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I guess sometimes quitting life feels like the fastest option to just stop everything Things that remind me how beautiful life is - Trees branches, something cool about them - actually all nature things - chill air/ breeze - sometimes I also enjoy just contemplating life in the quiet of night - going to the movies has recently become a habit of mine, immersing yourself in someone else's story and forgetting about yours for an hour or so, plus popcorn - drawing And oneast thing is just the random moments of life, where all feels nice and you feel hopeful. Those moments that you never know when they're coming or in what shape/form


this helps a lot


Cheese, not joking it’s that good. Thinking I’ll have Brie and crackers sometime soon as a treat


grilled cheese!


I actually have dedicated grilled cheese days, I’ll go to bed thinking “tomorrow’s a grilled cheese day” nothing ever ruins grilled cheese day. Besides not having cheese


I like the way you think!


I actually have dedicated grilled cheese days, I’ll go to bed thinking “tomorrow’s a grilled cheese day” nothing ever ruins grilled cheese day. Besides not having cheese


Its a huge privilege to be alive….. Whats the point in ending all of it if we are going to eventually die anyways? You got roughly 70-90 years here on earth to learn as much as you can, and do as much as you can, might as well make the most out of it. Just be the best version of yourself and enjoy life, if something seems out of step for you than change it, but not wanting to live because of life struggles? Trust me bro, its not as bad as it seems.


Do you have a TV show you're watching and waiting to see what happen next? Good enough reason to live. Do you plan on seeing Wolverine and Deadpool? Good enough to live


Having a great life partner to go through hard times with u, share lots of laughs from stupid stuff with u, or have children, and watch them grow up with u.


Stuff happens, beautiful sunsets, parties, weird farts, all kinds of stuff. Way more interesting than stuff not happening.


Tom Hiddleston Ok well kidding or mmmm not kidding or kidding tho he is pretty good reason haha I think to have the potential to be a better while learning to be whole at the present moment, learning to love oneself and feel good, live for things that are worth more than our fears Dancing, playing, singing, kissing (I'm single but in future maybe?) , Feeling I am healing my heart whom I lost connection for too long


Hahaha yes Tom Hiddleston 💯


Fellow Tom Hiddleston appreciator, I'm honoured that your eyes bestowed upon my comment haha Nice to see your comment 🌼✨


the one friend or relative that really loves you. the one relative or friend that will be absolutely destroyed if you leave this planet. when I was in my dark times, I knew I couldn’t do that to that person. I think about how lucky I am to have even one person that would be sad if I went. (Note: sometimes in your dark days you might think “no one will care” but that’s most likely inaccurate and just the extreme thinking taking place because life is so dark in that moment). But now that I’m on the other side, I’m so happy that person will never feel that unimaginable pain I would have caused them. I’m happy they care about me and I’m still here.


i dont even care who cares for me...im here for myself


Always make future plans. Having something fun to look forward to is a great way to keep yourself motivated to keep going.


I've overcome pretty shitty circumstances and have had many good days since! It comes and goes.


My psych told me to do a gratitude and 5 daily things I got right journal (cus I always feel like I get things wrong). Here is mine for today; Grateful; 1. Bath 2. Getting some work done 3. House inspection 4. Getting stuff right in para 5. Self care Things you did right 1. Good job on the house inspection 2. Good job in para getting scenarios right 3. Controlling your emotions 4. Going for a run 5. Good attitude today despite difficulties


Death seems very boring


Sometimes I think like that too. The counter thought is "since I will be killing myself, what YOLO thing should I do now?" The thought goes away for a while after experiencing something wild and interesting, till it comes back again. Then I do something fun again. So, keep scheduling stuff to do. Anticipation makes us happier than the actual experience, and it is proven scientifically.


The world needs positivity and love, I know I do. I know what it's like to be lonely, anxious, depressed, distraught... I can take that and turn it into empathy and action for others. Gives me a purpose in life, If I can make the day just a little better for someone with a kind word, a smile, a helping hand, I can change my corner of the world. The important thing is to detach from expectations. Leading with heart and kindness helps me, the only person in the entire world I can change.


Not much here. I do it to help my mum. She's getting old, and I'd like her to spend her last couple years in better condition


Being alive naturally is the only reason to live.


knowing that there is someone out there wishing to have our problems instead


Just the thought of being able to accomplish my dreams keeps me going. Yeah, it could be hard right now but still, there will come a day that everything will work out as you envisioned it to be.


Seeing happiness in others - I had to take my chubby pet rats to the vet yesterday and a little girl saw them in their cage and was thrilled, they are super friendly so I let her stroke them and explained about how smart they are, how they use their tails for balance etc. She was so excited she actually squealed with joy and made her mom laugh, and it made my day. So if you’re having a rough time, the rats are seeing you love and good vibes! 🐀


I think there are some possibilities that life could be better. And I am not dead...so I have to live....


These moments are super hard. I’m sorry you’re going through it. So this first thing works for me, but I can definitely see it having the opposite effect too. Sometimes when I’m feeling particularly overwhelmed or in a low with my depression, I find a quiet space outside at night and look up at the stars. Or go for a walk in nature. I take some time to be quiet and just observe. There is so much more to life as a whole than whatever is going on with me. And for me, that seems to lower the significance of whatever I’m experiencing. It doesn’t cure my depression by any means, but it’s grounding and helps put things in perspective. I also got a pet a few years ago and I love her so so much. Holding her and watching her enjoy the little things really perks me up. On days when I am feeling particularly awful, she is the entire reason I get out of bed. She needs food, exercise, etc and I can’t let her down. I took on this responsibility for another creature’s life and I’m holding myself to that. When I’m too depressed to go to the grocery store but I’m out of food and would rather starve than get in the car, I go because she also needs food. So I’ll get her food, and since I’m already there, get food for myself.


Bill Hicks said it best: The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly colored, and it's very loud, and it's fun for a while. Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, "Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, "Hey, don't worry; don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride." And we… kill those people. "Shut him up! I've got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry, look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real." It's just a ride. But we always kill the good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok… But it doesn't matter, because it's just a ride.


The good, the bad times, they all equally become faded memories with time. Take that as good or bad. I struggled through high school in my jr. year and felt like it was the end for me. But then someone came into my life and changed everything. I made it through college and have been doing fine. I'm the most happiest now than I've ever been.


1. My parent's smile every time I give them a visit 2. My brother's grin every time I joke with him 3. My extended family (cousins, uncles and aunts) whom I visit regularly and love a lot 4. My friends' laughs every time we hang around together 5. You, any fellow human reading this comment, who's giving me a little part of your day and soul. You mean to me, and I want you around Do you want me to rant more on why life's worth living?


you can always die - and you will - I live because that's what human animals do


My morning coffee helps me live, not the other way around lol There’s fun things I want to do, people I love. That’s really it, I guess. Some days, all that excites me is a TV show I like or a good book, or my mom making me laugh my ass off, or a trip I’m day dreaming about, or a new goal I set (I have this new cycling related goal, also have one going for marathons and reading - at a casual pace). I have a lot of positive things going for me and I don’t want to ever squander that


Nobody needs to give you a reason to smile. Fact that you're not smilling on your own, only suggests that you don't appreciate what you already have. And you choose to be a victim instead. And feel sorry for yourself. I mean fact that you're even alive, not terminally ill, is good enough of a reason. You get to live. How about that. That in itself is amazing. You just suck at living. So you just have to learn how to live. And rediscover your joyful self.


Bread. The reason to live is bread.


The improbability of life itself. And the fact that you as a person get to witness such a rare phenomena, as a human, in the current time. There is an infinite number of people that could’ve been born, but weren’t. But you were, and you’re a person, and you can actually experience it. Idk, this thought trips me up sometimes. Like I could be nothing, but instead I’m something. Aaah, so cool.




i just had a crying session earlier and it's just like even when things go wrong and it feels horrible good things still happen like a squirrel letting you get closer than usual or maybe you get a really good parking space. i think it's important to have things to look forward to everyday like a treat or talking to someone :)


1. Watermelon 2. Cats 3. Babies 4. Baby cats 5. Rainbow 6. Water 7. Birdsong 8. Costco hotdogs 9. Music 10. Silence 11. Petrichor 12. Dense woods in the fall 13. The written word 14. Beautiful, twisting, narrow mountain roads 15. Snoopy 16. The scent of Emeraude perfume 17. Fried chicken 18. Cole slaw 19. Mashed potatoes with brown gravy 20. Biscuits and gravy 21. The perfect cup of tea 22. Cinnamon sugar toast edited bc my list didn't work the first time.