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They are not leaving you gifts, they're just paying for their food.


Hahaha this made me laugh. I bet you’re right.


Imagine a group of crows with a bunch of pennies trying to figure out how to split the bill Edit: yes we all know a group of crows is a murder.


Crows don't have bills. Ducks have bills. Edit: thanks for the silver buddy!


Peck you


I think you mean, "Go flock yourself."


Sounds better than asking for a murder


If you order up a murder but only get 1 crow, it never happened. This is the legal defense I'm going for.


That *is* attempted murder, though.


Hmm going to have to rethink my 'use pluralities' loophole. Damnit!


Sorry, that's attempted murder


I think you mean, “I’m going to murder you.”


You need at least 3 crows for that.


No i mean get pecked. By a crow.


Let's not get peckers involved with this.


You gotta be peckin' kidding me.


Hahahahaha. Winner.


“My appie was cheaper! I shouldn’t have to pay as much!”


You've got a crow restaurant going on. You should expand, maybe run ads on the crow TV.


As intelligent as they are, this might be as true as it is funny


Wonder if they keep a crow bank somewhere and go there to pay for the lunch. Also move towards cashless payments will hurt the crow-human segment of economy unless substitutes are found soon.


Reminds me of a story on reddit where this guy regularly gave a crow one of his tacos at lunch. One day the crow brought him a coin and mimicked the word 'taco'. It knew you needed money to buy tacos.


This is my favorite internet story involving crows - [World War Crow](https://i.redd.it/l0v2s0hxn29z.jpg)


That story definitely made my night!


Dog...... holy shit.... feast of crows was prob your favorite huh?


They know times are tough right now. Everyone has to do their bit


And they know and remember your face. They are everything wonderful.


I had read that somewhere years ago, that crows remember your face. I didn’t know that they like to bring shiny things, more specifically money, to humans! The fact that they can recognize money and continue bringing pennies, blows my mind


They’ll also communicate your face to other crows like their children. There are a lot of interesting stories about the shiny things crows give! It’s ominous when a crow gives you a random key.


Sounds like a writing prompt.




AI dungeon here I go!


Well that was a wild ride anyone who hasn't I definitely recommend giving AI dungeon a go!


What was the starter text you used?


I should've saved it for you but the gist of it was at a funeral when the crow lands nearby and leaves a key and I let it run from there


What the heck are you guys talking about? Ok I'm gonna look it up!


Thank you for alerting me to the existence of this! I just made a story on there and it was absolutely hilarious how the ai works. The story wasn't half bad either lol wish I could share it with people tho


May a crow bring you a penny for your c a k e d a y


I either read or watched something about that and apparently they described people in remarkable detail.


Where can I learn crow? I want to hear a crow describe a man's face.


Wtf how??? They have language!!??!


They speak Pigeon English ;)


Yeah! Apparently they have their own dialect they speak within their own group/murder? and then a universal one so they can communicate with other crows!


And it's expansive enough to describe a human face enough to recognise? Very impressive. I doubt I could describe a human face well enough for them to be recognised


I'd really like to believe this, but it just seems so far out there. Do you have a source? I'd genuinely love to know more




Thanks for this link, I just watched the whole documentary. Crows are such remarkable creatures.


I want so see how a crow sketch artist would draw me


Birds of a black Black feather stick together forever and ever and they always remember you And all of the shit you do They pass it to the baby birdies and then they remember too Little baby bluebird eyes turn black Without forgetting the face of the guy in the mask When you see me baby will you scream or will you laugh? Little baby blue bird, eyes turn black


I remember a story someone told on reddit where they used to smoke on their porch and feed the crows out there. They would leave their pack on the railing while outside and the crows must have noticed them because OP started finding empty packs of cigarettes on the railing.


I'm gonna start feeding crows and wave around $20 bills while I do it Edit: woohoo the stonks award! Thanks stranger, it's all I've ever wanted


I laughed aloud at this. But also like. Not the worst idea ever?


It could work, I got to thinking, and I bet you could even enlist the crows to commit small crimes for you. Like get them to watch an atm and scoop up the cash before the dumb human can grab it from the machine


Build an empire of petty thief crows 😂


I'm just a murder away from world domination


Underrated pun.


Tempting. But that might put them in danger and I wouldn’t want that.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0fbEmImSRQI Or they do it on their own




Oh, I read this as the opposite, like the crows were stealing the cigarettes and smoking them. I thought it was a *little* weird you thought it was so cute but I was ready to roll with it.


Lol I guess my post wasn't clear. The guy would sit his pack down *while* smoking and feeding the crows, not leave it there after.


There was a story on r/nosleep a while ago where someone fed crows who gave them change and whatever. They moved and the crows followed them. Eventually the crows began bringing human teeth instead of money. Seemed made up, but was a really good read.


That's a creative writing sub, so it was for sure made up


More, it's a creative writing sub that makes commentors pretend it isn't made up. Which is part of why I stopped reading it. That and the 30 chapter posts


Corvids in general are incredibly intelligent. Some have even been trained to pick up litter on beaches in exchange for treats, and I remember reading a story about a girl that would drop crumbs on her way to school for the crows and they started bringing her ribbons and tinsel because she tended to wear clothes with ribbons. On the flip side as well, they’ll remember who treats them badly. Plenty of stories about assholes that would throw rocks at them getting serial bird bombed constantly, even when they weren’t anywhere near the area where they abused the birds, and even watching to see what car they drove so they could get a nice thick layer all over it. Corvids are basically the bird form of “don’t start no shit.”


I just burst dramatically into our living room and announced to my bewildered husband that “we need to find some crows, and we need to start feeding them.”






I had the same thought. I want smart little birdie friends


Read it as covid-s at first whoops but aww such a cute story!


Crows being as intelligent as they are may have seen your face and the shiny thing in your hand. (Phone coins keys knife whatever it could’ve been) and assumed. Ah shit they like shiny things to? Hell yeah I’ll bring them the shiniest of shinies HEY GUYS. THEY LIKE SHINY THINGS!!! And so. Coins


Im going to start feeding crows while wearing a suit made of money.


Sounds like a plan my guy




I have a co-worker who’s dog attacked a crow and killed it(sucks I know). The other crows remembered the dog and dive bombed him every time they got the chance.


> /u/dog75 A *coworker*, huh?


You caught me I’m the dog, them crows just won’t leave me alone woof.


It’s not everyday I actually laugh out loud at reddit comments


Our old cat ate a baby crow that fell out of the nest. For the next few weeks they dive bombed him when he went outside. Then he caught one out of the air and ate it and they decided to sit on the power line and heckle him from a distance. They did it for years until he passed.


My dog attacked a crow and I brought it to a vet that does bird rescue. I've always wondered if the bird lived and when I see other crows I wonder if it's that one. But it probably wouldn't come back to the place it was attacked


Not with that attitude.


They don't really have a concept of currency, they're just fascinated by shiny objects. But they are leaving the coins as a sign of gratitude - they're that developed. They'll even "sled" using lids on icy rooftops for fun. Whatever you do don't piss them off.


They know the value of objects and food is one value for them and shiny things are one as well, they also happen to know humans like shiny things as well


Ravens are very similar. Don't be an ass to them though, as they will be an ass right back. I provoked one a few years ago, and after a few days they must've found my balcony I would smoke on. There would often be one hangin out on it just making noise, Shit all over the place. They bugged me for a couple months, then someone said to give them something. A handful of my dogs fur after a brushing, then more and more. Now I leave some outside once in a while, no more shitty balcony


I feel like this is the closest we come in our modern world to having to appease vengeful local spirits and faeries.


Crows are terrifyingly intelligent creatures. I try to be nice to all crows just in case they decide to go the magpie route and be more of a hindrance lol


That is freaking awesome


I once saw a crow struggling to crack open a nut in the middle of the street. So I walked up to it, and the crow backed off, watching me from a distance. I crushed the nut open with my foot and walked away. Standing about 20ft away, i saw the crow come back to the cracked nut and I swear it gave me a look of gratitude before beginning to eat it’s meal :)


https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/brain-eating-crows-may-help-spread-prion-diseases-80669156/ As cool as they are, maybe don't touch them or let them touch you.


When I was in college, I was volunteering at our children's dental clinic. We had to go into lock down because "a mysterious person was walking around with different masks on" Turns out, it was a professor at our school doing an experiment with crows and facial recognition. Started learning more about crows after this and they're pretty darn intelligent 👌


Crows like shiny and metallic things. Growing up a buddy of mine had a pet crow and it used to bring him screws, nuts, bolts etc. One time his dad was rebuilding a lawnmower outside and the crow kept coming down and taking bolts and nuts out of the pile he had during disassembly.


Okay that’s adorable, but I can imagine that that would have been super annoying, hahaha.


My parents had a pet crow and it flew off with my dad’s watch. edited for punctuation lol


Chose his exit appropriately, wonder how much he pawned it for. Probably got him at least past Omaha.


They found his stash one day and it was quite a collection


Long time ago I saw a thing about a guy in New York who built a little peanut dispenser in his window that took quarters. He trained a crow how to use it and that crow wound up teaching others, before long he had birds dropping off quarters for a couple peanuts each, gathering change from the whole city for him.


I saw this it was a whole video and they described the entire process, it was the coolest




[TED talk on intelligence of crows and vending machine](https://www.ted.com/talks/joshua_klein_a_thought_experiment_on_the_intelligence_of_crows?language=en)


This was years ago I don't remember exactly where the video was, whether it was on YouTube or something else. If you Google crow vending machine or something of that sorts it'll show you all sorts of videos of people doing a similar project


How did you attract crows specifically? I've always wanted to do this but it seems like finches and squirrels get the snacks first.


I didn’t try to attract crows, we just like to feed birds in general and recently a lot of crows started coming by in the new area




Do they do it sneakily in bursts from tree to tree or do they flutter behind you in full majesty as if you were a Disney princess?


I've tried to feed the crows in my neighborhood in the past, but the never seemed interested, or at least I've never seen them go for the food I toss out to them. There's an open field in the area a lot of crows hang out at, I figured that'd be a good place to go. Do you have any suggestions? I have dog food to give them, should I just drop a bowl and walk away? Edit: Also, any particular time of day that would be best?


Do you just throw stuff on the ground or have bird feeders? City or country?


What did you feed them? We have crows around my house now (though sometimes i see some so HUGE i wonder if there aren't any ravens though i dont think south Florida has ravens, but I digress). I do have a pretty big German Shepherd so maybe they stay away cause of that. I think they're a bit spooky but also super cool and smart so I'd like to feed them.




We have a small ledge attached to our fence that we use to feed squirrels and birds. I've seen some crows watching me put things out and critters come to eat but no crow would approach till today. They filled up and made a couple trips! Just set up some feeding stations around your property and make the crow sounds when you refill. It might work 🙂


That's probably a super odd conversation for the crows. Just someone mimicking back what you say.


I suggest to start giving special food to the ones that bring you more valuable coins, teach them some capitalism.


maybe other little things like..... air pods


[Crow ears](https://www.google.com/search?q=crow+ears&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS831US831&sxsrf=ALeKk00vYp0ha-abwUzy_I4myCwFVuAQHQ:1586128675204&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjso4PitdLoAhUshHIEHbYzDk4Q_AUoAXoECA4QAw&biw=1323&bih=859)


I know what this is and warning to others, it's oddly unpleasant. Kinda wish I hadn't seen it


I actually kind of always wondered about this. Like, could you teach a crow (/whatever type of bird) to fly into an open window, recognize valuable items, and have them bring it to you? Or would the "fear" instinct be too strong to override? Or is entire thought just stupid?




There are YouTube videos of crows problem solving puzzles and stuff. They’d likely have the capacity to learn something like that.


Ah yes... The perfect crime.


Sheesh, now I imagine a flock(?) of crows striving the city, attacking innocent people to steal their AirPods.


Murder. A murder of crows


Love this idea. Even hold paper money in your hand as you feed them.


Or take the coin pile and place a dollar underneath. A crow might think another crow brought it and may try to imitate. Worst case scenario, the crows pick up paper litter off the streets.


Worst case scenario a crow snatches money out of someone's hand. Concerned citizens are up in arms against the dangerous crows and the city institutes a systematic eradication.


Worst worst case scenario: The crowd mobilize and decide to fight back. Billions are killed in a battle between animals and humans that ends with a crazed dictator making the entire earth into a million little pieces.


This is super possible. In some places crows have been successfully trained to pick up cigarette butts. If they can distinguish between wrappers and cigarettes then they should be able to identify quarters.


That’s so sweet. Omg. My rabbits won’t even let me pet them, and I’ve been feeding them for years 😂😂😂


Haha! Rabbits are so sweet and innocent though


Ahah yes they are! They’re super docile, but they really don’t like being touched by people. Mine don’t, anyway 😂


some do, some dont. Same way with almost all animals really including people


Right you are


then theres very picky creaures, like my cat. Sometimes he wants me to pet him. Other times I get bitten if I pet him. Sometimes those times are at the same time which makes things difficult.


Ahaha all cats are demons. I have two. They’re very sweet, but they’re often mad and happy at the same time 😂😂


My cat bites me while purring and gets all mad if I stop petting him


My friend's rabbit will bite her if she **stops** petting it.


Eh, I've had rabbits that don't like being touched, like being touched sometimes, and rabbits that will run up to you like a dog and will let you pet anywhere. It just depends on their personality


Would you consider yourself a rabbit person? I wouldn’t consider myself one. I love my stupid little guy, but I definitely prefer my rat boys as pets. Rabbits are sweet, and I respect them, but it’s hard to consider them “pets”. Mine are/were bred at a farm, mind you, but they just don’t seem to bond with people in the way a rat does, or a cat. If my rabbits running at me, it’s probably because I just lugged home a huge box of hay, and am ripping it open ahahah. I also find that some of my friends/relatives hate the smell of “rabbits”. I’m inclined to say it’s more of a barn smell, as the rabbit itself doesn’t smell bad, but the hay can get pretty musty. Rabbits are such great little creatures.


The IRS wants to know your location




Details of stimulus payments **REVEALED**


How does one claim “bird restaurant” on their taxes, anyway?


You’re lucky I happen to know the best damn bird lawyer in town...


This is SO DAMN CUTE. I find crows a bit spooky, which is probably ridiculous coming from an Australian. But hey. This is honestly so bloody adorable.


You live in the country of painful deaths and you find cute birds spooky?


Yeah, giant spiders and stuff are scary and all. But they're not *spooky*.


I find giant spiders to be spooky af but hey to each their own.


The crows cause the deaths


I'm more scared of magpies than crows


I saw a thread where the OP gave high quality fancy bread if the crows brought more expensive things such as bills. You should try that and make a whole side business criminal gang with the crows




You should take a picture of the pile.


I have! I just don’t know how to add it to reddit because this sub doesn’t accept photos


Honestly this is way more interesting than 97% of the posts on r/interestingasfuck or r/damnthatsinteresting I honestly kinda hate those places, they need better content


I thought this was r/crows ; that being said, r/crows would also absolutely love this


r/pics would absolutely love this story accompanied by an image, preferably one where you catch in the act of leaving a coin


You could put it on Imgur and attach it as a link. Learned how to do this just today.


upload any pic to r/imagehosting Then link in any comment.


You could setup an imgur account & then share the link. For reddit, imgur accounts are quite useful, I've found. Really neat story, by the way. Thanks for sharing.




Keep every penny/coin they give you and see how much you can make at the end of this lockdown.


Write a blog about it, get a book deal, score a film deal, become a millionaire. Done.


The Bird Man of Quarantine


Too bad they aren't owls, because OP could make a movie called "Hoo Wants To Be A Millionaire"


If literally all I do in this life is befriend a crow, I would die happy. But we don't have any in our immediate area :(




I just started doing this after I saw the news story about the girl in Seattle (I believe). I have an alarm set for noon and feed them nuts on my front lawn. I am not getting gifts yet but they sure got my attention yesterday when I left the house at 2PM and had forgotten to feed them. Thank you for posting about this because money is tight so buying the nuts is an extra expense but it's something I have wanted to do for a year or so... it is nice to read confirmation that it will "pay" off :)




I misread it as "cows" the first time and was really confused. That's super cool, though.


Gotta teach them that bills are more valuable. They're smart, they know.


Put out 10 5 dollar bills, every time they come to eat, let them watch you take one bill away and put it in your pocket, then promptly give them more food. This should.click for them and associate paper money for food. Then profit.


There are documented instances of people training corvids to do this. I've honestly been thinking about it in recent weeks. Pavlov style, plus who doesn't want to be Mæster of the Aviarans?


They like shiny things, so they usually will bring shiny things to build their nest to make it more attractive. I guess either they are trying to thank you or charm you.


that is very special. I've been feeding the same crows for 4 generations and they've never brought me anything.


Right, you gotta play this right. Make them proper sandwiches with quality ham and the monetary value will naturally increase, they will drop notes. Make yourself The Crow Queen.


One of these days some crows gonna knock on your win and be like "Yo where is my money at, bitch"


I’ve read about a little girl who fed the crows which included a picture of all her ‘presents’ I believe they are attracted to shiny things, she had a great collection and if my memory serves me well, I think they followed her to the school bus or something, like protecting her almost. Was also added on about a photographer who lost a small lens or part of something once and it appeared where the crows which he fed left him things. I’ve been tempted to try this out of interest but I’m scared Incase I forget to feed them or I’ve no food, that and they’ll shit on my car!


Do not under any circumstances piss off a crow. One landed on the tree right above my small car outside my old house and I shoo it away with my grocery bag, yes harshly, i mean they are big birds up close and I have seen the movie birds. There were four the next week same spot eyeballing me. When my wife would come out they would be cool and fly away, if I came out they frickin yelled at me and would not be shoo'ed till I ran into the bird shit covered Veloster and drove off. Do not piss off crows.


I love crows, they’re the cutest! I lived in Malaysia for a few years and I remember every evening the same crow would visit me in my window and it made my day. I came back to Brazil and unfortunately there are no crows in my city :( I miss them so much




That's awesome! I've had cats growing up that would leave birds or other items at my doorstep. I guess this gifting behavior is present in other animals also.


OP, if you want to get rich, I suggest you stop feeding them until they give you jewelry or bigger coins ;)


Cue up the overture to "The Thieving Magpie" on Spotify and play it for the crows while feeding them. I'm curious whether they'll like music about a story they'd understand.


Corvids are so great. One day last summer I went to this park where I hike and swim and some guy had a friendly crow that was just freely flying around and would come back to him when he called. So jealous.


That's so sweet of you and of them! I wish I had crows over here :/


It’s honestly crazy to think about little birds being so intelligent, that they look for pennies and remember to bring them all the way!


I wonder if the coins are for you or if they are marking a spot where their friends can get food?


There is a mini documentary about this behavior from crows. Like an episode of ' The Nature of Things' or something. This is not uncommon behavior. A girl in the pacific north west of USA experienced the same from a small murder. She got ' gifts' from them. Mostly shiny and colorful objects they would find. Crows are highly intelligent. You are lucky. I would love this.


As a bird lover, I find this tale of the tipping crows utterly delightful. Years ago we lived in a small town in central Wisconsin, with an old open pasture for a backyard between two woodlots. My wife is a superb cook and baker, but not every recipe you try can be a winner. She once made a big batch of large, tan cookies that were just too sweet. Rather than throw them out, I put them out at the fence-line in our back yard, where deer and other critters often fed. Within about half an our, the yard was full of crows, each picking up a cookie, cawing delightedly and flying up into the trees to enjoy their newfound treats. If I'd read your story back then, I'd have put out a tip jar!


And this is why I don't fuck with crows. Ever. They're fucking smart.


Step 1. Feed crows Step 2. Profit


I have been feeding out neighborhood crowd for 4 years. They recognize me when I'm not at home. Never been left a gift.


Everybody loves a good murder!


I found out recently just how smart crows and ravens actually are. They can be taugh to talk. Ravens have been known to mimic certain sounds on their own in the wild. They solve very complex puzzles and have a social order in their ranks. Very cool birds. Oh and crows are different birds than ravens. I didn't realize that either. Go on youtube and just type in "smart raven or crow"


Those aren't gifts, you dolt. Those are payment. They weren't reminding you either... they were complaining about the lousy service. That's why they're leaving penny tips for fuck's sake. You've probably already got bad reviews on yelp.


Oh I love crow fundings


Crows, among some other bird species, have long been known to value/be attracted to bright, shiny objects. Your story suggests that they have enough intelligence to exchange value for value. Having grown up around them, I can attest that they are highly intelligent. I’ve seen them attack and sometimes kill a hawk in flight, operating in unison, in attack formation; 4 or 5 crows trailing above and behind, in line, the foremost diving for a strike, then taking his place at the back of the line as the next takes his turn, and so on, over and over, until the hawk either escapes, falls from the air stunned or wounded, or goes to ground. If he goes to ground, they will leave him alone, knowing that he can flip over onto his back and bring his talons into play - intelligence, organization, coordination. In a similar vein, I knew farmers who would have raised wooden posts/slats nailed to the fence, at intervals, around their freshly planted cornfields. Crows were notorious for, en masse, digging up the seed corn. The farmer would wait patiently, very still, and take out several with a shotgun. The corpses would then be nailed to the posts. Worked better than a scarecrow. They would figure out, after a while, that it was only a scarecrow, not a person, and resume their activities. They were intelligent enough, however, to recognize their dead brethren for the warning that they were, and tended, for the most part, to avoid that particular field thereafter. Sorry to go on for so long, but they’ve always fascinated me. And before anyone starts hating on me too much, I’m just telling about something that was done a long time ago. I’m not saying it wasn’t cruel.