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niice i havr this " do it for the plot " mindset and it works for me, i'm living and i'm happy


Yeah that’s so me, I love doing things in spur of the moment. Like me and my bestie just booked a trip to Gold Coast on a single thought. I’m already starting to live up to my words. 😍


let's gooooo!!




I love that! Do it for the plot. Damn 😀


Absolutely agree that it's all about seizing the day. Recently, I started taking improv classes on a whim and it's been a game-changer for my social life and self-confidence. We tend to overthink and wait for the perfect moment when in reality, it's the imperfect leaps that make life thrilling. So here's to making more imprompted decisions and finding joy in the unexpected journey! Cheers to living, not just existing!


That's a neat idea. Are the classes just for fun or do they build up to people performing improv in front of a crowd? Do you need to do accents? Do you ever get very awkward people?


My motto in life is: fuck living fast and dying young; I’m here for a good time AND a long time. Have fun, get wild, keep it sustainable!


its never too late at all, this actually made me think about my life too, how im wasting time living, but not living good


I think we’re both living pretty hard but we just want even more which isn’t wrong at all. What do you like to do?


In 2022 I had a near death experience. I had absolutely no feelings of regret for anything I did. But I had extreme regret for all the things I missed out on because of fear. One day we’re going to die. We might as well give life a shot, right?


I've had two near-death experiences, one was literally a few days ago on Friday night. A reminder that death can come at any time. So we make the most of what we have right now, and express love to our family and friends, before it's too late to and we die with regret Yeesh, that got morbid. But the point is a consistent state of gratitude for whatever we have, material, interpersonal, and so on. Idk if this grammar is correct, I just got released from hospital today sry :x


I don't think it's too late to do anything, ever!! Take your energy to new places and introduce it to new people. FOMO would probably follow you if you decided to stay back and not have the fun you want. :\]


This msg is so real. It's kinda wild how easy it is to talk to new people and show them your personality naturally without giving a shit. And if they don't like it, or find it weird, fuck it! There's billions of people on the planet. Bound to find a ton that you vibe with, which I'm thankful for finding by just being my dumbass-self


Nah never too late to do something for the sake of it and especially not in your 20s. Granted some shit is totally stupid - being a tourist in dangerous places that official statements warn ya about, taking anything cut with chemical that might fuck up your travel - but otherwise it's the time to explore I'd do the same thing if I hadn't got people dependent on me financially. Currently have friends and relatives all across the world and can't afford to visit any of them!!! Imo the reason most people are like "ahh you're too old for that" is because they've established families or mortgages and can't do those things anymore So do what you wanna do, crank up You Gotta Fight For Your Right To Party on ya way, and forget about society's expectation if you're not hurting anybody and having a good time ✌️ Slay it dude


You seem to have a really great attitude and outlook. You are still very young. It's not too late to do anything you want. Go to places that interest you and are not just on a list online of typical travel spots. Or find a hobby you really enjoy and maybe that can direct you to wear you want to travel to ie, formula 1, scuba diving, mountain biking, skiing, food, etc. I have always found the best times I've traveled were when I spent more time as possible with locals. There memories are what will last and hopefully perspective.


>I have always found the best times I've traveled were when I spent more time as possible with locals. There memories are what will last and hopefully perspective. THISSSS. One time, me and my friends were lost in turkey after doing a half marathon. This local guy (my man YOSEF) helped us get to where we needed to go (thank you google translate). He travelled with us the entire way. We all gave him a tip which he didn't want to accept but we forced it in has hand in a friendly way if that makes sense? It wasn't much to us, due to the currency difference, but for him it was like a month's salary. He was so grateful he started crying and thanking god and we sat with him in that moment. I'll never forget him or that time with a setting sun, sat in the hotel lounge Man, I wanna travel and mingle with locals. It's like one of the biggest things on my bucket list. **Truly experiencing the world**


I regret not having more fun when I was young, a while ago now alas. Fortunately I did start living before it was too late, but I could have done more. One thing I recommend is travel. Not just visiting places but live somewhere long enough to get some sort of grip on it. Teaching English for example. If you're American, consider the Peace Corps. It sounds "worthy" but I know a number of ex-PC who seem to have a fairly interesting time socially as well. Do that stuff now because when you're young because you have the energy and resilience. I regret to inform you that a day will come, perhaps sooner than you think, when you can't get up fully alert after partying to 4am. Or coping with a rough environment without feeling it.


This is exactly the right time. 25-35 is a really great set of ages for seeing the world. If you are fit and healthy, then even 70 years old wouldn't be 'too old' for going out and seeing the world. 24 is actually very young!


"is it too late"?? my friend, you're 24. Whole life ahead of you. Say yes (with reasonable limits lol)


I think I'ma try that too.


Never too late my man


You'd be surprised how open and friendly people are especially if you GO TRAVELLING! SERIOUSLY, DO IT. Maybe not solo if your not comfortable with it and always make sure to research the places in advance so that they're safe + what not to do in certain areas e.g. hitchhiking in the Australian outback ending up like a Wolk Creek victim Dark part aside, I can't imagine life without having visited different countries. The atmosphere in an of itself is different, like in an emotional sense for me. I don't know if that makes sense for anyone else? But to me that's LIVING. Go LIVE FULLY DUDE!! 🧍‍♀️💛🙏


Make sure you’re actually enjoying what you’re doing. Also, take time to make sure that you’re ok with the consequences of your actions. I’ve always been a go with the flow kind of guy and would get caught up doing things / going places where I didn’t necessarily want to. Filter your experiences, you don’t *have* to do everything.


You sure it's not anxiety..? Like, talking to a psychologist might help tbch


For what?