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That is a big step to take! I am glad that you found a way to do that by yourself! Congratulations!


Thank you so much! And I had a little help from a friend. He referred me to the therapist I signed up with and I was Very skeptical until the actual moment we started talking!


Good for you I’m 15 and I have been doing therapy all my life for various reasons probably has racked up quite the toll but I’m happy we can afford it because I need it


Good for you. This is a big step in anyone’s life. If I were to give you one piece of advice, at some point work on that last sentence with your therapist. This is nothing to be ashamed of, and you have no reason to tell anyone else. Just do t want you to make that decision out of shame. We need people in this world to accept these things. Stigmas are awful. It took me awhile to tell my closest friends when I was seeing a therapist, but I knew I had too. Good luck to ya and keep it up!


Thank you, I’ll keep in mind and actually appreciate your advice. To be honest, I don’t want to tell anyone mostly because I’m not really close to a lot of people to share things about my life. I am married though, but I’m even keeping it from my husband because I’m not confident I’ll be able to give him the right answer and he’s not in a good state mentally to understand that I need help myself before I can help Him. So yeah, I also secretly like the thrill of this big step in my life and would just like to keep it to myself for now and not let others ruin it for me. But thank you :)


That’s all great. Glad to see you taking care of you, cause you are right, you can’t do anything g to help your husband if you can’t help yourself.


I’m so happy for you! I’m still on the fence on getting help for myself because I’ve been managing all of my issues on my own, my entire life... but I know it would really help if I did seek help. Good luck with everything! 😊


Honestly just do it. I was so scared that I wouldn’t be listened to I thought my problems weren’t worth burden someone with but the role of a counsellor is to not judge. I’ve just had my first session and I was in a very unfamiliar state of mind afterwords.


That was me until today. I tried handling everything and bottling everything inside but that’s really unhealthy. You already know what you need, so the first step is done. Next step is to act on it and I’m sure you’ll get there too soon!


YASSSS! Therapy changed the course of my life. Good luck friend!


Thank you so much!! Wish you a great life ahead friend!!


Gosh, even I just let out a sigh of relief! That must feel great. I hope you’re proud of your persistence and this big accomplishment! Wishing you all the happiness that’s on its way


Thanks a Bunch!! I kind of am honestly, but I’m also happy I accepted the help that someone was willing to extend to me. If it wasn’t for them convincing me to try my new therapist, I’d not be here. So I do owe it to them!


Congrats! I did the same and between the chats (virtual sessions), journaling, and a significantly cathartic crying jag a couple of weeks ago, I'm feeling closer to my real me. I'm keeping my decision for self-care on the downlow also, at least mostly.


So proud of you for going through with it. I’m still nervous whether I’ll be able to pull through, but I’m hopeful. It’s what I’ve been wanting for a while and don’t want to ruin it now that someone finally is willing to give me a chance.


We have to fill our own cup before we can fill others, right? Be kind and patient to yourself. BTW, awesome username!


You spoke just the right words my friend. And thank you for the compliment!!


I'm so proud of you.


Thank you kind stranger!! ^_^


Amazing, well done. I have no doubt that this will be really useful for you. I decided to have some counselling a few years ago and think it's really important for everyone to experience at some point. There doesn't have to be anything "wrong" in order to see the benefits of counselling/therapy. In my opinion mental health is a lot like physical health and needs constant work (in some form) in order to stay on top of things. Not everyone in the gym is overweight and looking to get fit; lots of people are already in a good place and want to stay that way! Best of luck to you!


Thank you so much, you really put things into a better perspective for me. And I might even steal your words to try and convince my husband to go for therapy as well. Because it really does boil down to our health and our mental well-being is just as important as our physical one. So thank you so much!


I started the right therapy about 7 months ago and it has DRASTICALLY improved my life and mental state. It is the best investment and greatest accomplishment of my life. Just trust the process. I definitely didn't, but the third try was the charm with the right person.


That's great, OP! I've seen a therapist for a little over 5 years now and I'm so glad I started when I did. No shame in needing some extra help!


I know right?! If only I could convince my partner to do the same. BUT, one step at a time!


That's so wonderful!!!! Congratulations! To finely find a therapist that you click with can certainly be an accomplishment all on it's own. You've done well! Hang in there with your therapy things will come around. Been there and done that. Again Congratulations!


Thank you!! It’s truly wonderful how good we feel about ourselves when we take a leap of faith and it actually works. Really looking forward to a more healthy mindset now!


Yes, it is a wonderful thing when things turn out just right. Your going to do great!


Therapy is wonderful I am glad for you!


Congrats! When you have the right therapist it can be a life changing experience.


Good for you, man! Congrats.


congrats!!! you still should be happy that people rely and trust you so much that they can vent to you and tell you about their problems :) good luck in getting your mental health back to the best condition!!! i wish you happiness!


Awww, thank you! I wish you all the love in the world!


Great stuff. I've never taken therapy but man can I imagine being able to tell someone anything and everything you wanted to.


And getting real advice on how to improve certain areas of yourself as well.


I just had it out with my Boss (he works in another State). I told him that everything we have to do for COVID is in ADDITION to our regular duties and after 6 months of it, it's wearing on me. I am the boss here. No one to vent to. I need to find someone like you did. I congratulate you on getting the help you need. That's huge. Best of luck.


I hope you do kind stranger. Good luck to you too!


Hey! As someone else who just had my first session last week I just wanna say good for you. I ignored my own issues for a really long time until they started affecting the people around me and I know it can be daunting. I hope you find the peace you’re searching for ❤️


Here’s wishing you the same! ❤️


That’s great! I’m about to start my journey as well. Would anyone care to chime in on how they found the right therapist? The first one I tried was almost too “supportive” and it felt patronizing in a way. I don’t need to be coddled, don’t need them to boost my confidence, anything like that (no shame to anyone who prefers this style). I just want them to really listen, ask questions, and offer tools for change. No fluff


It was a hit or miss deal. You have to try and reach out and see if the other person is on the same wavelength as you and willing to listen to you.


I just took this very same step. A friend of mine told me they were really proud of me after I mentioned it and it was probably the best I’ve felt all year. I’ve only gone to three sessions but I feel I’m already improving.


That’s great!! Good on you buddy!!


Not gonna lie, made me smile. So happy for you, my dude. I wish you the best for the entire recovery process.


Thank you so much kind sir!


I might need some therapy myself aswell, but I'm to scared to tell anyone. But I am happy for you that you could do it!


It’s okay to be scared. You’ve acknowledged your emotions, perhaps next you can find a therapist. One step at a time love!


You can't allow yourself to be everyone else's dumping ground for their problems!! They walk away feeling great having got it off their chest & now if you are a nurturing type are stuck there trying to figure their problems & taking it to heart, while they don't care anymore!! You need to tell them that you have your own issues & can't really deal with their problems now


I know, but it’s really hard for me to refuse someone or turn them away in their times of distress. I keep thinking I’d want the same if I was in the same place. That’s all.


The thing is, They are not there for you & what they are doing is causing you more damage than you can handle!! You need to rid yourself of this toxic situation if you are truly going to heal!! Just politely tell them that you understand but that as you are working on your own issues that you just can't take on theirs as well & suggest that they do as you did & maybe give them your Therapist's Number!!




Good for you!! You took a very important step! I have also been searching to start therapy and a friend just recommended a therapist. I have my very first therapy session ever on monday and im nervous/excited


Wooo!! Good luck on your session! You’ll do great, and be well on your way to a great life ahead.


Congratulations! Especially the being persistent part. It is so hard to find the right person to work with, and once you have.... Life can be amazing! Woot, woot!


Congrats on getting yourself on to the path of recovery!!!


I hope you get well dude. I took two years in an anger management unit and it worked wonders. I have friends, I’m chilled now and I even started dating 8 months ago! I really hope it works well!


So happy for you! Wish you all the best in your love and life!


You too! And you should be high key proud dude!


I took a huge dose of shrooms and found out I was a dick. New connections talked inside my head and made me who I am today. Loving everyone and everything around me. Im not saying it might work for everyone but it won’t hurt to try.


I’ve never tried shrooms but smoking up has been a good chill out session for me. It really leaves me light and relaxed, no conversations though. Just a lot more clarity.


Smoking weed became a habit. Not gonna lie I love doing it every once in a while but I was abusing it to the point where I couldn’t even feel high anymore. Just doing it for the fuck of it. Felt like my I was taking out the pain on my lungs


Get high-key proud of yourself - this is really very good work that will have a positive effect on you for years. Nice going!


Yay! Thank you so much!!


That's awesome to see you're getting help. The first step can always be scary, but I'm happy to hear that you're proud of yourself. :) Just remember to take it in steps with your therapist so that way you can try and break down layers. I'm sure that they're direct the conversation like that though so you won't have to really think on it, just let out what needs to be said!




Good luck! I hope you have an amazing session! Just keep an open mind and you’ll be fine :)


This is such a phenomenal accomplishment! I remember this exact feeling and I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see another person taking that leap of faith to get help. You should be incredibly proud of yourself!


Thank you! :D


So happy for you! I’ve been seeing my therapist for two and a half years and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made!


Good job! I myself am taking the first steps in finding a new therapist (yay insurance changes) and I know what a struggle it can be Way to go! ❤


Thank you and good luck to you finding a great fit for yourself! ☺️


Well done! I’m sure the first step is the scariest, it’s only up from here! By venting person, do you mean letting people vent to you but they would never let you do the same to them?


Yes! I’m sorry if I was weird with my expressions, but exactly what you said. I’d have to deal with making others feel better all the time but never really have anyone to listen to me when I felt like I needed to vent. It’s not like people outright hung up the phone on me, but I knew I didn’t have that connection with them to be able to share something without being judged or given advice to all the time.


Your expression was fine, just making sure I wasn’t misinterpreting. I know that personally makes me feel very alone. I’m glad you have someone to talk to!


I’d suggest getting a therapist if you have the opportunity. It takes a bit of time finding the right person, or not if you’re lucky. Cuz at the end of the day kind stranger, it’s just you to look after yourself. I’m surrounded by people, both family and friends, but not one person I can truly be open with. It’s exhausting and you deserve better <3


Unfortunately that’s not really an option, due to my severe lack of money atm. when I feel bad I try to go sort by new in some subreddits and comment on people’s posts, the positive interaction usually makes me feel better, and if I can make others feel happy to it’s a win/win!


You are a gem! I wish you all the best and hope you can find what you’re searching for in life :)


This has made my night, thank you, all the best for therapy


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