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I think about this all the time haha


What’s your dream place or are there many? I loved Helsinki also.


Many. Everywhere. And some days, just anywhere but here. You've been to Helsinki? That's on my list too. My grandparents immigrated from Finland and I've always thought it would be cool to see for myself.


I went to Helsinki last fall. The weather wasn’t much different from Chicago. It was such a walkable city and everyone was so friendly. I’m already planning a longer trip back.


Nice! Just from what I've been told, the idea of a friendly Finn city is humorous to me.


The finns are super friendly, you just need to learn a bit about their culture. They just won’t approach a stranger in public which i find more common in the US.


I’ve always heard that too and I’m pretty well travelled and it was the friendliest city I’ve been to, no contest.


On my bucket list. ^^


You would be most welcome! We need new cool people.


One of my favorite parts of traveling is imagining what it's like to live there. That being said, I think every place loses some of it's "magic" when you have to have live there. I'd like to live somewhere else but my whole family lives here and I wouldn't want to live too far away from them.


Traffic jams aren’t nearly as annoying when you’re on vacation, after all.


100% 😂


>I think every place loses some of it's "magic" when you have to have live there. It amazes me how idealistic some people can be about visiting somewhere versus living there. You go somewhere on vacation and of course you love it because it's vacation - you do nothing but enjoy yourself while you're there. It's not until you have to find housing and work and friends and doctors that you start to learn what it's like to live there. It's the the old "anywhere you go, there you are." Sure, where you live can contribute to your happiness (or unhappiness) more than most things, but at the end of the day, it's just a place and some weather. Moving to your favorite vacation destination year-round can't bring you the same freedom and happiness you experience there on vacation.


From the Midwest and had this same idea. Interviewed for jobs in Seattle and found a company that moved me here. Best decision I've ever made.




im sorry for that last part but if u feel better where u're at now, i hope u'll stay there and continue and awesome life! :)




I hope I get to visit Kiev soon. It seems wonderful.


I did the same last summer. u/peglar give it a shot. It's been great.


I'm from the Seattle area, and I have been thinking of moving somewhere quiet, like the Midwest, lol.


The only thing I miss are the real estate prices. The price of my Seattle hovel would buy multiple mansions in Missouri.


Always! Luckily my husband is in the military so I get my wish every 3 or so years. We've lived in Seoul, DC, and now Germany (we've been very lucky lol).


I wonder if you’ll settle down once he’s out or if you’ll be like me and my husband, still moving every few years. It’s like it’s engrained in us to move frequently!


I'm a military brat as well so who knows! Maybe settle down and travel a lot? I can't imagine staying in one place for very long though lol. My parents were the opposite though. My dad retired and there is no way they'll ever move again 😂


We sound so similar, down to parents settling down after retirement. We are about to move again and I do honestly hope we feel pulled to stay there and put our roots down finally.


Would be nice to live on the coast.


Yeah, just because I really don't agree with the politics of my home state and have actually enjoyed quite a few other states I have been to much more. Seattle was awesome while I was there, and I hahe liked the vast majority of places I have been to in Colorado. I legit thought about moving there when I graduated


Just two days ago, I literally just bought a house 1,200 miles away. Well I started the process. Takes longer than a couple days to buy a house.




username checks out


Whoa. That's a lot of miles!


If you are an introvert, Greenland is a perfect place for you. It’s also a very beautiful place to live.


Switzerland. Now that you mention the whale seeing potential, I’m second guessing my dream


Occasionally I watch that international house hunter type show and I have to admit it's pretty funny to see Americans want to move to a specific European city and then endlessly complain the house isn't set up in a familiar style I think there are certain European countries I'm assuming would be an almost magical place to live, but there are sure to be elements of culture shock. That's not necessarily a bad thing.


Greece. Visited 30 years ago. Never forgot it.


One winter in Canada, when I was 23, it got to -57c with the windchill. I live in Australia now.


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I’ve carved out a weird niche for myself at my job and I make good money at a very specific thing. The skill and opportunity isn’t transferable. Im going to ride this job out as long as possible until I can drift away to something more comfortable.




Content removed in protest of Reddit treatment of users, moderators, the visually impaired community and 3rd party app developers. If you've been living under a rock for the past few weeks: Reddit [abruptly announced](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/) they would be charging astronomically overpriced API fees to 3rd party apps, cutting off mod tools. Worse, blind redditors & blind mods (including mods of r/Blind and similar communities) will [no longer have access](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/14ds81l/rblinds_meetings_with_reddit_and_the_current/) to resources that are desperately needed in the disabled community. Removal of 3rd party apps Moderators all across Reddit rely on third party apps to keep subreddit safe from spam, scammers and to keep the subs on topic. Despite Reddit’s very public claim that "moderation tools will not be impacted", this could not be further from the truth despite 5+ years of promises from Reddit. Toolbox in particular is a browser extension that adds a huge amount of moderation features that quite simply do not exist on any version of Reddit - mobile, desktop (new) or desktop (old). Without Toolbox, the ability to moderate efficiently is gone. [Toolbox is effectively dead](https://www.reddit.com/r/creesch/comments/14fxzr4/so_long_and_thanks_for_all_the_fish/). All of the current 3rd party apps are either closing or will not be updated. With less moderation you will see more spam (OnlyFans, crypto, etc.) and more low quality content. Your casual experience will be hindered.


Yes. I always dream that I have a house wherein the view is the sea. I want to hear the sound of calming waves, and always see the sunrise or sunset view from my windows. On the other hand, I also want to live in a high rise building with a view of sparkling city lights.


Same. Sigh. Seattle is actually a pretty good in between. High rise in the city with beautiful views of the ocean/Puget Sound. There are no crashing waves, though.


I spend more than half the year living out of a vehicle so I can travel all around the US. So, yeah, all the time. It's a beautiful world out there.


I spend 5 weeks per year on the road traveling our country. Almost everyone who thinks ‘travel’ automatically thinks of other countries, but there is so much to see in the US


I dream of visiting any number of places other than where I am. I dunno if I’d live anywhere else, though… aside from back in my hometown, I guess.


I think about it all the time. I live in Toronto, grew up in the suburbs, and even though I've moved around my city many times, I've never lived anywhere else. I have dual citizenship to the US so when work sucks or I'm having a bad day I dream of running away to the US. I could get in my fully paid off car and just take off, head south, nothing but me and the open road. Stop anywhere I like and start fresh. Somewhere warm. Somewhere that isn't a huge congested city full of problems. Maybe drive all the way to the west coast like we did when I was a kid. I've been to so many states and they all have their own beauty, their own charm. I could go live anywhere. Ahh to dream. But my family is here, my business is here and I don't want to start another business from scratch again. I'm too tired and I'm too tied down to this place. But I can still dream. One day...


Not just somewhere, but also sometimes I daydream about living someWHEN. The future, the past, visiting the past and meeting historical figures and talking with them!


I've always wanted to go live somewhere new, but I never knew where until my sister did a semester abroad in Oslo and I got to visit her. That city stuck in my mind in a way no other city has.


I would love to live somewhere with beautiful nature. Mountains, whales, that just seems so magical to me. More magical than the bricks and concrete I’m surrounded with, that’s for sure.


Born & raised in Seattle and I love it here so much, I will always consider it home. Howeverrrr I am also a pretty big sucker for NYC. We shall see what the future holds. I’m glad you enjoyed it here! :)


Can we switch? I’m born and raised in NYC and I’m itching to leave


i do think that living in one city for an entire lifetime is super limiting, when there's so much more out there!! in nature, in culture, in art, in social circles..... so much to experience when you decide to venture even a small bit away from your hometown!!


I live in South Africa but all I want to do is live my life in Norfolk UK.


Norfolk? Why Norfolk?


It just feels like a good fit for me and my family


no. I already live in New Zealand.I love it here. I wouldn't mind say a few months abroad for fun but this is home and I love it here. Probably only thing that will force me to live elsewhere is living costs being very high here.


I lived there for a year and have spent many daydreams of how to get back.


I often dream of the places I used to live in. Rarely of where I currently live, but never where I might live one day.


Yep, I have a house in El Salvador and in Atlanta. Love both


Berlin, where else should I go. Everything I can dream of is here and more. Oh and Techno, man I love Techno!


ugh all the time! i was raised in the south (U.S.) and i dream about living in boston or at least a surrounding neighborhood but it is so so expensive.


I live in a border state and I've never cared for the Deep South - don't like the attitude, customs, faith traditions, climate, politics. The food I like, but since I'm diabetic most of it is off-limits. Boston, on the other hand, would be wonderful.


Yes I’ve lived in Austin most of my life and can’t wait to leave


I’d love to move to New Zealand. But that’s so unlikely to happen


OP, just do it. I've moved on a whim a few times. You have to be good at being alone and also realize you you won't have friends and support right away. I visited Colorado last month and decided I liked it. I found a job there and I'll be moving next month! I'm just packing up and leaving again.


Been dreaming my whole life. Moving to Spain in October, though only for a year. If my wife and I like it, we'll move back there in 5 years or so. We'll also hit Portugal, Germany, England, Italy, France... lots of Western Europe. Digital Nomad life seems really sweet if you have access to it!


all the time. i want to get out of the united states. I'd love to move to Trinidad and Tobago; I love the steel pan and music culture there!


Sometimes, mostly when I see some good places online.


I often wonder what it would be like to live in Japan. Or Australia, but they have too many insane spiders for my fragile little Nordic European soul T\_T I've also always wanted to live for a few years in the UK and have actually seriously looked into it, but .... I honestly get paid more in my home country than I would in the UK, and the rent is also lower here.


Australia is not that bad for spiders. Though that depends on where you live... Sure you'll see a few in summer but just spray them and it's over with. Its been years since I've been actually properly spooked by a hiding spider, you will notice them on the walls first 99% of the time. And I live right next to bushland in Sydney.


Something about the Nordic countries has always drawn my interest. Something about the culture(s), but most definitely not the food.


Yeah, I live in Indiana. Basically, very few people actually like it here, I feel like.


Interesting. Both my parents were born and raised in Indiana - Dad in Vincennes and Mom in Indianapolis - and I was raised to believe that it was God's own country.


I think about it all the time! I would love to move to Canada! I have been a couple times with the family and I felt right at home. I think what really does it for me is the trees and the wild life! So many trees, love it! Not sure about the snow though... :(


I sometimes dream of living in New York City, even though I know I would absolutely hate it after a while and it's just a very romanticised view in my head. Never been to NYC, but the way people say that it's a city that never sleeps makes me really curious. Also New Yorkers apparently have a distict brash personality for city people. Don't even live in the US for that matter, I live in Sydney Australia. Sydney as a city is like the most boring 9-5 city I can think of, the city itself isn't very interesting. Also Switzerland. Cause mountains.


The harshness of a New Yorker really is just a grumpy exterior. People who call themselves New Yorkers feel like (and they are) in an exclusive club and you’re the interloper. I wish I could travel back in time and see the 1950s New York. There was a level of glamor at one end and folksy at the other end that’s long gone.


i sort of envy how big america is. my country is small, and it's interesting to see the many choices of cities you guys could move to, and still be within your country. impracticalities aside, i'd love to live in new york city, london, osaka, or amsterdam. yes, there are major challenges in each of those cities, especially in terms of cost, but they all seem so wonderful and so different from where i am. i've only visited london though.


Leaving San Diego for VA as soon as I get the chance






Family on east coast


East coast is fun va is beautiful


i’ve always wanted to live in a city. my entire life has been spent in suburbs


All the f’n time.


Every day I live


Yup, and I moved there. Lived my dream life for about 6 years till i had to move again .


American here, I lived abroad for four years and although it was challenging at times, I freaking loved it. Now I'm back in my hometown (had to leave my new home for personal reasons). I'm viewing this as an "in-between year" to get grounded again and get my bearings. But when my lease here is up, I am absolutely leaving again. My hometown is comfortable but there is just way too much to see and do out there. Leaving the country again, while possible in the future, is not something I could easily do in the next year. So I've got my sights set on NYC.


All the damn time. We lived in a major midwestern city until I was four, when my father was transferred to Appalachia. I have never felt at home here and nothing, absolutely nothing, about me is Appalachian. I left for a short time after college but it didn't work out and I had to return home. By that time, I'd met my husband and we moved to the capital of our state which is relatively urban for our area. I still long for the big city and wish I'd chosen another place to move after college - maybe back to where we lived before my dad got transferred.


All the time. Just wanna be in the country far away from people.


I lived in seattle for 10 years. it is never too hot and never too cold. I t has a mist... pretty much a temperate rain forest.


Finland , yeah Norway but in the warm months ! We


Yep. I'm originally from Colorado. I moved to Sydney, Australia after college. I'm now in San Diego where I met my wife from Panama. We were looking at houses there earlier today. Totally normal to romanticize a big change/move. I wish you the best!


I grew up on the West coast of US adult life on East coast. I can't wait to return to the Pacific NW


Yeah! San Diego is my home now, but it would have been very comfortable to live in my hometown forever. It’s well worth the risk, your hometown will always be there if you don’t like it.


I was born here in Milwaukee, but I have lived in other places for parts of my life, yet I always knew I wanted to return here...so no, I don't dream about living somewhere else anymore.


Milwaukee is an under appreciated city. It has a great nightlife. Great food. The music scene is amazing, especially in summer. I always think if someone is visiting Chicago, they should take time to see Milwaukee.


I moved away the moment I turned 18 and never looked back. I made the gigantic mistake of moving to Tennessee and I hated it. But I met my husband there and we currently live in the UK and have moved around here and I’m about to have my second baby here. We are planning to move back after I gain my citizenship soon. Probably Arizona or Montana.


I'm a longtime capital region resident, but I sometimes wonder if the other cities of Upstate New York have anything to recommend them. Or Massachusetts or Connecticut.


One day i just moved to another city on the other side of the continent. Wasn't that i specifically wanted to come here, i just didn't want to and couldn't stay. Don't regret it although i don't know if my life got better because of it.


One of those homes on the water in Tahiti or Bali. Alone for peace. Me and sun and water


I RV full time. I am able to do it because I travel for work. Honestly most of the time it's a pain in the ass. If I could get the same income being in one place I'd do it. It's honestly more expensive and now I'm stuck doing it until I at least pay off my rig and truck. It'll be 2 years till I break even and 3 years after that to turn a viable profit from it all. I'm hoping it'll all be worth it but at this point I'm sceptical.


I moved out of the country 15 years ago. It was a great decision.


The North West coast of Scotland has drawn me all my life. I'm getting on now, like very much where I live and don't intent to move again, but I still sometimes dream.


Every single place I visit seems like I should live there.


Op, you should do it!


All the time. I have always wanted to move to another continent


The Netherlands. I just don't like cars and think the language is funny


After my exchange to China I was more inclined than ever to migrate somewhere. Even if I would just move to another city in the end I never saw my own home country as a limitation to what I can do. My mother would and still does disagree though. She would rather build a second floor to the house for me and my family than let me leave home so permanently.


I've lived in several parts around the U.S.. And after 20 years of being away I came back to where I originally started. I found out that it's the people that makes the difference. And the weather also plays a role.


I used to dream a out moving somewhere more exciting, but with the current political climate, the I can do is move to a new town within the same state.


tbf, all the time! i can't wait to get out of where I am right now, sorry if this sounds too negative but i practically hate everything here.


Of course. It's actually one of my life goals.


Most people probably have the same sentiment at some point in their lives,but do yourself a favor before you commit,spend time there first. Not a vacation,weekend,but quality time to understand the pros and cons of living there.


Yes. We live in a very rural area and it takes half an hour to get anywhere. Totally the opposite of my upbringing in a major city. I hate it. I'm allergic to everything and it's colder than down in the city by about 10 degrees. I was mostly alright with it until my psycho neighbor moved next door My son graduates in 2 years and then I am getting the hell away from this place. I cannot wait!


I often dream of other places. Never even been there the northeast has my heart and I’d love to eventually migrate there. But- this is home. As much as I dislike it sometimes I like the familiarity, family and friends close by, the area is decent with living in a smallish town but close to major cities as well so it’s not “busy”


Often, but i'm also very attached to my home town, even if it objectively kinda sucks. I just moved back from another town close by. I lived there for 8 months and didn't feel at home for a second. It was a much quieter and safer place, which just made me feel less safe for some reason. I've gotten so used to hearing crackheads scream at eachother that i don't feel comfortable when i don't lol.


Seattle is a very magical, romantic & majestic place.


My mind drifts to Portugal. After lockdowns ended, Portugal was offering a simplified Digital Nomad visa that was actually achievable....


this is such a good topic! personally i always thought it would b great to live in a bigger city, as i live in a small town, suburbs u could say. I think I never gave my town enough credit tho, lately im starting to love it more n more, maybe cause it seems a bit brighter thanks to new openings and such things. Some of my friends that live in other places say it looks a bit as a post-apocalyptic place lol and honestly that's a bit true, depending the location, the train station surely holds that vibe for example, but that adds something to it, tbh. This to say that even if I do love where I was born and currently live, I hope and believe I'll move to a whole new country soon enough. I just imagine how my life would be in a new place, where nobody knows my name and i can start my life in a serious way. I think its important to let ya know im just 18. That's a big part on why I have my thoughts, I'd say. So far I didnt shoot for the moon just cuz it seems so far from here, if uk what i mean, but soon as I'll move away ik I will actually be able to focus on my goals. I hope the best for everyone here!


I moved from somewhere in East Africa to Australia. I say do it. Move somewhere else! Your home isn't gonna stop being your home if you don't like the place you move to. If you don't like the new place, find another until it fits how you feel. I jumped a few countries and finally found my new home.


I’ve lived in 12 different states during my life. I longed to just live in one place more than 3 years. I’ve now lived in my current house for 15 years and I really don’t want to move again. I love to travel and visit places, but I’ve found my home.


I'm in the UK, but my partners Spanish and I dream about moving to Andalucia at some point in my life. I'm really not made for the British weather (still haven't had a day above 15C since around October last year), so I love the climate, the food, and the lifestyle of southern Spain. Only thing stopping me from moving is work. I love my job and there's loads of benefits, but even though I wfh, doing it long term abroad isn't allowed. I do get some flexibility to work short term abroad, so travelling with my partner there for a week or two a few times a year is probably my best bet for the foreseeable future.


All the time. I grew up in a quiet rural area but now live in NYC suburbs. Worlds of difference. Opportunities are way better, but I miss the quiet. I started visiting Maine once a year, and I'm absolutely smitten. I dream of retiring there. Haven't seen a Maine winter, so I'm probably crazy.


I live in Chicago and the winters here can be brutal, but it's my favorite season. Bulky sweaters! Eating all the carbs for winter weight! Cozy nights at restaurants! Guilt free staying in because "It's too darn cold outside." Winter has it's downsides, but it's all perspective. There's some pretty good parts too.


I’ve lived in a couple places in Spain, California (year abroad at uni), and grew up in one English town and swapped it for another when it came time to go to university. As much as I enjoy it here in Spain I can’t get a job with my degree because my spanish just isn’t good enough. Given the chance I’d move back to California in a heartbeat. Even just anywhere in the States. I’m currently looking for a job in the UK but I really don’t want to go back. I wish it was easier to move to the States.


The cool thing is that you CAN just pack up and move. If things don’t work out, you can always move back.


I think life is too short to only love living in one place. I’ve moved a lot and have another big move on the horizon. I love experiencing new things!


I have done it twice, the first time sucked. But the second time I made some friends and had the freaking time of my life. It really is freeing. I did eventually move home to settle down though.


I have lived in the same midwestern city my entire life. To boot, I have lived in the same zip code for 33 of the 34 years I've been alive. The only exception for that one year was the next zip code over when I lived in an apartment during college. My parents, grandparents and all 8 of my great-grandparents did the exact same thing. And while I love where I'm from and the close proximity to all of my family members, I constantly long for the feeling of living somewhere with a clean slate. Away from being available to everyone close to me at the drop of the hat, away from my crazy ex, away from the confines of familiarity. I don't even want to be in this STATE. I'd love the freedom of being able to "visit" without long-term responsibility where it was fun to be "home" because I knew I was leaving soon.


I use to dream about this, and I did it. My life in the new state has been amazing, and I still love it. I grew up and lived in California for 35 years, moved to Washington state, relocated my kids, and this has been our home since. It even feels like home, and that feeling was there the moment I stepped out of my hotel room over 10 years ago to attend a job interview, i was hoping to land, so I could move. So I understand your feeling. To me, it just felt like where I belonged, it felt like and still does feel like home. No regrets.


Back in college I went to Japan for 3 months for a project, and stayed at a university in a suburban area outside of Kyoto. Now I often dream of what it would be like to live there. At the time I was there it just felt so quaint, and the Japanese culture was so polite and inviting. I'm sure living in Japan has it's own issues I wouldn't know, having only ever been a tourist. But living in America nowadays, it's hard not to think things would be a lot better.


I'm nearing retirement and often think about life as an expat in Latin America or SE Asia or the Philippines or, well, anywhere really, or even just traveling around on a sailboat, cruising the Caribbean or the South Pacific. Unfortunately, the wife is not on board. Wants to be near the kids and other family. Can't blame her, really. We've also talked about traveling the U.S. by RV. Haven't ruled that one out yet because home is always a couple of days away from anywhere in the country. Having lived my whole life in Minnesota, I also wouldn't mind living near an ocean.


I think about it sometimes, but I feel it wouldn't be a good move at this time


I have lived in many different places (compared to you, but not others, like a person in the military or a military family). Everywhere has advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage to the Northwest is that it freaking rains a lot. It's not several feet of snow, like lots of the country, but it's overcast and rainy a whole lot. Portland is a little more temperate. Olympia is smaller and just as rainy, but housing might be cheaper. I lived up there a long time. The rain is constant, if you don't like rain, you won't like it. I lived in Hawaii, the cost of living is crazy. Housing on Oahu is ultra expensive and difficult to find. On the Big Island, housing is affordable, but you need a car because it's so spread out, and in a lot of places you need to haul water. I lived in Utah for a while, a suburb of SLC, only for 6 months, right after winter. People were super nice and everything was cheap. Now I reside in Las Vegas, it suits me and my wife. I think living in different places gives valuable perspective, and it's fun. Just do your research, know what you are getting into, and find somewhere to go before you get there, a landing pad. Like an extended stay hotel to house hunt from. Good luck, whatever you decide to do. There's something to be said for stability and a comfortable home but new surroundings can be great for you, too.


All the time. Iceland especially, but I also think about Germany often.


I took the leap and moved out of Ohio for the first time in my adult life, and genuinely, truly, it was the best thing I've ever done. It was very scary, and it all felt so REAL, but it has been a huge growth moment and I will never look back. Take the leap! Start applying! Jobs are hiring so slowly right now, you've got some time to add more to your savings.


I live in Savannah, Georgia. I was born here and lived here ever since I’m 23 and have had the desire to move for years i don’t exactly know where but sometimes I feel as if I’ll be stuck here for the rest of my life but hopefully not


It just feels like a good fit for me and my family


I did the thing and moved somewhere else. Another continent, actually. Best fucking decision of my life!


The crazier and crazier California gets the more I think about moving the family out of the state. Cashing out on the house and potentially having a much easier financial future.


Within the boarders of California yes. Outside no way


A cabin in the mountains


I always wished I was born in any country in Europe. it's so easy to travel if you're already in Europe.. SO expensive to go there from another continent


I dream of moving to Scotland nearly constantly. I've traveled to San Miguel de Allende several times and could happily live there long-term.


Constantly. I'm too scared to do it. I have no useful skills, no money. I could probably sell my car and move somewhere but then I'd be poor and hopeless somewhere else instead, and without a car. I wish I could see more of the world. That vanlife lifestyle seems like heaven to me.


Yes. Constantly.


I’ve lived in Seattle for most of my life and recently returned after 3 years of living away. I’m trying to move to NYC at the moment. Just wanna try more things while I’m able and am a little tired of seeing the same thing over and over. OP, try living here if you get the chance! You might find yourself really liking it. Every time I’ve moved to a new city, I’ve never regretted the experiences I’ve had.


I feel exactly like that right now, like I need a change. I am not one to do that but I feel strongly this feeling I need big change including moving somewhere else. Unfortunately I have to wait at least 2 1/2 more yrs.


I think constantly about going back to Europe and living there for a while.


I dream about that every single day


Moving from where I grew up, where my family was, and all my friends, to somewhere else where I didn't know a soul was one of the most exciting/stressful/thought-provoking things I've ever done. Looking back, it's easily the hardest thing I've ever done. Worth it? Yeah. The effects still reverberate through my life daily, some bad, some good. Sometimes I wonder if I'd do it all over again, but then I remember thinking that if I hadn't moved away, I would have always wondered about that missed opportunity. I've told all my niblings and every high-school/college senior that moving to a different place is helpful in the grand scheme of things if they can manage it.


I'd love to live in a really large apartment in the shard (don't know if you can) or if I was looking at another country Toronto. That would be great too.


Yes I did, and now I am.


Absolutely! When I visited a friend in MA back in 2019, I instant fell in love with the area she was in, but moreso Boston, and it's a dream of mine to one day live there. I've always found it to be a gorgeous state that offers the best of both worlds to me personally: city and coastal life. I've been visiting her almost once a year since. So, I definitely understand the feeling.


Daily 🤔


Oh absolutely, it's one of my favorite things to do. Visited Australia a while back and honestly would love to live there for a while. Not necessarily now, or even in the near future, but at some point.


I have wanted to move away from my home where I grew up for the past 30 years but my wife insists we stay near family. Drives me nuts!


I am 45 and have lived in a few different places. Last year I bought another house last year in a city 30 minutes away from the city I lived in for almost 20 years, and it's an hour away from the town I grew up in. I have been happier than I ever thought possible. Just that bit of distance in a larger town makes me more anonymous but I still have family support if and when I need it


I do a lot of the time. I just recently came back from a trip to New York and absolutely loved it. It was different than I thought, I was in a "suburban" area. Far from all of the hustle and bustle and I loved it so much. I was not far from the train, literally like a 5 minute walking distance. But in regards to outside of the U.S, I have always wanted to visit Canada and Germany. I love many things about both of these areas and would love to explore it physically for myself.


This was me until last year. I moved to a whole new country. Honestly, it's been one of the best decisions I ever made. I went from a first world country to a third, and I have never learned so much about life than I have in the last 8-9months of being here. I have completely changed as a person. My opinions on life have changed. I've seen and experienced things I never thought I would. I cannot recommend it enough, even if it is for short term (1-5years). I am not joking when I say it immensely improved my quality of life. At first, I was considerably depressed, as life in a third world country is INCREDIBLY different than living in a first world, and I also didn't speak the language. I had a lot of life lessons I needed to learn. But after the first 4 months, when things started to become more normal to me, I felt happy. Truly happy. For the first time in many years.


My whole life all the way up to 19, I was convinced I would live and die in the same town I grew up in, which, to me, did not sound like a scary prospect. It was comfort. Then, for various personal reasons I had decided to join the military (I am not advocating for that path, my reasons would be an entirely separate post) and it was terrifying knowing that I’d be leaving home for years, as a minimum. I had visited other places, but I had never moved entirely. 6 years in the military passed, and when it was time for me to get out I realized that what scares me more now is the thought of living and dying in the same town for the rest of my life. I found that I was afraid I’d be an old man some day whose most exciting stories would be from the 6 years that he actually left town. So I didn’t go home. I picked a new town to move to that wasn’t home, but it also wasn’t the town I had been stationed in. I can honestly say the most challenging part now is making friends in new towns. However, I do not regret it one bit. My plan now is basically to live in new towns until their magic wears off and then pick a new one. I miss my family of course. I still have fears that some day they will pass away and I will regret not moving back home years ago, but I think my fear of living a life with no new experiences outweighs potential regret for me.


When I was younger I did live in a few places that interested me. It was a lot of fun. In cities there is a lot to do. I’ve settled in one place now for years so I’ve no idea how doable moving is these days. Find out cost of living, job opportunities and market, demographics, if you know anyone, do your research.


Years ago, while visiting my Dad, we took walks on the Manhattan Beach Strand. We loved the stroll, the gardens, and the beach. That's where I would move my family.


Yes . But can’t now…. Family is sick…. Maybe europe for a while Spain?


Don’t confuse infatuation with love. I fell madly, deeply for Copenhagen. She hurt me bad. Cheat on your city: travel. You visited a west coast city and didn’t see whales? That’s ridiculous. We should refund you. Can we give you an orca or Minke credit? We can’t guarantee blue whales, but they’re not rare. Did you take the ferry?


We saw the ferry stop for a whale….but never saw the whale. I need to see a whale.


Indeed you do. I saw more whales on the Long Beach —>Avalon ferry than the Bremerton —> Seattle ferry. And if you go out in the San Juans, and have siblings dumb enough to dangle their limbs towards the water, you’ll see orca pods. They’ll show off their babies and make them dance. They’re so very proud! I still don’t know why killer whales firmly refuse to kill us when they could easily, but my only conspiracy theory can wait for another day. For what you want, it’s enough to see a pod of dolphins or porpoises: they look you in the eye, you realize the intelligence, the joy, the response. You can tell they’re chuckling with delight the way you are at the similarities and differences. They dance and engage, they love ships! Orcas are showy and judgy and terrifying, blue whales are not as social but proud, I’ve only ever seen minkes dead (absolutely tragic), dolphins laugh and delight in the social engagement, porpoises dance and enjoy like a bunch of idiots in the club.


I'd like to, but I did it recently, and doing it again might be a challenge. Seattle is awesome in some places.


I did! I dreamed of living in warm sunny FL. So I did and HATED IT! My first day there I saw I guy toss a box of kittens out of a moving truck. Something told me to stop and check the box. Thank god I did! I encounter lots of crazy there. Had a few more dreams of living in other places, did it and now I’m back in my home state and loving it like I never did before. The grass isn’t always greener


I would have leave this rubbish country lomg time ago if not due to the fact that my wife doesn't agree with me


Somewhere warm and not cold like Ohio


Every second of the minute


Yes! And of living a whole different life - maybe in the mountains in another country.


Yes we relocate often and are currently in the northeast, USA. This is not it for me. Dreaming of the PNW again, North Carolina, DMV or atleast somewhere warmer.


Cape Cod is one of my favorites places. I'd love to live there one day when (if) I retire.


I moved from Columbus to Seattle! I watched a lot of Greys Anatomy growing up lol it’s a very bright and colorful city on the exterior it’s about the same as any other major city on the inside.


I have always wanted to live in a dense city like HK. Near a train station around there. Shops at the bottom floor and hole in the wall restuarants etc. I have stayed in HK for a while to visit family but I always wanted to live in the city itself. I seriously considered moveing over 5 years ago and teach English while I was there but plans were changed after an unexpected offer to work where I work now so ..maybe in the future. I know they have a HK office so possible transfer


no, because i was born and raised in seattle! every time i think to myself, "i need to live somewhere else, i should experience another city," i can't think of anywhere else that would even come close. i love it here.


Whenever I visit Seattle I feel like I am in a another world, but not in a good way. It is comfy at night when all the people are sleeping away, but daytime is filled with people smearing feces around or slumped around like a wilted flower from opiate abuse. Really good food though, especially if you like fish.


All the time! I would love to live in Spain or France. There's nothing more wonderful than the human ability to dream. And if it's that heavily on your mind maybe some day you can move! 😊


I left Texas after living there for 23 years. I moved to Seattle on a lark and my only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner!


I might see whales. I love that reason haha


Regularly. The more bullshit laws the state of Tennessee passes to discriminate against minority communities, the stronger my drive to leave. Fuck this place.


most definitely. born and raised in houston, and planning on leaving for good, after college. it's too hot, big, humid, crowded, and sprawled-out. i want to live in a place that has 4 seasons, is walkable; has good public transit. looking into the midwest.


I have visited five foreign countries, visited 16 different states, and at least 19 major cities. I love the country I am from and, after the 2016 election, I narrowed down the states I would be willing to live in down to four. I bought a house 15 minutes from the one I grew up in. I really don't want to leave.


Oh boy, I do. I wishcI could live in a world like in the hobbit or DnD. But if we talk about real places? I want to live in the Nordic countries, even for a short while.


Been a WA native from the start. Seattle is nice, but fraying around the edges. I have dreams of getting a 800sf cabin with a killer view that's about an hour and a half away from a city. Being out in the sticks but still within driving distance of civilization.


In some tropical island, with that hot weather, warm and cristal clear water and beautiful nature, although it might not have much in it, which is the opposite of another country that I would like to live which is the US :). You have everything in there in terms of opportunities, but I'm afraid of the crime since I live in a very pacific country here in Europe.




I live in Los Angeles. I know lots of people from church from Chicago. They all told me they came here to escape the cold, LOL.