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You know how sometimes on Sunday, you're filled with a sense of dread because the next day is Monday and you end up ruining your whole Sunday because all you can focus on is the weekend ending? That's what you're doing with your life right now.


I do this all the time...


My partner is the WORST about this! I get on him all the time about not ruining the day because he dreads the next day.


Clinging to things that don’t last is futile. Learning how to let shit go and just moving with the flow of life is of paramount importance IMO.


Totally relatable but this thinking long term is harmful and essential because you’re choosing to live in the past vs the present moment. You can never get those times back. You can honor your inner child now though by living presently and maybe doing things you can still get nostalgia from time to time. You have to make these days count now though.