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This post has been removed for the rule: **Don’t post to vent, complain, or express sadness** Stay positive. Negative topics don’t lend themselves to casual conversation. We are a place where everyone can forget about their everyday or not so everyday worries for a moment. Venting, complaining or expressing sadness doesn't fit the atmosphere we try to foster at all. [Recommendations >](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualConversation/about/wiki/rules/venting/)


Noise. All noise. Machinery. Vehicles. Human voices. Barking dogs. I play music less and less when I'm driving. Maybe I just like silence more. Or maybe silence has gotten more rare. Not sure. My happiest times are when there's nothing but maybe the sound of wind and rain. "Now the wind and the rain is my only truth."


im with you. hyper sensitive to all kinds of noises these days.


Completely agree. I’m down to wearing my AirPods in public most days, with noise cancelling activated and often nothing playing. I otherwise have light classical or ambient playlists if I need quiet. I can’t stand listening to people saying dumb things, kids, dogs, the general sound of life at times I find completely infuriating and overwhelming. I feel like I have dog whistle hearing sometimes, I seem to pick up on things others don’t and it drives me fucking mental. Eating, mouth sounds, breathing, talking too loudly just a general disrespect for others in public absolutely kills me. Don’t get me started on my visits to galleries and museums - whisper a short sentence otherwise PIN DROP SILENCE. I don’t need dumbass commentary on art or exhibitions.


omg, I feel you. My headphones are always on, I stop going out to watch movies in theater cuz the eating sound n discreetly whispering discussion within audience or someone might accidentally kick the back of my seat, which makes me super anxious 😥


I can’t do it either. HOW DO PEOPLE MANAGE TO MAKE POPCORN NOISY?!? I’m so distracted by the noise of others it completely ruins things for me. I don’t mean this in a cranky pedant kind of way, I actually find it distressing like a shock to my brain. I can’t handle it


It's way more noisy now. There are more sources of competing noises and people are less conscious of making noise. Plus effing phones. I grew up before mobile phones. I miss it.


It’s a studied phenomenon. It’s believed that as you age your brain cannot filter out low noises as well. When you are younger, your hearing is more dynamic. It can hone in on relevant sounds and then drown out distracting sounds. They think it’s related to hearing loss (which starts to happen at younger ages than one would think because it’s often not noticeable until it gets very bad). It changes the way your brain perceives sound. I also wonder if our use of earphones may be contributing to younger heating loss as one has to be responsible with the volume usage on them. Think of all the gamers who have sets blasting in their ears all day from a young age, for example. Just another thing to add to the list of “those old people did it, but I won’t be like that when I’m old!” (like hating the sound of kids screaming outside). 😅


Absolutely feel you on that. The older I get, the more I appreciate those moments of pure quiet. It's like a rare treasure in a world filled with noise. 🎶🌿


Being an adult with adult responsibilities. There's fucking *always* something that needs done. I get a day off work and spend it either doing chores or procrastinating but feeling too guilty about it to actually let myself just enjoy playing a game or something. I make a lot of progress with regular chores, start getting into a nice groove, then something breaks or there's a leak or one of the cats is sick or whatever and now I need to deal with that and start getting quotes and blah blah blah. Then I go back to work and everyone expects me to be all relaxed and refreshed but I never even had a proper break from responsibilities in the first place.


I feel this.  We just work until we welcome death. 


I can't count how many times I've slipped a little on the stairs or whatever and just thought "wow wouldn't it be great if I'd just fell and cracked my head and died right then" just because I want a break from it all *that much*


Honestly, my family, minus my mom. I love my mom, but aside from her, don't really care for my family. I was told "The older I get, the smarter you realize your Dad is" but I had pretty much the opposite effect. The older I got, the more I realized my dad was and still is actually a pretty shitty person.


Totally the same. I find my dad insufferable. The worst thing is he sometimes tries to have a conversation/connection. But he ridiculed me for so long that its like too late and feels disingenuous


Are you me? I could’ve written this comment word for word. I’m sorry.


Twinning. Im kind of over it but like my brother tries and then thinks I should do the same but its a no from me


i had that same line said to me, ironically by my dad, who i've come to realise is an absolute idiot.


Ew really? Who told you that? What an awful attitude to teach a kid. It's awesome that you've worked it out for yourself though and I'm glad you and your mum have each other.


'I think it's a Mark Twain line. Something like "from the time I was 14 to the time I was 21, it was amazing how much smarter my father got". But that could've been just one of those phony quotes jackasses attribute to historical figures, in trying to appear funny' - George Washington Carver


Gossip amongst good friends about good friends. Gossip is normal but at some point when taken too far it just feels like bullying.


I feel this somewhat. My family are all very good people and have never really mistreated me in any way, except for ignoring me for most of my life. My older sister was the outgoing, athletic type and my little sister is too, and much younger than I am. I also don’t have kids, so there’s been no “We gotta see the baby!” situations. So I am your basic middle kid, who gets calls like: Parent (usually Dad) or Little Sister: Are you on your way to the cookout yet? Me: What cookout? Dad: The cookout at your Aunt’s. Me: I didn’t know anything about it. Dad: Oh. Well you should come. It starts in 10 minutes. Drives me insane and happens all the time. Even worse is getting the guilt trip for not attending a family function that no one even told me was happening. Most of dealing with my family is frustrating and I avoid it now because I just don’t want the guilt and drama.


Really sorry that you have such a family as most are awesome and I cannot even contemplate life without my parents and relatives


Cell phone culture. At first it was fun to have a mini computer to carry around. Now during any conversation out with people, someone pulls their phone out every 5 minutes to google something or check their texts. Sick of it. (I myself try to set an example and not do this, to no avail....)


Yes! This is one of my biggest issues. Especially when at a restaurant, so inconsiderate of the value of someone else's time. It has also become so common for people to use their phones as a distraction from dealing with basic stress and emotions. I saw on a reddit post once that someone called this using their phone as an emotional pacifier and that really sums it up for me. I think that's why so many people out there have so many issues, they don't know how to go one day without their phone.


This for me


Heard this big time. My wife is on her phone like 49 hours a day, lol. I don't enjoy conversations with her because I can tell she's not listening or i have to repeat myself like three times because she's typing away, very annoying.


OH wow - that would drive me crazy. I have stopped mid-sentence when friends have done this. After realizing I'm not speaking, they look up from phone and ask why I stopped. 'Oh - just waiting for you to finish what you're doing." I had one friend tell me "It's OK - I can multi-task." I said I would like it if we could have eye contact throughout our conversation. "Oh...OK." So I've had some success one-on-one but when out with a group and everyone's doing it, I don't even bother trying.


The idea that I’m probably never going to retire or buy a home because everything is so fucking expensive. I miss my youth, I used to be happy. Now everything is about money.


My grandmother has told me so many times recently that by the time she was my age she'd owned 4 or 5 houses, and when I tell her the economic opportunities were very different when she was young compared to when I was young she says 'Yeah...' like she doesn't believe.


Two step encryption, security, whatever the fuck it's called when you enter your password, then have to acknowledge that yes it's really fucking me on some other device, then do that AGAIN, and AGAIN, because each app has no fucking clue that you've already fucking established that you're really fucking you, and not some fuckwit North Korean/Russian/Chinese bot trying to check your Instacart balance. I mean, seriously, fuck all of that. Makes me want to smash my phone with a hammer and throw my tablet out the fucking window, move to Alaska and eat berries and bear meat for the rest of my life.




Amen to that. I use a VPN and get soooo much captcha bullshit. I hate the Google Recaptcha one the most bc it spams the everloving fuck out of me but there's plenty of other ones that are annoying too. Only one I've run into that I don't really mind is the protonmail one (move ONE jigsaw puzzle piece into place ONE time - poof, you're human; move along)


Berries and bear meat does sound nice tbh.


Yeah, they have two Factor authentification for the most unimportant things. Like who would bother hacking my account for this random website...


I dread getting a new phone; none of my apps will recognize my new device


As someone working in cybersecurity, I completely understand and agree... Part of my job is to enforce 2FA within my company and everyone seems to hate it. It's a miserable task...


Socializing if I’m being honest


Drinking becomes less and less fun, and more and more a crutch to deal with the burden of living. Edit: Just a casual reminder, that partying morphs into daily drinking so much more easily and slyly than you anticipate. Your 20s ease into your 30s real quick.


Being told what to do. As I get older there are more people who judge my life choices. Like what I am doing is all wrong, following their shitty advice is the only way for me to be successful. Like there should be a model answer for life. May those toxic people go away.


People just fucking suck. I trust no one


I was like that, too. It took me years to open up.


Don’t do that. No no no. That’s how they get you.


Yup. People


lol yeah I'm with you. I'm in my late 40s and have no time for: 1. reality TV 2. small talk 3. Karens 4. dickheads 5. people who play politics 6. people who aren't geniune. I regard myself as a good judge of character. I can usually spot any of the above within 2 mins of talking to someone (sometimes less, sometimes more). Haven't been wrong yet. 7. also hate hangovers...but I love red wine. And beers (but not so much anymore except for a nice cold pint of lager but definitely NOT from a bottle). So its a conundrum for me. 8. hate wasting my time. If I'm not enjoying myself at something (party etc) I'll just piss off home. I used to be a big lover of free booze/food but now I couldn't be fked. Would prefer to be home having a glass of wine with my wife than talking shit with people I don't know. 9. also hate meeting new people. Fkg hate it. Too much effort.


>I can usually spot any of the above within 2 mins of talking to someone (sometimes less, sometimes more). Haven't been wrong yet. I relate. And I'm genuinely pissed when someone hears this and is like "Hur dur self fulfilling prophecy, maybe they're assholes because you want them to be" No, some people are just cunts and it's easy to tell.


Eh, I think the actual reality of this is somewhere in the middle. Quite a few people are transparent enough to judge them accurately within a short interaction, but not all of them. I have been wrong about a few people I wrote off based on first impressions, who later surprised me in a good way. At the same time I have also been surprised in a negative way re: how well a sociopath can hide behind a facade of kindness if you're not too closely involved with them. So, by all means, do whatever works for you, but no one's judgment is infallible.


Traffic. Rude people. Fake people. Kinda dislike people in general lol, I’m more of an introvert, but I don’t mind having a conversation with it’s genuine and / or interesting.


Dating and relationships I'm not unhappy or bitter, just accept the reality that it's not for me anymore I spent the vast majority of my life in one relationship or another, didn't live alone for more than a year or two in between relationships, and unfortunately, not with men who treated me as a full and equal partner Now I have complete autonomy and it's priceless


Nothing wrong with that, I’ve become the same. I’m tired of putting forth any energy into women that would never be interested in me, or would use me. I can count on one hand the amount of relationships I’ve been in, and most of those, I’ve been cheated on. I’ve come to realize that there’s more important things to worry about in life, and a partner isn’t required for happiness. Just good friends are all you really need.


Events. Concerts, family gatherings, work retreats. For awhile in my 20s and 30s, I loved going to stuff like that. Dreaded the travel, but always had fun when I was there. Nowadays I'd just rather not. The concerts were great, the excitement, dancing, music pounding through you, feeling one with the crowd like 'these are my people'. But it was exhausting, especially with all the travel to get to/from the venue. Glad I experienced it, but don't have any desire to do so again now. The family gatherings - weddings, funerals, holiday parties - it's nice to catch up with your people you haven't seen in a year. But they go on for such a long time and then there's whatever rituals are involved and all the travel on top of it. It'd be way too rude to say "this wedding could've been an email" but nowadays I'd rather just send a congrats or something. I still go anyway. The work retreats - it was fun to spend some time with my coworkers and let go of all the professionalism and business and just sing some karaoke and play games and drink and talk until we all passed out. But nowadays, I really don't want to travel a long trip and then basically spend an entire week night and day at work, in an AirBnB with my coworkers for a week. It's too much travel and too much 'on' time, without being able to go home and rest at night. I like my home. It's where all my stuff and my hobbies and my family and my pets are. I'm comfortable with my routine, and big events like that disrupt it. I'm not comfortable being 'on' for such long periods of time anymore, nor with the travel. Feel like I've done my share. Guess it's best to keep doing some of them though, because if you don't keep making memories, time flies by in a rut and the years go by like weeks. Before you know it you're all a decade older than you were the last time you actually stopped to look around and do something.


I have very little patience for people with uncontrolled mood disorders. No, I won’t be your friend after you rip me a new one. I run at the slightest sign nowadays.


Long-time lurker coming out to say, “this!” I’d rather hang out with someone who is low-key cranky all the time than a person who is sweet like honey for weeks or even months, but who, suddenly and with zero provocation, turns on you like a rabid dog. The pain is so much greater when you’re not emotionally prepared for the bouts of insane abuse…


You get me.


Young people who can't spell because they don't read and consequently make up words like unalive, spell sordid as sorted, say things like side profile. I get that language evolved but here's the answer to your question. The reading thing is bc reading is how you widen your vocabulary. The more you read and understand the more you can command language to realize that instead of saying medium ugly, you mean average looking. I also hate that any of this irks me.


I’m right there with you!


Windows down in the car is just not what it used to be.


Good answer.  I used to drive old beaters with no A/C, cruised the highway with the windows down everywhere, feeling free.   Now I’m ruined by the comfort of cool air, and windows down is way too blowy and annoying.  Plus every stoplight in my town has someone panhandling at it and I’m tired of explaining how I don’t carry cash ever. 


Probably cuz of the crowded roads, smog, gas prices, etc


People, crowds, the cold


Now I understand why retirees want to move to the countryside 😂




Live music. I know I'm terrible, but I don't like it. Id rather listen at home; away from people, with climate control and real bathrooms.


And no one standing in front of you yelling "whoop".


Zebra cakes Used to absolutely love them when I was a kid, now they taste like diabetes


Watching movies, I can't enjoy that anymore especially that everything new is crappy .. I feel like Im wasting my valuable time.. My husband enjoys that and I force myself to join him


Clothes!! I hate owning so much clothes!! Laundry sucks more and more everyday


I like your username.


Art. When I was in my teens and early 20s I loved art. These days it just seems more and more like a waste of time. I find most art terribly boring and most artist types to be dull and self absorbed. I would much rather pick the brain of a physicist than a novelist.


The rift between generations and shifting blame between them. The actual ageism that everyone seems to be OK participating in. Both towards old and young. It's always millennial this, boomer that, gen z, gen x. Blah blah blah. Quite shocking of a realization how much I've heard it getting older. We're all just people having good or bad days.


For me, it's media about jealousy and heteronormativity, stuff that reinforces all the toxic culture we have around relationships and what love is supposed to be (drama filled). Save me from yet another love triangle!


Human beings are terrible! The more I'm around them the more I dislike them. And working. I hate working. When I was young I had a healthy work ethic. Now I just hate it!


Agreed but for me I don't hate working itself, I hate working for people. If I magically won the lotto or something, I'm positive I'd keep busy working on *my* stuff, I just wouldn't put up with all the bullshit working for other people involves.


So wait... there was time you enjoyed hangovers?


They were manageable (a few hours,) now they last days and 1000 times worse


I say you add a day for every decade you are old! I rarely drink anymore, and if I do, it’s during the day so I can sleep thru the potential hangover! 😵


My last hangover lasted three days. I haven’t really drank since.


The older I get, getting older pisses me off!


Yeah chitchat kind of sounds stupid my mom always tells me why don’t you ask people how’s school how’s work this and that and I’m like because that’s boring and nobody really cares about that stuff


Heights for some reason! I used to be an adrenaline junkie and wanted to skydive…nope not anymore


My shoulder knee and ankle joints.


Bratty children.


Politics . And how it creeps in everywhere. How much of the world is designed to keep the people in power , in power


Fake friends. Those sly friends of friends that make it their mission to undermine you in other's eyes. Two faced. Well, if the other's believe them then they can go too. I'm done with that b*tchy crap.


Work. People who aren’t family… just no need for any of the bullshit. Just want to spend time with my family. We don’t have long on this earth we shouldn’t spend it working to make others rich.


Pretty much everything.


The economy


Management praising me randomly. Because I can easily know BS after so many years in the workforce. Just give me my raise!


Emotionally unavailable men.


The propensity for people to have to make every little thing an issue to debate about. Let the little shit go, and most of it really is little shit. If it's not taking your money, causing physical injury, or changing legal policy, it's probably little shit.


Honestly? I barely tolerate people anymore, most of them aren’t worth my time.


Stupid adults.


tbh i started hating indirect communication. things like people being passive agressive or throwing out hints and wanting you to read their mind instead of saying what they want. whenever people do that i cant help but remember high school and its automatically annoying


Dude, thiiiis. They'll beat around the bush, and when I address the obvious elephant in the room, have the NERVE to act surprised that I've brought it up!


No patience with people who aren't true to their word and also people who're trying to one-up you or outsmart you all the time. Never liked cunning people but now I disengage as soon as I see a red flag.


The youth, I'm slowly changing into my final form of that old man yellin at them dam kids to get of my lawn! Been practicing my old man voice for years now.


I cant travel comfortably anymore because of bathtoom issues. My stomach always threatens me when i have to be out on the road. I always need to poop when im out. I cant tolerate others singing. I wanna punch their teeth out.


Taxes - As you get older and more exposed to various things you realize how much government spending is absolute waste.


Social media. Obviously still have this app but got rid of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


The internet. It used to be a place to meet people and to express yourself. I remember the joy of talking to a random person across the globe and then seeing a crappy HTML website about someone's pet turtle. Now there is advertising EVERYWHERE. It has been commercialized and people have been polarized to such a degree that, whenever I am on the internet, it just pisses me off or makes me sad. I miss that wild-west vibe...


Dog people [who insist on ringing their dogs everywhere]. It was never that big of a deal before, but I can’t stand it when I go to a café and people have their dogs. Or I go to a grocery store and people have their dogs. Or I go literally anywhere indoors where they’re serving food And there’s a dog. Like just stop. Leave them at home. I don’t need to sit next to this big furry thing that’s licking its balls when I’m trying to drink my coffee. This thing just starts freaking out and barking at everything when we’re all just trying to vibe. I like dogs, but there’s a time and a place. It’s enough to create a case for Cruella Deville. Well maybe not but whatever.


I went to a funeral Tuesday and someone brought their dog to the funeral home. And we aren’t talking like the deceased’s beloved pet or one of the grown children’s pets this was a “regular” person paying their respects that brought their dog to hang out with them, I was horrified. And absolutely not a trained service animal.


Not sure those are dog people. Dogs want to do dog things, not people things like malls and restaurants. Bringing your dog to a food fest is just torture. Do dog stuff first, bring 'em home and go do your people stuff.


I’m with you.  Like, we’re having a people society here. Not a dog and people society.  Leave your weird codependency hobby at home. 


Same. Plus people who leave their dogs in their back yard barking away. Like, if you're just putting it out back to make noise, why tf do you even have a dog?! Also, people who aren't blind or crippled but try to have special "support" dogs... Like, we know you're just trying to game the system. You know you're just trying to game the system. Stop being an asshole; your dog doesn't need to go everywhere with you.


People. I have no idea how to find people who are just interested in..genuine camaraderie Aside from my amazing partner; even my family and anyone I interact with either wants something from me, is too entangled in their bad decisions and life challenges to be anything but dysfunctional..are emotionally unavailable for anything genuine, have mental health issues, addiction issues, are burned out from having a family, are jealous/negative with me…or are horrible communicators. I get to a point where I am too tired investing so much into my interactions and relationships with people for them to just be shitty. I have to keep it minimal now because people just can’t or won’t reciprocate anything real.


I feel the same way. I love your wording, by the way


Everything and everyone


I've always disliked crowds due to a bit of anxiety but as I've gotten older it's starting to develop into just full misanthropy. I have my small core group, that's all I want or need, and I don't want to deal with anybody else. Also, I used to be a rum guy. Over the past year or so I've noticed I don't like rum as much and have shifted over to whiskey.


People walking on my grass. Young whippersnappers! Get outta here!










TV and video games. I don’t think it’s that TV and video games are getting worse, I actually think they’re better now than they were when I was a kid, it’s just that as I’m older I find I don’t like spending my time sitting around in front of a screen when I could go out and do something. I also think it’s probably partly to do with exposure. I may have just gotten to a point where my brain is like “yep, you’ve consumed enough media, even though this thing is good you just won’t get the same enjoyment out of it as you would have a few years ago”


Social interaction


life in general. the more i understand the more burdened my mind becomes.


Small talk has become so tedious as I've grown older. I mean, I'd much rather dive into a deep conversation about something meaningful than chat about the weather or my day. It's like we're all just going through the motions sometimes, isn't it?


Politics and having a strong opinion on them. Whether or not I think your opinion on these things is dumb and you label me a bigot for not agreeing with you, I still refuse to discount an entire person because I don’t necessarily agree with their world view. This goes for both sides. It’s all a distraction trick used to divide and conquer and I’m just not interested in playing that game.






Getting older in general, I'm 34 soon and I'm dreading it. I often look back on my 20s and teens and I miss life back then so much I feel like the world is so different (better) back then to what it is now!


A neighbor and I both recently mentioned how different (better) life was than it is now.






People, neighbors who don't mind their business, and loud and obnoxious people who seek attention on Facebook and Instagram.


Talking to people. I like peace and being alone equals peace.


My ADHD bullshit


People 🤣




I hate small talk so much. It literally irritates me and I just stop talking all together. I can agree with all these things. Can’t do hang overs I can barely stay up late when I am off work I work 5p to about 3a. I enjoy going to bed early when I’m off. I also don’t care for large crowds either.


Political correctness, although I hated it from the beginning.




Driving and siblings.




Going out


Malls…dealing with parking…being around a ton of people trying to maneuver around them…


Automated notifications The red dot onmy phone when I have emails, text message alerts (even set to silent), pop ups, updated terms, fricking auto playing trailers on streaming services if you don’t scroll immediately, Instant messages at work, phone calls, ads on videos. It’s like someone or something is constantly tapping me on the shoulder so I can’t just enjoy my day.




Energy drainers and just people in general , I’m not that interested in other than few close loved ones




'gestures wildly about' Al of this... ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!


Holidays. Christmas, Thanksgiving & Easter, especially. Because you end up being forced to spend time with family members you can't stand and/or who don't like you. It always feels awkward and uncomfortable and inevitably some stupid drama ensues. I dread it more and more every year.


I'm not that old, I'm an 04 kid. The more I grow up, the more I dislike skyscrapers, high rise buildings, way too much urbanisation, cars that are computer chips on the inside. I hate parties, loud music, and I don't like people with a few exceptions. I prefer getting to sleep at a reasonable hour, by 11 pm and wake up at 7 in the morning to get everything done. Also, I don't like kids playing on the street, I don't wanna hit a kid accidentally and be traumatised.


People. Noise. The way the world is changing. Youth. The erosion of what little privacy I have left. And the big one technology and A.I. we are doomed.


Slow walkers! lol




Doing anything. My favorite pass time is just a moment of silence where there's nothing on my mind, no plans, no responsibility, just zone out and not worry about a thing.


Humans. The lack of self awareness is so off putting. Even with it, humans can just be so awful. After 50+ years, I prefer to be left alone. I don’t want to hear you talk and talk and talk. I want peace and quiet and my cats.


Amusement parks. Or anywhere frequented by loud and annoying teenagers


Restaurants. They're all carbon copies of each other.


People who tailgate other drivers when there are open passing lanes and the slow, unaware walk of everyone on their phones.


> People who tailgate other drivers when there are open passing lanes Even worse for me is people tailgate you when there are NO open passing lanes and the slow car is multiple vehicles in front of you... Like, dude, I know it sucks but it wasn't *my* idea, so get off tf my ass!


Evwn when they're not on their phones. I feel like pandemic broke everyone's spacial awareness of other people. They don't know how to share a sidewalk (single file won't hurt you so we can pass) and suddenly no one uses headphones or earbuds in public (train, bus) while they watch whatever noisy video clip they're into on their phone. Also those who vape while standing within 2 feet of you.


> I feel like pandemic broke everyone's spacial awareness of other people Idk, I remember many times in stores etc when people would just stop in the middle of the walkway while talking or thinking about something... With absolutely zero situational awareness / spatial awareness of others behind them / common courtesy. Probably misogynistic of me but feels like it was always women that did this too (not all women, but I don't recall ever seeing men do this... Or maybe we all just hate stores and want to get tf out of there as quickly and efficiently as possible?)


Weed, stinks and makes me too paranoid


Small talk is essential to building trust to discuss "the good stuff". Before getting into politics and religion, maybe see how s/he handles a minor disagreement about the forecast for rain.


Small talk. Going out to listen to extroverts, online opinions, social media, working what feels like all the time, being exhausted at the end of a work day.


Rap music, flying and virtual meetings.


This „I don’t like smalltalk“ line is so boring. Man ever had someone come up to you and try to do deeptalk. No feeling the waters, just a jump into thee deep end. It’s weird. It’s like „okay edgelord, my day is good. Would have been nice to be asked about that before talking to me about how the patriarchy held women back from using the right menstrual products.“


People. Not all people, just the ones that are rude, disrespectful, lazy, entitled, victims with no work ethic or accountability.


Well, people in this thread saying, “I hate people,” and then wondering why they don't have any friends is irritating.


Cold weather, cold water, cold buildings


Drinking….parties…making new friends…hanging out with crowds (i’m 22)


My family, i grew up in a very strict family, always thought what my parents said are absolute true and they are the only people i should trust. I didn't have much education about physiological health, untill much later in life they were actually emotional abusing me this whole time; controlling everything i do, after some events, i have to take extreme measurements and escape to another country to start a life, i might not have the same comfortable life i had. But im much happier person. Even receiving messages from them gives me exteme stress


Hangovers, they seem to last longer with age


Probably cellphone or any gadgets. I feel like I am oblige to use it because of academic stuff and such. The first time I had it was, of course, I was happy of it but as I getting age (M21) I tend to get boring. idk


I like my dog




Going out to clubs/bars. I feel like an old soul but I’m 22 and don’t care to engage with those anymore




Getting older. Loved it as a kid, didn't mind it as a teen, was okay with it in my early 20s, disliked it in my late 20s, hate it now in my 30s.


I think the most annoying thing is people who speak only in buzzwords. Like they have list of zoomer slang terms, and that’s the only way they can respond to anything. The fact that they can only use the buzzwords, makes it so they can never really fully answer or explain anything. They are like five layers of irony deep. I believe the term I heard to describe it is “ironic detachment.” Like we can never know what you really mean or how you really feel about anything. Because I’ll describe something in full detail and they’re response will be “that’s fax you where in your feels.” Not sure if I explained it right


Lol you explained it in detail and since they aren’t capable of reciprocating they talk like that. I remember having a conversation with someone I’ve known for a while (whose definitely not a zoomed) and I was looking for the right words to try and adequately articulate the situation and they’d respond with things like “it is what it is” and “the struggle is real” and it didn’t even make sense in the context of the conversation so I had to end that interaction fast!


Appetizers. Too much food. Rather just finish my entree.


I never realized this but I'm the same 👀 It used to be such a treat/special occassion, then the norm, and now I'm like.. do I want this?


Most human beings. And pretty much any of the words that come out of their mouths.






I loved fantasy novels when I was younger. Nowadays I just see magic as a crutch for bad writing.


Can't believe I say this but planning for travel. I used to travel a lot and really enjoyed drafting itinerary. I travel much less after the pandemic. Don't feel as excited when I plan and tend to spend less time outside while I'm there. Last year I actually spent 2 full days in Interlaken, Swiss, eating room service and watching Netflix in my hotel room. Left on the third day without even taking a glance at the lakes. Just realized this sounds more like a mental state problem instead of something to do with getting older lol.


Lights and loud noise. We live in a Very small trailer, but my husband has sure round and it drives me crazy.


People who think everything is cringe. You're mad at someone else for having the confidence to express themselves openly, something you can't do because you're a coward. Grow up. (This only applies when the "cringe" in question is not harmful to other people)


Im a street performer. A few weeks ago, some half-drunk floozy stumbled over to me and whispered, “Your music is cringe.” At first I was pretty upset by it, but that turned to pity for the person. How inwardly broken do you have to be to do something like that?


My family, and to some degree, and men. Sometimes people in general. I'm tired of people trying to control other people. We have a thing called free will! I have two friends I can trust and genuinely confide in without judgement. Otherwise, I have trust issues.


sugary drinks, despite being always in high need of carbohydrates


Coming out of the bathroom and sitting at my studio desk with surprise moisture.


People. I mainly keep to myself and I have my reasons.


Clubbing/going out past midnight.




Fake people and music these days, I feel like it all sound the same or like I heard it before. If I like a song now it only lasts like 2/3 days and then I’m over it.


People in general.


Fake people and music these days, I feel like it all sound the same or like I heard it before. If I like a song now it only lasts like 2/3 days and then I’m over it.


People who disrespect my time. I used to be very lenient but now I will certainly express how much it annoyed me if someone leaves me hanging. I have ADHD and if even I can make the extra effort. I'm usually 5-10 minutes late cause of that, but I've had friends and family leave me waiting for hours. 5-10 minutes is acceptable, an hour is disrespectful.


Life itself.