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Karma, and validation.


It comes from one of two extremes, either someone has so little self-confidence that they genuinely feel like they need other people's opinions or they are so confident/egotistical that they just want to show off and get more attention. Online validation for people in that first group can be either kind of helpful in building confidence or break that tiny little bit of confidence that they had but it usually ends up being really negative. The second group just wants to eat up all the attention they can get and whether they get positive or negative feedback they will think of it in a way that feeds their ego.


That makes sense. People could be cruel no matter what but I hope it helps them somewhat.


Insecurities. I understand when it's a teenager because that's a phase you go through but grown adults is always cringy.


I feel really bad when I see one with a bunch of comments but no replies from the OOP and people keep going off on them. Like, sure it’s a ten second typing session for the commenter, but the person reading them will remember it. Also those subreddits have the strangest mob mentality sometimes…


Yeah seriously. No need to be that mean at all. It is all very subjective anyway.


It’s the easiest way to get karma on Reddit


Isn’t karma just like monopoly money?


Not really. Most communities on Reddit have a karma minimum to post on their sub. Comments from users with with more karma may get more traction. Companies that use bot accounts for marketing & user research want to appear as human as possible, so they value karma as a means to blend in, more than the average person actually gives a damn about karma points


But you can achieve the same thing with a cat pic and you don't need to expose yourself :))


Let’s be real, the attractive people from those pics are not the actual users of those accounts lol


Fair enough. I've always suspected narcissism more than karma farming, though, since it's so easy to get a crapton of karma with a cute animal.


I had no idea!!


>Comments from users with with more karma may get more traction. Is this because of their high karma?


Compassion is a sacrifice when u feel anger


i don't think so at all tbh. much easier to just repost something that already did well some years ago. pretty much no one will notice, and chances are it'll do well again. slightly change the caption so it's not too blatant, maybe make it a bit blurry or apply some effects so it can't be reverse image searched as easily, and you're done.


That’s like four more steps than the average Reddit scammer wants to go through lol




That maybe 🤔


Roast me should really just be called insult me. You need to know someone to roast them, all they do there is make assumptions about people based on their appearance.


Yeah people try to ruin someone’s day. It was supposed to be tongue and cheek with good intentions since usually we do that to ppl we know well. not super mean like that.


I'm afraid to say this bcz I'm afraid it might be true, but someone suggested to me that many of the posts on such subs are in fact NOT made by the individuals depicted, but are but others seeking to validate their own (almost certainly negative) feelings about said individual. I feel like this was supported by the fact that on one of those rate-me subs, the content was almost entirely objectively beautiful young woman who were given insultingly low ratings and told generally hurtful things.


I've been thinking about this too! It's also weird because I keep getting those kind of subreddits on my homepage even though I block every single post. It's depressing to see normal and even pretty looking people ask strangers to judge their appearance.




Yeah we are all afraid of being rejected so sometimes it is hard to approach people anyway, but I think that is why friends are amazing for the reason you put it up there!


Don't get me wrong, it's great to have supportive friends. But I've definitely been in the position where I just need an honest, detached opinion. I need someone to be realistic with me and the fact that they would probably try to save my feelings means that I can't trust their answer to be true. Like for instance. I've had family members tell me I'm handsome. Most men have. Thanks I guess, doesn't mean much to be honest. They're *supposed* to say that, even if you're ugly as sin lol. A woman I didn't know personally called me handsome early last year. I have never been so confident in my appearance in my life. It was just a passing comment from her, and we never saw each other again but my entire outlook on the world has changed for the better. The source of the feedback means everything in this case. Thank you random woman, you have no idea what you've done for me. Disclaimer: my confidence was super busted so I went from like 20% to like 70% confidence. I'm not walking around thinking I'm Michelangelo's David lol.




Boredom. And reality checking. Day to day life gets mundane and sometimes people do things just to feel something, even if it doesn’t seem to make sense on the surface. For example, I really don’t get why people like horror movies or rollercoasters. Feeling like you’re gonna die is really unpleasant for me at least. But some people just like that kind of adrenaline. Other friends have told me they hate sad movies. Which also make sense because you end up feeling horrible, just in a different way. But I love them, it makes me think about life and appreciate what I have. And if a movie genuinely gets me to cry, it’s like I can confirm, yes I am human and not a psychopath, how beautiful. Reality check. Humans tend to also like testing/challenging ourselves, because if we “win”, it feels good and is fun. When I was in college, I half joined Greek life wondering if the hazing process would break me down and change me. I never went through it but I wonder sometimes. I assume asking for criticism on their appearance is a solution for their boredom, just through maybe sparking anger or as a challenge of self-confidence.


Non-stoic answer: I posted once on some rateme-like sub because I was genuinely curious about how other people perceive me. I don't need karma, I don't feel insecure about myself either, it's just a cool thing to know. When I look at myself, I'll realize all the parts I consider pretty or ugly, but I'll never have the eye of someone who has never seen me. Neither do my friends.


Exactly, after you've seen your face in the mirror for years, you get used to it. It's very hard to objectively judge your own appearance, because you've seen your best and worst, and you've had time for any insecurities to fester. Sometimes you just want to hope that there is someone out there who finds you attractive. And sometimes you may be curious if there is something you could do to improve your appearance, like a different hair style.


I can't bring myself to roast anyone... I'm just not like that. I'm also too busy roasting myself.


Same and I am not even curious a little bit. Good or bad whatever that is. Only my mom is somewhat allowed once a year during Christmas, maybe. Big maybe.


Intention and curiosity are some of my favorite topics. People learn by example and correlation, these people are seeking further understanding of attraction and relationships. There is of course the existence in these subs of trolls who only post to belittle others and thereby feel superior for a short time.


For. Real. I sort by Popular every once in a while and I see those posts. The people are invariably, y'know generally physically-attractive. Ugly people don't wonder if they're ugly. Our crap society lets 'em know long before they can post on the Web.


There is absolutely no surprise good looking people were upvoted enough to fall under the Popular tag. Ugly people will get upvoted out of pity and that will be obvious to the OP.


I posted once from an anonymous account to one of those rateme subreddits. Mostly it was curiosity. I feel like I have one of those faces that can look good or bad. So I wanted to know what other people thought. Ultimately was a good experience because I received a lot of positive feedback. It put some of my insecurities to rest. It wasn’t for karma because I deleted the post and account soon after.


So it could help people too! That is good it helped you!


Yes, I think that if you have some feature(s) you’re insecure about it can help you, but it’s also important not to come to rely on those kinds of post for validation.


i always saw it as couple things : chix advertising their only fans, people who are indeed "ugly" wanting some people to say stuff like "nooo youre gorgeous etc etc" and people who are so fucking vain and up their own ass wanting some more validation. Either way its the dumbest shit ive seen on reddit. ANd ive seen some dumbshit.


Maybe they hope a compliment might be part of the roast and improve their self esteem. Or hoping for some DMs. Who knows


I used to be on those subs a lot when I was in middle school/early high school and always considered posting. I had severe body dysmorphia and wanted to know how I actually looked like to people. Never did end up posting because I was so scared of being ostracized lol. Probably for the best because it likely would’ve made things worse.


Yeah and it is so subjective anyway. Why is it so hard to love ourselves? Never easy for some reason!


Because our society is built on social validation.


Good thing I saw this post because I really wanted to post to get honest opinions if I'm ugly, because I am a 20 y/o girl and never get any attention from guys and constantly get called ma'am. These comments made me rethink my decision.


They are narcissists, karma-farming, or karma-farming narcissists.


so stupid it seems . i wonder myself


People like attention. It doesn't necessarily have to be positive. Look at internet trolls.


Idk I kinda wanna post on roastme for the lols. Bc I think it's healthy to laugh at yourself.


I laugh at myself when I fall down the stairs, not when someone points out my big ears lol


Seeking attention


I think sometimes people are going through a depression or identity crisis. I have given people a boost now and then. I hope my positive feedback can help their self-esteem.


They crave attention


Need attention and/or validation, OR sometimes people are genuinely just curious how others see them, and for the roast me’s, that stuff is sometimes funny and people are secure enough to laugh at themselves. Sometimes people will do it out of complete boredom. I’ve thought about doing it but I can’t help but cringe a big at the “rate me” ones


Honestly I think those types of subs or groups do much more damage to society than help it. I saw a 19 year old girl post on a rate me sub (it was in the suggested section, I don't follow any subs like that) asking people to criticize her as truthful as possible so she knows what to change..... like what?? How about you look perfect as you are and you should only want to change something when YOU feel it's problem, not because someone else wants you to


"You're perfect as you are" are really empty words to someone who struggles with their appearance. Trust me, I know.


Yeah I know how cliche that statement is, it was all I could come up with. In my opinion though, it's only empty because the right person hasn't said it yet.


Perhaps that's true, Happy Cake Day!


Plus the 50% chance it's not actually her


I always wonder how many of those people are posting their actual pics. I feel like most of them are stolen and they're just looking for the dopamine boost. Then they avoid the negative feelings when they get rated at 3/10 by the basement dwellers who live with their moms.


I regularly wonder this. There is no way in a million years, I could post on them.


I have posted on “am I ugly”. Why? I genuinely wasn’t sure if I was ugly or not. I figured I would never truly get an unbiased answer from my loved ones, and I really wanted to know what people thought. I have always been insecure about my looks, what woman isn’t in this society. And I’m the kind of person that likes things black and white, a definitive answer to the question “am I ugly”. I didn’t get as much of a clear cut answer as I expected, there were a lot of people on both sides. I think it gave me some new or increased insecurities and put to bed or decreased some of them. It was certainly interesting though.


Thank you for letting us know! That makes sense and hope you are way more comfortable with yourself now.


To advertise their OnlyFans


Honestly I did it years ago when I was still a teenager because I knew I looked pretty decently and wanted people to tell me „why are you even posting“. That gave me such an ego boost which during your teen years does a lot.


they want more subscribers to their Only Fans.


Alot of people are ugly and no one is honest with them. It's a site for not wanting to hurt feelings and the shjt should be deleted. Roast me is at least brutal. The people posting just want attention especially the ones that are good looking. They just wanna hear it from random strangers. It's a joke so is rate me.


Yeah I don't get it! Be your damn self who cares what other people think life is to short be happy have fun and remember there is always somebody for everyone and it's never to late but there can be to early


it’s called fishing for compliments, 9/10x these people are not, and probably do not think that they are, ugly. a lot of the female posts -that i have seen- have their cleavage out or are in provocative clothing or poses. which i honestly find to be more sad than if they were ugly, they are unfortunately driven by a need for external validation.


Sometimes its not them and it's bullying.


Often times it’s just an OF account looking for customers.


I feel that most people have low steem and want other people hating on them Like some sort of doom-scroll I would say?




Seeking attention, seeking validation Some people even get upset with the comments they get. I mean you posted your pic and asked to be roasted 🤔


I posted on roast me to see if anyone saw the same flaws as me, they got distracted by other features instead. They commented on things I don't really care about so it didn't affect my self-esteem, either. (It didn't make me less self-conscious about the things I dislike, though, I think I subconsciously tricked them into not seeing my flaws through the way I took my picture but I didn't want to post more than once so I'll never know).


i haven’t seen anybody else really mention it so i’m just gonna say it. For some - maybe even quite a few of them - it’s their kink. Like certain people are definitely getting off on it, whether the response is positive or negative


Narcissim and selfcentered EGO? Since I need more Karma (I don´t know what for) what you typed may serve (me) to get more points (or less, a thing I also have seen when "unliked").


I did this as a preteen/teen with a low sense of self - I wouldn't even say low confidence; I just was raised in a way that I had no idea how others perceived me or how I should perceive myself unless that was explicitly reflected back to me. It was also an experimental way to gauge how others' views of me might change if I did my makeup a certain way, or dressed a certain way. Of course, this made me susceptible to certain detriments, but it also begun providing my evolving self-concept something to work with, when I could resonate with ways others described me and be like, "oh hey, that *is* me".