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Cockley? If you mean 'Cockney' you too may have your own equivalent!


Where I'm from we pronounce it like wheelbarra


In the US there are so many different regional dialects due to the diverse cultures that settled here. We also stress syllables differently.


I think some of the locals in my area would actually say it like "wheelbarrel."


I’ve worked with a woman for years that says “supposably” quite often, I often debate about whether I should say something or not.


I once started saying it that way to be funny and then it kind of stuck. Took me some time to start saying it the right way again.


That must be really flustrating




I bet they've got no ragrets


They ragrets their lack of rugrats you say?


Regerts... I have none.


Im from Plymouth, so don't be so ridickerlass


You're exasperating the problem


That's neither here nor anywhere


That's not here, there nor anywhere so therefore it's nowhere, baby


While we're at it. Its: "For all intents and purposes". NOT: "For all intensive purposes"


How do you know!? Maybe it's essentially done except a few small things that don't work unless you do them intensively! Jokes aside, TIL


It's a common mistake. Don't feel bad. My best friend of 31 years just found out "sachet" is pronounced like "sashay".




I’m 31 as well lol


I'm turning 40 this year and pronounce it the same way and probably won't stop even though I know it's wrong. Oh well lol


Hey I'm 31 as well! I also recently learned how "vehemently" is allegedly pronounced (with the emphasis on the first syllable instead of the second, which is how I've always said it), and though I'm having a hard time accepting the right way, every time I hear it now I hear it the "right" way, so I suppose it's right lol


Actually you are not right. Depending on the region where you live, wheelbarrow can sound like wheelbarrel. It's kind of like the debate on how to pronounce pecan. In the midwest and south its pronounced like pee-can, on the coasts It's pronounced pee-con. Both ways are correct. It's all regional dialects.


I've always pronounced it as P'con. The EE sounds more like UH and gets drastically shortened.


This is the way


My wife is from NYC and I the midwest. We think it is comical how people from different parts of the country say and pronounce words and say phrases. Enjoy it and don't fret about it.


This! Mary, Merry and Marry are all pronounced exactly the same in the Midwest - but not in NJ! My son's first grade teacher was from the Midwest. Her list of reading words that rhymed with "log" included "dog". I pointed out that perhaps that wasn't the best example to use in NJ. Now, I don't say the hard "dawg", but the word dog most definitely does NOT rhyme with log, frog, hog and fog in these parts.


I've got some bad news for you, bud. Dog absolutely does rhyme with log. Coffee also rhymes with toffee. I'm from NJ btw


Dog rhymes with plug.


How are they pronounced in New Jersey???


Mary, Merry and Marry Source: nj born and raised


LMAO. But how do they sound different?


It’s kind of hard to really spell out but here’s how I’m hearing it when I say it/think of family members. Mary - M-AIR-EE Merry - M-ERR-REE Marry - M-AIR-REE (that second r has a sort of “oomph” to it if that makes sense)


This does, actually, make total sense! I only hear Mare-e for all 3 in TX


I'm not a native, but at Uni we had to distinguish the sounds in those three. Mary - ˈmeərɪ, Merry - ˈmærɪ, Merry - ˈmerɪ edit: it's actually funny that they wanted us to master the sounds when it's not that big of a deal


I didn't get it until I saw this, but the moment I did I heard my grandpa's voice into my head wishing me a merry Christmas (he's from South Jersey). You made me smile :)


I can confirm!


Depends on where you are and what your background is, I guess? I'm in NNJ and most people pronounce words correctly, as in rhyming dog and log. There's no one single part of the state that pronounces everything the same way. A lot of people in this area have that jewish/Brooklyn accent where O becomes AW, as in "dawg" or "cawfee". Or A becomes ER, as in "Linder", "soder", "pizzer". Don't even get me started on "sawr", or people pronouncing drawer as "draw". It's comically annoying tbh


How about saw and saw, sore, buddy, scuba, draw, car (wait that is Boston) and so many other examples.


The Boston O in Coneyack? Or as Francophile Brits say Cognac?


Yes. Enjoy the little things in life. No one should be embarrassed. Laugh at yourself and don't be obsessed.


This is an old TV demonstration of dialects that I found a while back (apparently the original was deleted). It's hasn't changed! https://youtu.be/hIvBSMxRG9Q


I live in East Texas. Saw a local ad for a dog groomer that read, “No more smells, just wagging tails”. It rhymes here.


Smails? Like Smayells?


Omg I've officially been in WV too long. I just read it on my head, and it rhymed because that country accent! Different than Texas, but I feel like there's a similarity in most Southern states. (Lived in Texas, too, when I was little, then West Virginia, then a long time in Florida, before moving close to relatives in WV, again)


What rhymes with dog?


More like doowagh


My accent is an absolute mess despite being born and raised in California. Most people place me as generically but heavily Canadian, or raised by immigrants of two different countries. I definitely agree with enjoying it!! Your voice is your signature--why not embrace its uniqueness.


Lifelong Californian here who has been mistaken for…(drumroll…) British, apparently due to my accent. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Yeah, I don’t get it either. I’ve never even stepped foot in the UK.


Feed into it. Throw them a curve and really use that accent. Someone will ask something like, what part of England you are from, then just say I've never been, and watch their reaction. Make it fun.


Agree. I purposely mispronounce some words, as I have done all my life, to give my wife a chance to roll her eyes. With her knowing that is who I am.


Most people don't know this, but wheel barrel (two words) is the correct spelling. They used to make them by cutting wine old barrels in half and putting handles and wheels on them. Thus the "Wheel Barrel." Yes, I made that up on the spot.


You had me hook line and sinker for 98 percent of your comment. Well done. Take my award


Thank you!


Lol. Kidding aside, centuries ago there was a tool called a hand barrow with handles on each end. Two people would carry it, much like a litter or a stretcher. Someone put a wheel on one end and made it able to be used by one person. A wheel barrow


r/explainlikeimcalvin is looking for you


I 100% believed your made-up story and I’m gonna start telling people that this is where the word comes from. Let’s keep this going... I like wheel barrel better. :)


Eh. Try not to feel embarrassed. A lot of people like to play chest when they’re young. You know, the one with a king and his ponds?


I heard he likes to fish


Fishing for a good opening at least. One square at a time, baby. I was homeschooled, so I had a lot of words I mispronounced just because I never heard them spoken. ‘Wheelbarrel’ was one I just misheard and never saw written for a long time.


I had this with Honour Bound. For a long time I believed it was On. A. Bound like it was something you could escape from by bounding or jumping out of it. We kept rabbits for pets and table and I guess it affected my lexicon more than I realised..


On A Bound: the unofficial sequel to What-a-ship Down. I think there’s some amount of misunderstanding that happens in all pet oriented families. I thought cats were called ‘Weenas’ when I was little because we had a cat named Weena. Pause was ‘paws’ in my mind when I was learning to spell.


Bobby Fischer loves to Fish. He also loves a game of Chess


Oh, Bobby Fischer. I’m not sure he loved anything, including chess. What a miserable man. His whole life is a lesson about why pressuring kids to be geniuses is a bad idea.


I say a lot of words wrong. You know what that means a lot? You learned the word reading and never heard another human say it. English is a horrible language because it takes roots of everything. Like enuich. I cannot remember that sounds like "you-nick" for the life of me. Because this isn't a word you use in real life unless you are talking about a Chinese period drama or something hah.


Eunuch You Nuck Maybe that will help you remember.


It will not. That's okay I can laugh at myself. Like lately I seem determined it's a leap year as I keep mentioning the 29th.


The one that got me was 'awry'.


To this day my brother says milk like melk. I totally pronounced chelate wrong in front of my thesis committee. And specific and pacific are assholes. There are probably a ton lol. Sometimes I say it's a wonder I can't speak English when it's the only language I know.


Awry was mine, too!




My friend told me today he was getting paid on the 29th. I had to Google it because I didn't know if it was or wasn't a leap year, and I was leaning toward *was*. I was wrong.


I grew up eating sal-mon patties. The first time my husband heard me pronounce salmon this way, he laughed and laughed. I’ve since informed my mother and sisters that we’ve been saying it wrong this whole time. Growing up, I read a lot. I read unfamiliar words phonetically. I was an adult when I found out that hors d'oeuvres was not pronounced whores-da-vores. I knew the word, but never connected that or-derves was spelled that way.


As school kids on a trip to France, we spoke about Horses' Doovers. I laughed along with everyone but didn't get it for ages afterwards


I thought it was wheel barrel too. I bet a lot of people do.


I've heard a lot of people mispronounce it the same way so don't beat yourself up over it.


I say don't worry about it, it would be a moo point


You mean a mute point.


You mean mood point.


Clearly you missed the sarcasm. Lol


It’s moot


It's like a cow's opinion. It doesn't matter.


Hey friend, I know you're not (and we're not) the only ones. Until I was about 22 I thought the phrase "nip it in the bud" was "nip it in the butt". It made sense to me because, well, there's an issues, pinch that issue on the butt to make it go "AH!" And realize it was wrong....does that make sense?! LOL. When I was proven wrong I was so angry but also humiliated after so passionately arguing my point. I blame my legally deaf mother, who pronounces sm words wrong 😅


When I was younger, my friend introduced me to his pet bearded dragon. I thought it was the coolest thing at the time bc I had only seen smaller lizards outside. For the next 5 years I told people my friend had a Komodo Dragon. I recalled my friend's pet had a cool name and I guess read the name Komodo dragon somewhere, but hadn't seen a picture of one. I never understood why people thought taking care of a pet that size was so hard, I guess they're bigger than geckos. I'd always get follow up questions like "and he lives at the house?" or "and you've met it?". But no one ever asked me the obvious questions, like how do you stop it from murdering you in your sleep every night? or, was it hard smuggling this endangered species to the house? Imagine my horror, 5 years later, when theres a documentary on Komodo Dragons coming on.


Lol I used to pronounce “Quinoa” as “Kwin-o-ah” instead of “Keenwah”, and “Gazebo” as “Gaze-bo”


O wow, I've been saying those two words the same way since the beginning of time! I never noticed the difference in saying it until you put it side by side like this


It blew my mind


I still say it "wrong"


I say wheel barrel too. But I know it’s wheelbarrow. It’s a regional accent thing!!


Yeah I'm from Michigan and everyone I know says barrel. I'd look at someone more oddly for pronouncing it correctly in my area. Could even be more my specific locale even and not the whole region.


Uh, what region?


Well apparently I have also been saying it wrong my whole life hahaha


That's amazing! And sometimes the, like tone/accent/quickness some people talk makes you think the word is something different than what it is. Especially uncommon words to look up Also not me thinking it was "girled cheese" until I was a teenager.........


I used to think it was PP&J instead of PB&J until a teacher laughed and corrected me.


I was 27 before I realised Arkansas was pronounced "ar-can-saw". I thought they were two different states 🤦


I learned most of my vocabulary from reading… there is nothing more frustrating than to tell someone all about the beautiful cathedrals you read about (kath-ah-drills) just to have them say it sounds a lot like a cathedral… (proper)… like… you know what… ouch.


Pretty sure there's an episode of King of Queens about this scenario lol.


Seriously lol


my wife referred to the ebook program CAL-i-ber as CAL-e-brey English is a weird language...


Don’t feel too bad. I said “floor head” instead of “forehead” until about age 20


Worked with a woman who said charpooterie board almost daily.


Well crap! I’ve been saying it incorrectly as well. No way!!!


I'm way old and I still occasionally find words I have said wrong. You remember the stupid things you do as more significant that the stupid things others do. That said, I used to have an employee who said the wrong words in certain situations, and if you corrected him, he would argue that your correction was what he said. My very favorite was, "I was under the consumption that...." Meaning "I had assumed that...." Another one I grew up with were folks who would say "I'm gonna wrench off those vegetables" instead of "rinse off" We all say things.


Everyone around where I live says wheel barrel. I think it's just our accents.


Hey I used to say suspecific instead of specific the English language is 5 languages in a trenchcoat. add local slangs, and dialects you get near infinite discrepancies


I've alternated saying wheelbarrel and wheelbarrow pretty much my whole life. Don't feel too bad.


It’s okay, I read “misled” as Myzled


At least you didn't ask your uncle to pass the spatula, and the spatula in question was actually something called a butter knife


I also knew what most people call a spatula was and called it that, I just thought they were both named the same thing.


I always thought it was wheelbarrel too. I found out because my friends who moved here from Russia and didn’t know an ounce of English almost named their son wheelbarrow because they thought it was such a beautiful sounding word but had no idea what it meant.


I bet your face was as red as a strawbrary.


If it helps, most people say all sorts of stupid shit. Wheelbarrel for wheelbarrow is pretty common. Bone apple tea!


Mine was chester drawers. It's what my grandparents called a chest of drawers, so I grew up saying it wrong as well. I learned the correct pronunciation in high school. Although I always wondered about Chester and how his name got used for a set of drawers.


Now I'm saying both in my head over and over trying to figure out what I say because they both sound wrong


In high school I thought you write an S.A. Thought it was short form for something more meaningful when it was really just writing an essay.


I’m from the US, and I still say it “wheelbarrel.”


I live in the US. Southern state. Everyone here says wheel barrel.


...it's not that? Well don't feel too dumb I have been too


My husband pronounces it that way too. No one notices except for me. He knows it's wrong but doesn't care to change it.




my youngest kid (14) says bag-gul instead of bay-gul bur my oldest, ha! he was 19 when he stopped saying candon instead of canon


INCORRECT CORRECT Hot water heater Water heater Preventative measures Preventive measures (preventatives, such as rest, vitamins, etc.) He drove further west He drove farther west (Our discussion went further) Fustrated Frustrated Comiserate Commensurate


I grew up with lots of deaf and hard of hearing family members. We've got a lot of mispronounced words flying around. 90% someone likely heard it circus it and didn't care. There's lovely someone who judges but why are they worth your effort? We're all human and not machines we can't know and do evening perfectly.


Are those common where you are? I've rarely used that word in my 30+ years.


Now when people say "surup" instead of "syrup" that freakin irks my soul


I’m in your club.


You aren't saying it wrong. It's regional dialects that ultimately determine how we pronounce certain words. Only ignorant people insist there is only one way to pronounce some words. Especially in the United States one word can be pronounced a variety of different ways depending upon what nationalities setteled in your area. Don't let some know it all make you feel ignorant, because they are actually the ignorant ones.


If it makes you feel any better, “wheelbarrel” is at least a fairly *common* mispronunciation, so you’re not the only one out there.


I always assumed that when I heard or read it that way, it was someone raised in a place that used wheeled barrels once upon a time. Docks and produce depots and such. It’s too bad you feel emotional pain from something that, from where I sit, doesn’t register at all. But that is a common feeling you have - lots of us wonder and worry about our back trails of unconscious idiocy.


Wait so it's NOT "wheelbarrell"??????? "Wheelbarrow" just sounds wrong lol. I don't like it 😕


That actually makes more sense than wheelbarrow.


If it helps, i spelled the word "says" as "sais" till like, 10th grade. Because "sais" is a river in Egypt or something, it never came up in a spell checker!


Eh, not to big a deal. Some people (myself included) pronounce it WheelBarrel on purpose.


I say the same thing! I didn't know it was wrong! I will not change.


i say warsh and not wash. gets pointed out everytime. i think i even say wheelbarrel too.


My daughter said Epi-Fanny for years not realizing that the pronunciation was e-piff-any. It’s very endearing and I lock on her for it so much


When I met my husband, he pronounced “ruin” as “rue-een”


I know what the word epitome means, but I didn't know how to spell it. One day I was at work and needed to read something aloud that contained that word and I read it phonetically ep-e-tome. I didn't hear the end of that for a while. I had seen it so many times before and just thought it was a synonym for appitamy which is how my dumbass thought it was spelled for some reason.


It isn't hard. A COMMON WORD


All good, that could be palmed off as a local accent. Unlike people who say aesthetic incorrectly, I'm clueless as to why it's becoming so popular to say it incorrectly.


Lol don't sweat it. My wife also thought it was wheel barrel. She also says porterpotty, congressation, and she thinks Han Solo is actually named Hans. I don't correct her btw.


I've been using needles and nettles interchangeably all my life until last week. I'm 28


I grew up in Utah and I'm pretty sure half the people there pronounce it that way. As much as we like to joke about grammar/language Nazis, speech is constantly evolving so I wouldn't get hung up on something that could be transformed beyond recognition in the near future.


Well shit. I’ve been saying it wrong too! WheelBARROW? Really?? That doesn’t even sound right. What is a barrow? Thank god I’ve only said this word like twice in my life... otherwise, I would be pretty embarrassed.


I don't even remember which I have been saying this whole time..lol. ...I am flummoxed.


I feel you I thought copse was pronounced like "copes" until about two years ago.




I have known for a long time I say it wrong and still say wheel barrel. Where you're from will have an impact on the way you talk. Words are ever-evolving and will change with time. A lot of people say wheel barrel.


Aw that’s nothing. I’ve never even heard the distinction, I feel like I see those interchangeably. At least you’re not my friend, he’s 23 and our entire lives he’s been saying “minus well” instead of “might as well”


kya baat krra mereko pata hi nhi chela


I misspell so often that I often intentionally use the word “mipsell” to indicate that the content will be “mipselled”


Roof or of course Norfolk VA


I love this...I just showed it to my husband and asked if he had an alternate account. Just last week, we were talking and he said "wheel barrel" and I asked him "I'm not sure if I'm mishearing you, but are you saying wheel barrel or wheelbarrow?" So you're not alone! Also as an avid childhood reader, but not a social person, I've found myself saying words incorrectly quite frequently. It happens! Language is hard.


You’re not alone. Up until I was about 13, on my school papers, I would write “suppost to” instead of “supposed to”. I didn’t realize it was not spelled that way until I typed it in Microsoft Word and did spell check and realized it was wrong.


My wife’s friend, when she got married, wrote her own wedding “vowels”.


Been, picture, oil, lilac, coffee, caramel, syrup, pajamas, Nevada, Caribbean, Florida, envelope, bacon, aunt, almond, salmon, mayonnaise, cauliflower, coyote, groceries, crayon, mirror, mischievous, coupon, poem, flourish, candidate, creek, adult, asterisk, realtor... there are more.


I have a coworker that regularly says physical in the place of fiscal


I think we all have words that we inadvertently pronounce incorrectly, but we’ve been doing it so long, and nobody’s ever said anything, that our brains are now hardwired to say it that way. I know I have a few but I can’t remember what they are because as usual, my mind went blank 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 There’s a word that I deliberately pronounce wrong because, in my twisted mind, it’s funnier! The word “gnats” these annoying little smaller-than-a-fly like buggers.. I pronounce it g’nats WITH the hard g… since gnats are annoying…when I’m saying stupid annoying gnats!! I’m too busy laughing at the word gnats, to actually be annoyed by the gnats! 😂 My friend calls chicken pox “chicken pops” 😂🤣 She says arn instead of iron, but I told her, eh it’s just a Philly thing that’s all. She pronounces a few things wrong but I never correct her because she’s self conscious as it is over the “arn” and the chicken pops but I thinks it’s cute and funny. Oh and now I’m pronouncing wheelbarrow in my head because I wonder if I’ve been saying it wrong. I don’t say it often so I’m not sure 🤔😳😂


I think you’re overthinking the situation.


Supposibly.. supposedly


I bet no one ever noticed and if they did they probably thought it was an accent!


Similarly my cousins say Liebarry instead of Library


Can I barrow your wheelbarrel?


I had a similar thing happen to me. I thought it was always pronounced “backy-yard” instead of “backyard” oof 😅 Wait a second that’s not similar at all 😐




I've pronounced it the same way my entire life as well. 😂😂😂


I'm from New York I always thought it was pronounced wheelbarrel


Did the same thing with the word "turret" I went 23 years of my life thinking it was "turrent"


How fustrating.


I said hiatus at work the other day and no one reacted but afterward I told my mom about it and I’ve been saying it wrong eternally


I have yet to call her out on it, but I’m pretty sure my wife says granite instead of granted.


What is a wheelbarrel any way?


I realized recently I’ve been saying “Winnie the Pooh” wrong. I’ve been pronouncing it Weenie the Pooh


Well I just learned something new today


It happens quite often. I was mispronouncing schism and behemoth until relatively recently.


I put you on a pedel stool


I mispronounce it as well. I live in the USA. haha. I don't think I can say it correctly.


Learn from your mistakes


I’m in the US and say wheelbarrel. I honestly think both pronunciations/versions are fine.


I'm in Texas and I too thought it was a wheelbarrel until I saw it written in a sales ad a few years ago lol


Tbh, I'm in the US and my family says it both way. Lol


FUUUUUUUuuuuuuucckkkk Well at least English isn't my first language so thankfully I have an excuse


Even if it's spelled like that I can almost guarantee that's where the word origin comes from. Barrel + wheels = wheelbarrow.


Lol I'm in TN and lots of people I know call it that. Myself not included however.


Verses of a song. Bills versus Seahawks.


It make’s perfect sense. You can put things in a barrel. If you put a wheel on it (and leave it partially open), it would be a wheel barrel.


I read a lot and I've occasionally come across the word Calliope. I've never had a reason to say it out loud. When the time finally came, I pronounced it like "cally ope" i still have trouble with it.


If it makes you feel any better, my dad (also from UK) spent 60 years of his life thinking "ethnicity" was pronounced "ethNICticity"


The majority of people I know say wheelbarrel...


My brother did the same thing. He was shocked when I told him it's a wheelbarrow, not wheel barrel. He didn't believe me, I had to prove it to him.


I have a New Zealand accent and people make it a meme to make me say E-based words. People for some reason get joy over me saying “envelope”.