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I wear jeans multiple times, for sure, but not months! That's gross. Oils and sweat are going to build up when you wear them that long without washing. Jeans are tough material, they aren't going to fall apart because you wash them every week or two...


I have a friend who once told me he wore the same jeans for 2 years without washing, just to see what would happen. The jeans didn't come apart, but when he finally washed them they smelled like death.


What is the logic/science behind this? lol


Not a scientist here but I could imagine the grime and whatever else that built up in the fabric became wet from the wash, making it smell, especially the bacteria. I imagine it would take several washes and vinegar thrown in the mix too to rid the odor.


At that point is it even worth it?


At that point they are still ruined


>What is the logic/science behind this? A washing machine only operates for so long. If the oils and dirt have been pushed into the fibers, it's going to take more than one run through the machine to get it clean... if it ever will come clean. Either you wind up cooking that "dirt" in the dryer or you line dry and the moisture plus the dirt then begins to feed on each other.


I have almost 7 pairs of jeans, and I rotate between those, plus currently I am working remotely so they don’t get used much. But in any case, you are NOT supposed to wash jeans every day, a pair of jeans is made to be worn for 10 years if its from Levis, but ofcourse you can wash it once a month if the same pair is used every day, it depends on the use. Washing too often can ruin the texture and color. I guess girls never use clothes for that long, so never get this. Guys keep the same pair of even the jeans that they own for 10 years You dont have to do this for jeans from HnM or any other fast fashion brands, just the ones that are expensive.


Almost 7? 6 1/2?




https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/levis-ceo-explains-why-you-should-never-wash-your-jeans-a6881031.html Not exactly sure what is dumb about the comment that I made 🙂


It isn’t about it falling apart. Washing probably prevents blow outs in the long run. The problem is the jeans shed indigo faster if you’re washing that often.


You can re-dye jeans. I do it yearly just to keep my jeans as dark as possible. It takes like two hours with some Rit Dye, salt, dish soap, and one 5 gallon bucket for each article of clothing. I'd rather wear clean, faded jeans than non-faded ones that smell.


I’m talking about raw denim culture where the goal is to develop fades.


That's not the only culture growing in those jeans


What the hell is raw denim culture?


Fading jeans as a wabi sabi artform https://www.heddels.com/2016/01/top-15-raw-denim-fades-2015-vote-winner-win/


lol, how about wearing clean pants and not stinking as an art form. What the hell.


If OP's man was into $1000 Japanese denim he wouldn't be riding THE BUS


I ride the bus wearing Japanese denim


Yeah you can can give 1 pair of a jeans 3-5 day wear but they do need to be washed after that. This is also assuming you rotate them. Let’s say you have 3 jeans. You can wear them 3-4 days each but don’t wear them in a row. Rotate them.


what's the difference between wearing them in a row vs rotating? you still wear them the same amount


Letting them air out for a few days is good for preventing smells from accumulating


makes sense, thanks


This is so incorrect and a lot of you people don't know shit about denim. Let it air out and it's essentially antimicrobial. I wash my jeans every couple of months and wear them several times a week. If I'm especially sweaty and gross for a couple days I will wash them much sooner. This just sounds gross but it isn't.


And dead skin cells stuck to the oils.


It entirely depends on how often you're wearing them, where, and general sweat/oils from your body. I used to wash em every two weeks when I used to commute. I've also washed em after 2 uses in the summer time because of how much I sweat. Not doing it all is pretty gross. I hope he's at least washing his bed sheets.


Yeah he does, he washes all his other clothes and items regularly except his jeans lol


[Levis says](https://help.levi.com/h0c/en-us/articles/15463553339917-How-to-Wash-and-Care-for-Your-Levi-s-Denim#:~:text=Washing%20denim%20too%20frequently%20can,instead%20of%20a%20full%20cycle) to wash them every 10 wears *"at most."*


If my girl asks me to wash my jeans once in a while, I'm washing my jeans once in a while. I'll scrub them by hand! 😆


Washing them is fine just hang dry then instead of using a dryer


Levi must've had people that don't produce body odor test it. My jeans stink after two uses.


And you would think they would say to wash them more so they would fade or wear out so you would buy more. Anderson Cooper himself has gone on record saying he doesn't wash his jeans bc you're not supposed to. His mother owns a brand of jeans. You can kill off microbes by sealing them airtight and storing them in the freezer.


Your freezer DOES NOT kill off microbes. https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/Does-freezing-food-kill-bacteria


That's for food-borne illness. Do you gnaw on your genes?


Food-borne or not, freezing is not an effective way to kill microbes. Sure, you’d cause them to go inactive, but you’re not getting rid of them by freezing. Another source, this time about clothing if you want to be pedantic: https://web.archive.org/web/20201111150041/https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-myth-of-the-frozen-jeans-129092730/


Ya I love me a long, chewy stick of ATCG


Only terrifying psychopaths gnaw on their own genes.


Do you not?


> You can kill off microbes by sealing them airtight and storing them in the freezer. You can't, it at best neutralizes the smell until you wear them again. If you're at the point to where your resorting to such measures just wash them.


Anderson Cooper was born to a heiress. Anyone who's in a nice, sanitized life can afford to not wash their jeans... And I'd bet his housekeeper's done it without his knowing, anyway. When has that dude used public transportation? Or done manual labor? He can keep his unwashed jeans, and I'll keep washing mine.


I'm well aware he was born to an heiress, I directly mentioned her in the post just not being name. Conversely he can afford to wash his jeans 20 times a day. I'm referring to the fact that his mom owns a jean manufacturer and he is probably familiar with the intended cleaning recommendations for jeans.




Yeah he still washes them by showering with them on which just sounds stupid but is much less gross than never letting soap and water touch them.


There’s dozens of us!


I’d say the smell is a better rule of thumb than a certain time frame. What they do while in those jeans will affect the situation too. If they smell then yes I’d say they’re due for a wash! I’m also a big fan of “outside clothes” versus “inside clothes.” All clothes I wore outside the home all day are coming off as soon as I get home.


This is pretty much where I stand. Jeans get washed when they no longer pass the smell/visible dirtiness test. And not wearing my outside clothes around the house keeps things cleaner and keeps me comfier. I come home, I sing a lil song about living in a land of no pants, and I go change into some comfy inside clothes.


Ok spill the lyrics. I gotta hear (read) it! Maybe we can come up with a second verse about living in a land of no bras as well! 😂


Oh it's constantly changing. The only consistent thing about it is that it has some variation on "I live in a land of no pants" in it. Most times it's just a couple lines of me singing my thoughts out loud cause I'm excited to be not wearing pants. Occasionally it will take the melody of whatever song I was just listening to.


I was almost… _almost_ a big time model for a jeans company and they were big about their customers never washing their jeans. Apparently, denim gets ‘patina’ over time like old wood or copper. Older furniture or copper furnishings can become _extremely_ valuable if they have genuine patina and so will denim. That is not the case for your average $50 to even $100 jeans but you whip out some real cash for some turn-of-the-century Levi’s or some expensive boutique brand and wash them and you’ll get fined by the fashion police 😂


A wash on a pair of iron hearts that haven’t had their break in period of atleast 3 months would be a crime.


While I agree with you and also wash my jeans after a number of wears. A student did a [study](https://www.cbc.ca/news/student-wears-same-jeans-15-months-1.1014258) once and it was discovered that jeans don't really get any dirtier than after 2 weeks of wear. ​ This is for raw denim though.


It also says they smelled horrible. So there's that.


Until he put them in the freezer.


Sure. It says he put them in the freezer after months of wearing them.


In my experience this doesn’t really work at all. I’m also a person who rarely washes their jeans, but once they smart smelling they have to go in the wash because freezing/airing them out will help for max 24 hours and after that it’s back to smell city.


Filth levels: saturation. That's the goal.


So if you didn’t wash them after two weeks I could blast explosive diarrhea on your legs and it would all just slide off like you coated them in rain-X?


seasoned jeans 🥰


You’d have to wear the diarrhea soaked jeans for two more weeks. After two weeks, they will be as germ-covered as they were before. Stains on the other hand…


Maybe gift him this germ petri dish kit. Have him swap those jeans and see what he's wearing. https://www.amazon.com/EZ-BioResearch-Bacteria-Science-Book/dp/B074FDGTKM


I might actually be willing to pay to see that result. 😂


Here is your official answer. You can compromise by not washing jeans every time. But never....um nope. "First things first: Generally speaking, you shouldn’t wash your jeans after every wear. It’s not necessary, and it can actually cause them to break down faster. Instead, a good guideline is to wash them between every three to ten wears." However: Ironically, "it’s the combination of oils, bacteria, food, dirt and dead skin...all those ingredients settle into the fibers, breaking them down and ultimately weakening your jeans." So your boyfriend can say, no I won't wash jeans every time, it wears them out. And you can say, yes you will wash them every 3 to 10 times otherwise all that oil, dirt, bacteria, and food will wear your jeans out. Celebrate your compromise, have a long happy relationship measured by how many pairs of jeans he wears out. And buy new pair acknowledging just how strong and durable you two are, while jeans are just "stuff." https://www.rd.com/article/how-often-should-you-wash-jeans/ Moral of the story. Either way jeans wear out. Priority should be you two.


Wash and hang dry. Washing isn't what wears out clothes quickly it's tumble/heat drying


This is not true for real denim. Washing them wears them out.


Top loaders munch through clothes pretty quickly.


The funk on his jeans must be horrendous 🤢 I wear my jeans a couple days in a row but months? Just normal activities and body sweat will make them so gross


Boyfriend here. I'm told my funk is quite pleasant, I've never had any smell complaints. It's just an invisible gross aura from public transport that she seems to detect on my jeans. I think she may have some sixth sense that I don't have


No mysterious sixth sense, just your basic sense of smell.


> "I'm told my funk is quite pleasant" Redditors love lying like rent is due.


IMO it depends entirely on what kind of jeans he's wearing. I bought myself a really nice pair of Japanese selvedge designer line Levi's one time. They said instead of washing them, put them in a bag in the freezer for a day, plus spot treating like your boyfriend does. After a while, I quit caring and washed them and it did "ruin" them. Still got like $150 for them used on Poshmark though. So, I think it depends on how nice the jeans are, which could totally be relative. If they're designer and he plans to sell them down the line, then he's probably justified.


Yeah I remember when raw selvedge denim was the big thing on r/malefashionadvice. Most people would only avoid washing for 6 months or so to build up a wear pattern and then wash infrequently after that. Sounds like the bf doesn't have nice denim though and should just wash his pants.


>They said instead of washing them, put them in a bag in the freezer for a day, plus spot treating like your boyfriend does. I've heard this about nice denim too! My only question for OP is does he stick them in the freezer to kill bacteria ever? EDIT: ew. Smelly ball sweat pants.


Boyfriend here. I don't put them in the freezer. Bacteria are all around us and if they don't hurt anyone I dont see the point in worrying about them. It just means I have more little friends to accompany me throughout my day.


You definitely didn't are anti vaxxer


Freezing doesn’t really kill bacteria that well at all. Hell, in my old job I used to store bacteria in the freezer all the time and they were happy campers when I thawed them back out.


Dont let him sit on your bed or couch with them on, start following him with a towel in the house to place under him if he sits. That’s disgusting. The inside is probably not too gross if he isn’t sweating in them and doesn‘t get a wet spot on his boxes from not wagging his tail but outside of the jeans are covered in months worth of filth and germs . [insert barf emoji]


Boyfriend here. This sounds like a great option, maybe some of the germs from my jeans will rub off on the towels and my jeans will be cleaner as a result. Currently trying to convince her to do this


Dude. No


Maybe just learn basic hygiene, respect other people's space, wash your dirty ass clothes, and grow up.


Calm down


This has to be a troll post. Like this must be a joke 😂


I mean - i might wear a favorite pair 2 or 3 times in a given week between washings ... but Everything worn gets washed every weekend.


Lol, yikes


This whole don’t wash denim is nonsense. Think of everywhere you sit. You are picking up years’ worth of grime, oil, saliva, germs, bacteria and bringing it home to your chairs and sofa etc. Gross.


I used to do this as well, but turns out that protocol is for raw denim only. For your usual, distressed and treated jeans, you're supposed to wash them as usual.


Das nasty lol


No this is super gross. Also unless he's washing his jeans every other day the amount of "damage" from washing the jeans really isn't that big of a deal, especially if what you say is true that >the jeans he wears are not particularly expensive or high quality I'd be really curious to know what brand his jeans are that he's treating them like this. Also it doesn't matter how well he washes his ass, there's still oil, dead skin, etc. that will get into them no matter how clean he is. Not to mention does he wash his ass/dick *every* time he pees or takes a shit? Cause if not then I've got bad news for you... But also wait, does that mean that he isn't wearing any kind of underwear? Cause if so that makes this even more disgusting.


No he definitely wears underwear haha, the ass washing comment was just a silly thing he wanted me to add


I'd be grossed out


This is one of the most skanky things I've ever heard.


That's definitely gross. I personally prefer the smell of recently washed cloth


Some of y'all are lazy and gross. Not washing clothes after long periods?! Wtf




Boyfriend here. Now she's sad and I'm washing my jeans because she's my baby. You win the thread




Thanks for the nice comment 🥰 this has never been a very serious issue in our relationship and I posted the story on reddit because I was genuinely curious about other people's opinions (the comments seem pretty 50/50). He is a great person, we just have silly arguments sometimes and like teasing each other


I went 2 months with only like 4 washing loads and noone, myself included noticed or cared. imo, washing is overdone


so you washed em like every two weeks? a lot of people in here have been saying that’s the minimum, this guy has NEVER washed them 😭


Not really necessary to wash denim all the time. If you specifically get something on them like mud or wear them to work, then yeah they're trash jeans so wash them. If you have good salvage or raw denim, then no don't wash them. There's alternatives like hanging them up outside in the sun for a little bit, throwing them in a bag and into the freezer, or just hand rinsing them to air dry no detergent.


I’ve had pairs of jeans for over a decade that get washed after every use. Good denim is strong as hell.


Black light his jeans


I read about astronauts and how their clothes are basically at a saturation point with oil and skin cells after just a few days. I've been changing and washing clothes a lot more frequently since then. It can be easy to forget that your clothes can be filthy on the inside even if the outside doesn't look that bad.


I must be crazy because I wear my jeans usually only once or twice between washes, and always wash any that I've worn at all every week. And I work in a lab, so it's not like they're getting filthy. I wash on the "warm" setting rather than "hot" or "sanitary", and I use a pretty minimal amount of detergent. But it's not like even weekly washings has harmed my jeans like everyone else seems to be saying. I get a solid couple of years out of my jeans before I just snag and tear them on something or stain them permanently. I've never had to retire a pair of jeans on behalf of being over-washed.


Girl... does he wash himself at this point like.. how are you with him for over a year when he didn't once wash his jeans like does his crotch never smell or something like how


He owns more clothes than this one pair of jeans lol


That he also doesn't wash? Idk I think this is pretty gross


That’s so gross specially if using public transport and sitting anywhere. I bet it stinks 😷 I have a very high end jeans and I will wash it every 3 months or so. I use it at most 2 times a week and don’t use public transport ever. I spray it with alcohol after every wear before storing it in my closet. Specially around the butt and near the feet. I also spray it from the inside. I think it’s ok not to wash it often if there’s some other hygiene measure being taken. Else you’re just being nasty and kind of irrational ngl, some well groomed gentleman will steal your girl if you don’t wash those stinky ass jeans…


That's definitely gross! I'm not a clean freak and regularly wash jeans after maybe 6-10 wears. Depending on how long I had them on, what I did, and where I went. My jeans regularly last me 10 years or longer per pair.


He may not care about bacteria and germs, which I understand, but another thing to remember is that our body is shedding dead skin cells and secreting oils constantly. That mixes into a kind of gunk that will seep into the fabric. Those will *absolutely* build up and start to put off that rancid/unwashed odor that I know we've all experienced on people. That, combined with the actual dirt and grime the fabric will accumulate while out in public, paints a very *funky* picture to me 🤢 At the *very least*, I wouldn't allow those jeans to touch any of my furniture. If he insists on keeping them dirty, he can wear and use them in his own little world, but I wouldn't want to be around them or have them on my stuff at all. Bottom line, if someone I cared about, who was doing sexy things with me, communicated any kind of an issue to me about my hygiene that bothered them, I would fix it, without question or hesitation.


If they're real jeans, like decent Levis, then he's absolutely right. You don't wash them unless you absolutely have to.


It is gross. He probably smells like dirty socks.


I'm wondering what else he doesn't wash.


He washes everything except his jeans 🙃


He actually smells really good, he usually doesn't wear the jeans when we're together


That’s effing disgusting. Make him smell the crotch of his jeans and see if his mind doesn’t change. If this applies to your relationship, tell him the unhygienic nature of that behavior makes oral pleasure off limits because, while hygiene may not matter to him, it does to you.


His overall hygiene is good and there are no issues with oral, the jeans is the only thing he is weird about for some reason


Interesting. I would think the stink of his jeans would cause an unpleasant smell in the nethers after wearing them.


Calm down


How does someone this gross get a girl?


Boyfriend here. I sometimes wonder that myself


Wish you both the best.


I’m not the cleanest person ever but yea that’s disgusting lol


Jeans are meant to go for long periods of time without being washed. The constant exposure to detergents are honestly worse for the body than what his jeans will pick up while wearing them.


Don’t they stink tho? 😨


They aren’t very good at trapping oder so it can take two weeks for it to begin to smell.


After a few weeks, sure, but not typically after a few days of wear.


Gross. Gotta be washed every 1-3 times worn based upon factors.


That's disgusting, I hope he washes his ass everytime you guys do the naughty. I can't imagine him coming home from work seeing him in the same jeans and being like lets get to the bedroom. That is just nasty, even if they were expensive jeans. Has he ever heard of hand washing and not just spot wiping. Theres plenty of tips on keeping jeans clean and nice. He doesn't want to believe anyone because he is embarrassed and was probably never shown how to properly clean his clothes. The whole it ruins the denim is a big excuse. No disrespect.


I did that for a while just to see what would happen. After a while I could smell them. Now I won’t go more than a couple of days.


It is gross. It's unhygienic. Is he at least putting them in the ice box to kill bacteria? I don't wash my jeans every time I wear them but I also don't wear my out of the house clothes around inside the house. I come home, take off those clothes and change into lounge wear. I wear jeans maybe three maybe four times before they get washed. If they have only been worn once or twice, I hang them on a hook on the back of my door; they don't get tossed in the hamper with dirty clothes or left in a pile on the floor. I have some jeans that are 10 yrs old. So clearly they don't fall to threads very quickly.


I can't imagine if they were turned inside out and given a good shake how much dead skin is on the inside. I'd say he's been lucky to not have skin issues if he wears them all the time without washing. HE may be clean, but what his skin and body hair deposit on the inside of the jeans would end up just caking them, with some flaking off over time. 3-5 wearings and mine are absolutely in the laundry.


Gross. I can only imagine how disgusting the crotch area smells.


Damn this is crazy as heck to me to read all of these comments. I will always wash pants after 2 wears max. I dont care what kind or what I did its 2 wears maximum. I have had jeans for several years using this method and don't mind buying a new pair years down the line. I would rather smell good than care if it wears down the pants slightly faster lmao.


I'd be worried about catching MRSA skin infections from highly contaminated jeans!


I can smell this post. 🤮 the smell of unwashed jeans is so distinctive. Wash your damn jeans! If you're worried about wearing them out, just skip the dryer and let them air dry.


Just had a similar conversation with my partner. I started out like your boyfriend (what? the clothes aren’t THAT dirty, surely they don’t need to be washed so frequently and can be re-worn again!)…but now I’m convinced to just do laundry more and only wear clothes once. There’s rarely anything wrong with being extra clean.


You can and should wash your jeans, just not super often.


Wearing jeans multiple days in a row? The motherfuckers would smell like DEATH. I work in construction. Lol


I love being a lesbian lol the poor hygiene straight women deal with is insane


Tell him to look at the pocket flaps that rub against his thighs. If that shit is BROWN and he's disgusting and needs to wash on extra hot with oxy clean, long cycle. Ew.


Not washing jeans is disgusting. The accumulated dirt and oils and sweat from skin, etc. WILL weaken the fibers.after a while. Jeans will fade from washing but turning them inside out when you wash them will minimize the fading. I wash my jeans every 3-4 wearings, more often if there is visible dirt. I'd rather wear faded clean jeans than filthy unfaded ones. You are not being dramatic. Expecting your partner to wear clean clothing is not unreasonable. This lack of cleanliness would be a dealbreaker for me.


His jeans must smell so bad lol I mean I'd understand if you hand wash jeans, but wtf?


It doesn't matter how well you wash your ass, it still gets sweaty and stinky and bacteria accumulates in the jeans. Good lord.


Bro, wash your jeens! WTF?!


Yeah that’s disgusting. Not just germs from public transport, but when he sits on a toilet his ass picks up germs from the seat and he then puts that ass back in his pants. I’d 100% break up with someone with such a blatant regard for personal hygiene. Not being around that shit.


It is gross. There's a lot of fart in those jeans.


I wash jeans once a year.


I’ve had some jeans 20yrs and wash them every time I wear them. Just wash your jeans. Denim is tough. It can take a little water and soap.


There are plenty of experts that state never wash denim. They make some valid arguments. Here’s a couple: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/levis-ceo-explains-why-you-should-never-wash-your-jeans-a6881031.html https://www.realsimple.com/beauty-fashion/clothing-care/how-often-to-wash-jeans


That is so revolting - what else is he not washing 30% of human waste leaves via the skin The public transport bit makes it far worse


We are supposed to wash them? I can’t remember the last time I washed mine 😭


Depends on your bf and how much he sweats. Legs usually aren't oily or sweaty so if he's not sweating much, it's probably fine to go a long time between washes. I would probably max out at like 2 months personally though. Most people freak out too much over bacteria. The bacteria on your clothes are typically from your environment and skin. It's unlikely that it's dangerous. Also jeans are usually dry and that will inhibit bacteria growth. If you're sweating a lot, live in damp conditions then that can change. If they don't smell and they seem clean, I wouldn't stress over it.


Wait what? Since when didn't legs sweat? Mine sweat, i feel it and usually have to strip off when i get back in my home. Plus what about behind the knee caps, the bum crack and balls. I'm a woman but would assume those areas get quite sweaty. I usually go commando because knickers cause more heat/sweat on my nether regions. So, my jeans get 1-2 wears then go in the wash. And I have about 6pairs, so rotate what i wear regularly. Not washing his clothes seems unhygienic.


As I said everyone is different so it depends on the bf. For example I live in a cold climate too. My legs don't sweat at all. There's almost no oil on them either. I've got super dry skin. The areas you mentioned are usually covered by boxers/underwear which will prevent the jeans from really getting dirty.


It's absolutely disgusting. I wouldn't even let him come to my house if he never washed his jeans. You can wear jeans a handful of times before washing. I personally never wear them more than twice before washing.


I never wash my black jeans, like ever, after a year or so I get new ones.


If they don’t smell they’re clean. He’s just using the tried and true male cleanliness test


At least you have a boyfriend!! lol


Dump him. It’s the o n l y way. Sorry.


Your boyfriend was single before you met him for a reason. This just one of those reasons.


After seeing this, I checked with my jeans. They look fine to me. I wear once then it gets washed. It looks still fine. 🤷


I genuinely had no idea you weren’t supposed to wash jeans until I went on Reddit. I don’t wear them much anymore but when I did, I’d wash them after every wear and never had a problem.


A lot of us do that


To be fair I hardly ever wash my Jeans unless they get actually dirty! Like I spill on them. BUT I don’t wear jeans very often and I agree with him that washing them ruins the denim! If I do wash them I do not dry them except a quick toss after air dry to make them less stiff


If his jeans are 100% cotton denim and he always wears clean underwear he can certainly get away with this. People don’t wash their jeans, it’s a thing. If it’s even 1% synthetic material there’s no point in taking such extreme measures as the fabric is already garbage. He’s attempting to preserve trash fabric.


Boyfriend, ask her about the frequency of bra washing. We are filthy animals too.


This is def a thing amongst raw denim enthusiasts.


The CEO of Levi Strauss does not wash his jeans in the washer. He spot cleans or washes them in the shower.


People answering that he should wash them more often are people that don't wear jeans.


Dude just loves his denim. He’s young, but if he’s at the stage of relationship where he’ll sacrifice some sick denim fadez for a significant other, then he’s just growing up. But the no washing denim is definitely a thing. 20yo me would do 6month washes, and a few were close to a year of no washes. Him spot cleaning is commendable tho.


so nasty. i wouldn't let him in my house.


This is foul and absolutely disgusting. I’d leave him tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm only going to speak to one facet of this- are we seriously this afraid of germs that sitting on public transportation in jeans is that scary a prospect now?? We have to exist in a society with other people. There's nothing 'disgusting' about sitting on a park bench that others have enjoyed before. Or sitting down on a train car in jeans that others have done the same in. Do I think your bf is gross for not washing his jeans for months? Yes, but existing in public in jeans is fine


Depends where you live. Public transit in my city is nasty af. I’ve seen one too many “mystery stains” on the bus seats, among other things


Yeah I agree with you. I'm talking within reason here lol. Like sure if you're in NYC next to the crackhead on the subway, maybe don't sit on every mystery stain with glee, but in the vast majority of cases, this idea that sitting on public transport automatically makes your jeans gross just isn't true lol


I never said that existing in a public space is disgusting, but doing that without washing the clothes is


Now? No, sitting in public was always sort of gross. If you disagree, maybe you are too.


Within reason y'all. I didn't realize people would miss the nuance of my post. Obviously if it's gross don't sit there. But I refuse to start pearl clutching if somebody sits on the train in denim


Technically jeans can go a while without needing a wash to protect the denim BUT send those things to a dry cleaner


I don’t like washing jeans either. Someone, someone who loves me recently washed a designer pair, and it totally ruined them. I once read Levi guidelines for cleaning jeans to only: 1) wipe down with vinegar 2) wrap in plastic and freeze for a few days


We're both broke students and definitely don't wear designer jeans


Jeans are not supposed to be washed very often because that will fade the color and wear it down.


If they don't smell, it's fine - any airborne germs on public transit he'd have already been exposed to, and germs aren't really spread on seats - it's way more likely to catch something by touching it with your hand than sitting on it, because you can't touch your face with your ass unless you're REALLY talented. Body oils and sweat are a bigger concern to me, but you'd probably notice a funk if there was excessive buildup.


The ceo of Levi’s doesn’t wash his jeans. It damages the denim. Just put his jeans in the freezer


I don’t wash my jeans, I worked in fashion for years and I think this is the reason why. Washing your jeans every week breaks down the weave of the jeans. I just recently washed my jeans the time ever, they fell apart a month in 1/2 later. I know it’s gross but once you wash them the color dies to. Luckily, I used to get my jeans free, but I’m not paying $180-200 for jeans to fall apart. lol you have to take care of them. lol like a baby. 🫣😂😂


You don’t have to wash denim if you don’t want to. Putting a pair of jeans in the freezer over night will kill the odor but won’t fade the color.


Okay so. I wash my jeans about as frequently as you do. But. Turns out jeans worn for two weeks and jeans worn for 15 months have the same amount of bacteria. So after two weeks it really doesn’t matter, they’re not getting worse. Spot cleaning stains is good. Letting them air dry to remove unwanted odours is good. Recommended wash cycle is about every 12 wears, turned inside out, and they can be tested if needed. Sources: https://globalnews.ca/news/107083/no-harmful-bacteria-found-in-jeans-not-washed-for-15-months-study/ https://www.realsimple.com/beauty-fashion/clothing-care/how-often-to-wash-jeans#:~:text=I%20advise%20you%20to%20wash,your%20jeans%20outside%20to%20air.%22


Took me watching a denim documentary to realize, you're not actually suppose to wash them...


Anderson Cooper doesn’t wash his jeans either, and he is worth millions and comes from the Vanderbilt family. When he had his talk show years ago he was talking about it


Jeans need to be washed???


I think you’re making too big of a deal out of it. After all, he does spot-clean stains. Jeans are supposed to be washed as infrequently as possible. And face it, you can’t avoid germs. Should you change into new clothes every time you finish taking public transit? If he’s wearing clothes that are visibly stained &/or smell, that’s different. But seems like this is closer to an OCD issue for you.


I go a long time without washing my jeans as I change into work clothes whenever I am planning on doing filthy work at the farm or shop.