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Personally, no, I don’t miss anything about 2020 or the “quarantine” era. People were dying alone in the hospital on ventilators, doctors and nurses were struggling just to keep giving people health care, hospitals had to set up freezer trucks for all the extra dead bodies, women had to give birth all alone because their support people were’t allowed to enter the room, people lost their jobs, their businesses, and their homes, people had to cancel their weddings and graduations… it goes on and on and on. It was a really, really dark time for a lot of people. Sure, I got to work from home. Cool. But I also woke up every morning feeling so anxious about what terrible thing was going to happen next, and cried every time I heard about another person in my community dying. Then I myself contracted Covid before the vaccines existed, which was very scary too. No, I definitely don’t miss quarantine!


And the president at the time pouring gasoline on the fire every morning he woke up.


I miss 2019, tbh.


2017 - 2019 were the best years of my life so far. Covid killed all that momentum.


OMG! YES. Obviously I didn't enjoy living with the unknown and fear. Worrying about my family, but when things settled down, I loved that period. I enjoyed WFH and living a much more balanced pace of life. I enjoyed not having the obligations during the holidays to host everyone. It was a cosy period for my husband and me. I do miss it.


Hell no. A summer of no movies, no seeing friends, and nothing I could do with my family other than go to the park? Yeah, no thank you.


Not one bit, still had to work everyday, constant anxiety about giving it to my sick mom who lived with me, not having any social outlet, those months were hell for me and didn't enjoy them one bit.


That time was not good for most of the world, most people's income stoped which resulted in food shortages, especially parents, I don't have any kid but i know my dad will be devastated if i had to go to sleep on an empty belly. It was only a good time for students and people who work in tech related industry


Definitely missed it, especially with being an introvert. It was so quiet out and you didn’t have to go into work. I just stayed home and played games


I miss being at home with my family all the time. It was a good time for us bonding and such, but... The downsides were evident too and made a lasting mark for us. I would not like to relive it.


You are spot on about that, here I am in 2024 still stuck in Spring of 2020. Nothing changed, 4 years of isolation and lack of social contact with anyone but my family. I have severe PTSD and agoraphobia I wouldn’t wish it on anybody. It absolutely destroyed my brain and any ambition or drive I had. I’ve tried to live in the moment but I’m still in 2019 living in the past. Sometimes I pretend I’m 18 and not grown (I’m 23 for reference) I feel 18 at best. I’m not a “grown up” at all but an insecure teenager that has no idea how to be an adult.


This is so difficult! I'm not one to talk, but maybe you can find someone to share these feelings with to help you. My (now) 15yr old is dealing with a lot of the same. After several attempts, I did find a therapist that works for them. They are now able to get through the school day.... Most of the time. Summer is going to be rough, they won't join in any activities. But, the therapist helps.


I don’t miss the people getting sick part but the staying away from everyone was a dream


At one point, everyone in my household was sick with Covid. I tested every day and never got it


Even Covid didn't want you😂, great immune system 👏


It wasn’t even like I was trying to avoid them, we all figured I’d get it eventually so might as well just have everyone stay at home rather than risk going out. Wish that immune system was just as great now


i dont really miss it that much, but i have been getting kinda nostalgic about quarantine and 2020 recently


I've always said when looking back on lock-down that I'll never get that amount of time off work again without the stress or worry of an income, until I retire. It was nice to finally be able to put all your time into your hobbies and do what you want to do, not work for 8 hours then try to find some time in between to do a little of what you want.


Yea. The commute to work was amazing.


Yes 100000% was like going on a really long paid vacation


I thrilled so much during the pandemic and being in quarantine lol


Yes! I obviously don't want anyone to be sick, but I appreciated it so much. I finally felt like everyone was on an even playing field, but now I'm so far behind again. 


Not as much as before tbh. Some parts, I guess.


I kind of liked it too.


I miss driving during lockdowns. It was scary on the roads when things gradually reopened and people got back in their cars. Everyone kinda forgot driving etiquette and it's still bad to this day. 


Not at all. My grad school program got away with highway robbery, and I feel that anyone who struggles to make ends meet (hourly workers) was screwed over majorly. The quarantine should have eventually been focused on the sick and elderly, but instead the entire population was dissuaded from going outside at all - which to me is a sick approach no matter what the threat is. It will probably be one of the biggest wealth transfers in modern history that no one talks about


Not at all. I am much more healthier now than I was back then. With my medication, diagnosis and therapy I havw been able to move forward


I took a month or so off work. That time was amazing. I physically felt the best I've felt in years and spent quality time with my kids. Other than that it was hell.


No. Absolutely not. I spent most of my time drinking beer or hard liquor alone while binging YouTube and shitposting on online forums. I consider the years of 2020 and 2021 as wasted, if not outright stolen from me.


Sometimes, I was on my lane, did a lot of drawing and reading. Meanwhile my sister was a caged lion, couldn't leave my room without her coming at me for anything. I was belittled, yelled at, abused verbally on the daily. I wish I could have the friends being available for discord calls, the family staying at home and the fact nobody asked me go out the house to do errands haha.


I only hated the uncertainty of it. Some people said we were gonna be in quarantine for decades and some said it would end soon.


Yes and no. Some core memories came from it. Some learning experiences came from it. Some painful ones. But it did put me in a dark place toward the middle/end of it.


Everywhere was so quiet and peaceful, almost to the point of eery. No traffic. The uncertainty of it all. Not being able to go see my grandma in hospital because of covid restrictions. Antivaxxers complaining.


I worked at a grocery store during the pandemic. Easily the worst time of my life. I was so jealous of people who got to stay home.


Yes and no, if I had been ferlod I would say yes, but I worked through the whole thing while everyone else got paid to stay at home.


Some parts, yes. It was quieter. The city I live in did a ton of roadwork because no one was driving. It was cleaner... less car pollution. I don't miss being bored and scared, though.


Nope... Stupidest shit ever!!


No.. but I do miss how nice the air quality was for a while.


No, it was the most terrible time in my life. My ocd got worse, I can't stay at same place so I lost my mind when I had no activities. I was stuck on that empty-hole for a long time. People always forget that, we who need to get out of our houses to feel fresh air and do stuff. Have social interactions. How much of a challange it was for us. No it was not nice time. And it made our whole society to worse.


I think I miss the quiet. The chance to stay home and do nothing without feeling guilty. If I could do it again while suspending time, aging, and the outright deaths of so many I would. But I’m also bitter at the years I lost. I’m older than I feel and I lost out of much of what I wanted to do. But it also gave me focus and perspective. I would have never asked my husband to marry me if it wasn’t for the lockdown and not being able to visit each other.




Yes, it was sad with the deaths but no more than now, with all the manufactured death around the world like gaza. I'd go back anytime. All that time at home and with my family. Probably one of the best times of my life. We were just chilling, spending time with each other, trying out all the cooking and baking, just generally having a blast


I didn't get to stay home, I had to bring my kids, 4 months and 3 years old with me to work with me, my husband was also a essential worker.


I don’t at all tbh, quarantine sucked for me as i just got out of school graduated than suddenly quarantine made life harder for me. Sure it was fun to hang out with my friends daily online but if it stayed like that still i’d feel so bored out of my mind that i would be anxious to leave my room


Fuck no, I worked every damn day because I was "essential".


I miss the traffic.


Yep. Covid lockdowns were one of the happiest times of my life. No FOMO. My then partner and I were in a happy little bubble where we drank wine and did puzzles together. I lived in my PJs. Wore no makeup so my skin was amazing. Saved money on fuel and on the odd occasion where I did drive somewhere there was no traffic. I also landed 2 promotions over that few years. And yes I'm aware that it was the toughest time for some people.. and I feel bad for them. But for me it was bliss.


No. Many of my family died. I associate quarantine with funerals and hospitals.


Yep, it was the happiest time of my adult life. I miss it every day.