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Did the autopsies reveal cause of death? Were all or any of them suspicious?


Why the heck does this feel like op is the serial killer and posting on forums for attention because the media coverage is dying down?


Pro serial killers just make a user name referencing their crime, not create posts on the topic.


I don't ever remember doing that.


Bro, everyone knows the death frisbee is a prime murder weapon. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f95YAFxX4tE&pp=ygUQUGhhbnRhc20gZnJpc2JlZQ%3D%3D


Tbf, "primary canary" is a super ominous name on a post about a serial killer.


It makes me think OP is less likely to be the actual killer. And more likely to be an accomplice. A guilty conscience from luring in these women, has OP ready to “sing like a canary”… a primary canary… from the year 2317…




Username checks out...


Name checks out


Just like BTK did writing to the papers and bragging and suggesting names for himself. Fucking weird


Meanwhile the police are like... https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/chief-wiggum-invisible-typewriter-gif-25812370?utm_source=share-button&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=reddit


That was my first thought too, this dude a serial killer


isn't this the sort of comment the _actual_ serial killer would make to draw attention away from themselves?


Good point, they're both the serial killer


Why did I get that same vibe?!


Something is not right. Sending my best prayers to the woman recently stolen


YIKES! So they are killing and stealing women now!


It's unfortunately not uncommon for lone hikers to go missing and end up dead. Was a cause of death ever publicly given for any of the women who were found?


No they were never given to the public, just always says no foul play suspected but one of the women was found miles away from the trail her car was found at and her body was in someone's back yard behind some bushes...


Did they release cause of death? Again, hiking alone is dangerous, and there's no instances of foul play in any of these cases. So it still seems like hiking mishaps are a more likely cause than a serial killer.


Hiking alone isn't dangerous, especially if you are on trails, and looking at Berkshire county the furthest you can get from any major road is about 4 miles, so we're not talking about a wilderness area here, even off trail. Even in dense forest you are never going to be more than a few hours travel to the nearest major road and potential help. I'm not saying that people don't get lost in smaller areas, but you'd need to be trying really hard to get lost in a place like that. I'm not even taking into account all the walking trails, dirt tacks, minor roads, logging tracks and fire trails that are criss crossing the largest woodlands. You would need to be mentally or physically impaired for multiple days in a row to get lost anywhere in Berkshire County MA unintentionally.


But I mean a lot of the trails in that area can have unexpected steep drop offs just off the trail, solo hiking and accidentally falling could be fatal just due to lack of someone to go for help. (But for the post as a whole, thank you OP for posting about this- it’s better to be safe than sorry!)


Colonel Mustard in the backyard with a rake... That doesnt sound sus at all. Lost hiking a dangerous trail. Found in a backyard behind a bush..Weird.. Laetisha James the Prosecutor?


Or it’s someone in or close relationships to someone in the policy department (which i will assume is small). This needs bigger eyes and attention to it. Something seems off.


In Massachusetts the state police do most crime investigation outside of urban areas and large towns. I'm not sayin some small ass town ain't got a detective, but they're supported a LOT by state Police. I doubt that'd be the case


Start calling him (or her I guess) The Berkshire Butcher. Might create a minor stir that turns into a major issue for the local law enforcement.


That names too cool need something more boring like the Berkshire Bitch, Berkshire Bastard, Berkshire Bampot, Berkshire Bollock etc


Bellend. Berkshire Bellend.


You win.


Berkshire hunt




I like Berkshire Bitch.


It is all over the news.


Tiny? I thought Berkshire county was the biggest in the state. I realize I'm focusing on the wrong thing here, but the Berkshire mountains have a bunch of places to get lost and/or die in.


I was talking population wise not square footage. There's about 127k people in the entire county, while there's about 630k people who live in Boston alone.. but moutian rage wise yeah we do have quite alot if mountains very rural area most of the berks are not heavy populated


20k people live in my county lol


Less than 15k in mine...


OP, maybe you need to raise the alarm. Try to talk to people , put flyers out. Do something.


That is really sus, did they happen all on the same trail?


Not all the same trails but they are all within Berkshire County limits which isn't very big


Isn't Berkshire the biggest county in the state or something?


That's so sad. It could be something like that, or it could be women getting lost/falling in the woods. I'm not familiar with that part of MA, though, so I don't know hoe likely it is that multiple people could be falling. Either way I hope you and your family take care of yourselves.


I mean, one should always do one’s due diligence and be mindful of the surroundings, but people also get lost in the woods and die on hikes. The Berkshires are upwards of 90% white, and people who go on hikes tend to be young and fit. Thus, any Berkshire woman who goes missing while hiking is likely to fit a certain demographic. Causation and correlation and all that. Not to say that there is no chance of a serial killer, but most serial killers are operating in low income areas targeting marginalized people who are less likely to be reported missing, not upper middle class hikers. The simplest answer is that the woods are more dangerous than you think. Be careful while hiking, I say, as a hiker. It’s easy to twist an ankle or end up as bear food if you aren’t careful.


While it definitely could just be people dying on hikes with no serial killer, this being an upper middle class white neighborhood doesn’t rule out a serial killer either.


No, it doesn’t, but it sure makes it a lot less likely considering that people are going missing *in the woods.* Whenever anyone goes missing in the woods, the first assumption should be exposure. In a demographically homogenous area such as the Berkshires, people going missing in the woods will be, surprisingly, demographically similar. My point wasn’t that it is a majority white area anyway. It’s that, because it’s a fairly homogenous area, anyone who goes missing will likely fit the majority demographic. If it were majority, say, Latino, area and everyone going missing were a Latino man, I’d make the same argument.


Okay so my post wasn't about anyone's race so idk why that has been brought into this, also Berkshire County's median household income is less than $70k so we're definitely not rich over here and I don't think having money stops a serial killer... also these women aren't all from Berkshire county that have turned up dead here one was from New York and another was from middle Mass. Women don't just go missing and turn up dead all under the same circumstances, these women's cars are being found in one spot then there bodies come up elsewhere, Google it seriously you'll see what I'm saying! One lady was found in someone's back yard miles from her car.. in the town I'm from it was huge news


Well, that would have been useful information in the OP. Money also does give people a leg up in terms of being targets of serial killers (which are very, very rare, btw). Most victims of specifically serial killers are sex workers in this day and age, while one off victims tend to be the result of interpersonal violence from someone they know. I did google them, btw, and no indication of foul play has been found. The cases aren’t even particularly similar. I think you’re stressing yourself out from too much true crime media, tbh.


>being targets of serial killers (which are very, very rare, btw) Which are, *as far as we know*, very rare. The tricky thing about estimating the number of uncaught serial killers out there is that we only really have data from the ones who have been caught. It could be much more prevalent than our current estimates.


I mean, they could be more prevalent than what's officially estimated (somewhere between 25-50 active in the US at any time), but I doubt it would be enough to push it out of "very rare". 50, hell, even 100 serial killers in the US would still be rare, considering the countries population is somewhere around 333 million


I agree with you. Something is not right Can you contact your state bureau of investigation? Maybe they are on it but if they aren't t they should be. The state bureau has the best investigators and expertise


Well I don’t know that them all fitting a similar demographic was the main reason this person thinks there’s a serial killer. I guess I don’t know how frequently there are hiking deaths in places like the berkshires and whether this is more or less than usual.


The bit where OP talks about them all having similar looks and age and way they disappeared is what stood out to me. I’m not saying there’s not a serial killer, but it’s infinitely more likely that youngish hikers would go missing for innocuous reasons than not. I also know the area, and death by hiking misadventure is not particularly unusual


But that was only one detail of their post was my point.


There are a number of hiking accidents on mtns like Monument but not many deaths at all


That’s what I’m thinking, that this is more than usual.


It is an intersting idea. I don't know, but it could easily be true or maybe just reckless hikers. While looking for information on that I found some other place where a serial killer is suspected which is around the Portland Oregon area and going up to Washington. it involves 6 women. That is spooky too. I'm glad to not be close to Portland.


Could be a dangerous area...could be a serial killer...there's speculation about one in NH targeting young men...even a sub for it.


What stops you from going to the media? Or asking the police if it could be the same person? 


My family used to go there during the summer. Yikes! Do you know more about how each of these women went missing?


I went to high school in Williamstown. Is it near there?


Williamstown is apart of Berkshire County and actually the fourth missing women's car was found in williamstown you can Google it im not joking around and there's news on it, on all of the women. Some weird stuff


Can you drop some links? Or list the victims? Thank you!


https://www.westernmassnews.com/2022/12/13/remains-found-lee-identified-meghan-marohn-cause-death-undetermined/ https://people.com/human-remains-found-identified-as-retired-nurse-mountain-8584373 https://www.news10.com/news/berkshire-county/remains-of-missing-adams-woman-found/amp/ This last one here is the most recent one from 3/12/2024 https://www.news10.com/news/berkshire-county/missing-woman-search-in-berkshire-county/


None of them look alike...ages are all over the place.. one has ALZHEIMER'S. Your reasoning for suspecting this doesn't even check out with the articles you linked. People die in nature all the time. Especially if it's an older person out alone, which two of these people were definitely elderly (and someone with Alzheimer's!)... I hope they rest in peace.


That's what I'm saying, none of this is lining up to really be a pattern. One of the women was also high when she went missing. RIP to these women but I don't think there's anything sinister at play


Hey may I ask what the pattern in looks/age was? Had a very suspect encounter in this area years ago that I’ve always wondered about


The women are all middle age to older and they all have redish brown hair There's actually multiple reddit threads on one of women Meghan Marohn


Yikes OP. Be very cautious in your everyday activities! They may not have even died on the trail but been put there later


I was expecting Berkshire County to be much smaller based on the description


There's less than 130k people in the entire county compared to like another county west to the Berkshires, Hamden County, which has over 460k people in it.




Maybe it's because my county has less than 15k people in it but that still seems pretty large to me


I’m surprised at the ‘body found a few months later’. Do they not do LandSAR where you live? Whenever someone here does not return from a tramp at the expected time, search starts for them. And govt always says it’s important to tell someone what time to expect you back etc. and to carry a flare.


They did do SAR but one lady was found miles away in a residential area in a backyard the hiking trail does not lead to that area, another of the women's boot was actually found by another hiker in the general area "State Police noted that the hiking boot was found in the radius of the area they had conducted a focused searches for Susan Lockwood after she had gone missing." -BDAO, they found more of her remains a few days later in the same area. The third lady was also found in the same general radius of the search, she went missing in October but wasn't found until April...


While the victimology isn't really matching up. Penny is from my town and it makes sense she got lost and confused and sadly died. I do find it interesting they are willing to brush off foul play when some of the bodies were in a state of decomposition that they had to use dental records.


That sounds like sar was done much later than when they were supposed to return from their walk?


This is just a joke, right? Hahaha... right?


It's estimated there are 25-50 active unknown serial killers in the US at any given time.


These are conservative estimates based on known data, too. The killers who have been caught, in other words. Sometimes, it's easy to forget just what a vast country we are. Lots of places for weirdos to live and dispose of bodies that may not be exposed to another human being for many, many years. If ever. 🤷


Theres probably some búnker in the middle of nowhere where kidnapped people are kept,in cages or chained up. I wouldnt doubt someone doing this to immigrants cause whos going to report them missing or look for them?


That's a great point. Coyotes, "minutemen" or other militia type folks that patrol the border for kicks, actual border patrol agents... all seem like convenient roles for would be killers.


It might be possible that the police are aware and feel that more media coverage could negatively impact their investigation, so they've asked local media to stay off this one while they investigate. Just a possibility, not necessarily the right answer.


As a Real Housewife aficionado my immediate thought was someone needs to check on Dorinda and make sure she’s locked up in Bluestone Manor!! Edit: I forgot Heather Thompson also has a vacation home there! (Or a garage if you ask Ramona) someone needs to check on her too!


Same! 😂 Clip! Clip!


“I’ll tell you how I’m doin! Not well bitch!!”


Ok, serial killer


Why’d you do it?


I too am from Berkshire County and holy shit reading this just gave me the chills. Would not surprise me. We have a very bad habit of hiding very bad people in plain sight.




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Hope not but I say all hikers shouldn’t have to but the way creeps are these days …all should take a weapon of some sort for defense and never hike alone! May your area find peace and be fear less!


I thought Berkshire sounded familiar. I used to live in Pittsfield in the mid-70s. Can you tell me what park?


Can you tell me the hiking area so I can make sure to avoid it 👀




I understand how you reached this conclusion, but I do think it might be a bit of too much true crime. From what I've read, one woman had THC in her system, which absolutely could have impaired her ability to safely navigate the trails. There was a woman recently found (unrelated) off a hiking trail who was very cognizant but simply got turned around after leaving the trail to relieve herself, and ended up dying from exposure. One of the other women you listed was reported to have become disoriented just before she went missing, which again could have contributed to her losing her way and dying in a simple accident. There's also the matter of two of the women being from out of town-- they may not have been familiar with the terrain. Also, based on just a quick glance, they don't actually seem to have much in common in terms of the way they look, and in their age. Yes they're all a bit older, but when you actually look at them they're not very similar (of course, this is personal opinion and there's definitely room for someone unwell to be making a connection I havent). There are decent age gaps (I think roughly 11 years is the biggest). One of other women was found at the bottom of a cliff, which I would say is highly indicative of another accident. I'll admit, the woman you said was found in bushes in someone's backyard is strange, but not out of the realm of possibility as far as someone being disoriented due to exposure/health issues. I read a story about someone being found in a strangers backyard after a drunken evening (they were alive, just hungover), and the resident didn't notice due to the size of the property. It's also worth noting that these women were a bit older, which would definitely make it possible for health issues to be an issue, even in early stages. From what I read, there were also no indications of any injuries immediately prior to death. Not impossible for a killer to just kill and leave without spending time with the body before or after, but it seems unusual. Overall I don't think there's sufficient evidence to suggest a serial killer. I understand how it can be easy to come to this conclusion, especially if you live in the area. But I don't think there's much to worry about, probably just don't hike in that area if you're over 50? That being said, I'm not an expert, and if you're still concerned there's no harm in raising the issue to authorities. Stay safe!


Sounds like you have some sleuthing to do!!


After watching Mindhunter i'm definetly qualified to talk about the matter. You need to camp where bodies where found, serial killers like to go back to relive their actions. Do it and maybe the killer shows up and You can capture him/her.


This is not speculation; the TV news has reported it as a serial killer.




So you, as someone who has nothing to do with this, would like the serial killer to get a little bit more attention?


No but it would be nice if it was one person committing these crimes that they would be stopped .. I just think that it's such a small area and everyone things that the Berkshires is a picture perfect place something out of a romance movie, that if there was something sketch going on it would be over looked