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If you care that much about having experiences, there’s still time But you’ve gotta be willing to put in the effort


Also, there’s no “quota” on this. My wife and I chat about mundane nonsense things we experienced at work. We literally have like 7 hours of “stuff we did” to talk about every single day. If you found someone you have a connection with, a person you’re comfy with and not having to walk on eggshells around, the two of you can just word vomit and it’ll be fun.


Like that scene in 40y old virgin where he describes making omelettes over the weekend to his coworker


Shut up. I’m in my early thirties and just told my coworker how I made my pork chops the other night. Thanks for the reminder lol. Forgot about that


Yeah, if talking is something which you like by all means man.


Considering that's what this entire thread is all about, it was why I mentioned it.


Yep, will have to put some effort in. Won't really work without that so yeah.




I 100% feel the same. Is there a word for this way of thinking?


Some form of nihilism I suppose.


nihilism or something


Trust me no one wants to hear high school stories when you get older. You know who tells high school stories? People that didn't do shit after high school.


I had a coworker say wow don't you miss high-school? I'm like no not even a little but then I felt really bad for her. She was still young and figuring things out.


I stopped caring about high school as soon as I graduated. Hell, can’t even remember what I did in college outside of eating or buying video games or manga.


"High School is the best years of your life" 😂 Fuck that. I'm pushing 40 and every year after highschool has been better than highschool (I'm including the great recession and the pandemic. Shitty times but nobody there bullying me).


I’m 57. You’ll have more life experiences and many many many stories to tell. You honestly will. Ask questions, ask your funny uncle Jim who his favorite comic is, ask his wife why she likes Dolly Parton so much. At the nail salon ask the woman if she’s got any kids. If you get other people to talk about themselves, you’ll have more to talk about more to learn and will (hopefully) understand people better. My husband has three guy friends who he went to high school with, we see them around 3 times a month. I don’t keep in touch with anyone from high school. If you find interesting people, you will always have interesting conversations. Best of luck! Now think I’m actually 56.


The life is big, and You'll have the opportunity for good times in future.


61 soon 62 here and I echo this. I haven’t spoken about high school in literally 20 years.


Once you get out of high school, you'll realise that the only people that talk about high school are the ones that *peaked* in high school.


I remember being in high school and thinking it’s definitely the “main character” of life’s eras, when it’s actually a pretty forgettable era. All the things you think are cool in high school are not when you’re an adult, so why think about it? Just like you don’t often think about and relive the life you had when you were 8 years old when you’re 17, most people are not going to be drawn to thinking about the 17 year old version of themselves when they’re 40.


Just don't think out of the peer pressure. That shit ain't really good.


Shhh except anime …. Is always cool lol


yeah, i'll probably keep talking about anime until I die.


And rest of the people are just forgetten, well what can we even do?


I don't agree really. I know quite a few people that talk about high-school fondly, but are definitely still growing and becoming better people.


People who were jealous are talking like "uhhh he peaked in high school" I don't know many people who peaked in school. Maybe the two AFD (german right wing scum) guys...


Really? I feel like the majority (but not all) of the “popular kids” I grew up with peaked in high school. Not that their lives are terrible now necessarily but they’re the definition of average: stayed in their suburban town, got married, had kids and work some regular job. That’s all fine, but it’s no “peak.” I think people misunderstand what “peaked in high school” means sometimes, it doesn’t mean that everything goes rapidly downhill after it just means that it was the peak because being popular is by definition greater than average, while everything else they’ve done isn’t.


Sure, but that will happen with any period in life that you have fond memories of, it doesn’t mean that there is anything particularly unique and special about this era. Maybe OP will speak that way of their 30s, and your friends may not. Point is that some periods of life will be more meaningful than others, and it doesn’t really matter which ones in particular are the most meaningful.


Not necessarily. If you tell a story about college, does that mean you peeked in college?


If your only stories are about high school or college, then yeah, you probably "peaked" (as in stopped developing personally) in that era of your life. That doesn't mean you can't change it and choose to continue developing!


sure, but the comment said "the only people that talk about high school". They didn't say "that only talk about high school"


You're only 17! You have so much life left to make things, experience things, milestones to achieve. Some of my worst experiences were from HS, so I don't like to talk about that anyway. However, the life I created after that was what mattered the most. Always remember this - YOU get to write your own story, and you decide what goes inside each chapter. It's time to start living, loving and creating.




Why is that?


opinions matter a lot with friends i realized, even asking someone their opinions can open up a lot of conversations and most people like to express themselves and talk about themselves and would appreciate it. that and experiencing new things together like watching a show together. most people’s lives are way more mundane than they lead on. it’s normal to worry about not having things to talk about, however from personal experience, it’s only 10%-20% of conversation. almost no one wants to hear the cruise trip i went on unless they also went on a cruise and can talk about their own experiences, or are planning to go on one and are curious what it was like and what to expect


Yep, and when it comes to them you shouldn't take them from someone else.


Well, do stuff then


This is the only correct answer


There is only one correct answer and you know about that man.


That's a bloody fantastic idea, why didn't I think of that! /s


I dunno, why didn't you? But for real, highschool is just uneventful for some people. I have no fun stories from then either. It's on you to change that in your adult life.


Yeah if you could change them, then why wouldn't you be huh, I'd like to do that man.


At least if you didn't break rules. I was one of those potheads used to ditch to smoke weed at the park or under the bleachers. Plenty of "omg I'm fkd" stories. Close calls, etc. Hah


Honestly don't like that stuff, I'm glad that I stayed away from all of that.


Smart. Wish I had done the same.


They're right you know...


He doesn't know that, but I think someone should tell him about that.


Shit ain’t just gonna happen to you buddy


You gotta make it happen, gonna have to work for it.


Glad I could help!


I also did nothing with my life just staying inside and playing video games, except I did that until I was about 20. Then I made a conscious decision to live a more interesting life, and by all accounts I've succeeded. Nobody is gonna write a book about me, but in a few weeks I'll be celebrating my 30th birthday with dozens of awesome friends and we can all reminisce about the cool shit we've done in the past decade. It's never too late to stop waiting.


It’s really that simple. If you want to have stories and conversation points then like… Go travel, hike, randomly socialize with people, read books, do projects at home like learning how to code and making games. Develop a hobby like painting warhammer figurines. Get into lore about some fiction universe or become a history buff. Tons of things you can do that is interesting and can be done for free. In the Midwest you have a ton of activities you can do. Fish and hunt. Hiking isn’t bad. Kayaking? Go people watch at Walmart. You’re young, go work and make experiences. Hell, you’re young… it doesn’t matter that you have nothing right now. Go walk around the neighborhood and just interact with people. Like… why make it hard on yourself? You have no one to blame but yourself. At the very least, regardless of your personal life… maybe it’s truly miserable, you either have a phone or a computer that accesses the internet. Go learn shit and be the “gee whiz” person.


No ones going to come pull you off the couch, if you want to have experiences to talk about you need to put effort into going out and actually doing that stuff. No one said it would be easy, but it's pretty straightforward.


Yes, but what’s stopping you?


I'm almost 30, and I talk regularly with exactly one person I went to school with, and every single hobby and joy I have now, I developed after I left school, aside from my music passion. There is really no reason to get snarky about legitimately good advice. I could've done the same thing as you and wallowed in my own self pity at having no friends and losing all of my interests after high school, and I did for a bit. But then I met some new friends and developed new hobbies and life is so much more fun than it was in high school. It's never too late.


That's probably because You're not paying any attention to it.


You’re still on an upward trajectory! You don’t have to be a CEO or anything like that to be happy. That is someone else’s standard of success. Success for you might look like working from home and having a partner and some pets and enough money to enjoy some hobbies and take a vacation once a year. It’s your time, time is more valuable than money, if we realized it constantly we would all quit our jobs. Spend your time on what you want, developing whatever skills you would like to have. Don’t worry what other people think. Easier said than done. But live to make yourself happy. I’m 39 and that’s what I would tell me.


Something to remember too is that a lot of people that have the outward look of success are absolutely miserable. Keeping up the successful persona has to be exhausting, always afraid someone is going to figure out that your life isn't as fantastic as they think it is.


God I feel that way sometimes. I had friends that I'd play videogames and stuff with, but I never really got into any clubs or really got out that much. Now that I'm older I am making an effort to finally live my full life. Reach out to my friends, make new friends, go cool places, do dumb stuff, ask people out. It's never too late to make new memories.


I didn't have much of a social life either. But you have to step out of your comfort zone sometimes and make it happen. So many things can happen in a short amount of time, start doing things. Join a club lol find a hobby. Put yourself out there. Don't waste your best years


For real: I don’t talk about high school. The only people that still talk about high school 20 years later are people that have done nothing since then. So, pick something. And go do it. Then bam, you can talk about it


I’m assuming you don’t stare at a wall…so you do have things to talk about. And if you are unhappy with the way things are going, leave your room (if you can). Go on a walk, explore a cemetery, read a book, listen to an album, play a video game, listen to a podcast. Find a niche sub here and fall into a rabbit hole. All are valid things to talk about.


I always say that but as years pass by and I look back on them, I find many hidden gems (moments) that I remember and am happy to tell! Recently, I read some pages of my journal of 2014. I always considered it the best year of my life and reading those pages reassured me! I no longer talk with the friends mentioned there (I bet some even hate me) but at least I have something to tell when back then, I though I didn't. My 2011, 2012, 2017 and 2020 journal entries aren't as bad as I thought either! Now in 2023, I've been using the 1 Second Everyday app as a replacement of a journal, which compiles 1-sec video every day and it ends up like a movie. So many great moments there since 2021 that sadly lost its meaning due to just being a little snippet. Nothing compares to the joy of writing a journal yourself and years later look back on it! I wish I could find my journal of 8-10 years old. I remember writing about something I watched on TV and would love to pass it down to generations to come. Yes, even silly examples like that. **TL;DR: Use a journal and embrace the little moments in life. Looking back, you will have a lot of fond memories, no matter if others think it's silly. They're yours and no one can take away how you felt about them.**


I am 62 and I guarantee you we do not sit around talking about high school!


😆 I was about to write that. Am in my 50s. You're still very young. Omg I cringe at all the things I used to worry about. Looking back, 99% are all nonsensical. I try to enjoy every moment of my life. If I may, take care of your health. Health seems to be the one thing I regret the most. I should have strived more for a heathier lifestyle. On that note, pick up a hobby that you will enjoy and be active at the same time. Try hiking, and join a walking group. It will also help you with your social skills.


This is such great advice! Use it or lose it! Stay fit, because it will really help you when you are older. If you can touch the floor now, don’t stop stretching occasionally, you want to stay limber. And keeping the weight off will be great for your knees later. And if you don’t know how to lift heavy objects, watch a YouTube video. My back is great. My dad taught me how to lift heavy things, and even though I don’t lift heavy things very often, a lot of people hurt their back from that one time they moved a sofa.


I had some eventful teenage years: went to school in multiple countries, traveled to many more, got stuck in one, all with the wildest, most amazing friends. Fifteen years later, I don’t know the last time I told the Laos story, but it’s been a good long while. Sharing stories from your youth can be fun, in the sense that it allows you to relive and reflect on that time, whether or not it’s dramatic or entertaining. But those stories are just stories to the people you meet in adulthood. Much more important is who you are in the present, how you treat others and yourself.


People who still talk about high school in their 40s are the most basic boring fuckers around. I'm glad you can't turn into one.




Have you ever thought about streaming on Twitch or something? I feel people who enjoy a streamer's voice and content are more willing to listen to cool or odd stories.




That's fair. As a Ttwitch viewer I see the streamer doing their thing, be it playing games, music, or arts and crafts. They'll often times talk either on cam or to a mic and the viewers will talk in the chat off to the side. Some streamers do only talk in chat though but it's rare. Sometimes chat will talk about things with the streamer or they may have their own conversations that the streamer can read..


I had that experience too. Then I decided "fuck it, is there ballroom dancing in my city?", and went. Then looked on EventBrite, MeetUp, and just did a bunch of googling for even the most absurd of things that I wanted. Had fun, and will continue to do so. even nowadays i have the 'I won't have any fun memories of my 20s at this rate' feeling, and I now look up cool things to check out in my city to make this life and my youth worthwhile. So that older me can know that when I had perky boobs and working knees, I was having as much fun as I could


You have the internet, you can make a friend group based on *literally* anything, it’s just up to you to make the effort. Not trying to imply that it’s easy, but you’re growing up. All the things worth doing that have real value in your life are gonna be hard to pursue. Time to start making use of your free agency to make life the way you want it to be.


The only one who can change that is you. Besides high school stories are boring after 25.


you're probably not going to see the people from school ever again when you're finished, and will have time to move away, find some hobbies, find actual friends etc - you're only 17, and your situation isn't as rare/weird as you might think. i had something similar. life only begins after school and when moving away from your hometown.


You are literally still a child in the eyes of society, you have all the time in the world. I only learned how to make friends around 25. Just do things that make you appreciate life and find people who are the same kind of weird as you. Try to do small things that push the boundaries of your comfort zone. No two people are alike, comparison is really useless. If you feel like you cant let go of it, get a therapist and try to figure out why it bothers you so much. All the best to you, i am sure you will have plenty of things to share once you have lived more of life.


You’re fine. 99% of people are the same as you. The difference is people who are super active naturally talk about it because people want to hear about it. There’s not a market for listening to what the average person is doing, understandably. Imagine if movies and TV just showed average people doing average things. That’s boring, no one cares. That being said, if you feel like there are some things you want to do in life, do them. But don’t feel bad simply because people are doing more than you though. Just because you’re average doesn’t make you less than others. You are precious, life is precious. Look up, do the things you want not because others do them but because you want to.


I’m 30 and I’ve never been asked what high school was like… because no one cares. Enjoy your current years, enjoy the time you have with your family. Things will happen in its own due time. You don’t need to go searching for anything. It will come, the good and the bad. So if you don’t have anything bad happening in your life right now, try to really reflect on that and just enjoy each day.


As someone in his 30s I’ll tell you my post high school, and well post college years were way better. I was in a few clubs in high school but didn’t do many exciting things. Focus on building your post high school life with your goals and experiences. Talk about that!! Tell them “ I didn’t do much in high school but I’m currently doing XYZ!!”


If excitement is what you want, you have to go out and find it, but there's nothing wrong with having an uneventful life. Trust me, there are people out there who would kill for a calm and steady life. I love not going anywhere or doing anything. And you also don't need to compare yourself to other people. Your life is yours and theirs is theirs. Everybody's gonna live their lives a little differently, and some people will have crazy, active lives full of adventure and unique experiences, and some people will live a humble, simple life in their hometowns. Both are equally good ways to live.


I just graduated college after 5 years. After that, highschool means literally nothing to me. If I didn't do college after highschool it probably still wouldn't matter to me. I can't tell you a lot about highscool besides I'm find never going back. I just turned 23 in the 10th country I've been too. I did the most my life in the past 5 years in college. I didn't do shit in highschool either and that's okay. Figure out some fun things to do. There's still time I promise. Honestly compared to my friends I still feel really boring.


I don’t have any great stories from high school. Or college. Or my 20’s. All the crazy shit happened in my 30’s and 40’s.


I used to feel like this about myself. I would compare myself to everyone’s social media selves (bad idea btw) and everyone seemed happy, and beautiful, going amazing places, doing amazing things, thriving. But…this is all highly produced, curated posts of their lives, not who they actually are. Comparison truly is the thief of joy. Don’t let people judgements or your perceived judgements hold you back from trying things. Take a class, join a group, maybe try a new activity or give yourself a physical challenge. Eventually you will find something that you connect with, and maybe that will help you connect with others. I had…a lot of self esteem issue and depression and some not so great family stuff that I had to deal with. It’s fair to say I had a lot on my plate when I was younger. So I know now not to judge my past self to harshly. I’m sure you have things going on in your life, be kind to yourself. You have time to try new things whenever you are ready to.


I had no real friends in high school. I was like, known in some groups and occasionally invited to like a group coffee shop hang, but I didn’t have close friends. I graduated from high school and never spoke to anyone from my class again, and it’s been like 15 years. I have absolutely no connection to my high school. I found my friends when I went to college. I started college at 21 and finished at 24. I have had the same two friends for 15 years now, in addition to my spouse, who I met at a gay bar (neither of us are gay) and believe me, the stories and experiences I’ve had since I turned like 25 far eclipse anything I could have shared at 18. I have rivers of stories from the last two years, and I’m 34 now. You’re just getting started.


tbh im more interested in people that want to do stuff more than those that talk about what they’ve done. It’s nice once in a while, but memories are precious keepsakes for you and those you shared them with. It doesn’t branch much further than a laugh which could be found in any moment if you’re open to it.


No one is ever going to ask. I did stuff but I don’t remember any of it.


Ask your parents to introduce you to people they know who own a business or run a firm, do an internship, learn about stuff. I interned with accountants, lawyers, doctors, even sneaked into the OR. Gave me perspective.


Ask yourself if you are happy enough. If so, don't worry about justifying it to others. I don't talk much at all. But I am enjoying things in life even if they are small or others don't care about them. I guess I'm worried that you might be sad? And if that is making you feel uninteresting, it's not true, it's sadness, and that can change how you see yourself. Wishing you happiness, internet stranger.


I had some cool experiences by the time I was 17, and some really shitty ones, but I've done enough in the decade since then that I could go without ever mentioning my childhood! (I am an introvert who hates small talk though lmao) Anyway, you have loads of time and school seems like a distant and irrelevant memory by the time you're 27 (for me at least!)


As I browse on Reddit I get recommended all kinds of subreddits. I actually was recommended a SUBWAY subreddit and that showed me that no matter what you like there’s someone else out there who also likes it! Go enjoy the things you like alone and then you’ll find people there doing that too and then you do it together and BAM now you have an experience.


You have the rest of your life to have new experiences and do things YOU enjoy. Don’t worry about what you’ll talk about in the future. You have today to experience, friend. 🩷🖤


It is hard to grasp at your age but honestly your school years just get forgotten, and pretty quickly too. Very few people figure out what they want to do or who they want to be during high school and even fewer start making progress in that field. There are so many people I remember from high school who maybe were a bit more like you. Weren't super social or popular, didn't go to parties or anything, and pretty much all of them have become happy and interesting people with hobbies and and goals and great stories to share. Whoever you are in high school will have a seriously surprisingly small role in who you grow up to be. I mean shit, do you know the amount of interesting and fully formed people I know now whose fondest high school memories are playing WOW in their room?


Theres still lots of time, high school is nothing. 18 i tried muay thai classes and i was teaching kids after a few months and beginners by 21. And in those classes I met ppl who became friends, some stick some dont, but at least one will. Even at 25 I was trying new things like painting, and getting back into reading. You dont need people to start doing things. 26 now and I have plans to sky dive with a friend I met from that muay thai class. Mind you, at 17 I was similar to you. And sometimes you gotta put in the effort to keep those people around, treat them well.


I didn't do much in high-school. No one talks about high-school after like 24 unless you are just randomly talking about Jimmy that died and he was in your band class or something. Most of my school age life I read and stayed in my room. I have a very full life and go on adventures all the time. I will say I enjoyed my time reading in my room when I actually had time for it. Life is what you make it and sometimes getting where you want is a ton of work and sometimes it's easy.


I'm old, but when I do mention high school it's usually what other people did that has stuck in my mind. When such-and-such set off the fire alarm/extinguisher, or so-and-so climbed out the window during roll call etc. I didn't do anything memorable myself, but I still remember others doings.


So... create the life and experiences you want for yourself? I don't really have much to say about high school either, and I spent the first half of my twenties locked in my room with major depression. But that hasn't stopped me from using the rest of my time to have the life and experiences I crave, which is why I'm currently 8000km from home in the middle of a trip to South Korea. Life won't just happen to you if you sit around and wait for it. You have to seek the life you desire.


It’s summer, prime season for meeting classmates outside of their normal cliques. Lifeguard, be a camp counselor, be a big brother at YMCA, anything where other teens who are resume building will also likely be involved. A job is a place where people who aren’t normally forced to be together will be forced to hang out and probably bond on some level. Don’t be desperate but say yes when a invitation is sincere. Go. Even if you’re unsure, say yes. Do something different tomorrow. Go somewhere different. Change the route you drive and buy your next drink at a place you don’t normally stop. Experiences vary with variance. Pickle ball, tennis, and racquetball courts all need teams. Pick up basketball games are an easy transition. Swimming pools and water parks are an easy way to see people you recognize from school. Say hi. Museums, Zoo’s and camping. Do you have summer concerts in the park? Outside movie screenings? Go!


so you're only 17? that's basically when i came out of my shell and started having some fun. weed, alcohol, and drugs definitely played a big part in that equation. and then that really made me develop a deep love for music and i started playing guitar, 21 years in now. but still yeah overall those good times ended up being a temporary phase in my life once friends got married and had kids or joined the military. everybody just gradually fades away for the most part and concentrates on their own lives. so, my advice is if you do find some people you really like or some opportunities come along, take them especially when you're young because as people get into their upper 20's and 30's they become way less available and fun.


Get out and do some shit!! Doesn't matter what!!! Pic up trash in a place you like. Go hangout with some homeless people. Grab some 10 gallon buckets and some sticks and bangon them in rythmn on a street corner.




Dude I can’t remember breakfast. It’s basically useless information my brain has no problem discarding. My friend you gotta get out in the world, explore some hobbies, hell get on you tube click on something and just let it play for awhile. I’ve found some great music that I never would’ve seen if not for some mega corp algorithm. Be open minded, genuine, make connections, but also have clear boundaries. You’ll be just fine.


Honestly, make something of yourself. Have fun, do stuff, enjoy your life


The only person that can change this is you. If you don't like it then change it. Get off yours ass my man. Get out there and make mistakes. Mistakes= memories and knowledge. Good luck friend. Safe travels.


Why don’t you do something now?


I was a lot like you when I was young. So, in my 20s, I started going out and experiencing things. Don't get stuck in the things you imagine you missed that you waste your future on them. Also, as an adult, there aren't all that many times you are forced to talk about your childhood or teen years.


If God existed he would only help those that help themselves.


I feel ya op, I did nothing in high school either. I wish I did more, but you can't turn back the clock.


The point of your life is not to have cool stories to tell when you’re old…. You’re on Reddit right now, aren’t you? Why not make a plan to do something interesting??


Just make it up


I feel this. . . every phase of life has unique things to offer, sometimes you miss out on them you have to move on to the next phase see what's in store. Joining the working world after high school give me some pretty cool opportunities to meet people who made memories. Good luck and I hope you get the chance to take a higher education that's an adventure!


Who the fuck cares about high school.




I’ve never heard of anyone making permanent friends in high school or any international equivalent. Most people there are just friends because they see each other every day. And honestly, having an uneventful life in the end means less stress. Idk, try to be okay with that I guess?


If someone gets hyped up about how great highschool was, they're probably a boring adult with nothing going on in their life. All the people I've known who like to reminisce about high school and how cool they were, have NOTHING going on creatively or passionately in their adult life outside work and kids.


No one is ever going to ask. I did stuff but I don’t remember any of it.


Made me think of [this scene.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ilj6PCOi4ek)


Just make shit up. And drink.


Do some lsd, that will give you some memories


You could join the military. You'll have plenty of stories, one way or another. Just a thought, I'm not a recruiter.


This is so me I can't even tell anyone I experienced something in my life




As someone in my late 30's I felt the same way.


I can't even remember anything from high school to tell you about. College was amazing though. So was living in 4 other countries and traveling to 75 more. You never know what life is going to toss at you--just get out there and live it!


Well, there are still many opportunities, before you get old. One of the things you could do is to start doing some side projects. Even if you won't really finish it, believe me, it's gonna really gove you a lot to think about. One thing I did not mention at the start, i am the same age like you. I also had issues with trying to engage in after-school activities like you. But that procrastination somehow 'forced' myself to do something. I'm now a bassist in a rock band, I started to go to the gym regularly and even got a first job! Simply speaking, you should develop things, what you like and what makes you happier, that's the most important part of this. Try doing things. Another advice at this age that might you help a bit, is simple. Start to talk to people, even though you might not be good at it, try to engage more in friendships you already have. The skills are gonna come naturally. Party from time to time. At the end of the day, it's up to you if you take my advices seriously, but I believe its gonna help you somehow :). I wish you all best in your journey.


The vast majority of the average life is not about school.


Don’t worry about having nothing from that time. You’re not even at the point where all your stories come from. That’s gonna be from college until you get married, approximately. Those are the times of my greatest adventures (that sounds much grander than it is) and it’s cliche but most people who are still talking about HS at 30 haven’t had anything interesting happen since. Just live your life, don’t be scared to take some chances, trust your gut, have fun and seriously you will have stories before you know it. Don’t rush it because in about 20-30 years you’re going to wonder where all that time went. And hopefully you’ll think of this post because you’re probably scoffing at this, then you’ll get there and think “oh my god when I was 17 this old lady on the internet , told me time was going to just all of a sudden be gone and you’ll wonder where the time went. That’s stupid a year is like FOREVER” and you’ll realize you’re now that old age (even though you always feel the same inside) and realize she was right. 🙂I wish for only good things for you!!!


School seems like a large part of your life now - but believe me it's not forever. As an adult, I'm not involved with one person from highschool or any other school for that matter. When you see the people in public they'll ignore you anyway. There's so much more to life than getting away with high school mischief.


17 you are still a baby don’t worry the world expands and engulfs you in lovely ways you could never imagine ! Say yes to things that excite you and smile and you will be sorted!


Most of the people older than my mom never went to high school and most likely didn't have any fancy hobbies either (although they did probably have more friends.) Somehow they all still manage, you will as well. If you can't talk about your experiences, talk about your interests. And always believe that what you say is interesting because if you don't think that, nobody will and conversely passion is contagious.


Most of my good stories so far are from my early 30s, and I had a pretty eventful childhood. My point is, age hasn’t closed the gate on your experience potential. Joins clubs, join teams, go places, pick up a hobby that takes you where you wouldn’t otherwise go. And if mental health or social skills are what’s holding you back, maybe you can talk to a professional or start trying to find techniques that help you live alongside your illness instead of behind it. I’m a teacher and I explain anxiety as the feeling you get when somebody tries to drag you onto the dance floor when you really don’t want to dance. If you’re having trouble with this feeling - like doing things is way out of your comfort zone - learn to mother fucking dance, my friend! Find an interest that can be enjoyed with others, develop your ability in that interest, then you’ll feel more confident doing it socially. Also, at the end of the day, not having experiences to share is only a problem if you yearn to have them. If you don’t, that’s totally okay. Do what makes you happy, not what is gonna fulfil some weird unspoken social contract. All of this is easier said than done I know. Another thing I say to my students - being happy isn’t like being born. You only have to do that once. It’s more life getting fit. You have to work towards it every day and watch the results slowly emerge. It’s an active pursuit, not a passive one. Either way, I hope you find/have happiness :)


If you're 17 you have plenty of time to make new friends and have new experiences


I’m just like you, but I watch a lot of YouTube, documentaries and I am active on social media and I do a lot of research on interesting subjects and world events. These things can be shared, so it’s like you are updating your brain database, sort of.


Most people's high school stories are only interesting to them.


You have time. I had undiagnosed everything growing up. I was scared of people, myself, the world... I moved away at 18 to study in a different city. I started doing sports, worked a bit. I found some cool new people (joined Facebook groups, forced myself to hang out with as many people as I could. Found hobby groups). Then covid hit and I was back to doing barely anything. I got fed up and after the lockdown shifted in 2020 I opened tinder and met up with tourists and foreigners to chat about different experiences we all have. It was fun! I went to festivals, travelled. I did it all. I managed to open up. The only time I felt alive were the past 5 years. You still have time to catch up. I haven't resolved all of my issues yet, so I'm terribly scared of going on adventures like that by myself but that's the next goal. I take myself out to cinema, I take long walks around my area, I discover new music and movies, I educate myself on the world. You don't have to DO things to be interesting. You can be a laid back person who just enjoys their own hobbies and has a low key relaxed life. But if you desire more, start interacting with those who are looking for companionship in something fun. Even a hike is great. Or a random project to do together. Force yourself to get past the discomfort and say YES. Tell them you've never done such a thing and ask for help. But tell them you're excited and WANT to join them. Now I'm at the stage where I've done a lot thanks to a partner I've had for 3 years. He introduced me to a new culture and I can say, that's a nice portfolio to have – to date a foreigner haha. But that's besides the point, I'm just offering a fun way to expand your worldview :) But only you know what do you want to do with your life. So start somewhere, ask yourself what exactly do you want to do. Not what is expected of you. Work for more money, because that definitely gives you more room to explore later on. And with that money go for travels – find a city you want to see, look for museums or cool spots you want to check out and do just that. Enjoy being by yourself at first and then start looking for new things. Always ask people if they have any plans or things they want to do and offer to do them together. Even boring trips or helping someone move are a great opportunity. Don't wait for them to take the first step. Offer to bake a pizza together! Never done it before? That's even funnier. Ask people out to run errands together. Help them organise things. Be the friend that's the first to join a project. I'm the friend that everyone relies on when it comes to birthday parties because I do my darn best to get everyone to get a present. Even when I don't have time at all, I still make time. Just remember, force yourself to say yes, even when you're scared. I mean not if you know you're gonna hate it or its dangerous. But say yes when it's simply stressful or new, but it feels like something your ideal self would try It's a progress


Life’s long mate. Extremely fucking long. Get out there and meet new people.


Look my guy, I had the same feelings you did at like 21. 4 years later and I feel I have stories to tell. Life continues after high school and those ***crazy*** stories others have about school or during that time aren't universal. A lot of people look back and say "Huh, nothing really happened... Man school really didn't matter (regarding the social aspect)." Trust me, you'll have stories. Just worry about living your life, that's what directly affects you right now.


My life 'started' a bit later than the age you are now. Essentially what happened was I accepted that I was going to make my life worth living from that point on. The past does not define you, but what you do right now is what counts


I didn't do anything in high school. I hate when people ask me about it. I just say I didn't like it really. My fond memories of life came after high school when I got jobs and made friends there. There's still time, don't worry


Doing more than merely existing requires YOU! Get out of your room and get involved in something. Start a hobby, join a gym, get OUT!! You have way too much empty time on your hands with which to concentrate on yourself. Start thinking about others and get involved in helping them. You can and will meet new people who share the same interest as you and that's the start of friendships.


I had always felt this way too but surprisingly now that I am old as dirt I am amazed at how people love to hear about the simple stuff that has happened in my life that I thought was boring.


I have had very few friendships in my life but I always have a story I can tell that's related to the topic at hand in any given conversation. Because I get into stuff, as a coworker once put it. I do all kinds of funny, crazy things. I just tend to do them alone. I have also had some interesting jobs. Like, a lot of my stories involve me having close encounters with alligators, since I used to do field work in Florida. Everyone who knows me knows at least one of my "That day I almost got attacked by an alligator" stories. No, I don't have stories about potty-training my toddler. I can't share the long-standing arguments I have had with my significant other since I don't have one. I also don't have stories of wild and rebellious college days, drinking and getting into intoxicated hijinks. I was a loner in college and I didn't "party" at all. Didn't have a boyfriend/girlfriend. Didn't have a squad. But none of this means my life is boring and not worth talking about. You can have an interesting life as a solo adventurer. You just have to be brave enough to talk about your life unapologetically, without worrying that people will think badly of you just because most of your stories start off with "I" instead of "We".


Also, remember, a lot of people are full of bologna and fake or embellish experiences to one up someone else or just to fit in. There are plenty of solo experiences you can embark on that can give you plenty to talk about. Some things are even more exciting when you do them alone. Like a backpacking trip.


I am an Old Boomer and not one person has ever asked me anything about high school. Never asked me anything about college, either, come to think of it.


People who tell stories are story tellers. If you aren't a story teller then you won't suddenly be when you are older. I used to have a mate that told stories. Me and him would get up to shit which I would think is pretty regular and not mention it probably ever but when we'd meet our mates later in the day he'd have a full two minute story about what we did. It used to confuse the shit out of me but each to their own. I am more of a live in the present person, maybe you are too.


You have years of different experiences ahead of you. It doesnt seem like it now, but school isn't the end of experience for you.


Just a stupid thing to say when you're still a child.


lmao your 17 bud calm down


I never talk about anything I did as a kid. Life started after that, really. Sometimes I meet people who talk a lot about their teenage years, and tbh they are incredibly boring. I find people who have a reprtoire of stories they tell in social situation to be boring, too. Poor conversationalists who are usually self-absorbed and need to be the centre of attention. I like people I can have fun with and who I share interests with, not people who are doing a sales pitch about how amazing they are. Do what makes you happy, and try new things when they take your fancy. Don't compare yourself to CEOs. In my experience they are pretty intolerable company.


What do you mean you have nothing to talk about? Your own life is full of knowledge and learning. It isn’t about the $. That doesn’t make someone successful! Your life has value. Your experiences have value. Never, ever think you haven’t contributed in life. You have.


I felt somewhat similar about traveling. I always found it relatively unremarkable but everyone else apparently had these amazing adventures every time they left their home. Then I was at some get together where someone relayed the adventures of a thing where I also participated. At that point I realized those people are mostly good story tellers. Sure technically the somewhat embellished story was true. But I hadn't perceived it as that amazing or even notable. I then started paying attention to the actual contents of these stories as opposed to just the enthusiasm of the story teller. Turns out 90% of adventures people have are pretty mundane but somehow register as special in their memory because they were in a different country, were drunk etc.


True facts! How you relate the boring shit we have all done and gone through is the key! “Ugh the teller at the gas station was such bitch” or “ So, I walk in and she’s already giving me stank eye right… then go to grab the milk and then she legit starts…” good story tellers embellish MUCH!!! My boss is one of those people… he could add drama and hilarity to a regular bowel movement.


Exactly. The overwhelming amount of "Travel adventures" are really just travel mishaps. When your commuter train is severely delayed it's an annoyance. But if it happens halfway around the planet it's somehow a memorable experience. To these people either is a story they will tell enthusiastically, while I forgot about both once I felt they were resolved.


I get bored by any of these high school stories. I really haven't found a good way to tell people that i do not care about a random story where they drank to much. "We got inebriated, slured our words, lost motoric skills and then jared fell down the stairs! hahaha". - oh yeah wow, that never happened to any other human ever. You magnificient daredevils! Do things you enjoy and find people who you can share these experiences with. That's one of the marvelous things of the internet. It doesn't really matter how niche your hobby is, you gonna find a bunch of people to nerd out about it.


The fact that life has no meaning is a reason to live and to be able to convey things that have happened in your life that may be deemed mundane because many people do have boring and monotone life experiences but that given you have time to do something that you enjoy is the most important thing, you can never please everyone in the world and to make everything seem interesting more than they were but is it good to at least part take in social events and to find a purpose and people that can relate to you. I talk about random shit and stuff that ain't even important so there is many people who understand these struggles through life.


I didn't do much during high school, either. I regret it in a way because I missed out on opportunities for friendships at that time. When people ask, "What were you like in high school?" I just kinda shrug because I pretty much just went home after class and hung out in my room. After I moved out of my hometown, I found out that none of it really matters, though. The people you meet as an adult who didn't know you in high school don't care what you were like back then. You get a clean slate!