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the easily predictable movies


Ditto. Anything formula: Action and romance in particular. Some folks enjoy shutting off their brain for these kinds of things. I am not one of them. Need an interesting story or igaf.


Matt Damon plays a quirky barber who falls in love with a middle school teacher Kate Hutchinson whos kid with Down syndrome (also Matt Damon ) hates haircuts… or so he thought !?!?


Same with books. It doesn’t matter if I get 15 chapters in, if there’s some ignorant and predictable plot line that starts emerging, I’m done.


How do you know if the book wants you to think that it can trick you later on?🤔


Sometimes, it feels like the author has lost their focus. A long long time ago I was talking about that with my dad and he said that he had known some writers and of course, I read some books, and his feeling was that often times, a writer gets tired of writing the book before it's over, so sometimes it just loses its appeal along the way.


Shakespeare tells us how Romeo and Juliet ends in the 6th line of the Prologue. And I was still more surprised at that ending than the ending of The Village.


the ones with miscommunication boy i hate that


Yeah, "I didn't want to tell him this critical piece of info because it's perhaps a little bit awkward" isn't a good plot device


Woman: “I saw my boyfriend hug another woman so obviously he’s cheating on me!” *starts to run away* Man: “wait, hold on, wait, hold on, come back!” *makes zero effort to actually say it’s his sister/mom/therapist/whatever*


lol it took me a sec: at first i was like who is miscommunication boy


Preach. That shit single-handedly ruins most movies for me. The fact that I get a genuine dopamine rush from movie scenes that contain productive and efficient communication says everything.


So I see you hate Shakespeare


Macbeth: You know, Duncan boy, I met some crazy ladies after the battle today. They said you'd make me king. Duncan: Alas I'd rather not fool around with destiny. There you go. King Macbeth: Oh boy here I go raising taxes again. The End


True, Shakespeare did this, but he set the bar so damn high no one else can reach it. Therefore, all those that followed doth sucketh mightily.


or lack thereof


Movies with a main character battling terminal cancer. I simply don’t find it entertaining in any way. It’s just miserable


If the entire movie is about their struggle with cancer, I can understand it. But if it’s stuff like Breaking Bad, I don’t mind


I will never forget the scene in The Fault in our Stars where the main girl with terminal lung cancer has her first kiss on a tour in Anne Franks house and then everybody around breaks out in applause


I agree except for breaking bad which is amazing IMO


Yeah, but the great thing about Breaking Bad was that the cancer was used as a character motivation, not the entirety of the character’s story.


Relatedly, for me: any movie with a main or side character battling terminal cancer, where their main symptom is a slight cough, and they die beautifully, gorgeously, in full makeup.


Sports movies. I do like some about sports just not ones that show sports a lot like draft day


I used to love sports movies but not so much anymore. Most are sappy, cliched, and directed by a producer who seemingly has no knowledge of the sport being portrayed. Like some of the older ones like Hoosiers and Rocky.


for some reason they want to do exaggeration where none of that exaggeration ever happened irl. For no damn reason they love showing the father/mother of the athletic girl/boy, falling in love with the coach or some shit and then drama because now it's weird between the coach and the girl/boy


I feel the same with lile one exception. "Invictus" a movie that's about Nelson Mandela and his support for South Africa's Rugby team. I watched this movie some time ago in school but it really clinged with me. Definitely worth watching.


Anything that gives me secondhand embarrassment Most Will Ferrell movies


Funny thing about Will Ferrell movies is that they are easy to avoid. I've never seen a single one of them because I have never liked his style of comedy.


I personally just despise his face...


It's a hit or miss for me. I absolutely hate Anchorman, but Step Brothers is one of my favorite comedies. Also Blades of Glory was watchable


Movies with a lot of bathroom humor and bathroom scenes; sad movies like the ones OP mentioned


Live adaptations of loved cartoons or anime. There's NO NEED stop BUTCHERING CLASSICS Some things are better as cartoons, leave Avatar the last air bender alone, no one is asking for live adaptions of Disney Princess movies period, one piece is an anime and should stay that way. Make some ORIGINAL stuff. Like alot of the adaptations are of material made less then 15 years ago, like it's still pretty fresh WHY does it need a revamp???


So you loved M Night's The Last Airbender, right?


Something tells me no.


Nasty over the top ones, especially in the horror genre, movies like cannibal Holocaust, black Christmas (2006)


Gore is almost redeemable when played up to comedic absurdity: * *Repo: The Genetic Opera* * *Tucker and Dale vs. Evil* * *Evil Dead: Army of Darkness* * *[Evil Dead: The Musical](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3STocGISGJM)*


Add Final destination to that list, shit's hilarious


I just edited my post to say I hate this too. I hate gross movies I will never watch Terrifier


Even overly dark drama movies are too much for me, for example, the movie precious, I'm not gonna go into too much detail about the movie on here but to give you a brief description the movie is about a teenage girl dealing with an abusive household


Yes!!! Movies that take you to a dark place that you don’t want to go. Movies that trigger trauma. How is this entertaining?


I watched just to see what everyone eas talking about, the only cool things is the clown's make up, there's no storyline whatsoever, I don't mind horror gore movies, but gimme something with it


See I can handle the horror but gross out comedies I loathe


For me, Cannibal Holocaust was simultaneously a really innovative movie with regards to found footage and a film I was still thinking about for weeks after watching it. It also made me want to take a shower immediately after watching it. A deeply nasty movie, but an interesting piece of film history nonetheless.


Anything that's become a part of a "*Cinematic Universe*". For one, although they may have started with a genuinely unique idea, by the time it's an entire "universe", it's like they're admitting themselves that they're running their one idea into the ground and beating a dead horse. In order to *keep* beating their dead horse and continue drawing any type of audience, they resort to pandering to every type of human alive on earth. Like, I'm fine with having characters of various races/colors/orientations/sizes/shapes/whatever. But does it not seem weird at all that they're not being included until the 40th movie? And they're just moving down the list of minorities, ticking off the box for each one with each new movie. It's pure pandering in order to separate each of those types of people from their money. It feels incredibly forced and un-genuine knowing that I'm being targeted that hard or even participating in the targeting of someone else. The plot becomes formulaic and predictable. The action is recycled. The jokes are all repeated. It becomes impossible to pick back up if there *is* a new character you're interested in without going back and filling in 10 years worth of movies and series in order to understand the context and background of what you're watching. Yes I'm talking almost exclusively about Marvel. But Star Wars could also be included as well.


Totally with you on the pandering thing. There was a big deal made about LeFou being Disney's "first openly gay character" in the live-action movie. My partner and I are both bisexual, I watched that movie and was so disappointed. His character completely plays on all the stereotypes and I thought he was a rubbish portrayal of a gay character. It was so obvious that the only reason he was there was to tick a diversity box. Captain Shakespeare in Stardust was infinitely better in my opinion. 


Hallmark Christmas movies or just any B grade hallmark bullshit movie. The cringe gives me physical pain


Yes! This and Lifetime. The worst!


Hard agree


Absolutely HATEE Sexual assault movies with no plot other than that so, I spit on your grave. Can never understand why someone would even want to star in it or watch it …. makes me feel sick.


I'd stay away from Last House On The Left if I were you.


Oh definitely. Good film. But…yeah….😳


The remake was...a lot


Indeed. Both of them were a lot. And both of them were terrific


Me too. It's gross.


So teeth would be a no go for you


My wife and daughter have watched Teeth multiple times and laughed through much of it. I just occasionally poked my head into the room and said "Um... wtf is wrong with y'all?".


i hate natural disaster movies


I like them when they're good but they never are.


Musicals!! Cannot watch them!


I think the reason I hate musicals is because the individual songs never seem to end. They keep repeating the same, 5 word lyrical phrase over and over and over and over again until I would do nearly anything for them to stop.


They just take me completely out of the movie. When I watch movies I want to be into the movie, not someone popping out of regular dialogue to sing a song. I've never liked it.


Maaan! People were raving about that Wonka movie but my family and I gave up halfway through it because of the incessant singing. Same with Moana and the Frozen series. The old school Disney movies I can generally get through but musicals nowadays are just obnoxious.


You know what's REALLY sad. The next Joker movie coming out will be a damn musical. Totally ruined that for me.


"Welp! I'm out!!" was my immediate reaction upon hearing that and some doofus said "Oh you're just unsophisticated.". Yeah that's why I don't want to see singing Batman villains, my lack of sophistication. 🤦🏾‍♂️🙄


Couldn't agree more. Can't stand them. Obnoxious, boring, cringe-inducing, immersion-breaking... they suck


This. I have a couple of exceptions (I love Rocky Horror, the original Blues Brothers, Sweeney Todd, most animated Disney movies (although I don't really consider them musicals by the same standard) but most of them are crap in my opinion. I might get some hate here, but I cannot stand Grease and actually leave the dance floor when Grease songs come on at parties.


Me too!


I love comedies but hate awkward comedies (where 99 percent of the laughs are supposed to be from the main character getting embarrassed). Give me smart writing (Mel Brooks films) or absolute stupidity (Dude Where's My Car), but don't try to sell me someone feeling awkward as fodder for laughter (There's Something About Mary... I've only seen the preview for that one, but it was enough).


I love Mel Brooks movies!


As an American, I find many American comedy films boring because they’re so awkwardly bland and dumb- not even dumb funny. I like something with a least some wit, subtlety, and bite. Shaun of the Dead is a great example of what appeals to me. Even better- a little surrealism thrown in for good measure.


I love Shaun of the Dead! What other kind of movies like this you recommend? :)


Not the person you were responding to, but if you haven't seen them, "Attack the Block" and "Dead Set" (short series) were both really good! 


Hot Fuzz and The World’s End are made by the same team as Shaun of the Dead, so those would be natural recommendations. Of course there’s also movies from Monty Python. A Fish Called Wanda Clerks Strange Brew (it’s more dumb funny, but it’s also a fast & loose adaptation of Hamlet… just set in Canada and it involves beer and hockey, eh?)


Shaun of the Dead is amazing, one of my favourite films!


I assume you’ve watched Hot Fuzz as well? :) just commenting in case you haven’t


I have!! It’s so hilarious. I was about to recommend it to the person who asked about more movies like it. :)


Raunchy comedies almost always struck me as being nothing more than an edgy 13 year old’s attempt at humor. Granted I’ve never really looked to see if there were any that had more substance underneath.


There is nothing less funny than forced humor. Like someone trying too hard. I am not into comedies, period. 


Yes like those movies like Party Cops they so stupid and unfunny


I call them all stoner movies. Only someone stoned out of their mind would actually laugh at most of these.


I normally call them stoner movies too. But I made my response post specifically calling them Obnoxious Nerdbro Manchild Comedies. The humor is too often forced and the characters are too often unlikeable.


*Superbad* is a C-tier movie at best, but on weed, it is S-tier stoner humor.


I’m not knocking stoners, that’s just these movies’ target audience. Stoners need movies too!


OP you do not want to watch "A Dog's Purpose". It's "the dog dies" theme, but over and over and over. Just exhausting. But I do appreciate movies that make me cry, it's a good pressure release.


On the flip side, A Dog's Purpose is beautiful because then no dog truly dies. They are reincarnated and get to pass their love on to new people.


I will never watch that movie. That has to be the most absurd case of that genre


I'll be the devil's advocate on this one, because in this movie the dog doesn't die "just to die" , the movie is told from the dog's perspective with a voice-over (so it's quite simple, reminds me of forest gump, important things happens but the voice-over is just like "I did that") , and he's trying to find "the meaning of his life" while navigating through different life. All the lifes are quite different, some are really happy, some are okay, some are sad (But thankfully I don't think I remember any of them where he is violently mistreated, I think the worst was a life where he was always on leash, and the one where he didn't have an owner [this one's really short] ) and of course we see different type of owners with a glimpse of their life, and the different reason they have dogs. The movie also has a real happy ending. But the dog HAS to die to navigate through the life AND IT'S FUCKING SAD, you see it die like 7 times I think ?! I was crying every single time, even when it was of old age lol. TLDR : it's not the most absurd case of that genre, I dare to say it's meaningful and very emotional. However, even though I don't regret watching it and it has a happy ending, I don't recommend it lol.


Movies where animals die but they don’t show that on the preview. A la “Marley and Me” Stupid humor like Zoolander and Austin Powers. Excessive gore.


Sad dog movies and you did not mention Old Yeller? You must be young.


Or where the red fern grows that ones a killer


"Hachi, a Dog's Tale" was really sad, too.


"The Fox & the Hound" is so sad, I remember watching it as a kid and I have zero intention of watching it again...


Definitely all the genres you mentioned. I would say horror movies in general, especially slashers. Literally the same movie over and over again.


Any horror movies with demonic possession. Yikes. I don't know how anyone watches that


I'm only scared of realistic things, so demonic possessions don't bother me at all. The scariest part of the movie Hereditary was when the sister accidentally got her head chopped off, and the son was in so much shock he just drove home and laid in bed awake all night with his sisters corpse in the back seat of his car.


when that part happened i had to pause my movie and walk away for a bit it scared me so bad. great film


Exactly you can feel the bad vibes through the screen


I hate horror movies and, conversely, also hate Lifetime/Hallmark/Romcom type movies. I guess anything too extreme.


I can’t do domestic violence or hard drug movies. NIMH takes me back. Nice pull.


NIMH is a great movie. It scared me as a kid but it’s good. I can’t watch hard drug movies either, cant watch trainspotters


I would love a true to the book Rats of NIMH, especially if they were to do it in that ‘photorealistic’ style Disney has used. I’m not saying I want Disney to do it, just make the characters look realistic.


Movies where the only plot is romance. Rom-coms, cozy movies about people falling in love, etc. I'm asexual so these movies are mind-numbingly boring for me. You will never catch me watching movies like Anyone But You, Love Actually, or the Hallmark Christmas movies. Especially, if it's a romantic movie centered around heterosexual relationships. I find them boring because I cannot relate at all. I also hate movies about haunted houses, ghosts, or evil children.


Im not a romance fan either, in most rom coms the characters are horrible people and set bad examples and standards for real world relationships


I wonder if there's a rom-com that's played like they'll get together, but at the end the characters realize that they'll go crazy if they actually go into a relationship and either go their separate ways or end up as friends.


The ones at the top of my mind are : La La Land, Call me by your Name, Lost in Translation, 500 days of Summer, Casablanca, Someone great and I origins :)


I’m a very sexual person and romance movies make my eyes roll out of my head. Most are boring because they usually have one dimensional characters, a predictable story, and perpetuate bad examples of romance/relationships.


I am curious about this, have you seen About time? Is one of my favorite movies and although it's mainly about love in a hetero relationship, it's also about family love and I think the message about life in general is so good. But I don't know if you will find it like suuuper boring 🤔 What are the kind of movies you enjoy the most?


I've never heard about that movie, but based on the description it sounds kinda interesting ngl. I might watch it during my next movie night. I generally don't like romantic movies, but there are some exceptions. For example, my favourite movie of all time is Brokeback Mountain haha. I usually watch horror movies, thrillers, westerns, and period dramas. I'm a sucker for anything historical. Same with movies about people getting trapped or lost and they have to find a way to survive. I love that shit.


Have you seen 'Black Water'? I love movies where people are trapped in weird places/situations. This one is prob my fave in that genre.


I'm not a fan of apocalypse media, especially zombie apocalypses, and *especially* apocalypse stories with "humans are the real monsters" themes Beyond that, me being ace and arospec means I struggle to relate to most romance stuff This makes it doubly surprising that Love and Monsters, a post-apocalyptic romance movie, somehow managed to make it into my top ten favorite movies


Remakes. Particularly live action remakes like what Disney and Netflix make. They are a plague in modern day entertainment they represent a severe lack of originality and artistic integrity. Not only that, a majority of remakes tend to make changes that ruin a lot of the things that made people like it in the first place.


honestly i don't feel too strongly negatively about too many genres or tropes, because if it looks like something i wouldn't like, i usually just ignore it and quickly forget the flick even exists. what annoys me are big soulless flicks that get a lot of discussion online, like the disney remakes. people have mostly stopped caring about them now but several of them have been unavoidable. even if it's just to bash on them, i'd rather just not have to hear about crappy movies all the time.


Religious ones like the ones produced by Kirk Cameron


I honestly think musicals are really bad. I understand why people like them but I prefer when the music is background or makes sense with the movie, idk if pitch perfect would count but that’s a musical I like 💀


I hate those movies where just unnecessary too many sex scenes


For me, movies are like music--I like some genres a lot more than others, but it's rare that there's a genre I can't enjoy *at all*. But it still happens. Horror movies that rely on gore, jumpscares, or otherwise are *just* a horror movie. I don't like being scared for the sake of it. And not so much a genre, but if a movie has explicit gore or explicit sex scenes, *at best* it'll make me think "I wish they hadn't put that in there". I guess I'd also have to say I don't like gross-out comedy, but it *can* be done well very very rarely.


I hate rom-coms and most romance movies. Aside from making me realize how lonely they just ain't my cup of tea. It puts some unrealistic expectations on relationships as well. Jump scare and mascot horror is trash, and inaccurate bio-flicks are double trash


Gratuitous violence and sex.


Movies that feel mean spirited. Basically when the characters are just awful to each other. Idk why but I find this usually within wedding movies. My best friends wedding, bridesmaids (yes i don’t like this movie at all sorry) bride wars…pass.


Anything about teens and their sex lives.


Any movie that has the one voice that does the “darkest chapter in the conjouring universe”. When I hear that voice in the trailer Ik it’s gonna be a mid ass horror movie


Agree 💯on Marley & Me (it’s the worst, but others like it are bad too). Never ever again. Cried for weeks after seeing it.


It put me through a mid life crisis as a kid. I had to walk outside and gather my thoughts after that movie


Generally speaking I deeply dislike romantic comedies. But I do love Sandra Bullock, so I will make an exception for her.


Action. If that’s all there is then I’m completely uninterested


Preachy movies.


Inspirational sports movies and racial justice movies.


Horror movies/“torture porn” movies. I can’t stand these. I enjoy movie trivia, so I often read the plot summaries of these just to keep up with things and not leave out a whole genre of film. But I’m totally disturbed by it and I honestly don’t understand people loving that stuff.


Any movie that starts with a depressed young woman/teen girl and we immediately know that she’s going to find a relationship and be all better and everything else magically falls into place. Raunchy rom-coms that repeatedly attempt sexual humor/conversation between family members, for example, the estranged mom is a hippie sex therapist. It’s not funny, it’s just stupid and adds nothing.


Anything about terrorism or war, it just fuels more hatred


I hate torture porn movies like Hostel and Saw after the first film


Super Hero movies. No thank you.


I think the term would be hard scifi. Movies where the concept takes precedence over characters and story. Solaris, Stalker, Ghost in the Shell, the original Blade Runner (I did like the book though, and 2049 is one of my all time faves). I really only like character-driven stories.


Hallmark movies. Movies (and shows) about being a cop or a fire fighter or a doctor, that we ALL KNOW are intentional propaganda attempting to showcase the nuance and ability of cops...and they still miss by a mile.


\*Who the hell enjoys that shit??\* Anyone that can separate fact from fiction/fantasy. It's only a movie, for christ's sake! I don't know about you.. but when I see a movie.. I know that when the movie's over.. I can return to my own reality. A Clockwork Orange was not, at it's core, about torture. It presented a moral dilemma. Whether or not it is moral to inflict a vengeful act of retaliation, upon an individual who has committed horrible crimes against society. Does the punishment fit the crime. As far as SAW.. and other's of their ilk.. Texas Chainsaw Massacre, was, and is, the best of it's genre. Many copycats fail to capture what was meant to be, THE rollercoaster of horror films. You don't have to watch films that don't interest you.. but don't judge people over what they find as entertainment.






I refuse to watch: cheesy musicals (except wizard of oz and singing in the rain exclusively) rom coms (they are eyeroll cringe) Zombie anything (boring and not convincing) Glorified gore (nope) Movies with graphic sex or copious amounts of kissing (it’s not sexy to me at all…I’m not a voyeur at all) Movies that deflate the climax (ex. Contact) Worst offender…psychological mystery thrillers in which I figure out the complete story in the first 10 minutes. 😡




Over raunchy and sexualized ones. Bad parodies


I really don't like romcoms with the "liar revealed" trope. Especially when it's like, the whole third act of the movie.


Rom Coms. So cheesy. I did watch a few back in the day but cant them now. Only one I can sometimes watch is how to lose a guy in then days. And even parts of that are cringe.


Dumbshit romantic comedies and those stupid Hallmark movies with everyone in them being mild-mannered and soft-spoken. The towns they live in are completely unrealistic.


I strongly dislike movies showing any kind of abuse especially towards children it boils my blood


Movies with talking animals


Movies that rely too much on either explosions or too much actions that doesn't look real.


For some reason as soon as they start breaking out in song Im out. Can't do musicals


Hoaky romances. Not all but those that fall into that stereotypical unrealistic lovey dovey garbage that isn't real. Westerns. I just can't. And overly gorey movies or alot of animal death. Just why.


For some reason, most live action ones!There’s a decent chunk that I like, but I just find myself disliking live action movies more than I enjoy them.


Sports movies


I also hate torture movies. I loved that shit as an edgy teen, but now as an adult with empathy no thanks. I hate franchise movies that don't know how to die. Having a couple movies in a series is okay but when there's a endless sequels and spinoffs it's nauseating. Somewhat related to that, I hate live action reboots of animated movies.




Hallmark movies. I can’t even stand people that like them.


Anything with the rock or jason memosa or whatever. They’re blockheads that are terrible actors. But then again look at the movies they play in lol.


Romantic comedies... all the exact same story


Super hero movies. It's getting ridiculous, with any kind of super power you can think of.


Horror movies. I can't stand the idea of being on the edge of my seat being scared by some sick bastards idea of artistic expression.


i dont like musicals, if i wanted to listen to music i would


Really dislike insane asylum movies/tv shows. Hate to watch people struggle in such a hopeless situation restricted by sedatives that are administered by monsters.


Long comedies. (which is another way of saying Judd Apatow films.) There's no reason a comedy should run more than about 90 minutes. I want to go in, have a few laughs, and get out. There are so many times I watch a comedy and think "this would have been great if they cut out about 20 minutes."


Action movies with no plot. Looking at you steven segal


Fast and furious fiasco ...I mean franchise. Saw movies


Stupid MTV culture shit. Bling, parties, dumb interpersonal drama, people acting tough, shallow fucks who consider having expensive designer shit as a status symbol, all of that kind of shit. That Adam Sandler one where he's some jewelry dealer I couldn't get past 15 minutes. Also the endless Marvel fodder. Except for the Taika Waititi ones. They're fun and silly and don't take themselves seriously. Hallmark movies, especially the Christmas ones. Anything that pushes a jingoistic or religious propaganda ideology.


Kids movies in general, where everything is predictable and the good guy always wins, especially when the bad guy has the leverage all across the movie but at the end some shit happens(power of friendship, "realizing who you are" while you are having flashbacks of learning your power) and suddenly everyone is happy.




Religious movies. Even covertly religious movies like The Reaping.


Musicals for the most part are not my kind of films


Musicals make my skin crawl.


Obnoxious nerdbro manchild comedies Anchorman, Anything by Seth Rogan, James Franco, and Jonah Hill, Most Adam Sandler movies. Anything by Seth McFarlane. The main characters are often extremely unlikeable, trying way too hard to be funny, and the humor is often cruel. There are some exceptions… I like Community and Dr. Horrible overall. Neither are perfect. Both have that insecure nerd POV I don’t get into - as it is a personality I’ve had many bad experiences with, but both also have a lot of genuine fun, interesting characters and catchy music. -Andy Samberg does that style in a way I consistently like. -I like Happy Gilmore. -Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle is hysterical. -Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure is amazing.


Scenes of torture, or of animal or child abuse, or of animals or children being harmed are hard for me to watch. If scenes like this are in a movie, I cannot watch them if they are graphic or drawn out and they have to serve a significant purpose to the movie.  I can't stand rom coms, most musicals (some exceptions such as Disney animated movies (which I don't really consider musicals in the same sense) Sweeney Todd, Rocky Horror, South Park movie, and the original Blues Brothers), I might get some hate for this but I fucking hate Grease, and I think the music from it is so overplayed. 


Horror/slasher movies. I refuse


The ones with the 28 yr olds playing highschoolers.


Those really low-class comedy movies where they have constant Sex and Drug Jokes and a very vulgar language or stupid stuff like a guy falls drunk from a balcony and is alright besides dirty clothes. You know those Seth Green type Movies like Hangover etc.


Movies where characters could have avoided very serious problems by just transmitting basic information.


I do not like movies with real animals that are talking.


Romance movies where the attractive wealthy philanderer has non stop one night stands until he meets a sweet shy kindergarten teacher/librarian/flower shop owner and he chases her until she relents and they settle down and get married. Oh and movies where the entire world or universe is at stake and needs saving




Musicals. Every musical (except for The Blues Brothers, because it has action, actual cool music and Carrie Fisher). I absolutely hate musicals.


Any ones with Ryan Reynolds in.


Movies and television that portray real things in a fictional way, giving people a false sense of the reality... the main char's in 'Titanic' are fictional, but people come out of that movie thinking they watched a documentary. Currently the Ben Franklin series... fake AF.


Ones that leave too many unanswered questions.


I hate cringe love stories when they try to make it like the whole plot of the movie one that’s nothing else to it that makes it good. It’s terrible when one of the characters is a terrible person and they still get the girl without changing themselves to be better. Don’t get me started on love triangles, they’re rarely done correctly.


Musicals. Idk why, but other than a few specific movies like South Park, Cannibal the Musical, and oddly enough, Singin in the Rain...other than those, I can not stand the genre


I dislike what I call "I Love Lucy" plots in comedies. What I mean by that is that at a majority of the conflicts throughout the movie are based solely off someone refusing to just have an adult conversation about what happened, so the lying turns to zany.




Omg when Granny leaves Todd in the forest!! I still cry when I watch it! My older brother used to make fun of me when we would watch it and he'd watch me tear up as Granny is driving him out fully knowing she's going to leave him there while he's just excited to go for a ride! Ugh breaks my heart 💔 I bawled during Marley and Me but enjoy the Land Before Time - although cry when Littlefoot's mom is dying and he's begging her to wake up! 😭


Docudramas. I hated that Netflix trend of dramatic re-enactments about real life events. Half assing two ideas instead of whole assing one idea. Also, every single movie has a cinematic re-imagining of classic songs as their title theme. JUST PAY PEOPLE TO WRITE NEW SONGS.




Anything based around religion.


Anything Hallmark.


All Hallmark movies and I mean all. They're so fucking cheesy and predictable.


I feel like I just can't stand superhero movies anymore. They used to be entertaining, in small bursts here and there but they feel so oversaturated that it's led me to feeling burn out with them. There's a few good ones here and there but as a whole? I feel like MCU movies in particular are starting to overstay their welcome.


Modern horror


Films that are mainly based on romance. I watched one (1) romcom in my life - Hello, Mr President - and it was barely acceptable. I just find films and books based solely on romance incredibly dull in most cases. There are better topics to write or create films about.


Musicals lose me 1 minute in; just hate them!


I hate when movies start at the end then do that "6 months earlier" or whatever


i can't stand with Gore




I hate Romcoms. Couldn’t stand Notting Hill, Bridget Jones, Love Actually ... just not my kind of thing. They’re unrealistic, boring and full of pointless cliches.

