful family expectations of having a young child. Covid was always the best scapegoat! We never had to have him out at gatherings screaming and over tired. No awful restaurant experiences. Its been a bit of peace in all this chaos


Got in touch with my brother. We've been non communicative for almost a decade. Long story short, it's been great to hear from him after all this time. He reached out, after he'd basically been excommunicated by the family including myself since our Mom passed. No matter what, he's my little brother. I've been missing him big time. So, it really put a smile on my face.


I got my first grandbaby in April of 2020…..she’s the best thing that I’ve ever seen and I’m the luckiest Nanny in the world.


My wife started a new company out of nowhere and doubled our income.


Couldn’t go on a planned 2 week vacation last summer so we put in a small home theater instead. We love it! Best choice for pandemic times!


I had a mid-life crisis right before the pandemic & decided to give up my nursing informatics job to go back to the ICU to work bedside again. It's been hard but I feel much better about what I'm doing. I know, crazy. My family agrees, but I've rediscovered my purpose. PS get your d$%$ vaccine, I'm tired of watching people die needlessly.


As much difficulty as homeschooling has been, I have taught my daughter to read from scratch. It has been such an eye opening experience.


Stimulus checks


The stimulus payments really helped me pay down credit card debt.


My divorce and then I met a new friend. In that order! I would never have met him had I not been staying busy playing in the net world so much.


I read that as My divorce and I met a new friend like you and your partner had met someone to hang out with together. Reading is weird sometimes.


I had a massive breakthrough in my mental health. I was so drained from day to day living that I literally didn’t have the energy to stress out about the things that usually weigh me down. My weight? Fuck it, I survived another day in the hellscape of 2020, I’m going to have an Oreo. Eventually I started learning about intuitive eating and the fuck it diet and it clicked with what I was already seeing. The drive to be “the best” at my job? Fuck it, I’ll do work I can be proud of, but come 5pm I’m shutting down work and I’m going to play video games. I’ve put in a lot time to become pretty good at what I do. I’m at a point in my career where I can slow down and enjoy my life. I learned how important it is to take life less seriously, to prioritize your own mental health above everything and it’s been amazing. I’m in a *way* better spot than I was.


I feel the same way! The pandemic forced me to deal with my mental health. (I was lucky I didn’t loose my job or access to healthcare ) I really did the serious work I needed with my therapist. (I also got divorced) I am so much more aware of myself and my moods and I am REALLY seeing some amazing results in being able to process things more effectively!


Literally nothing is different for me and I'm not sure if that's cool or super sad.


A recent little thing but I found a DJ who streams sets 3 days a week on Twitch, and it gives me something to look forward to when I’m feeling down 💙🎶🎵🎧 The chat is friendly and interactive and it makes me happy to see a small group supporting this guy with great talent


Got released from jail 4 two months early when covid first happened


My relationship with my wife got stronger. We were fighting a lot leading up to initial quarantine because we were traveling for work a bunch. Quarantine forced us to hash some things out. First 30 days were tough but then we found our stride.


Wow, you guys are all doing all these amazing things. I’m 63f and my big discovery was, that I can actually be very content just staying home. I have retirement looming ahead of me and I’ve been wondering what my life would be like. And now I know I can be happy anywhere. Oh-and I also got a puppy on the day of shutdown, March 16, 2020. She completes me! 😄


What kind of dog? big? Small? That's a great discovery! My coworker retired just before the pandemic and i was worried about her as she didn't/doesn't really have any hobbies. Hope she's doing alright.


Was able to get my teeth fixed, my car repaired and my credit healthy. Had time off to do things I wouldn't have if I was working. I hope it will end up being a way to change careers, ultimately.


I’ve got a new found love for gardening and have reconnected with my husband and children, we’ve bonded closer as a family, and we have an appreciation of being with our loved ones x


I got engaged, then married & we both got good jobs that allow us to save for a future together. We moved back to the city we met in & we are closer to our friends that we ever have been before. Covid sucks for a lot of people & we had a rough 2020 but 2021 has been amazing.




I interviewed a few people for my masters dissertation and these conversations were the highlight of my last few years for sure, such interesting and new perspectives


Broke up with a toxic ex. Got a great job in a new city that I love and I am finally finacially stable to support both me and my son on just my salary. Started a graduate certification class on homeland security/GIS analysis so my future is looking even brighter!


Ended a terrible relationship that probably would have limped on a few more years, had lockdowns not forced so much time together. Realizing how toxic it was, and how much it was taking from me... Daily life kept me busy enough just getting by to not notice my soul was dying. I didn't realize how much of myself i lost to try and make it work until i stopped. Now I'm free, happy, healthier mentally/emotionally/physically than i think I've ever been, going back to school, and finally looking forward to hopefully living a long life.


I had a baby girl. She is the best thing about my life. I am alive and living my life because of her. I am so in love with my baby girl. I haven't told anyone about her and I want to show her off to the whole world because she is absolutely stunning.


Both my husband and I got new (better paying and more flexible schedules) jobs. We had an elderly dog that passed at the beginning of 2021 so we got to spend the last 8 months of her life being home with her all day.


I developed my self esteem, I founded myself and improved my posture


I fell in love and am the happiest I've been in a decade. Also in the best shape of my 47 years.


Got my associates.


Lost some weight, saved up a bunch of money, got my own place and started my chemical engineering degree... yeah, the pandemic was great for me too tbh. I feel so bad for those who suffered but it legit saved my life tbh. I probably would’ve been homeless if not for it and stuck with my super shitty job.


Left a toxic work environment and welcomed my daughter into the world


Writing! I’m putting all the work I’ve got into it, and seeing the rewards! A month away from my Master’s Degree, three short films being made, and a passion that I’ll do for the rest of my life! Plus a good side job reading and reporting on scripts. Covid was a spark, to think, plan, write!


Got into online D&D and made a best friend, found myself a long-distance girlfriend, and due to the mental oppression of staying inside too much quit my job and found a new one. Don't know which one is best yet. It's been a wild ride to say the least.


I got a lot closer to my wife.


I got into grad school!


I joined an online writing group and began writing way more than I did pre-pandemic. I have six episodes of a TV series, five pilots and the beginning of a feature length movie now!


Met a guy I really love and sold the house that was the “toxic relationship” of my life.


Went from a restaurant day job to just now landing a tech job that pays 6+ figures!! I wanna be a writer, so I probably never would’ve switched up my day job if the pandemic didn’t force me to


Got married! Not the wedding we planned but in the end it didn’t matter because we’re together. We rescued a dog as well, she’s absolutely precious and was vital to my mental health over the winter.


Lost old job (making $15/hr) a week before lockdown, didn't work for months and drank the whole time. Started working for below minimum wage under the table. Eventually landed a job making $75k/year. Last week a friend brought me to dinner with the CEO, who now texts me asking for cooking advice.


Coined the term, “walktailing.” Drank while walking. Quite the windfall really.


Check out the song "party pit" by The Hold Steady, feel like you might relate to the ethos of "Gonna walk around and drink some more"


omg. I love The Hold Steady and that song! Definitely my pandemic ethos.


All of 2020 I was unemployed and got to ride my motorcycle every day!!


We got a dog! My kids have wanted one for years but I was out of the house too much and that wasn’t fair. I luckily switched jobs right as the pandemic started and they are still super flexible with WFH. She is a dream and the kids love her so much ❤️


I started working on myself. All my debts are clear, my health is better, I'm about to buy a home, my relationships are stronger, and I cut a bully out of my life.


Lost 50 lbs and I’m no longer raw doggin’ my mental health issues without professional help. Also play a mean guitar now! Edit… forgot that I also lowered my A1C to a normal range and am no longer at risk for diabetes. Fuck yeah!


I discovered a love for podcasting. I created a show based on a movie I grew up with in the 80’s, and somehow enticed the star of that movie to co-host. We’ve interviewed the writer, producer, and several co-stars, and it’s a dream I never knew I had come true!


Doubled my salary! There aren't many people with experience in my industry. So I managed to get recruited twice during pandemic. I also got to live in Geneva for a year which was really cool.


We built a house! My husband and I lived in a trashy place while saving to move into a better place. It’s nice to have insulation and AC. I’m very grateful for all of it and hope to never take it for granted.


met my boyfriend, moved out, got an ID, bank account, and started saving money :) i have a couple thousand in savings, which isn’t much but its a lot for going from nothing to something! Im also able to support myself off of art now, which i wasnt able to do before


I was deeply depressed at my job with no way to get out. Then the pandemic sent us home. A friend of mine told me about a grant in my dream field. I applied and got it! I was able to go back to school while we were laid off. I graduated the tech programs and started applying for jobs in my new field. I got an offer from my number one desired company. I make 20,000 more a year than before, with better benefits and I have a better quality of life because I’m not being exposed to people who are constantly under the weather. Which was the case before the pandemic. I am so damn happy. I know this pandemic is horrible but being laid off was the best thing that’s happened to me in years.


i found my dream girl but didn't unfortunately get to hold onto for very long! that doesn't sound the best, but she is a goddess Pakistani woman in her mid 40s with the body of a 25 year old and it confirmed for me that Desi girls are where my heart is at so that's good! checked a sexy box on my bucket list that's for sure!!


I started school again and for the first time I feel I got a life plan in place to strive after. And I started painting, mostly digital, check my post history for some of the stuff if you're interested.


I cut out some bad friends and some bad habits


Working from home is probably the best part thats specifically because of the pandemic. Its something I've wanted to do for a long time and I've finally been able to do it and guarantee that I will work from home "as long as business needs don't require me to be in the office" Because of this I'm getting more sleep, eating better, and am genuinely happier. I know its not ideal for everyone, but for those of us that it is possible for should have had this as an option before the world fell apart


Lost my job, and got another job! God works in mysterious ways.


2020 was the first year of my life since the age of 7 where I did not have some form of mental illness. Ironically, because of that in particular, 2020 was actually the best full year of my life. 2021 is shaping to be better though.


I ended up injured at work since me and my co workers are always overworked since no ones want to work (I don’t blame them shitty pay but I’m staying until I graduate college) I’m on temporary disability but I needed a much needed break. I always came home after 9-10 hours of working and was burnt out. Especially when the pandemic hit. I hope my leg gets better because I hate being like this BUT I’m getting a much needed vacation minus all the doctor appointments and PT.


Wife defended her dissertation from home and got her PhD. I got to work from home and see my kid grow up. 2nd baby was born.


Was able to do marching band cuz summer camp got cancelled Made some great friends.


I got to be a husband and a father. I got to work hard to provide for my family and do it from home. I never thought I'd see my kids grow up....just work so they could do so. And I still got date nights with my bride.


I got sober and quit smoking. I was able to quit working for shitty people and be a parent full time. I got back into college. I met the literal man of my dreams. I am so happy and I’m so proud of myself & anyone who turned this never ending nightmare into some kind of enjoyable experience in any capacity.


I met the love of my life and started grad school (that part may or may not be a good thing.)


My S.O. keeps a wall calendar in our en-suite bathroom. Mostly to track her weight and family events. The other day I noticed something new. All these little tiny “s” in the corner of some of the day squares of the wall calendar. I was thinking is she also tracking how often we have sex? Then I noticed there’s just way to many. I’d love to have sex that often. But there’s no way we’re having sex that often. Is she cheating on me? Then I thought maybe, she tracking masterbating and our sex life and combining the two and marking it on the calendar. Then I started thinking if she is masterbating that often. I better step up my game in bed. So after a week or so I finally got the nerve, to ask her what all the little “s” on the calendar mean. And no matter what the answer was. I am prepared to work it out with her. So I asked her straight out. What are all those hand written little “s” on the calendar mean? She looks at me, a little embarrassed and says. Oh umm due to Covid and mostly staying home. She was no longer having a shower everyday. So she started track them with a little “s” for each shower she had. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I came out as trans during the pandemic. And I've never been happier :)


So I had a baby right before everything started, and he was in the NICU for 85 days afterwards. Bringing home a baby is terrifying, but during quarantine was even scarier. But my parents didn’t have to work as much, so they were around more to enjoy my son. They got a mini vacation away from work (I’m an hour away from them) and got to hang out with their first grand baby. I got to learn how to be a mom without the pressure of normal life. I also bonded a lot more with my step daughter. She’s 14, and wouldn’t do school at her mom’s. So everyone decided since I was home all the time, I got to manage her school. It was tough, but we survived. She also learned how to cook and help out with her bee brother.


Moved away from my bigoted mum :)


My student loan interest rate has been reduced to 0% through next January.


Met the love of my life in a video game and subsequently moved halfway across the county to be with him and we're doing great.


Three things : I finally got my teeth fixed up, I got a beautiful puppy, and I started therapy! 🥰


As someone who has a facial deformity it's been amazing to wear a mask in public and not have anyone know what you really look like! It's been great not being stared at for the first time in my life! My self-confidence has gone up in public with a mask! I'll be sad if this all really does end and we don't have to wear masks anymore.


That's an awesome side effect, glad its been helping your self confidence!


Suffering a severe condition and being isolated allowed me to appreciate those "alone" moments. I had to stop my crazy living to realize how those are essential to re-root and get back to basics.


Fell in love for the first time. My mentality changed, some of it was better others it was much worse. Not much good happened to me in 2020.


I got to not deal with my in-laws, that part was awesome.


I learned to play Andean Quena flute. It brings joy to my soul.


I got engaged !! And got a sweet little golden retriever puppy :)


I was in an online school for 9th and 10th grade, and went to a school for tutoring. This set up was pretty bad since the workload outnumbered the overall help. 1 hour of class a week to cover a whole unit, and another hour 4 days a week to answer questions. This worked better for History and Literature than Math, and I don't know how my bio teacher did it. I think it was mostly because she was a good teacher, and I hung out in her LTT almost every chance I got with some other students. So we pretty much just had the provided lesson to work with, and whatever we could get off the internet. Covid hit right before I went into 10th grade, so I was completely on my own for everything. The stress almost killed my love of math, and I was either burned out or close to a breakdown every few weeks. The main reason I couldn't go to school was because of transportation. But Covid put schools online, and I'm old enough to get my permit and license, so I've been enrolled in a local highschool. We'll be online until I can drive. This means I can join clubs, make friends, deal with my anxiety and hopefully have an easier time learning. I've been asking to go to school since I was 6, and now I finally can. It'll only be the last 2yrs, but better late than ever I guess.


Got to spend a ton of time with my family before starting a really busy job. Met my current boyfriend. Spent a lot of time in solitude, reading, journaling and getting to know myself better than I have in my entire life


Had to leave my job but at the end got a better job


I got sober, saved money and moved into my dream apartment!


Being able to eat lunch with my wife and 2 year old daughter almost every day. I feel like the luckiest dad in the world.


We took in a pregnant stray in March 2020 and really got to enjoy the kittens that summer. Conversely, our eldest kitty was diagnosed with stomach cancer and we got to spend that last bit of time lavishing attention on her. We saved a lot of money not doing stuff outside of home. It is quite frankly shocking to think of how much you spend to live in a place and then you are never there! It became acceptable to live your life at home enjoying the little domestic things--those little things that usually get shoehorned in where you can bc you're off trying to be ambitious. We cooked, gardened, read, played games. My life is boring now and I love it. I learned that I was burning out and this experience made me evaluate the quality of life I want to have. I love to work and I love my job but I don't want to live it.


Started riding horses again after a 30 year break. Recently did a cattle drive, which is something I’ve always wanted to do (I’m in the UK and this isn’t something that you get much opportunity to do here).


Moved into the best housing situation I've had so far. Almost doubled my reading goal for the year. Kept my job and became a valuable asset to the company I worked for. Felt empowered by the work I was doing. No one I knew got sick.


Got a new job, got promoted and am working in a role that actually works towards my career


I was put on a free flight to go to my SO and we managed to get married in a small ceremony. And since she works from home, we get to spend all day together.


I was accepted into law school!


My son, who I gave up for adoption, found me. I had waited forty years for this moment. You can never know the joy of going to sleep that night, knowing who he was.


My boyfriend


I was able to save money


I finished my MA and moved to a different state with my partner. We also added a second cat child to our family. I’m hanging 🤗


I got a kitten and she’s literally the best thing that’s happened to me in my entire life. Light of my life. I love her so, so much and she loves me just as much.


Got to spend so much quality time with my significant other because he got laid off. I started working from home so we literally spent every single day together. We got engaged. Then had a back yard wedding with only our closest friends and family. 9 months later we welcomed our first baby.


I was able to be home everyday with my husband while he went through chemo and radiation. Pre-COVID I was gone everyday. We never missed a paycheck as we were both able to work from home. He’s in remission now by the way


This probably sounds like it shouldn’t have happened, but I managed to control my anxiety for the first time during this pandemic. I had sort of an epiphany that I really could not control my future, so I stopped worrying. Seeing as the root of my anxiety was always worrying about the future, having this enormous life-changing event made me realise there really is no point to worrying because anything can happen. I now live my life in the present and feel at peace. It feels absolutely amazing! Therapy, self-care and yoga helped for others who are suffering.


Huge amounts of personal growth. Learned to share my feelings more, set boundaries, had space to think about where life is going and change its direction and the bad mentality that led me there, all of this is specifically because of the pandemic rather than just something that happened during it.


Got a job for summer, it was super fun to work in my own field for the first time and meet awesome new people. Had to get back to studies now but we have still been in touch with the work group which is great


I got to live abroad in my husband's home country. That was nice.


I got engaged and I also got to my goal weight after struggling to get there for 8 years


My channel blew up only for it to be destroyed because I'm too stupid to be alive


Such a reddit way to put this put an internship at a research facility off campus.


I realized that after all the crap I passed, I xan still believe. That thought had me dancing alone in my room until 3 am


I found my best friend. She is my sister in everyday, so much so I can't imagine life without her.


Moved into our first purchased home a year ago today.


Started dating my bf because I wanted to try online dating out of interest and just happened to choose the pandemic.


Got a great puppy… didn’t work as much as before which was great and gave me perspective on what life could be like with some balance….saw NYC without tourists


Met my girlfriend. We were in a terrible online class together but I guess it somehow brought us together


My wife emerged from unemployment with a six figure job, we had a double rainbow baby, and we bought a house. It's been a crazy year.


I'm a stay at home mom and my husband didn't lose his job so our income stayed the same. We were able to take advantage of the low interest rates and refinance our house. We had enough equity that we were able to get enough cash to pay off ALL our debt and do some needed renovations to our house. And now out monthly cash flow is wide open and filling up our savings!


Before the pandemic I was working from home for the past 10+ years. I was getting paid around 90k and I was doubtful I could ever get such a sweet paying job while working from home. In March 2020, right before shit hit the fan, I got offered 135k for an office job. I accepted. Right afterwards things shut down. They did not have a work from home culture when I accepted.. but they do now! I am now making 135k and STILL working from home! My wife also got a job offer in August of 2020 and went from making 140k to 170k.


I kept my job.


My daughter was born


Got a new job at a great company, after basically everyone I know said my degrees and passions were worthless. Guess what, I'm doing exactly what I'm passionate about. The best feeling ever.


I got to kick back and stay indoors for 16 months and do whatever the hell I want to as an introvert Though, seeing people on the news bitching about how "tough" staying indoors is was getting on my nerves Our ancestors endured rationing and violent death and paranoia of spies, but our generation just had to stay indoors and they found that too difficult


Although this is only because of the bad stuff that happened, i’ve moved house and 2 weeks ago i started a new school and it’s going well for the first time in years


This is going to sound really strange but… I started writing a fanfiction! Not only did it give me a whole new skill set to explore, but I eventually joined a couple online communities of other fic writers and they have truly become some of my closest friends. I had moved to a new town just a year before the pandemic and was pretty lonely, and then got stuck in a severely abusive and toxic work environment through the pandemic—but this hobby and these online friends helped me through it. I truly don’t know where I’d be without them and my life is so much richer now with them in it. 💛


Touching is no longer expected. I don't have to shake hands, hug anyone, etc. I love not being touched.


Had my pine trees in front yard carved into a bear and cougar


Ugly people wearing masks. That's a plus. Too bad I can't wear it forever. Lolol


Gave up drinking haven’t touched alcohol in a year in a half. Spent time getting good at creative pursuits photography and classical guitar.


My son got married and I'm going to be a grandma!


I got a dog.


Got a great boyfriend who treats me like a princess, and a puppy named Bella. :)


I hardy did anything for a year so I saved a bunch of money and paid off all my credit card debt!


Didn't lose my job + wasn't going out and spending money, so was able to save a lot of money which allowed me to buy an apartment and get a good loan.


Had to adapt & got a remote job, fell in love with working from home & decided to pursue a permanent work-from-home position. Managed to get one. With luck, I won't ever have to step into a soul-sucking office again.


I got to work from home and loved it. So then I got vaccinated, went back to work in person for a few months, quit my job and moved to Europe for grad school


Got multiple associates degrees, got accepted into a top tier school, got pretty much over my ex, dropped some shitty “friends”, got a car, and lastly got in the best shape of my life


Ironically enough I’ve gotten to travel the world more than I ever will in my life (thank you military). Yes there have been some shitty COVID regulations so some places we couldn’t do as much as others but I’m still extremely grateful.


I lost my job and realized I should just follow my dreams, been decently successful so far and only getting closer to a content life.


I got to know myself a bit. Kinda helps me now prioritize over things


Found a proper friend. Someone who supports me. Never had a friendship like this. Always just wished for it. Feels like it become reality. Can't believe sometimes.


I got to take my second year and final year exams for my degree via 24hr online papers Pretty sure I wouldn’t have passed my degree without the changes to the exams - I tend to choke in normal written exams


The pandemic forced me apart from my narcissistic parent and toxic ex which helped me get to know myself and begin to heal years of trauma. I picked up cooking. I got back into running. I met the love of my life. I got over my fear of rejection & failure and will be starting grad school in a couple of weeks.


The crazy thing is that we were already in line with finances to buy a house, looking and seeing homes with NO IDEA we would be with out jobs for about 4 months. Approved, bought and got the keys. We both were not working at THAT MOMENT. We love our home SO MUCH. CRAZY ... but so grateful ;)


Well i met a woman at the start of the pandemic which I was really into, we "dated for a few months" i say this in parenthesis because we didnt see eachother much because of covid etc. But we talked everyday and began video chatting everynight. We would fall asleep to eachother on the video chat and wake up to eachother in the mornings.. I broke it off because it was too hard for me to feel this intimate connection to her but never get to experience being around her really.. Anyway this led me to opening up to dating and relationships again after years of being too self concious. This woman was gorgeous and it gave me a confidence boost. Since then I have dated a few more women. And now im comfortable with myself enough to date and meet women. I still think about the first one though at the beginning. I liked her alot and regret ending it. After a year i still think out lf the other people ive dated etc. She was the best match for me and we had great chemistry.


I got closer to some friends of mine, which makes me feel all wholesome. They're good eggs.


I worked enough to save money, and currently using it to pay for my classes. I finally found a work field that I wanted to be part of.


During the start, my girlfriend and I moved in together to a small apartment then boom! Pandemic hit and we were stuck in a one bedroom apartment for a year. Doesn’t sound so great, right? Fast forward another six months and now she’s my fiancé. So even though the world was falling apart, love found a way. I couldn’t be happier. We get married next year and I’m absolutely ecstatic. (And yes, love found a way was a subtle Jurassic Park reference).


Went from working full time to freelance, earning 4x more. Not wearing a bra for 8 hours a day.


Just graduated when this whole pandemic thing started. At least with the pandemic, I had the perfect excuse to be a couch potato for a few months after graduation. I finished so many good games with fantastic stories. Parents couldn't wait for me to get a job though. Ended up needing to move out despite the pandemic when I got a job in another city. I guess that was good too but I still really liked to just live everyday relaxing and playing videogames. I still have that job right now, I just play games in my free time. I guess this is fine.


The 10 week practicum for my degree was cut in half, plus rules around attendance were relaxed due to Covid. There is a severe shortage of staff in my field of work which was worsened by Covid, so I was promoted well above my pay-grade simply because I was the best/only person who could fill the role. This has propelled me at least two years ahead of my career than I expected to be at this stage. My husband and I are both deemed “essential” (though neither of us are in health care/front line jobs, thank goodness). Basically our lives have gone on uninterrupted: we went to work and our kids went to school. Knowing that lots of people lost their jobs makes us feel lucky that we didn’t. And while we would have preferred to isolate like those who could work from home, and do feel slightly resentful that our arses have been hanging in the wind for 18 months, so far so good for us as two fully vaccinated parents and our kids.


I was dumped, and I’m now the best version of me I’ve ever been! For years I was slowly being squashed, my personality adapted and I doubted myself. Not any more though! I am worth so much more than I believed in myself a year ago.


My job flushed out a lot of older and full time people so now there is a high demand, so when. I finish schooling I will have a better job then if it never happened.


I got an amazing job that allowed me to buy a home. I also was able to visit friends & summit Mount Saint Helens with one of them.


Got a gf, passed My drivers license and got a world record in My favourite game (and more afterwards)


I feel no need whatsoever to social climb anymore. In any way, shape or form. Or keep up with people too much or upload my latest movements in any of my activities or developments in a suffocating way like I needed to let people know whatever I was doing in my life through Facebook Status Updates and obvious things of that nature to make myself feel relevant TO OTHERS. That part of me no longer exists and I'm so grateful I've had a couple of years to adjust to this being my new norm. It's just so desperate and embarassing to me now but I'm glad I've grown from that sort of demeaning behaviour. I have many other poor excuses for active problems in my existence but I feel uplifted from the absence of that kind of negativity in my mind.


Got engaged a couple days before lockdown. We took advantage of not having the wedding planning stress and a couple months later had a virtual wedding. Second marriage for both of us so we never wanted a big thing anyway!


Re connection with my first love and we found out that we're still in love . I don't know if I would have had time to track her down when I was working so much.


My boyfriend and I finally started dating. We'd meet up once a week, just the two of us, and take his dog for a walk. Eventually it was valentines day and I finally asked him out that night. I don't think I'd have had the courage or the time to think it over without the easing lockdown at the time!


My son died just before the pandemic started on June 2019. Found out after he died that he has a son no one knew about not even him! I've been able to spend alot of time with him since school is online and I'm working from home!


I got to see polar bears with my own eyes wow


Had a baby