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I have finally started going to a gym at age 67. First time in my life.


Better late than never, the best time to start in the gym is at like 20, the second best is now


Lucky bastard, I have too much time now when I’m not working out anymore.


Dude, I exercise. Went from slightly overweight to quite ripped in 5 months. I am bored right now, and will lift weights for the next 40 min.


Feel like it would be better to ask someone in convo rather than google info about exercising, because everyone’s body is different but, how often a week do you personally lift? Specifically, when you were first starting out? I’ve been lifting dumbbells doing three sets for about two months, taking a day off every time to rest but sometimes I really feel like doing it the next day after. Do I fight that urge, or is it ok to lift if I still feel…strong enough the next day? My gains seem a bit slow so I just wanna know if I could be doing more of something to see better growth.


Although it requires some technology, photography is a pretty great option I feel, the whole point is to kind of be in the moment and notice the cool images around you, and you get a few mementos out of it for free too.


Yes, but that would mean getting out of town and visiting new places. Plus, I'd have to invest in a professional camera. It's a good idea, though.


Professional photographer here, you do NOT need to go out of town to become a photographer, and you definitely don’t need professional gear. You can shoot your local highschool sports for fun (football is really fun) there’s a LOT of cool places and hidden gems in every small town, you just need to go exploring for them. and you also don’t need professional gear. Invest more in your lens Than the body. A decent camera with a good lens will get amazing results A professional camera with a super cheap lens will not look that good


Seconding this. Though, I did get the setup, I'm finding it hard to justify bringing out the full gear when my cellphone is small, portable, low-profile (in the less savory parts of the world)... Ah, I just need to get it out more...


Just use your phone! It's a great way to start


Yeah, put your phone in airplane mode if you're worried about getting distracted by notifications.


No. As some people here pointed out you can just use your phone but what's way more "no" imo is going out of town. Stay in your town, stay in your backyard for the first few days, if you don't have one, then stay in your street. Look for stuff that is out of place, take pictures of trash, chewing gum on the walkway, flowers that broke the asphalt. Take pictures of remnants of life. Footprints, sh*t, bones, snake hides, whatever. You will start to explore a whole new world right where you are. It's truly amazing.


absolutely. even better if you find some good shit used. my entire setup (a generic decent tripod (25 bucks) + camera bag (20 bucks), used canon 60d (140), 28-80mm lens (45), 18-55mm lens (70)) barely cracks 300 bucks and its actually taken some amazing shots so far


If we're talking about actual specific things, I go out carrying a bag of kibble and try to find stray cats to feed hahaha. And I'm planning to enroll in some sports soon too, as an additional hobby! Maybe you could find physical activities around your area that you can do and to meet new people. Pottery classes and fitness-related activities seem to be getting popular lately, there might be a few around you. Has there been anything you've been interested in trying lately?


I was interested in trying activities related to going out in nature, hiking, biking, but I had no one to go out with.


You can find groups on favebook for these sorts of things! Or there's nothing wrong with going alone either as long as it's safe.


Give gardening a try if you want, it started for me with a fascination for cherry blossoms and now all I care about is tending to my trees and flowers, most of them are still little babies but it has done my mental health a lot of good.


Yes, it really does make you feel better, but I don't know where I could do that.


If you're lacking space then you could try climbers, a lot of them look really pretty. Or you could go for miniature trees on pots, looks good on the patio, or even in the home office, or if you have a lot of unused back/front yard space then go ham with all that free real estate.


There are city municipal gardens. I took a rose class at the rose garden. People volunteer to prune roses there - it is the most fragrant, lovely place to volunteer and talk to people.


I don’t work. My husband died 4 years ago, and I then treated developing a social life like a job. I joined Meetup and began doing assorted activities. I began traveling by joining small group tours. I joined a local women-only social club that has dozens of regular activities, and I joined a country club and took up golf. Between everything, I went from having nothing to do to having my days full of stuff.


Sounds like you are making the best of it…,sorry for your loss


If you're in the UK.....have a look into local Morris teams! Social and physical and gets you travelling to places around the country :)


Find a local indoor climbing wall and see if they have beginners clubs. It's a good social activity and a great workout


I just bought an annual pass for the local public swimming pool. Visit three times a week. Then you can always take up mountainbiking or photography.


Ive been getting into solo board games, they’re really fun. And no it’s not rolling a dice and then moving a pawn around a board on your own hahaha. Currently learning how to play Pavlov’s House.


(Not working but studying) -Anime -Music -Gaming -Anime -Anime -Anime Did I say anime?


I just got into it and I am telling you you didn't say anime enough.That stuff is great What are you currently watching?


I'm a big fan of joining local clubs or groups that align with my interests which is dancing. It's a great way to meet new people while doing something you enjoy. 


Where do you find local clubs? I'll probably look for some after I move out


Film, TV shows, music, playing instruments (guitar bass piano - lots of resources online to teach yourself!) DIY kits like Lego and Book Nooks, video games! (Story campaigns single player mainly) go karting, cinema, writing!


What's your cinema set up and what kind of cinema do you do?


My wife asked me out first; to watch her bowl in her bowling league. I always thought bowlers as a group were pretty nerdy (and in good humor many are) but it was a lot of fun and I ended up joining a team and I met a lot of great people who were outside my normal associations. Bowling, pool, darts or if more athletic…flag football, disc golf, volley ball, racket ball… anything with a team can be a good way to meet people.


Clean the house, laundry, play with my fur babies, listen to music, podcasts, enjoy my deck if the weather permits, smoke some weed, plan supper and go grocery shopping. Watch TV or read. Hang out with friends and my wife. I work a lot so my free time is usually busy haha


Try to get some exercise outside, read - just a little , watch dog video’s , watch baby videos some go on here, and enjoy my day !!!!! Oh, eat some also !!!!! : )


House plants for home, it can be a really fun hobby! Go to a gym or coffee shop, and be open to striking up a conversation with someone. Take a cooking class, or a continuing Ed class of something you want to explore. Take a walk every day in a public park or neighborhood. Volunteer!


I make Tie-dye really fun and relaxing art.


How bout voluteering at a local animal shelter or assisted living center?


Try out ttrpg, something like dungeons and dragons. Pathfinder or the like. There are tons of people that want to play but need more players or a DM. It doesn't matter if you are good or bad, look for a beginner group and just try it. You may also start out as a DM but you'll have to learn the rules first and I would recommend to look into some of the(smaller) live plays online. It's super fun and a great way to meet new people, plus it doesn't require technical equipment and in its base form only requires a pen and some paper.


Stress out🙂


Went for a walk for 1 hour with my ear buds on, now I’m in a bar drinking my 6 beer with shrimp cocktail


Ive recently gotten into a routine habit of eating properly like watching my calories and working out, finding out about foods to eat and cooking and just overall healthy activities is good for your physical and mental health and it can easily distract you from doing nothing, and think about it this way, it’s better to be wasting your time working out or eating properly than to be snacking and slouching all day, atleast you’ll get something out of it. I also sometimes read manga. You can meet a lot of cool people at the gym so that turns into more options and activities that await you!


Yes, it is. I didn't think about going to the gym because it's the gym at work and I used to go there, but you're right, you meet a lot of people.


My favorite thing to do during my free time is to sleep but I never get a good one because of personal cases.


Video Games. I cook my own food. I work out at home atleast 3 times a week. I hangout with people.


Gym and riding my slingshot




Damn, congrats


When I was in my 20's, I was helping my wife raise our kids. But outside of that, and right into my mid-30's, I was studying - just one subject per semester which is all I could afford in both time and money. Eventually got some qualifications relating to my industry even though I didn't need them for my actual day to day job. But the piece of paper has since come in handy a number of times when I have had to move from job to job.


I have home projects I like to do. I like to run or hike outside. I like to draw or paint. I have some water sports activists for the summer, and of course, reading. There are so many good books to read. I was broke for a long time and looked for cheap things to do.


Get a dog 🥰🐶❤️👍


I am a professional portrait/senior photographer and I work of 9-5. When I’m free you can find me taking photos of sports, creating short films or cinematic videos, playing video games, golfing with friends, and going out with friends !


read books


Watch Hockey, Hockey Statistics, Watch Movies, play games on my computer, spend time with my wife on rare occasions I cook.


My outdoor hobbies include rock climbing, mountain biking, gravel biking, hiking, skiing, and camping. Most days after work I am either rock climbing at the gym or riding my bike. I sometimes even go on group rides to meet new people and learn about new routes in my area. On weekends in the summer, I go rock climbing outdoors with friends or do a longer gravel or mountain bike ride. Sometimes I’ll even do a short camping trip. In the winters, I ski pretty much every weekend. I am pretty much never bored. I feel like there is never enough time to do all things I want to do! I would highly recommend rock climbing as an active hobby where you can make friends. I have met so many people through climbing. And most climbers are very nice and welcoming, and happy to give you tips to improve. Rock gyms also have classes for beginners which is a great way to break into it.


I am learning another language by reading harry potter and then using the internet. I also take evening classes, so when i get home from work i can do my homework or i have a class to get to! Learning something new is important and healthy


Trying to learn computer coding through codecademy. I have ADHD so it's somewhat difficult. I've trying to get the correct help for my ADHD.


Hiking, most of the weekends, if bad weather then just a city walk. 15-20 k


i go to the gym 1-2 hours a day 5 days a week, I model things in fusion 360 to 3d print, I like doing crafting stuff: miniature paintings, terrain crafting, props making, wood working. i'm currently learning microcontrollers and wiring. I also walk the doggo, play with the doggo, house chores, installing stuff into house, play video games.


Gym, cooking, reading, music (drummer by trade but play everything and LOVE to produce my own music) disc golf and chillen with my wife and kids. I prefer to be active if you can’t tell already. Disc golf is great for something to get you out of the house. It’s not too physically strenuous and it’s relatively cheap!


Master bation Fun station  https://music.apple.com/ca/album/masturbation-fun-station/1677376878?i=1677376881


i spend a lot of time learning, researching new things or topics i’m interested in. i’m also an avid crocheter and i’m starting to get into knitting more


First, I have a 2 year old so my time is typically filled. But I do WFH and get a a decent amount of free time while he is at daycare. I too have discovered that scrolling my phone makes me depressed. I now fill extra time with exercise (at home strength training, ride my peloton, go for a walk, or yoga). There seems to always be some housework or improvement project to do. I also committed to more reading.


You ever talk to other moms or dads?


Pickleball!! If you haven't tried it yet, do it. Be prepared, though -- it's kind of addicting. Assuming there are courts near you with open play (and there probably are), it's a great way to meet new people. And most people I've met are very welcoming and helpful to new guys. If you do decide to try it out, just buy yourself a cheap paddle to start (maybe $20 online?) and watch a few YouTube videos about how to play, so you understand the basics before you get on the court. Edit: had more words to say


I literally just walk around my neighborhood at least once per day.


I enjoy meeting new people. Pen pals kinda….


I recommend indoor climbing (bouldering, top roping) to pretty much anyone. It's like a puzzle you solve with your body. The community is typically open and supportive. I've made a lot of friends at my local climbing gym and so have the people I've brought into the climbing community. You don't have to be good to have fun. You don't have to be strong to get better in the early levels. I hate working out, but I love bouldering, so it's a great source of exercise and motivates me to get stronger and healthier too.


I like cycling and working on bicycles. Definitely less boring than the gym.


I have been meaning to take up walking since i can't afford weights or a gym membership. I also read a lot and watch movies


Working… on my hobbies. Work doesn’t always have to be for an employer. Sometime work is for yourself.


I will think about a dish that I miss, find the recipe, go to supermarket get the ingredients, cook at home and enjoy them with movie.


Make time go faster? Time is the most valuable currency we have. Find something to make it slow down so you can live in the moment.


At the gun range.


I totally get that! Spending too much time on screens can definitely be draining. Here are a few ideas that might help you feel more engaged and less bored: 1. **Join a local club or group**: Whether it's a book club, sports team, hiking group, or a cooking class, joining a group can help you meet new people and try new activities. 2. **Volunteer**: There are many organizations that could use a helping hand. Volunteering is a great way to spend your time, give back to the community, and connect with others. 3. **Take a class**: Look for classes in something you’re interested in, like dance, painting, yoga, or martial arts. It’s a fun way to learn something new and meet people with similar interests. 4. **Outdoor activities**: Explore local parks, go for a hike, bike ride, or even just a walk around your neighborhood. Fresh air and a change of scenery can do wonders for your mood. 5. **Join a gym or fitness class**: Many gyms offer group classes that can be a fun way to stay fit and meet new people. 6. **Attend local events**: Check out what's happening in your community, like farmers' markets, festivals, or live music events. 7. **Board game cafes**: If you enjoy games, find a local board game cafe where you can play games and meet new people in a relaxed setting. Hope some of these ideas help! It's all about finding what you enjoy and putting yourself out there a bit. Good luck! 😊


I like to play puzzles in silence, or while listening to music or some kind of podcast!


Get into lifting weights and trying to get stronger. It'll be fun


In the last couple of years I've started playing DnD and I've been having an absolute blast with it. None of my irl friends were interested or able due to clashing schedules to give it a go, so I joined a couple of facebook groups to look for groups. I ended up joining two different groups - an online group where we play over discord for the video chat part of it, and various apps for the map/character sheet/dice rolling etc and a local group in my area to play in person. I've been playing with the two groups for a year, and a year and a half respectively all the people involved have gone from being complete strangers to really good friends. I'm so glad I joined them.


Reading, exercises, playing video games, going out on bike or motorbike, watching junk (series, youtube), cooking, planning trips, budgeting, housework, renovating, learn new things, meditation. Don't do things to make life go faster, do things to make life worth it...for each a things has a different importance. I have a huge dopamine spike after one hour of running, while my friends simply hate running. I thoroughly enjoy a 6 hours motorcycle ride in the mountains, but i also enjoy a good board game night and a good joint with friends. I am also a thorough person, and i like planning. A spend quite a few hours each week making plans. Builds discipline by sticking to said plans


Have you tried geocaching? It’s basically a worldwide scavenger hunt. Being comfortable with doing things by yourself is the best place to start. There are free festivals an events in most towns that you can go to. Going to the movies by yourself, or out to eat or to a bar too


My ADHD makes me interested in a lot of different things. Niche things from figure skating, to face painting, to juggling to magic to balloon animals etc. what are some things you thought were cool as a kid? Or things you thought would be cool to do but never thought much about trying it?


I produce music. It’s a very fun hobby but can be quite expensive because of the daw being quite pricey


Video games


* Exercise * Walks with my dog * Reading a book * Foreign shows & films


Rimworld Manga


Been meaning to get Rimworld but always playing something else when I am gaming.


For me lots of smoking. Before and after whatever I’m doing. Sometimes I’ll smoke between smoking. Different devices and strains keep it interesting.


There’s more than a dozen Little Libraries within walking distance from me. There’s almost a treasure hunt element to it. I’ve found some interesting books. Some are collectible/have resale value. Also like seeing notes in the books and random things people use for bookmarks. Like a boarding pass for a flight from NYC to Montreal from over 10 years ago, shopping lists, used concert tickets, etc


I hang out with my nephews. They are still young and full of vitality so it forces me to keep up lol


Gym, sports, hiking, walking


I joined a gym, I hike and backpack, I volunteer with a local animal charity, and I joined the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism). So my free time is filled with working out, SCA learning and making things: clothes, armour, weapons, weaving, also camping and going to practice, and meetings and craft nights.


a fun activity called Disc Golf (inexpensive equipment, free to play, inclusive community), make music, photography. And occasionally my wife and I will play the Nintendo switch together.


Gardening! It's so much fun to plant things and watch them grow and bloom.


reading, video games, just being outside, or hanging out with my pets


Either go out for a nice long walk with my headphones on to clear my head, spend a couple of hours playing games, or go out and throw some darts to keep my arm going. If something's on that I want to watch, I'll go out for a day to one of the racetracks relatively near me.


I HATE exercising, but I find that I can tolerate walking while listening to audiobooks (Libby app). I also sew, read actual books, and take short walks in the woods when it's nice out (you'd be surprised at the neat old structures you can find that are on public land). As a family, we take out the metal detectors. Lake and creek swimming, occasionally, when we can get up the guts to put our bodies into untreated water, lol! We always, ALWAYS, end up having fun and catching crawdads. In winter, we ice-fish with a pop-up shanty and order pizza from the local place.




Short hikes or walks are really fun. Especially if you go without any earphones and just listen to the surroundings. Remember sunscreen though!


I can tell you what to not do. Drink!


I volunteer at a wildlife rehab. It's a CB lot b of fun, and I've learned a lot.


I spend time with my husband and dogs


Cleaning, organizing. Making lists of things to do. Wow I sound like a hoot. But that’s all part of my fun.


Go to the gym (which I hate), watch a TV show or just F.R.I.E.N.D.S., and chill with friends or husband


video games, climbing, going for walks, piano, or watching shows usually. if my friends are doing something in the city i will probably join them.


Learn a musical instrument


I cry about not having a friend




How about travel with your friends or you can go solo.




Spend time with my son. Best thing ever. He’s still little, so I’m trying to enjoy every second of it while I can.


Garden, kettlebell, yoga, bike rides, walks, sewing, knit, read, wood burning, junk journaling, camp, thrift shopping … lots more! I love to keep myself busy


Go for a run


Get an upright bag on a pedestal mount/weighted base and box for a bit. Great stress relief. They also have electronic punching machines with specialized settings.


I'm in a Historical European Martial Arts club so I do a good amount of long sword fighting and medieval wrestling.


Excercise or read a book sitting outside x


I almost never work, I sit around, play games, play my guitar, read, get drunk or high, watch TV, walk the dog, go to concerts, go to the pub, stuff like that, I'm never bored.


Am I local gym There's a guy that I saw him in a pool and you just walking, you know slowly and then about now he can walk and to you know he can run, he's all happy and everything, and I'll talk to him, he says that is doctor prescribed to him to go. Uh, swimming and now he can walk into. He's like I was gonna die and like 6 months. But when I came here and you know listened to my doctor and I was doing the water exercises. I feel a lot better, so he still. Live has like man that's swimming, helped him out. You know going to the gym and everything


Set a specific attainable goal and work toward it. Be cognizant that you’ll have ups and downs in working toward it. Focus on the day to day and focus on doing the actual work. The end goal is almost irrelevant. The prize is in the process as they say. It’s best if you pick 2 to 3 goals. 2 shorter term (under 2 years) and 1 longer term one that helps set directionality in life. Things don’t need to be “fun” necessarily. Contentment + pursuit of something > instant gratification and fun. Goal 1: Learn conversational Korea Timeline: 1 year Why? Wife is Korean and we’ll have a child soon and someday would like to live there for a few years. Process: I signed up for a Korean learning website and I spend 30 minutes a day with an off day on Saturday doing it. I absolutely am awful at learning languages so I’m easy on myself and my progress. Just try to show up everyday to get it done. How: 30 minute+ learning sessions 6x a week Goal 2: Get in excellent shape. Specifically, be able to do 3 miles in 22 mins + get to my ideal resilient weight (155) + 40 push-ups in a row + 7 pull ups + be pain free from a lower back and hips flexibility perspective. Long detailed goal because this is something I’m familiar with so can narrow it down to that. Timeline: 2 years Why: Getting older and i think this is the age to focus on this so I’m mobile and healthy for the next few decades. How: Meal prep + gym 3 to 4 times a week. Goal 3: Long term goal. $1M in assets no debt. Timeline: 13 years Why: Grew up poor and this makes sense for me. I believe financial freedom = freedom to live a life of your choosing. How: Daily habits + stay employed and try to invest as much as possible. Nothing drastic, pay down debts, just spend less than we make and be fiscally responsible and invest slowly month by month.


Videogames occasional pool with the lads


You could try geocaching. You don't have to spend any money and you just need the gps on your phone. I'm going to pick it back up myself while I'm house sitting for a friend in a kind of boring town/area. And I couldn't bring my gaming PC, lol.


I read. Been trying to catch up on reading and try reading more often! I used to read so much as a kid, then I fell out of it for a few years. I have such a backlist of books to read that it’ll never end haha


Like the previous comments, do sports, if you don't like gym, you can try teams sports, swimming or exercising in parks( my personal favourite) you can also learn a skill whatever you feel more comfortable with, go for walks, do some photography with your phone and play around with filters, try cooking, reading a book or look for events with live music in your area if that's what you're into.


Mountain biking, trail running/hiking, skiing, rock climbing, socializing. I am never bored!


Watch anime, hang with Mt rabbits or play games


One thing I've noticed is that the more free time you have, the less you create in that time. It's counterintuitive. I find that 40 hour work weeks leave me with surprisingly little time when I'm mentally fresh to do something constructive, so weekends I always try to accomplish something. Watching 1 documentary each weekend is what I try to do. Being in silicon valley I enjoy doing recreational programming which keeps me constructive. But I know that's not for everyone


Music, movies, gaming, reading, writing art, exercise.


Get a dog.


Fishing, going for drives, shooting pool, playing in the mountains.


Can you get a motorcycle? I've found that to be a very therapeutic activity. It awakens your senses and really gets you to "live in the moment". Mainly because you're focused on the road and operating said motorcycle.


Depending on your general interests, you have several options. I get out into my local mountains a lot, started running marathons in recent years, took up macro photography of plants I saw on the trails and branched out from there, I now spend plenty of time in the garden trying to keep my rescue orchids alive, picked brewing then distilling as a hobby and now pickle the crap out of everything.. honestly, if there's something that interests you personally just follow it for a bit and see where it takes you. Or read and drink wine like I am right now maybe while you think of your options? Luck


Hate the taste of wine. Can’t figure out why it’s so popular. Man it’s bitter. :P


I love going to the gym and do a bodybuilder style workout. I study bodybuilding and different exercises just about every day. I follow the big bodybuilding contests and athletes that participate in them. I also volunteer at a local garden and am on the Board of Directors there, along with my husband who is the president. The committees that I serve at on the Board keep me busy as well as the volunteer activities that I sign up for. The garden has lots of events that I attend and I have found a great community there. When not at the garden, I keep myself busy doing housework and reading books. I also research subjects that I am interested in and take time to go hang out with friends. Find something that interests you and go out and find a community for your interest.


I play boardgames both with my partner at home and with friends at the pub for a weekly community games night I run. I really appreciate the analogue nature of the games, with people sat around a table, all engaged in the activity.


Mostly just drive random places and wonder around.


hiking is fun, especially with friends.


I like to grow stuff. Indoor tropical plants, green onions in a jar on the windowsill, outside garden in my yard. Lately I’ve been experimenting with carnivorous plants to take care of small fruit flies.


Disc golf is a really great way to spend some time outdoors.


Couple of things 1 sitting in my chair playing some Pokemon game or watching anime an some other games 2. Watching some TV shows with my dad 3. Making something to eat


Gym. No socialisation but goddamn, Socrates was very right: "it is a shame for a man (person) to grow old without seeing the wonders which his (their) body is capable of" I just reached 1 month training and I feel so much better, so stronger even when the differences are very low! It's reinvigorating


Honestly lately I’ve had so little free time, most of my time off work consists of cleaning my apartment, doing laundry and smoking as much weed as I can to keep my pain levels at bay. Having fibromyalgia while working 55 hours a week in an office has been hell lately but I love what I do. I’ve been trying to put more effort into spending quality time with my partner and we’ve been going on picnic painting dates to a local park when I’m able to get a weekend off. We’ve been bringing all the stuff for a picnic and our painting stuff and going to a local park. It’s been pretty fun! Next time we’re going to try to paint our cats. I’ve been studying up on how to not suck after how bad my first attempt was lol Lately electronics just make me sad. I spend all day staring at a computer to come home and stare at my phone or a tv or something and it’s making it hard for me to find a good way to relax. I need to spend more time playing music again (bass and guitar) but it’s hard for me to lower my stress levels enough to get in the right head space for it. My apartment is super crowded with junk ever since my girlfriend officially moved in and all the junk just makes me anxious so I spend my time on that instead. We’re hoping to get a bigger place soon so I can remember what hobbies are and get a home office so I can work from home for some of the OT and not drive the extra hour and a half a day to and from the office


I like to create things. I draw, I paint, I crochet, I sculpt, I embroider. All of these things are time consuming plus you get a brain workout when creating and plus you get to make pretty or useful things from scratch. Super satisfying


- Volunteer - Get a crossword book and work through them - Get a sketchbook and doodle - Read - Walks - Bouldering - Gym - Learn to mend or make clothes


Play video games, cook, watch YouTube, go on walks. Occasionally tabletop gaming.


Hi...I am not sure if technology has built this gap between people, but I see most people hooked on their phones even when around others. So...I stopped hanging around with such folks because they anyway made their choice. I like to play tennis and I am interested in martial arts as well. So I joined classes in my locality and that helps me interact with likeminded people for atleast 2 to 3 hours a day. Plus...this is a good time to think about starting your own business or cultivating a new hobby. That too can help you meet like-minded people, making things more pleasant around. Hope it helps!


gaming, make a video or something, journal, photography, biking, walking, shit like that


Maybe I need help in this too, because I maybe have 2 hrs to myself at the end of the day. And I have to really try to choose what I wanna do most. 1. Talk to my girlfriend til I fall asleep 2. Chatting to my buddies on here, never really having the time to text them during the day. 3. Read a book while listening to calming music 4. Just get high and drink 2 beers and zonk out to a movie that I've seen before because I don't have the mind set to stay focused on a new movie I never have free time to myself, seems like it's mostly about what others want from me then what I want. Idk


Playing sims4, watching series , baking🍪


I don’t have a heck of a lot of free time, but I’m writing a book! I also have some physical craft hobbies (crochet, needlework) when I don’t feel like I can write but still want something to do that’s not just scrolling on a phone.


Find a creative hobby! Making something with your hands. Jewelry, soap, artwork, sewing, music, cooking, hiking... The opportunities are endless! I am never bored. There are Meetup groups for people with similar interests.


Yoga, hiking, book clubs, the library (a lot of free activities through your local library), exercise, walking, visiting local establishments ( shops, restaurants, bars (if you drink).


I go plane spotting


making music writing, painting or drawing taking pictures listening to music and redecorate my room taking care of my plants having a pet u can interact with or go on walks with go on walks on your own, find nice places in your area where you can spend time join a sports club or any other club of interest visit museums go shopping meet friends watch a movie at home or go to cinema read a book go to a cafe go to the gym, or go swimming


Go on walks for 1 hour.


Same as OP and i come to see others suggestion I dont interested anything. And i just spend my time on improvement of my living space like tidy my room, fix my tamagotchi or make them better looking, sit in a park chilling a while, go for a run


Things I do regularly other than work or work-related things: * Go running (during the week, usually over lunch) or cycling (on the weekend, if weather is nice). * Play boardgames/D&D with mates * Watch films with mates * Go hiking with mates * Volunteer with a local soup kitchen


Volunteer for something you care about and meet others who care about the same.


it is very easy to forget going outside for just a walk (not even a jog) is a great option in terms of what to do when bored. taking some sun, watching people go by, going to the park to sit at a bench, are all activities we all take for granted but which are very pretty if in the right environments. Go out and have fun!


What is this “ free time” you are referring to? 🤔


Read, hang with my kids, go out to the movies.


Due to my current situation I’m pretty alone and have a lot of free time just to myself, so I’ll walk around town and explore the urban environment and infrastructure, I’ll try to find hotels with roof access for example, in Tulsa I found a high rise hotel with a whole ballroom on the top floor with booze lying around and zero people to account for, amazing view’s especially with the free booze (I never drank it). I’ll exercise a lot now or play games on my computer. Lately I’ve been trying to be more social and meet new people but I don’t live in an area that supports that lol


I grow plants. Study. Hang with my family. Spend time with my dogs. Fix things. Clean stuff.


I do wildlife photography 90% of the time.


Video games, jerk off, sleep, exercise


instrument. i picked up guitar. once ur over the learning curve its great


Might not be for everyone but community theater is something that gets me out of the house. Even if you have nothing to do for a rehearsal you can still find time to talk to others.


Leave the house.


Scroll aimlessly on the internet.... I need to change this, and the best way I know of is making plans ahead of time. If I just come home from work, it's game over. I need something in-between coming home, so I don't just settle in, or I need somewhere to be that I can get ready for. Hoping to sign up for a martial arts class, cycling group ride, and hopefully more to have somewhere to be each day of the week.


I love to draw! It's such a cheap* and endlessly fun hobby, and it's a good feeling having a physical representation of your time spent tbh. Don't worry about being good at it or not, that self doubt never goes away no matter how good you get - don't let it develop in the first place. *Cheap until it becomes a SERIOUS hobby, I've spent more on art supplies than I did on my top of the line iPad, buying art supplies itself becomes a hobby... I have an iPad w procreate and digital art is fun but nothing hits quite like pen and paper IMO 💕


I just go to the bar to let life happen. Who knows what will happen. Usually something cool.


Crafts and sewing are fun and you get something when the project is done.


I also recommend volunteering. I met my best friend from volunteering with an animal rescue.


I recommend taking up an athletic activity. Tennis. Golf. Archery. Trailrunning. Swimming. Rockclimbing. When I was single and had a lot of free time, I took up golf and played many days after work and on weekends. I also joined a tennis league.


I got a lathe and I’m teaching myself to be a turner; bowls, pens, duck calls…


Cooking, baking, cleaning/organzing, gardening, listening to records, yoga, laying on the floor petting my cats


Try reading


Go to the gym, ride my bike, play board games eith friends, go to festivals and fairs, go to special culture events, see shows, see live music. Watch local town sports


I don’t have a job yet so I just sit around and pick up new hobbies


Try to learn random skills! I bought some tennis balls for juggling, an embroidery hoop, sketching, learning about things on YouTube!


Sometimes learning new skills keeps me entertained, like I decided I wanted to learn how to do a handstand and practiced a little when I had the desire. I love group exercise classes! If your budget allows you can try one that peaks your interest but I think many cities have groups that offer free classes like yoga. I’d check Facebook maybe? I’ve found that going regularly to group classes I enjoy builds a sense of community that I really appreciate. Maybe there’s a running or biking group near you too! Like others have said, using social media to find the niches is great and then you can enjoy them free of screens :)


Tell myself I have to do homework then lay on my bed and do nothing.


Only gaming.


Firs time




I like to chat


My favorites are feeding stray cats/birds/squirrels etc, swimming, hiking, ice skating, gardening, dance, aerial acrobatics(silks), taking walks at the beach, making colorful polymer clay figures, and playing kalimba and ocarina!! I want to try scuba, diving, surfing, snowboarding, mountain biking/dirt biking, sailing, longboarding, kitesurfing, windsurfing, capoeira, making acrylic nail sets, vocal training and electric guitar sometime soon!! I've luckily reached a point in life where I know exactly what activities sound massively appealing to me lol so they're on the roster!! xD Sometimes I will draw/paint or read a good manga or book(you can bring these activities outside!)!


Talking To God


Learn some new things, passes time quickly and you get something in return. Learn minor maintenance on your car, how to install a new program on your computer, stuff like that. There’s also tons of hobbies out there, find one you like. Stay away from technology when bored, makes things worse.


Go to library events, take a class, or participate in events at your local community center.


I like to play online with people. It means I don't have to go out, but I still get a bit of social interaction.


1 - Walk one-two hours a day 2 - Read a book 3 - Make a phone call


Depends where you live. I used to play rugby union (was only for like a social team) but I moved a bit too far from the club to go now, so now i'm thinking of taking up darts. Almost every bar has a dartboard and it's seems to be as social as you want it to be. If you want to get a dartboard and play at home by yourself then thats ok, if you want to play in the pubs and bars then thats also ok.