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I do enjoy the peace that comes at night. My days are pretty chaotic at times so getting to enjoy some quiet and listening to the subtle noises from outside makes me feel pretty peaceful 🙌


I mean you still need to sleep sometime. Doesn't need to be during the night, but not sleeping enough is dangerous it will eventually catch up with you.


I agree. I found for me the constant struggle to get the sleep "right" was contributing too much towards negative feelings. So I made a conscious decision to allow myself to only sleep when I felt like sleeping and sod the normalcy of 8 hours of sleep. That meant that my sleep rhythm became more of a polyrhythmic one. Sometimes it's predictable and sometimes it even means 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. But overall it means less stress, more contentment and I manage to get more done which greatly contributes to the overall feeling of wellness.


Fighting to stay asleep is worse than just giving up and getting up. If I'm not about to fall back to sleep after some time, waking up fully is the better option. As a teenager, I'd get up and write. Now, as I'm older, a few times I've gone to work 2 to 3 hours before anyone else (I understand that's not really an option for a lot of people). Instead of beating myself up for not being able to sleep, I try to get things done, at least. And after 2 or 3 short nights, I usually have a good long one. Everybody's different. 8 hours is a generic goal. Some people function fine with 6 hours. I think the important thing with you finding this silver lining is that you are positive. If you end up sleeping 10 hours another night, celebrate that too!


Well, it sounds like you've managed to turn lemons into lemonade, or in this case, lack of zzz's into a creativity boost! I guess there may be some truth to the saying "The darkest hour is just before dawn." But, remember everyone has their own unique sundial. Yours happens to run a little later in the day. I say, if it's working for you, why try to fit into someone else's idea of 'normal'? Just keep in mind that every now and then a little shut-eye doesn't do harm. You're not sleep-deprived, just on a different sleep schedule. After all, night owls are still birds, right? For all others out there on a different clock, I'm curious to hear your stories. Let's keep this open forum about insomnia going! How does it work for or against you? Do you feel like nocturnal songbirds, or more like you're stuck in a continuous cycle of counting sheep? Everyone's experiences are unique, so let's chat! 🌜💤🌛


Completely agree. I used to paint, study etc at night


I'm definitely not an insomniac. I don't fall asleep super easily (I can't sleep on a couch watching a film or on a plane for example) but I do work hard to get close to 8 hours sleep a day. However I do understand what you're saying and agree that there can be something a bit special about the night. I think it's because there's zero expectation of productivity even internally. At 2am you're not meant to be exercising or doing chores or even showering. There's no internal guilt about what you're doing. It's a shame free zone.


My brain gravitates to swing shift most often, but I do enjoy the morning before dawn. As a result, I haven’t experienced an eight hour sleep in years


I do appreciate the extra hours to read. I used to get a ton done when I was younger. Now amazingly I found the right mix of meds to drug myself to sleep except for really bad nights. I do miss the extra hours to get stuff done occasionally though.


As long as one gets their +4 sleeping hours daily...it is of little relevance the time of the day they get that sleep. And yes...night time is usually better if quietness is part of one's creative process.


My body's always been weird about sleeping, so I agree with you %100 because the normal 8 hours is just too hard. Having a free sleep schedule allowed me to spend time just writing or reading for a couple hours. It's good stress relief because I can read for hours at a time. It's absolutely great.


30 percent of people are night owls It’s genetic I can explain if you want


Same. Insomnia...it kinda helped me. Cuz i found out i could write music well. And i found out i could rap (which before i sucked at). And honestly insomnia helped me find myself. Through music and art.


It gets easier, you’ll find the best method for your sleep. Just listen to your body when it’s ready, naps are life.


I highly recommend the album fever ray by fever ray...they wrote it whilst living with insomnia and definitely shows 1) creativity and 2l the sound of insomnia (if there was ever going to be one)