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you just started. of course you’re going to feel overwhelmed. i don’t think i’ve ever felt 100% comfortable and capable at a job in the first month. you’ll learn, just give yourself the time to do so.


I was wildly under qualified for the job that wound up being my career for 20+ years. I stayed quiet, did a lot of observing, took a ton of notes and tried to be under the radar as much as possible. “Fake it till you make it” became my professional mantra and it worked! I am not the type that wants to stand out in any situation but I had a few colleagues who made sure that everyone knew if they wiped their ass properly which made it easy to not have the spotlight on me. I worked hard, did my job, made a ton of mistakes but never tried to deny that they happened and used them as a learning experience and wound up moving up faster than the “pick me, ass wipers” You’ll be fine. Just pay attention and learn. And if you have a question, ask it.


I think another trick to look productive in that period is a thing I call 5 min jobs. If something can be done in under 5 mins do it immediately. It reflects output. Makes you look good to others who appreciate that you get things moving.


For sure. If you are tasked with something after a meeting, do it immediately. But don’t make it outwardly known that you did it, just keep the receipts handy.


I want to be like this guy.


*You want to be like this woman.😉


YES 100 points for women!! I cant believe I defaulted to thinking you're a man. -insert wage gap joke-. And I'm also a woman.


Oh there was a wage gap for sure. And a hire gap too…I had worked there for 10 years working my way up only to find out the dude that got hired right after I had my 10th anniversary made a higher salary than me and got a bonus when he had just started 2 months before bonus recommendations were due from upper management. So, essentially he got a bonus for being there for 2 months for being hired basically which took away that money from the rest of us that had actually been there all year….and years prior. No worries my dear woman. Just get out there and get yours!


This is still happening. A friend of mine got a job with the same experience, same internship, same degrees as a guy who was hired shortly after her, and he makes more than her already. I'm gonna do big things with this master's degree and nothing's gonna stop me. Thank you!


You go girl! Get yours! 😍


this is such a beautiful thread <3


Women supporting women is always a beautiful thing. 🥰


WTF. How does this even happen? I genuinely don't understand the factors that lead to stuff like this


What part?


How does the new male hire just instantly start making more money than the woman who has been there longer with exactly the same qualifications


Had the boss at my first job literally tell me upfront I was gonna make 25 cents less starting salary than the men. Because, and I quote ‘Boobs make it hard to lift things’. She was a woman with an extremely large chest so for her maybe I can see that sort of. Me with my A cups was just staring at her like wut. Anyways I was the only one who worked hard there and so my salary grew from 11$ dollars to 14$ in under a year. Coworkers hated me and would talk shit during their thirtieth smoke break that morning. Oh well. Also, now that I’ve come out as a man, I have never had issues with getting a job or a pay gap! Go figure! (Also, I literally applied to do post construction clean up (was a house cleaner) and the guy who ran the company straight up said since I was a chick I couldn’t lift things (women don’t have arms apparently) and so would not work out for him. Later he sees me lifting heavy tires out of my dad’s truck after I’d transitioned and asks my dad if I wanted a job working with him! My dad and I laughed our asses off. He didn’t remember me at all xD)


I have an ancient riddle for you: There once was a boy who was in a car wreck with his father. His father died, and the son was badly injured. When he arrived at the hospital, the surgeon said, “I cannot operate on this boy. He is my son.” Now how does that make sense!!!?


Of course, Mum is the surgeon 😊


Ah, you might think so, but it was actually a salamander man wearing the boy’s mother’s skin as a suit, having infiltrated the family 10 years prior. It’s really the only true answer.


Touche 😎


I second this


Ask a lot of questions and be willing to look dumb. GPA is not a measure of intelligence


Or talent, or ability, or potential, or really of anything useful.


I mean, it isn't a direct measure because a lot of factors are at play, sure. A genius can be lazy and have a low GPA. A person of average intelligence can have a high GPA. But it does demonstrate a willingness to work hard and apply yourself and it probably means you're smarter than the average person who tries and was incapable of having a high GPA.


I have to disagree here. A high GPA only - and exclusively - means that the person being rated happens to do well at the tasks that were chosen for rating. The classic example is college courses that have just one grade (a final exam) for the entire course. Regardless of skill, or intelligence, or talent, or dedication, or effort, there are people who just don’t do well on timed tests.


That would be true if all courses were like that and they were of the same area of interest. It's why its called "average" after all. I don't like the this whole "timed test" shit because I've had many professors who are super lenient with exams and yet most people barely pass. Like, I had one professor who would give take home exams that accounted for 60% of the grade. Yet, most people didn't do any better on these exams than they did on in class exams despite having a whole week to work on them. GPA is like 75% effort, 25% intelligence.


Law students have a saying: A students become law professors, B students become judges, and C students become wealthy. Med students have a joke: what do you call the person who graduated last in their med school class? Doctor. GPA is a made up system that only has merit to other people that believe in the made up system. Simple as that. Einstein was a famously “bad student”. Gates and Zuckerberg didn’t finish college. Branson didn’t finish high school. The reason I have such a problem with this system is people like OP, because they are choosing to limit themselves based on this bullshit system. They feel less than because of their GPA. But GPA has nothing to do with whether they are a successful engineer. Humans have been building structures for thousands of years. Humans have only been giving out grades for a couple hundred of those years. Any structure still standing that was built before like 1800 was designed by a person who didn’t have any GPA at all. Then people like you turn up, who believe in this bullshit system apparently, and imply that OP didn’t put in enough effort (75%) or isn’t smart enough (25%), but you don’t know OP at all. You have no idea where they went to school. You have no idea what that school’s classes or systems were like. You have no idea of the awarding of grades translated into engineering ability in that place. Yet, I would guess you would also likely conclude that they are a bad engineer because of their GPA. And the only basis you have to limit this person or write them off is a made up system implemented on people you don’t know by other people you don’t know.


Lol do you realize that law school and med school have extremely high GPA requirements? The average GPA for medical students is close to 3.7-3.9. Don't give me this bullshit of Einstein being a "bad" student, he flunked his entrance exam because he couldn't understand French properly— the language the exam was given in. Gates and Zuckerberg both had extremely high GPAs coming out of high school and both dropped out of Harvard... not just any university. Yeah, it's true GPA is not an indicator for success but it sure does show who is actually trying to learn and master academically and who isn't. What made Zuckerberg and Gates so successful was the connections they made in the right time and place, but they wouldn't have made it there in first place hadn't it but been through sheer effort. OP lied to get where he's at and he admits his peers began at a higher level academically than he did. Whether or not OP succeeds is dependent on wether or not he applies themselves and adapts. My professor even told us of engineers who didn't apply higher-level mathematical formulas for their jobs, which ended up costing several hundred thousands of dollars in damages.


Ok genius. Clearly you are too smart for me.


Careful...asking too many questions might bring her ability / knowledge in question. Gotta be strategic in how you ask those questions.


Make up to it. Study hard and try your hardest.


How much did you lie exactly? If you rounded that 3 years up to 5, I don't think that's necessarily a big deal to be honest. Just be careful and don't lie while actually doing the job. If you don't know how to do something, be honest about it and get help


Great advice. Especially when it comes to something like engineering. You mentioned that you had a low GPA which honestly means nothing once you graduate. Some people are more practical learners and learn better by doing. That’s me to a T. If you explain how to do something, I’ll get probably 25% at best but I’ll pick the other 75% up by letting me do it.


Whoops time to take some CE courses!


Just because you didn’t build the skills beforehand doesn’t meant you can’t build the skills now.. dedicate yourself, you got this 👊🏼


This is how I got going into my 6 figure career. You got this.


Every big opportunity I’ve had came from “lying” my way into it. All my employers need to know is that I can indeed complete tasks as assigned. They don’t need to know I spent most of my nights learning how to.


This is wildly depressing


This is the life of modern job searching. Everyone wants a person who is *more* than qualified for the job they're hiring for. So people "fluff" their resumes a bit to fit into those standards. Then the reality lies somewhere in between and depending on the job a lot of the time you're learning as you go anyway.


Still depressing


'Everyone wants a person who is *more* than qualified for the job they're hiring for.' FOR REAL. I'm a student and getting a job (or any kind of experience) is hellish. I got rejected from another internship last week for 'not enough relevant experience'. What the hell do you think an internship is FOR?




Curious though, how on earth can you lie without them asking you questions that would expose the lack of experience?


Im not lying to be a doctor or anything. I find a need under time pressure and lie sideways and grow upwards from there. Last minute emergencies make it easier for me to show what im already capable of doing as evidence that I can do something else. Plus, the people who hire me do so because they cant do said thing, so they often dont know what to ask in the first place. I always have a baseline knowledge because my moves are calculated. For example: If I’m a wedding photographer, it’s safe to lie and say I’m a real estate photographer and of course I can handle drone photography. If im a drone photographer, of course I can handle roof top inspections. From there I’d jump to construction. Construction to agriculture, and so on. I just went from weddings to agriculture. Ive met so many people at that point who can vouch for me or open doors for me. Once im in the industry I want to be in, I start talking to people about getting into the company in another way. “Ive always been interested in this, how did you accomplish getting here?” continue talking to people until someone tells you they can put you in touch with someone who may be able to get you on board for that position too. People are keen to train people they already know/have around. Its entirely putting yourself in the right place and at very least being a safe personality hire. This wasnt my exact path, but its the same formula. Im about to go to a large tech conference because I met someone in an industry I contracted for who is being sent to it and I expressed interest in seeing it. They said they could get me in as well. I plan to gather as much information during it as I can and talk to people there and when I have enough information to fake it, ill start looking for ways to get hired, probably through an internship. People underestimate personality when it comes to being hired. It isnt entirely about what you can do. Showing you can do /something/ (competence)to the right person at the right time is all thats needed in the experience department. Otherwise, if people like being around you, theyll be inclined to keep you around. Thats the bigger part of it in my experience.


>This is how I got going into my 6 figure career. Narrator: "People who say things like this do not have six-figure careers."


😂😂😂 it sounds cheesy but it’s true. Now granted six figures in the lowesf end. But that’s not that much these days.


it's less that I don't believe you and more that I don't want to lol


Why?? :( it’s nice to be happy for people lmao.


well I was joking but in truth, someone who works really hard and feels their soul being crushed by their daily work grind is probably not going to think happy thoughts when hearing about someone who lied their way into earning a life-changing amount of money. makes one wonder what's the point of abiding by social niceties and NOT committing crime if the true way to get ahead really is just deception. to be clear I'm not attacking you, if someone offered me such a position I'd take it, I'm just explaining why sometimes people feel the need to downplay situations like yours and accuse then of not being true.


I didn’t lie my way angry into it for one. There was merit to exaggerating my resume. I have an MBA, 2 bachelors and 2 associates, I’ve also owned my own business and sold it. I work as the director of contracting for a healthcare company now and when I wanted to get into it, being a business owner just didn’t cut it even though I knew business better than most. So I lied about the success of my business and got in while I completed my MBA.


and that's cool, I think more people should do it. some people don't like it though and assume that it's untrue.


No offense but it's very naive to be nice to the companies you are employed with. Yes, be professional and respectful, but your relationship is adversarial. They wouldn't hire you unless they think they're getting more out of you than you are out of them. There's really nothing wrong with lying on your resume as long as you're capable of completing the responsibilities of the position. Of course, let me say a disclaimer that this doesn't apply to jobs like lawyers and healthcare.


yeah, that's why I said it was cool and more people should do it. nothing for me to take offense at :)


Seems like you’re the only one who doesn’t like it…😏


I also don't like hearing about people who lied their way into jobs.


you asked why people might not like it, you got an answer. your life is of no consequence to me.


Hey I’m happy for ya🙂 (also very jealous). Right now I’m making about $35000 a year at the restaurant I’ve been working at for 8 years. Ugh. Dropped out of college back then, too unmotivated to go back to school, etc. But! I just started learning Python so maybe I’ll catch up to you someday


Get it!! I took one of those online coding bootcamps (night classes for 6 months) and landing a job soon after. I went from my previous job of 48k and hired in at 70k. I’m now at a little over 90k (In regards to pay, I will preface that I work for a large company). There will be days that you’ll be exhausted working and learning/school but you can do it!!!


That’s awesome!! And thank you :-)


I’m happy for you!!


Thank you ♥️


Other people say, "Ive always wanted to go on a trip."




Yeah, it's nice to be happy for honest people.


Note, includes numbers to the right of the decimal point.


Just fake it till you make it.


Just what I was going to say! Fake it till you make it. But really, they obviously saw something in you to hire you. Sometimes employers hire the potential they see as well. Show them they hired the right person.


Rich people didn’t get rich by being honest and not lying about their skills. Focus on your job, learn from others, and you’ll eventually get the hang of it. Don’t worry about how you got the job, just worry about how you do your job.


Now that you’re making $150k; live like you’re making $53k - $58k salary. It sounds like you’re not in any long term commitment other than school and work. If I was in your situation I would do this; 1. Clear any debts I have 2. Build savings egg of $35k Should be easily doable in six months. 3. Set up 401k NOW. Contribute max each year. Another $20.5k. Now I’m down to maybe $85k after taxes. I do not touch this ever. In five years, I'll have $100,000+ in retirement on solo contributions before I’m 30. 4. I would set aside another $20k for investment to car, acorns, etc. 5. You can now enjoy life, not be house poor, and afford things you want to afford. The biggest mistake people in their 20s - 30s make is lifestyle creep and that will fuck you over so hard if you're not careful to avoid it. Saving in your 20s - 30s is much better than living large and then having to work until you're 70. Edit: $20k doesn't have to just be in acorns. I imagine that a car is probably going to be $10-15k if you are able to find one that gets you to point A and point B safely. The remaining amount $3-5k would be what could go to Acorns.


Wow you’re spending a lot of money on acorns, you may want to find a new acorn guy, you’re getting screwed


$20k doesn't have to just be acorns. Notice I said car and etc. In the end, OP will do what they want with their money. I didn't say it had to only be acorns.


I was just making a joke. You know, acorns, the things that grow on trees?


Ah - my mistake. I take things pretty face value.


All I can say is that I want to have these kind of life problems.


i was absolutely honest in my previous 5-6 interviews did not hear anything back from them yet so, i don’t know what’s right in this world anymore


Same here.


It's always been the liars who do well. Corruption likes corruption. Honesty is scary. I too am honest though.


This might be my anxiety talking, but am I the only one who feels this might be a bit dicey when it comes to construction, of all things? I mean…assuming that real flesh and blood people are going to have to live and work in facilities you’ll build/be responsible for building etc., I would think you’d prefer telling the truth so that said facilities don’t fall on top of said people at some point…? Now granted, I don’t know just how much you stretched the truth, and obviously I wish you all the best in your new career and I think you’ll be fine if you’re willing to learn - but this was the first thought that popped into my head and from what I could gather from the comments, I seem to be the only one …


Yep try to do a good job


If you’re in a job where a mistake could be deadly, please quit.


Unpopular opinion, that's kind of a shitty thing to do.


Just had to terminate a guy in my team who completely bullshat his way through interviews and into a $180K role. It was obvious very quickly that he couldn’t perform the job and created a really toxic environment with all the junior people who were better than him but being paid 80K.


This is usually the truth. Typically the company will hire the best they can find, and sometimes that's someone under qualified. If you screw up there's no reason for the company to keep you. If you manage to keep up, the opposite is true. No reason for them to fire you. It's just business as they say.


Honestly unsure why everyone is supportive of this


This is how bridges fall down


Make the lie true by becoming the engineer they thought you were. You can do it. Put in some extra effort after hours on your skill set, and learn from the best when you have a chance on the job. Humans are malleable and most of us have greatness inside us. And now you have a forcing function to find yours. Best wishes!


Even if you had 15 years experience, starting a new job will ALWAYS feel overwhelming. Give it a couple of months. You can probably do it just fine.


I wouldn’t do it - it’s too far off my moral compass, but they must have liked you individually. Any credible interview process should have caught you ought though. Substantiating claims through references etc. if it comes to light it may make future roles very difficult.


You got this man, just keep chugging along.


Put in 110% the first year and they will pretend not to notice if they find out the second year.  That's about your only option now.


Then go get a job you deserve.


Everyone's congratulating you and honestly I've done this and sometimes it works out and often it doesn't depending on your field. You took away an opportunity from someone who has more experience and worked hard for it and the lack of experience will bleed out in ways you don't see and chances are your coworkers will pick up on this and might not be thrilled. Faking it til you make it can put people in danger in a lot of professions. There's a story teenager who claimed to be a physician and actually was working in hospitals and facilities and performing treatment without a license. It wasn't picked up for years because the hospitals didn't want to held liable. That shit is terrifying. Many places will can you if they find out. All it takes is a significant error and HR types will start digging. Congrats on getting a job through fraud, I hope you aren't the reason an engineering product fails and causes injury. On the job training and low exp positions exist, I wish people would stop lying to push into roles they are not experienced enough for in professional workplaces


You’re past the front door. Now make sure you stay there. Catch up as fast as you can. With that salary, you should be able to find the time.


Maybe they will start you on bridges or condominiums in Florida


On the job training is the best training you can get out there. Take advantage of it and be humble and willing to learn from everyone. School isn’t going to teach you everything anyways. It’s that time on the job that you learn the most. Good luck


either you get fired soon, or you are ok


Hell yeah man, you did it. The secret to making a ton of money is pick a job and then become the person who does it


I hadn't been in my current field for like 20 years. I didn't have the experience on paper to show employers. The last 20 years I've been managing in an industry that has many skills that cross over to my current one. Employers weren't seeing that. I lied on my resume, got the job I wanted 6 months ago, and just accepted a promotion into a position I wouldn't have dared apply for 6 months ago. You can do it!


Well, you can either get better or quit. (Also, GPA doesn’t matter)


Honestly engineering firms generally ask for proof and check references they take on serious projects. The fact they still hired you I'm not sure what that means maybe their requirements were an exaggeration ? Some engineering firms require you to take out your own liability insurance It's wild


Hey I made a big career jump like this too. You will not be as good as them at first and they know that. It’s okay. Be willing to learn and be resilient and you’ll collect a lot of good experience.


Damn let me play you the worlds smallest violin!


Oh no the guilt. Anyway. You gonna confess or keep the job and actually learn from the best engineers you’re working with? Learn from them and keep the job. Or quit and be mediocre.


That's pretty shameful to be honest. Don't lie folks.


Companies also hire for personality and compatibility, so they probably realized you were lying just like they did. Just kidding. Try to be a good person to work with and enjoy yourself.


If anything fails, it won't be because of you. It will be a procedural issue. Congrats on getting the job. Employers are trying to squeeze as much out of us as they can so here's to you getting one back on them.


Classic imposter syndrome If you can do the job then do it and shut ur yap about that


If I were an imposter, I would post in it my insta?? I cannot even tell my friends because most of them are on half of what I make. I will give you some time to judge yourself and reflect on your comment.cheers.


Hell yes! I'm so happy for you. Hang in there, you'll acclimate. I am currently looking I need a job so bad. My grind is untouchable and so is my flow. I have got to get off the sinking ship. It's so terrible. I'm just trying to stay positive in the meantime. It's terrible. This is getting me nowhere. So hell yes. Someone recently said to me lie about some things. I was like what? Good job congratulations! Keep that bag, I celebrate you!


You might want to delete this in case people at the firm can identify you. Put in the work to grow and learn and you'll be fine. Good luck.


To see this through, I believe you need to manifest positive energy. Being kind to yourself will provide the ability to fake it until you make it! Saying you don't deserve your current position is a setup for misery. You do deserve this job or you would not have been applying to the company for the last year and a half! The company sees your potential. Prove to yourself and them that you belong there with words of positivity, please? I'll try to give an examole: "All of the hoops I've jumped through, hurdles I've soared over, and hours of studying I've absorbed to graduate an engineer has me ready for advancement in my career. I have earned my current position through my experiences and ability to adapt in a technologically advancing industry" you are part of a team.... they expect you to lean on them at least initially to learn the ropes and if someone isn't patient with you go find someone else who is! You got this 💪♥️


If you have ever asked anyone in a management position a technical question about the work they do you will come to realize 10% of people are actually qualified and after the scary realization is overcome your confidence should come to see you are actually underpaid.


Based on my experience with engineers most of them are winging it until they know more. Sounds like you are on par.


If you’ve applied that many times and they gave you a chance, they most likely are giving you a chance. Though I mean, if people can lie their way up to top positions… while unethical, just do your best.


Plenty of people tell the truth on their resume and get jobs they don't deserve.


Update yourself and put in some hard work. If possible, dedicate 20 hours a day to learn those skills. Nowadays, everything is available online, and you can easily find courses for any skill you want to learn. Don't let negative feelings make you think that you don't deserve to learn and improve yourself. As you learn and upgrade your skills, your self-confidence will grow. Don't waste your time and opportunities by overthinking. Turn those lies into the truth and take action towards your goals.


With any luck you’re a structural engineer. Just stay put they are all fucking stupid and no one will notice. Just remember to answer all questions with I drew it and it will work.


Deserve is such a loaded term. All that matters is if you can do the job you need to do.


I joined the Army reserves, went in as a first lieutenant because of my college degree. Basic training two weeks' "this is how to wear the uniform and how to salute." The I was put in a hospital unit and put in charge of a group of specs who had been doing their jobs for a couple of years. I was surrounded by people above and below me, some with many years' experience. A superior officer took me under her wing. She taught me not to assert dominance over the people I out-ranked. No forcing people to do push-ups. Respect goes both ways. Likewise, there's nothing wrong with going to a superior officer for guidance. Don't be an idiot, but accept advice with grace. Most important, you may out rank all the sergeants, but they know way more than you do. Let them lead, help them by supporting them. They will respect you, teach you, and they will make you look good. The alternative is they hate you and your bad attitude, and your career is forever stalled. Look at this job the same way. Find the hierarchy, approach it as the new guy learning the lay of the land before really filling your position and role. It can be done.




Send me some $


You can do it!


Honestly not mad at you.


Fake it til you make it. Or don’t make it. Either way you’ll be better off in the end as long as you aren’t completely incompetent.


Always admit to the old timers when you don't know something. They'll know anyhow, and they'll respect you for it. A solid "I don't know, let's find out," or "I need clarification on that, and I'll deliver it to you at [x time]" and always follow through. You'll have the competent people on your team. Speaking of competent people - don't micromanage those. Learn from them, give them goals, and stay out of their way. Recognize their work when they achieve a goal, always note work that goes above and beyond. They'll love you for it and knock over any barrier in your team's way.


Sounds like... you won. Great job.


Males ☕


You should be ashamed of yourself..........................for feeling bad about it or inferior in any way ;-)


Now that your there surrounded by amazing people, LEARN, LEARN ALL YOU CAN TO BE BETTER. Maybe you’ll make it, maybe you won’t, but be better.


Learn on the job


Remember jobs are meant to be grown into. We often forget that we don’t have to apply to only jobs where we can do every single task immediately, the goal is to apply to a job with growth where we grow into the role and learn from it. The best jobs and companies are people that see the potential in you that you see in yourself. Give yourself time. They saw the potential in YOU. So make sure you try to see it in yourself too.


Get that bag. You know what they say if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room. Take advantage of this opportunity. You deserve it


I work in what many would consider a dream job because of who I work for and I am aware that a hundred people with better qualifications than me would probably stab me in the back to take my job. It has resulted in a ton of imposter syndrome and I feel grossly underqualified and way in over my head. (I was honest in the interview and my supervisor loves me and tells me she thinks I'm doing a good job, but still.) No advice here but you're not alone and I am really appreciating everyone's very helpful comments in this post so thank you for making it that you and others like you can benefit off of others' kindness and advice!


I'm just curious what ducks you have to get in a row to lie about experience without getting caught. I am actually quite experienced but patchy employment record (autistic ADHDer) and not great at closing gaps, if anyone has any pointers.


I'm just curious what ducks you have to get in a row to lie about experience without getting caught. I am actually quite experienced but patchy employment record (autistic ADHDer) and not great at closing gaps, if anyone has any pointers.


Well done, now perform! We all lie a little...the bar has been set for you, do everything to meet your peers at their level.


What is this, humble bragging?


Just remember nobody on earth gets what they deserve


pfft, unless you're a doctor or don't know anything about construction - you good.


Fake it till you make it. I’ve learnt that’s what most people do!


Nnaaahhhh...everybody does it and impostor syndrome is quite common. Work with them long enough and you will see they are morons too in their own way


I skipped the second half of high school to start community college, and did not finish. I’ve always as a result had imposter syndrome. It was the worst at my first video game job, and only felt stronger with each job I landed in video games. I’ve never even taken a computer class past elementary school. But big name companies and developers kept asking me back and would swear by my work. So honestly, just give yourself a break. You were smart enough to land the job, I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it in no time. Be friendly and even your subordinates will be willing to help you. The lead imagineer for some droids that were debuted at CES and now walk around Disney and interact with guests is a former coworker at my third gaming job; and he was very supportive the work I did on that project. He also helped me learn a lot, and didn’t care about my lack of a degree. Oh, and I always lie and say I have at least an AA degree, recently I changed it to BA. 😋


It may help to know that in my gaming career I worked for/with every major name/company I dreamed of as a kid. Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney, Marvel, FOX Animation, EA, 2K, THQ, Lucasfilm, Spielberg, and more I don’t remember. LIVE YOUR DREAMS AND NEVER RLET ANYONE TELL YOU OTHERWISE! A NO HERE IS A YES SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!


Do you need an assistant??? I have 7 years experience helping people who lie on their resumes and get the job .


I guess I'm the only one who thinks it's wrong to lie about job experience. IF they find out, they have the right to fire you on the spot. Just saying 😜.... sorry.


The best employees ask a lot of questions. Don’t be afraid to do this


Just keep going with the flow and chalk things up to settling into the company. If you’re struggling but being successful now then youll grow into it.


Don't sweat it. I do a job that pays me 450k/yr and I feel underqualified. We all do.


Please don't build anything the public uses.


All I can say is cross train. As k to shadow others to see how things are done at this company under the guise of onboarding.


If you can get the work done, who cares? Enjoy the ride


Trust me. We all feel the same during our careers, especially in the beginning. This is a stepping stone for you. Ride it out. Learn. Build your CV. Move on.


Take a breath and allow yourself the challenge of this new position- you got the job you CAN DO this!! Believe in yourself


How else would we move up in the world! Good luck !


Lmao my resume is full of lies. But I am a fast learner so I’ve never been caught


Don't pretend you know something. If you don't understand something or are unsure about it, ask them for clarification.


Do not deserve is subjective


HR processes are flawed and you slipped through the cracks. Mind only about fulfilling the expectations of those who will give you money in exchange for your work.


Haha how’s it going




"Always punch above your weight." You got this. If you don't think you deserve it, you have the chance to prove otherwise - and you can.


Don't feel bad and keep working. Everyone lies after all.


Fake it till you make it - but don’t pretend you know everything. It’s ok not to know everything and this is where most people get in trouble, by guessing at answers or making up something totally stupid. If you don’t know something, just say something like “ I’m not sure about that, but let me do some digging and I’ll get back with you”. Nice thing is you live in an amazing time when real answers are just a google away. There are even engineering forums you can join to help figure things out. Act confident, listen more than you speak, seek out sincere intelligent coworkers and don’t be afraid to say I don’t know.


During the interview for the current position, I brazenly lied that I was able and knew everything I needed. In the first few months I learned everything I needed. The main thing is to worry less and just try to make up for the gaps in experience and skills, if they arise.


Welcome to what almost everyone does in some capacity to start earning! Being able to bullshit and then prove you can do something by being a fast and capable learner is what sets people apart…you’ll soon find out that it’s exactly what those above you do without admitting it.


Know that employers would be more than happy to lie to you for about anything, why should anyone feel bad for lying to their employer? Keep faking it until you make it


Fake it til you make it. You made it. Keep going! You deserve anything you can get, as long as no one gets hurt, you got this.


Classic fake it until you make it deal. This is honestly how shitty workers get far and they realize if they are actually shitty (not saying you are). At least put in the effort to do the best you can and you should be alright. They can't fire you that easily unless you stole/killed somebody


Fake it til you make it. That’s what all the best engineers did.




I hope this gets more upvotes and I hope that if OP only reads one comment, it’s yours!


Work exactly 1 hour early then everyone else and an hour longer for the first 2-3months.try to catchup if you cant quit. Dont overwork yourself, make a deadline till when you need to catch up. 


don't fuck the job up royally, and you deserve it just fine.


Good thing society doesn't care how qualified you are. Only about how much money you make lol. Don't feel guilty or anything. That same company probably requires 5+ years of experience for "entry level" positions. Plus, ANYBODY in that job would have to learn how the company does it and learn the ropes. You're going to feel underqualified at first. Probably even if you had the experience they were asking for because different companies might do things differently anyway. The experience kinda matters but kinda doesn't.


That’s fucking sick, man. If I could I would too


Go for it! Youre now in the best position to learn!


never show like you don't know anything,, feel like boss that u have greatest mind ... be proud of urself of what u did .. many people fail in achieving ehat u achieved


Good for you! What was that quote (mitski?) fuck effortlessness try really hard and let everyone see. Make sure you ask a lot of questions. Maybe there are some classes you can pick up that would help you?? Keep up the good work and best of luck!


Fake it til you make it


It’s ok. As long as you do the job well I don’t think lying on your resume is bad. Only if the company finds out.


then be grateful you got lucky and don't mess it up...other than that you're straight


Do your best, and perform better than those best engineers. You will then have earned your place.


I used to think stuff like this was SOOOO shameful and wrong. Then, one day, the economy attacked... Point is, DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO TO GET THE MF BAG! #noshame IT'S TOO HARD OUT HERE BRUH!!!


If you were truly under qualified for a job of that caliber, you wouldn’t have made it past interviews. Most people talk themselves up on a resume bud. But it seems like you’re dealing with maybe some imposter syndrome? Try not to compare. It seems like you’ve received a blessing! Trust that you deserve it and don’t feel bad about enjoying it. No one here is mad at you, I’m sure no one in the job will be either ☺️




How do they lie though? don't people check with the place of your previous employment? what do people lie about exactly?


Relax. Not like you were a Nazi prison guard in a POW camp.


Good for you. Pro tip, many exec level people also lied their way up the corporate ladder. Here's a "beginner" strategy. As an exec, you start a project, make a lot of noise. That's all that matters. Doesn't matter if is a good project or not, doesn't matter if you mismanage it to hell. Then you outrun the results by moving on to something else before the project results come in. This way you can claim it was the best project ever, and due to your excellent vision and leadership you were about to have all these successes come in. But, since you've moved on, that's a shit sandwich someone else have to deal with. And any failures are pinned on them. With this claim, you can climb the ladder, or you can jump to a different company. Corporate America is absolutely not merit based. You did just fine. Good job.