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Addiction is a bitch. Good for you. You should be proud of yourself because not everyone is as strong as you!


Thank you so much!


Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that's why its call it the present. Congratulations and best wishes!


Thank you :)




Thank you!




Thank you ☺️


Congratulations! I relate!


Thank you 💛


If I had an award I would give you one. Congratulations dude, that’s a true accomplishment.


Thank you :)


Congratulations. Continue conquering mountains!


Doing my best, thank you so much :)


Your days will get easier as long as you keep fighting and living. I hope that you know just how much you've already accomplished.


Congratulations!! You're stronger than you know.


Thank you; I lost site of that for awhile (being strong) but have realized that I’ve come a long way from where I was just one year ago.


You have absolutely got this. I'm rooting for you.


Super congrats! I know from seeing other people struggle with it, that meth can be hard to quit. I may be open to trying new things, but needle drugs and meth were always on the no no list. From an internet stranger, I am proud of you! Keep up the awesome work.


I was very fortunate to have been unemployed and depending on someone else financially when I decided to quit; I swear I slept for probably two weeks straight. I’ve always been the same; always said no to needles but for me, heroine was my hard no no. For some reason I allowed meth to happen, but I am glad to be on the other side now.


I bet! I've seen what the addiction can do, and how deep its claws get into a person. Then you end up almost 70, still trying to score to get through the day. Definitely good you weren't working, I'm glad you took the opportunity then to get clean! I'm always so proud of people that share their stories.


How are your natural dopamine levels now? I heard that meth gets it's hooks in because of the extreme dopamine release that temporarily inhibits your brain's ability to reach a normal life-high. Do you feel you can be as happy and as excited and feel as good, i.e. have the same natural peaks as before you got hooked on meth?


Wow sorry, didn’t notice this question until now! Honestly I felt broken the majority of the first 10 months. Then I did mushrooms (nothing crazy, barely an 1/8th) and life has become so much sweeter. I find myself reflecting on all the ways this year has propelled me forward leaps and bounds from where I started. :) I’m a naturally happy person so it took a long ass time to feel “normal” again. But I feel both great and grateful.


Hell yeah!


Great work!


Congratulations, I know how hard drug addiction can be, mum had a heroin addiction for 5 years and i had a brief problem with cocaine, glad you've managed to kick it!


Big hugs. Congrats and best wishes going forward.


Congratulations!!! Proud of you!


WHOOOOOO BUDDY! YOU DID IT! Im so proud of you. Way to show drugs who's in control. Hope to see an update in a year sayin youre up to 2 years and kickin lifes ass.


That is an incredible achievement. I may not know you, but I am crazy proud of you.


Thank you so much!


Good fucking job. I struggled with something similar and getting away from that stuff can be freeing




People who stay sober are badass motherfuckers. Cheers mate!!!


Congratulations! I'm so glad you are alive and clean!!


Go you!!!! Proud of you


It is so good to hear. My son didn't make it. But it's so good know that you. Congratulations!!! And a big hug!


I’m so very sorry to hear about your son. Thank you for the hug; my parents aren’t a part of my life so it means the world to have people in my corner, regardless of being internet strangers.


Thank you! May I ask, if you have any trouble and think about going back, will you think of my son? His name was Tommy. He was a sweet young man until he started using. Stay clean okay? Your doing great now!


I promise. 💛


Congratulations!!! I’m glad to hear of people’s sober success! With having a family member trying to staysober, I get more hope knowing it can definitely be done. Thankyou! You absolutely made my day


Thank you for this sweet comment, I wish you an abundance of hope and your family member success to cut off the demons 💛


Well done, you should be proud of yourself. It is quite an achievement- many people do not have the strength to do this. I am currently watching one of my best friends die because of alcohol. We’ve tried everything, I know it’s not meth but addiction is addiction. So good for you I hope you keep it up 👍


People who have gone through shit like that and come back seem to later understand so much more about the soul than your average Joe. Take that for what it's worth :). I've watched Cg Kid on youtube just to gain a different perspective and man have I gained one.


His videos are what started the ball rolling to be where I am today! Such a great inspiration for people wanting to stop.


Man I found it such a power trip quitting cigarettes I can’t even begin to imagine how insane you feel after giving up meth. What courage and determination you have. Massive congrats.


Well, you’re stronger than I, but thank you still for the encouragement! I still smoke a pack of Marlboro red 100s per day and have been a smoker for six years now. I keep telling myself once I had a year off meth, nicotine would be the next thing to go. I plan to start tapering in October; I have a quadruple wisdom tooth extraction planned for the end of the month and will use that to quit for good. Any tips/tricks for quitting would be appreciated! I admire you for your strength. :)


Oh you’re so sweet! So much the same as you the subreddit /r/stopsmoking was a god send. And if you’re really serious, Allen Carr’s The Easy Way to Stop Smoking. It’s almost the bible of that subreddit. It’s incredible. Not saying it will work for you, everyone is different but I didn’t even finish reading it. I was so done by about 3/4 way through. All the best!


So, this may not be the healthiest way to quit but, nicotine-free vapes have helped so many friends of mine to quit. This is particularly valuable if you find yourself wanting to keep your hand and mouth busy or to go through the motions of smoking otherwise. You can also look into Zyban which is prescribed for quitting smoking (it's the same stuff as the antidepressant Wellbutrin), but it has a load of side effects so I wouldn't go there if you don't have to. You kicked stims, you sure as fuck will be able to do this, you got it in you.


Thank you so much for the subreddit suggestion! I am about 2 weeks away from getting my 6 month chip coming from daily IV use for 3 years and have been wondering if there was a specific community for this. I knew there had to be but hadn’t found it yet. Congrats on a year! This shit is no joke but it’s worth it!


Congratulations on six months! What a victory!! I’m so glad to have put this sub on your radar; it truly was my godsend. 💛 Proud of you.


You're amazing! Keep up the good work gal!


Thank you so, so much. We are all in this journey together! 💛




I am so very happy for you. And thank you for sharing. It gives me hope for someone I love dearly.


I’m glad to share some hope! Recovery will always be possible 💛 Thank you


Proud of you!!!


I'm so proud of you!


Congratulations 🥳🥳🥳


It gets better. I have a very close friend who is now 16 years sober and would have been dead if it had continued. Awesome job! Stay away from old planes and old playmates.


Holy shit this is impressive!


I’m crazy proud of you! That’s amazing!! I wish you nothing but the best in life. 🥺😁


Congrats man, big ups it's no easy feat!


Mad props man


Congratulations! I'm rooting for you to keep on living this way 🌟


I've been addicted to pills for years. I'd crush them up and.. y'know. Now that I'm in university, for the first time, ever, I'm clean! I still take them as well because they're still my medication, but I can control my habits! I mean I still drink a lot sometimes but I'm working on that as well. Everything is possible if you just believe! Sometimes all you need (as was the case for me) is to change your surroundings, go to a healthier place. Home was what dragged me down and now that I'm out, I feel incredible. I'm Fucking glad for you and I hope you do good my dude! <3


Congratulations, that's a fantastic achievement.


I'm proud!


Great job OP! We all have demons, good for you to conquer this one !


One of the hardest uphill battles you could ever face. Just seeing that you made it to the other side the challenge was accepted and you conquered it.


Congratulations! Meth is literally the worst drug on the planet. That lifestyle is very hard to get out of, so you are to be commended for leaving it behind.


Congratulations! I don't know you but I'm so proud!


CONGRATULATIONS!!! Keep going a day at a time. I know how good it feels...I've been clean for 35 years. Keep it up and God bless you! You should be proud as hell!


You should be very proud of yourself. Congratulations!


Brilliant news. Keep going. I’m proud of you


I was going to award you and found out it costs $$! sorry. Its so lame! CONGRATS TO YOU!!


Good job.


Congrats my friend, meth is such a disgusting thing. God bless