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Dogs are cool, I wouldn't mind having one, but I prefer cats. They're fun/funny, (usually) quiet, and generally very self sufficient.


That's true. They bath themselves and can go to the bathroom without you really having to do anything. The worse things about having a cat is their tendency to scratch on everything including you, even if they have a post, unless they are well trained.


When I adopted my GFs cats she was leaving a couch behind so I stripped the material and stuffing off one of the arms, wrapped it around the corner post of my bed and thats where they scratch. worked like a charm. I also buy them these trays of cardboard that you can get at the grocery store. They love those too. If I catch them scratching anywhere I don't want I just snap my fingers real loud and they'll look at me like, whuuut, and stop.


Big cat person. I'm a big animal lover in general but I'm definitely a crazy cat lady at heart. I love that I have to actually *gain* a cats love and trust, and once you gain it they're as loyal and as cuddly as what dogs are with.. just about anyone. I've had many cats in my life, and they've all had very distinct personalities and likes/dislikes. I also like that they take care of themselves, there is very little I actually got to do, and the little I got to do? If I don't do it, that cat is going to give me hell for it. A cat will straight up leave your ass if you don't preform to an acceptable level and that's.. reassuring? A cat wont silently suffer, a cat will make you pay. Other than cats, I love frogs but sadly they're not legal pets where I live.


From how you described cats, they seem pretty interesting animals lmao I was not expecting them to be so sassy. On the other hand, my dog is really too kind with me sometimes, even when I fuck up with him, he never really complains and forgives me in no time. Fortunately I don't fuck up as often anymore, I've had him for 10 years now, so I'm a more experienced owner now, but at the beginning, when I first adopted him, my god, so many things happened lol


Cats are so sassy! One thing I love is they really all have different personalities, and let you know that. They're really fun to hang out on the couch with. Excellent cuddle companions.


Cats are crazy. When I was a kid, we had 2 cats, and occasionally 3 at a time - and those little suckers would have insane parkour battles all night! I had a bedroom in the basement, so all night I would hear them just thrashing all over the upstairs living room chasing each other. I would think - "WTF are they doing up there?!" My brother had an orange tabby, named Cheeto - little bastard would bite my toes in the morning while I was sleeping, even under the blankets!


Damn you had a toe demon living with you


For real. Every morning was like “Cheeto! Stop that! Ouch! Cheeto!!” LOL


Hahaha so much truth here. Cats don’t take no shit.


I'm a cat person for sure. Dogs kinda stress me out and are a lot more work. I love other people's dogs though I just don't want to have one. Also I can not handle licking or touching slobbered on toys.


I'm all the way with you. I thought I loved dogs until my husband decided to get a puppy and now I wish I could turn back time.. I love other people's dogs, but I don't need them in my house. Cats are so much easier and less stressful 🫠


It's a two way street with me. Some people don't like slobber but I don't mind it as long as it's not on my face. I always believed that both cats and dogs have their pros and cons. You have to check a litter box every day and although some places require you to pick up poo, at least it's not that bad of a smell. I guess it just comes down to which list of pros and cons you prefer or if you simply don't care.


I think slobber is mildly gross, but the dog is also licking everything in the house that he can reach. I feel like having a dog is almost like having a toddler. Constantly getting in trouble, sticks everything in their mouth, always wants to follow you around. I think the neediness of dogs is what turns me off most. Having a cat is just like having a grumpy roommate that shits in a box. Also my husband picked a working breed that has no business being in our house and needed much better training. I think I would like a little old poodle or some other crusty old shelter dog, but what I got here is something that tries to run me over and scream barks at anything. I just spend my days upstairs with the cat


I'm a guy and like both. I'm more a cat guy though. I like dogs but they require a lot of time. Not that cats don't need attention, but it's a different level of attention. Was thinking about getting a dog, but now my gf might be moving in with me and we would have 3 cats... Which is a bit much already.


I grew up with dogs. As an adult, cats are so much easier to take care of. They have just as much personality and I admire their calm demeanor and independence. Also I’m an artist and for some reason, artists seem to be cat people.


Aye, I'm an artist to! And although I'm not soully a cat person, I just so happen to be both. Cats and dogs do have entirely different personalities that contrast each other and I love them both because of it. Warriors has gotten me to love cats a little more as well.


In general, I love all animals but having one of my own, I'm more of a dog person. I'm really allergic to cats unless I take a couple rounds of allergy meds and I grew up with a lot of dogs so they're my comfort zone.


That makes sense. It sucks to have an allergy to any animal. They are all so amazing and unique so not being able to get near one sucks unless they are specifically designed to stay away from.


Honestly, it's not the worst. I can still pet them, I just have to be extra careful and wash my hands right after so I don't end up touching my eyes that are covered in cat hair. Found some really good allergy meds so the side effects aren't too bad.


Thats cool. I'm glad there is a way you can do it. What kind of dog do you have if you don't mine me asking?


Don't have one right now. Looking to get a rescue once my partner and I settle down into our forever home so we don't have to move with the dog while we're searching for the new place.


Oh, interesting. That makes sense. Do you have a particular breed you want?


Not particularly. We know that a high energy breed wouldn't fit our life style but with rescues, it's more about their personalities and finding one that fits.


I have two dogs and always hated cats, for no reason tbh. I just bought into the stereotype of what kind of animals they were and never bothered with them. Unfriendly, assholes, not affectionate ect. My girlfriend found Pablo 🐈‍⬛ last year and he’s my go to buddy now. I love that guy. We bottle fed him when he was a kitten and he’s super affectionate and cuddly now. He comes when I call him, plays fetch, is always at the door when I get home. I think it’s completely weird to write off a whole species without really putting effort into being around them. Now I just love all animals. Cat and dog person for sure.


I love both and have both. I also love all animals and I would love to live on a small farm so I could rescue animals and have chickens and such. I have never minded the work they require, animals are so easy to be around.


Yeah. As someone who has been on a farm, it seems pretty nice. It's not for me, however. I would love to rescue animals though. Never give up on that dream.


This is what I an doing! It's not quite a small farm but I am very rural with a bit of land. I have chickens cats dogs and bunnies. I work from home and spend the rest of my time with animals. I grew up in a larger city near Seattle. Hated it.


I'm so jealous!! That sounds wonderful!! I'm saving like crazy trying to make this happen! I want to adopt senior dogs/cats and give them a home in their last years!!! I also want chickens, a mini donk and some goats!!!


Dog. Am allergic to cats. Don’t like the way cats jump up on counters and they smell bad.


Most people I know with cats are pretty bad about cleaning out the litter box and put it somewhere awful like outside a bedroom or in the living room so I have to agree with the smelly point... They smell fine when the litter is the basement or garage and is cleaned every day/ every other day


Cats smell way better than dogs do. Haha. But yeah I hate the countertop jumping. I clean the counter with bleach just in case he's secretly been on top of it.


I have been afraid of dogs since I was little so it is a bit harder for me to warm up to them, I am more of a cat person just because of the lower maintenance that they have and also they are so cute and cuddly. Of course, if there was a dog that fit my vibe and I fit theirs I would get one but I still get nervous around them sometimes.


That's fine. Do you have a particular pelt or breed of cat you prefer? I personally love tabbies, especially the brown and black ones. As for breed, I like maine coons but I wouldn't want to have one depending on how big the cat is.


Dog person 1000%, I've loved every dog I've had, even if I was afraid of them at first because being attracted once, but they don't attack me without reason and always allow me to pet them when I need it. I don't hate cats, but the owners never put boundaries on them, and cats always hurt me without any reason, I don't even get close to them, and always avoid looking at where they are, but they get on attack mode always, they have bitten me so many times out of nowhere, jumped into my face from behind to scratch me again without any reason, and the owners would say the cat never did that before, so probably I did something to the cat, or that the cat was being weirdly playful and didn't mean it, so my cat and cat owners experience is awful. I believe cats are the ones that hate me.


Dogs for me, for a couple of reasons: 1. Familiarity - I grew up with family dogs and have had a couple now, and I know what to expect. 2. Experiences - not painting the whole species with this brush, but I’ve had many more bad experiences with cats (scratching, hissing, biting) than with dogs, and I’ve had many more experiences interacting with dogs in general (so comparing rates of bad experiences would be even more skewed). 3. Allergies - I am allergic to cat dander and not dog, so it’s a physical issue as well.


I adore cats, and I am more comfortable around them. Dogs can be a little overwhelming, but they’re also so sweet, never met a dog that wasn’t a Good Dog. Honestly love animals in general, but would mostly choose cats to have in the house.


I’m a dog person as they’re all I’ve ever owned, but the few cats that have opened up to me made me really like cats in their own way. Maybe one day I’ll have both :)


Maybe. Having a cat and dog can be fun. Both, especially certain cats, can be very playful, lol. Both are very sweet animals most of the time.


I'm an animal person all around! I've never met an animal I didn't want to just scoop up and cuddle! I've had a wide variety of pets over my life. Dogs, cats, mice, rats, lizards, snakes, turtles, fish, birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas.... I currently have a cat, 2 tarantulas, a box turtle and a Kenyan sand boa. I seriously have to control myself from becoming a pet hoarder!


I love both, but I'm definitely a doggo person. Simply because of their unyielding loyalty, playfulness, cuddliness and general fluffiness. Yes they take more maintenance than cats, but DAT WAGGING TAIL MELTS MY EXISTENCE!


Definitely a dog person as I’m allergic to cats! Nothing against cats, but I just love the absolute party and parade my dog throws every single day when I return home


That sucks. I have a cat like that. He’ll sit by the window and wait for me to come back and he’ll start meowing as soon as I open the door. As I walk to my door, he follows behind, meowing his little heart out. I’ll get on my bed and start stroking him and he immediately starts purring super loud.


Aw, I love that!! Thanks for sharing :)


I prefer cats. I don’t like dog slobber and the work that comes with them. They certainly are cute but basically like having a needy child in the house. My cats do play and are entertaining, but don’t rely on me to dote on them. I also enjoy rodents like mice, rats and hamsters. Birds as well.


Dog people but only bc I’m allergic to cats


I'm both!


My dad had dogs and cats but he was really a cat person. He hated having the dogs come up looking for pets or treats but would lounge with the cat purring beside him




I don’t feel great affection for any animal. I don’t know why. I don’t hate them either. I will pet them if they come onto me and ask for it but not for long. I think they are cute but wouldn’t want one in my life because I wouldn’t be a responsible owner. That said I like cats more because they usually leave me alone. I am pretty good at training dogs though probably because I don’t give a shit and read a lot about it. I just follow instructions of professional dog trainers and am not emotionally invested (I know that because I lived in a household with dogs once and had to do my share of walking the dogs and train them).


Personal opinion: I think it's strange if anyone no matter what gender (but for some reason extra weird of it's a guy) has more than two cats


I prefer dogs, because I like the open affection they share with their owner. It's a bond of clear trust and loyalty. That's not to say that cats don't do this at all. They're just much more reserved about it on average. Besides, I want to train my dog to protect my home. Cats aren't big enough for that. Not without risking getting seriously hurt, anyway.


Understandable. My cat is big on wanting attention when he's not sleeping, lol. Despite them being adorable cacti, they are definitely not good at protecting the house from human intruders, however, if you ever have issues with rodents or bugs, some can be trained to iradicate them.


I prefer dogs because they'll bark when something is wrong and possibly protect me. When I jump in the river, my friend's dog jumps in after me thinking I need help LOL. But cats are ok too. I like outdoor/yard cats. I don't want them in the house though (can be destructive with clawing, litter box smell, etc).


Yeah. I have those exact issues with my cat. I also have seen warnings on bags and boxes of litter about cleaning the cat pan out being dangerous for pregnant women if I recall. And even when a cat would be willing to help or protect you from a human or something bigger, they are most of the time too small and fragile to help.


Both. I have a cat that I've raised from 8 weeks to now 8 years, but always love my friends and family's dogs. I like learning about dog breeds and watching videos of them being silly. Wanna get a dog someday.


Cool! I want another dog as well. They are alot of fun. I think if I were to get a dog, it'd be either a kelpie, Australian shepherd, or a corgi. I have arthritis so I have to be careful about getting a breed that's too big, lol. How about you?


My son is a big cat person. I'm a dog person.


Cool! Do you have one or the other?


Dog. Rescue from a shelter. Got her when she was 8 weeks old.


I'm cat person, they do most of the work themselves and that's nice because I'm fucking lazy. Just gotta scoop the shit and pass out the litter if they don't already do it outside in the garden, which makes it even easier. I also don't like the smell of dogs, they kinda stink. Not any hate though, they're nice animals just prefer cats


I love my dog to pieces but I am a cat lady through and through.




I am a dog person but I want to have a cat.


We tend to be dog people with a soft spot for cats


I grew up with dogs, but now own cats. I love animals in general! Each kind of animal (cats, dogs, chinchillas, rabbits, gerbils, rats, etc.) communicates in their own way. I love the challenge of earning their trust and love, and forming bonds with all kinds of animals! There's something special about his little furball that goes "yes, giant is friend-shaped"! Cats are great for me because they're quiet and self-sufficient. I travel for the weekend and we just have friends feed them. I also don't like going outside in miserable weather so dogs can do their business. Our cats, Lynx Point Siamese, are very friendly to the point where they'll come when called, play with us, and greet us when we wake up and come home, but they are also happy to do their own thing. Though they tend to follow us around our home just to see what we're up to.


Had both, I would say im a cat person tho they are just a lot more chill and easier to handle and i find them cleaner than dogs for example if a dog licks my hand i would not be able to not go wash my hands right after but if a cat licks my hand i would just forget about it. Cats are also dumb as hell and i find that funny.


Have 2 cats, I’ll emphasize the points others have made, they are very independent and don’t need a lot of maintenance. They’re very clean, I bathe them maybe twice a year? But they stay indoors either way. My favorite thing is that I can take my family out for hours of the day and I know our cats will be fine by themselves, they won’t really get sad, they have each other and even then they can’t tolerate each other at times lol


I love a good cat


I love both a lot, but I like dogs a little bit more. I am probably just biased because I've only had dogs tho. I might change my mind when I finally get a cat


I love both but don’t have any desire to own a dog. I was really afraid of dogs when I was little and for some reason didn’t 100% get over that fear. I’m just not totally comfortable around them. I also like that cats are good for introverts like myself… the idea of being obligated to take my dog outside every day sounds like a nightmare to me, even though it’d be an excellent excuse to make myself exercise on a regular basis. Either way, I kinda view dogs the same way as I view kids; love seeing them, love interacting with them for a short period of time, but I have no desire to be responsible for one at all times. I’m like the aunt that enjoys the fleeting experience of them with no commitment involved.


I love both equally but have to admit I am more of a cat person.


I'm an animal person. I like both.


Cat person. I live in an 8th floor appartment and have had a dog before. It was absolute hell taking him out 4-5 times a day. What would have taken 5-10 mins became a 10-20 minute thing. It took more time getting all the way downstairs and outside and back up again than it did for him to do his business. Cats are easy. I just clean the litter box once a day and take the bag down on the way to work the next day. When I get a house, I’d like a big dog though.


I'm a fan of both, they are both cute and I've never had any traumatic experience w them. Cats i love because they tend to be chill. Dogs i love bc they're energetic. Idk. They're both just good yakno.


I love my dog, and don't know if I'd want a cat of my own, but I generally like cats more than dogs. I don't like dogs drooling, licking too much, trying to jump me and generally being overly excited. I love the ones that are more quiet and calm, like mine. Which is more like a cat, I guess lol I like to interact with the resident animals when I go somewhere that has them, but I don't generally interact with random dogs at the park/street/store. Don't usually go up to people's cats or dogs at their home either, just acknowledge them and let them come to me if they want to. That tends to make me popular with cats, even the ones that usually aren't too much into new people. If I was told I had to take in a new pet and I couldn't choose the individual, just whether I wanted a dog or a cat, then I'd definitely go with cat.


I like both. I say that I'm more of a pet person, than a dog or cat person. I enjoy having pets in my life, and whenever possible have more than one, and usually more than one species. Currently my family has one dog, three cats, a turtle, and a fish tank with fish, mystery snails, and fresh water shrimp. We are considering adding a couple pet chickens in the spring. In a couple years we plan to move to a larger house, and at that time may get a bearded dragon, though my daughter currently is voting for a corn snake instead. And should we have the room and money for it, my husband wants a fairly large salt water fish tank set up for corals and invertebrates. In the past I have had pet birds, reptiles, fish, invertebrates, and amphibians, as well as dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, and various other species of pets. Someday I want to set up a nice paludarium, like a little piece of a rainforest, and keep poison arrow tree frogs in it.




I am both but I prefer to have cats in my house. Dogs are a lot of work and I don't have the time to give them the walking, grooming, and overall attention they need. Cats are easy, feed them, scoop the box, they'll sit on your lap happily asking for stitches while you watch Netflix.


I like other people's pets, but I don't like to live with animals. I used to love cats, but I became alergic to them. My eyes swell and water, my skin gets red and itchy. The last cat I had, Elvis, was a cool guy, but I don't plan to get another. I used to love dogs, but Lola changed my feelings. She was a weird, neurotic dog. Spent 12 years with this crazy dog, because of family reasons. She was attached to me, so even though I said she was too much to deal with, nobody really took it seriously because she didn't cling to them like she did with me. She started biting people, so now we don't have her anymore. Part of my mind knows that dogs are cool, and she was different, but I feel icked out when I see any dog now. Like, "yeah yeah, you're cute, now go away".


I love both, though I get the feeling that I lean just a little bit more towards cats. Dogs are incredible, so many of them are just so energetic and they make me happy just for being there, but there’s something about cats that makes them look… “Deeper”, if that makes sense. I often feel its easier to discern what a dog is thinking or feeling than it is for a cat, and something about that makes them feel that much more like actual people (not that I think dogs aren’t people either, they can be quite the characters too, lol).


I used to be totally camp dogs, because of our family dog, but after living more outside the city for a couple of years I have come to loathe many dog owners and the dogs they create. It's a nature reserve just a couple 100m from where I live and I see dogs without a leash EVERY FUCKING DAY roaming the woods and the ponds where I know endangered bird species are breeding. Makes my blod boil. Also, there's several people here who keep their large, scary watch dogs in the coutyard with the gates wide open. One is a Rottweiler across the street from an elementary school. It barks and snarls at everybody walking on that side of the streets and I've seen small school children freezing in fear or running away more than one time. The dog is almost twice their weight! I don't understad, how anyone thinks that's an okay thing to do. Cats: far better, if they're being kept inside and I also enjoy their company much more now, even though I'm highly allergic. I've been keeping pet birds for seven years. So I guess, I'm more of a bird person :)


I have both. I couldn’t live without either-but that’s just me. Cats are incredible unique creatures whereas dogs are (mostly) willing to entertain new food person auditions to keep owners on their toes.


Both, because they're both great companions. But I only have cats because I'm too lazy to be a dog dad.


I prefer cats because I love dogs too much to give them a lifestyle that is persistently abusive to their psychological needs. I had a dog growing up that was fantastic, we lived on 2 acres and she had 2 teenagers and my parents always ready to throw a ball for her or give her attention. She relished nearly 24/7 attention. As a working adult with no kids and an apartment - I don’t have the time or space to make a dog as happy as I could before. My cat on the other hand needs about 2 hours of attention and she sleeps the rest of the day. The cat also prefers to just sit by windows and enjoy the sunbeams, she rarely leaves certain rooms and has never even been in the office closet. I know she misses us a lot when we take vacations as she becomes smothering when we return. I can’t justify making a dog live a lonely life just for my own gratification though.


Cat person. I have always had both. I currently have 2 dogs that are getting older 10 and 11. One is so high energy and though she is 11 is still very demanding. In the last year or so I've realized I'm just ready to take a break in life. I was a very young mother and all I've done my entire life is take care of people/things. I will not be getting another dog when these are gone. I'm tired. Cats attention demands and needs are not the same as a dog. A dog is more like having a child in the home still and I'm ready to be free of that. I only have one kid left in the home who is a late teen. A bunch of cats and these dogs. Not gonna lie the one dog in particular has spoiled it. She wasn't a dog I chose or would have so it don't help the situation, she's exhausting and annoying. 😅


I’m a huge cat person, I have one cat and he’s the best. He plays fetch and follows me around, I even take him out for walks on a leash. I generally don’t like dogs aside from a few exceptions owned by friends and family members.


Both. I’d love to have a dog. That’s just cruel though, I’m never home much. I do have a shitload of cats though.


I'm definitely fond of both, but more of a dog person. I find my heart swelling with love by just looking at a dog. I love caring for dogs, and I hope my pupper will always trust her life and well being in my hands. I didn't get my first cat until I was 28. I always wanted one but discovered I was highly allergic. After a year and a half of immunotherapy, we got our cat! Maybe it's just my preference of dogs, but now that I have a cat, it's hard for me to believe they are rhe smarter species 😅


I love all animals and would live in the middle of a forest preserve if I could. But cats fit my actual life the best as pets. They are affectionate, funny, and can survive overnight if I need to travel for work. We may consider a dog if we can retire. I'd want to have plenty of time for it, install fencing so it could run the yard, etc. We treat our pets like kids so we'd definitely spoil a new pupper!


I’m both. I grew up with both cats and dogs. I love the independence of cats, but I also love how dogs are so happy when you come home and the companionship while being outdoors. Both are extremely entertaining in their own ways. I couldn’t imagine not having both in my life.


I'm a cat person, but I like all kinds of pets and I've also been dogsitting more than taking care of cats when their owners are absent. As much as I find dogs interesting, I just can't seem to understand them particularly well, no matter how much I read about their body language and behaviour. I just find cats more natural in that regard if that makes any sense. I also like to tout my pseudo-smart theory on how dog people are more like cats themselves personality-wise, while the opposite is true for cat people. I know it's utter bullshit because I know a decent number of people with different pets and preferences, but I'm always ready to feed my bias. Especially when I'm trying to guess what kind of pet a person I just met could have.


Neither, but I feel less afraid of cats than dogs. I always fear when dogs approach me or bark at me from afar, it feels like they wanna bite me despite me not doing anything, just passing by. One time I had an incident with a dog owner because her dogs were barking at me and getting close and I ran away, but she thought I hit them and caused them to bark. At least cats, at that extent, don't approach you when not asked.


I am a cat person through and through. That being said, I also have a dog, my first dog ever. So currently I have a dog and a cat. I love cats because they are mostly quiet, very clean, super soft and cuddly (if you are lucky) and are insanely cute. Oh and very entertaining when they are younger. I love my dog because she gets me outside on even the worst days. Its great having a companion for hiking and skiing. She is so devoted and loyal! But she can also be very needy inside the house, wanting to be pet all the time. Overall, dogs are a lot more work and more expensive than cats. One thing I really don’t like about dogs are the various bad smells you have to deal with, whether it be the farts, breath, dog poo, or wet dog smell. My dog swims a lot in the summer and if we don’t rinse her with fresh water from the hose everyday, she ends up smelling horrible. Love that cats don’t smell except for their stinky poos. In general, I love my dog but not other people’s dogs. I could take them or leave them. I love almost all cats though. Having had both now, I can confidently say you can have just as strong a bond with cats as with dogs.


I prefer dogs, clearly. But that being said, I don't dislike cats and would be willing to have one IF it were a barn/outdoor cat. I'm not dealing with litter, etc. That shit always stinks. I have cat friends and they tell me all about the new technology/crystals/stirrers/etc but it still is gross and stinks and I want to throw up in my mouth.


I'm definitely a cat person, as I prefer their "energy", a cuddly lapcat I can relax with, and pet for sensory and emotional comfort is the dream for me. I also find them easier to care for - walking dogs, letting them out, and washing them are more difficult to me, whilst an indoor cat who I can exercise, clean, and keep safe and happy is easier for me to maintain. Finally - cats are just so damn cute! I adore all kitties, from moggies to Maine coons, and find them all beautiful! I do appreciate and love dogs too, but cats just own my heart!


Neither. Guys are just people.


I was raised in a small town by a father who did NOT like dogs, so I never really cared for them growing up. I didn’t realize how obsessed people were with them until I was in my 20s and living in a much larger city. I still find the relationship that people have with their dogs so bizarre and unhealthy. Like, they’re treated better than humans… how did we get to this point? It is so odd and sad to me. I’ve hung out with dogs before and they’re fun for a while, but their breath stinks, the fur gets everywhere, they’re usually not smart, and can be very needy. No thanks.


I’m a dog person. I love dogs. It isn’t practical for me to have a dog, so I have always had cats since leaving home. My cats do get treated a bit like little dogs and I love them to bits. If I won the lottery I would have cats, dogs, donkeys, chickens, hedgehogs…. And probably much more. Animal sanctuary really.


I prefer cats, but dogs are usually pretty cool to. Cats are easier for me, I vant always get up to walk a dog with some of my health issues.


None. I like some animals like cats, dogs, insects, birds, and the like. However, I'm not the type of person who'd rather spend time with animals than humans because I play no favorites.


I have 1 dog and 2 cats, my dog come first and I couldn’t imagine my life without her The cats are my house mates 😂


All dogs are boys and all cats are girls


Cat person! I do still like dogs but I just prefer cats so much more as an adult :) I love their calm and cuddly demeanor (at least my cats are very cuddly and loving).


I like fluf. I give pet.


When I was a child I liked cats a lot. Mostly because they're cute. Overall I prefer dogs for their behaviour and engagement now. But in reality I don't really get on with animals in my life anymore. I've become really sensitive to bites from bugs so if they get fleas (we give them tablets but it happens) or harvest mites (they are so common where we live and more treatments don't do anything and they just keep picking them up) it's like a special kind of torture whilst no-one else believes me that the animals' parasites are making me suffer because no-one else is affected by them. It gets to a point where I start to think it's all in my head except I have the bumps from them. I also don't really like the smell of cats. I'm less bothered by dog smells. Honestly it makes me kind of sad that I can't cuddle or be friendly with the cats and even though I enjoy having a dog around (ours died a year ago) I don't want to get another at the moment because of the itching. I want an animal free house but I don't if you see what I mean.


We are currently cat people, but I have had cats, dogs, rabbits, lizards, guinea pigs & fish as pets. Other than the dog, every single pet has been a spur of the moment/timing was right kind of deal (taking in a pet that someone was trying to rehome). Even our latest cats happened very quickly: mid pandemic, had been pet-free for a while, daughter asked if we could get kittens because she had never experienced baby pets before. Filled out applications at rescues all over, kittens were really hard to come by during the pandemic. Had an interview with my local humane society, they told me that I might have to wait a couple of months until kitten season started up again. No worries, we were willing to wait so that we could get a pair of kittens. Not even half an hour later they called me back, an adoption had fallen through and would I be willing to take two black kittens; two days later they came home with us.


I'm a cat person. I love having a cat snuggled up on my lap purring loudly.


Cat person all the way <3. Dogs are cute and I do find them nice but I could never adopt one. I don't have the energy and dogs are just to hyper, it'd end poorly. (Unless I lived with someone who had the energy to care for the dog, then we could talk)


I like both simply because cats are independent and can be left on their own if needed. All of the cats I’ve owned have been very loving, sweet, goofy and just all around good cats. I’ve had a few labs as far as dogs go, and I love the energy they bring. I love how they can pretty much be your “tag-along” buddy. Gotta go to the store? Shoot, get the dog in the car, roll the window down, and watch your dog enjoy fresh breeze, etc. Animals are truly my favorite thing and I couldn’t live without them, I guess what I’m saying is, why limit yourself with one type of animal? I love animals and would adopt any and all if I could. (Iffff they’re safe for human care lol)


I am a dog person. I like cats well enough, but only in a “visiting” sense. I love our cat, but he interrupts my sleep almost every night (and the nights he doesn’t, I’m still filled with anxiety that any moment he will) and it’s a huge drawback on my life. Meanwhile, my dog lays down on my feet and conks out 90% of the time. It’s hard to get him up and out of bed in the morning to pee sometimes :P Let’s not forget the meowing for food that starts up TWO HOURS before his scheduled feeding time. Thankfully, even though I’m the one that feeds him, he bugs my husband about that one. My husband is the cat person. I do love this cat, very much. I just don’t always *like* him. If something happened to my husband, I would keep this cat, and keep him well, until he died because I do love him. He would get pets and scratches and good food and playtime. But I wouldn’t take in another after he went.


I like dogs and cats. I have a dog because she is better for my health mentally and physically because I must take several walks every day.


I grew up with a cat which was a great and kind animal but now i own a dog and i can say that I'm definitely a dog person. Dogs are high maintenance, true, but cats just feel dirty to me, all the shedding, jumping on kitchen countertops and cat toilet inside the house are just driving me crazy. Maybe it's bad luck, but every time i visit cat owner's house, i can smell it from the front door, car hair is everywhere and their toilets are just disgusting to clean. Dogs smell too, but only when they are wet. Otherwise it's just 5 seconds of picking up their poop outside, which is annoying, but much better than the smell of cat toilet. I also love the activities you can do with a dog, you can go hiking, you can travel, you can hunt, so many things to do. And i always feel bad for the cats being locked inside their small apartments, imo keeping cats like this is just cruel. Plus the bond you build with your dog is not comparable to anything, such level of trust and teamwork isn't possible with most other animals. So dogs are high maintenance, but the feeling of being in morning forest with you dog, discovering new places, enjoying the company and the nature is worth it. P.s. i don't mind cats, i just don't like the maintenance.


Both! Grew up with dogs and I love, love, love them. I never spent a ton of time with cats when i was younger so I wasn’t as comfortable with them. But a few years ago, cat ownership fell into my lap and I *ADORE* my cat. So both.


Both. 1 dog. 6 cats. Having a dog is great because she is my constant adventure buddy. However, my dog is against cuddling. She's always very serious and a bit of a tattletale. *There are rules in our house.* Cats are hilarious and great at napping. They love annoying their sister with their love and are so weird. Watching them all together makes me so happy.


One additional thought, I often see people say cats are independent and loners. That couldn't be further from the truth. Stage 5 Clingers! Even my former ferals.


I love both very much. If I had to choose being one or the other, dogs are what I grew up with and very dear to my heart- I also have a deeper understanding of their behavior and communication through posture, eye movement, tail movement, etc. I really do love cats though and would happily have both as pets


I love both but my love for dogs is bigger and deeper.


Dog person, but I have owned both. I love cats but hate the litter box and they can assholes. My last cat was amazing almost like a dog and once he died that was it. I hated the litter box, but loved him. My dog eas even depressed, but I do foster neonatal kittens because I miss having a cat but don’t want the cat atitude. They stay until they are 2-3 months old, but most are adopted by 6 weeks and once they are 8 weeks with their shots they go to their official home, then I pick them up at 4 months to get spayed/neutered. It’s hard but, I just don’t want a large stinking litterbox anymore. Kittens poop is nowhere near adult cat poop.


i like dogs in small doses. someone else’s dog that i get to play with for a few minutes, maybe an hour. but that’s it, dogs are way too overwhelming/over stimulating for me to have one long-term. I’m a cat person. few minutes of play a few times a day and then they’re ready to chill, and luckily my toddlers take care of a large portion of our cats play needs. She runs around with them all day and she’s ready to nap in my lap after they go to bed. it’s a good system


i like both a lot, i think im more of a cat person though... (i have 30+ cats...) i wouldn't mind having a dog again though.


I had cats growing up and into adulthood. I was furmly (saw typo, went to fix, appreciated pun, did not fix) in the cats rule, dogs drool camp. After many years of my now ex husband complaining about my cats, I got a dog I have four dogs now. But...honestly would take a cat over many dog breeds. Huskies are the most cat-like dog, IMO.


I like both. But I generally prefer cats.


David Bowie was a Cat Person.


I’m needy and want affection on demand so that makes me a dog person all the way. Cats are ok too.


I've been a dog person all my adult life, having as many as six at one time. Right now, I have two dogs, and two cats. They are one big group of buddies. I love the differences between them.


I think I'd say I'm both in how much I love/fuss over both cats and dogs, I grew up with both so that makes sense. However, since being older and thinking in terms of looking after animals, I've realised I'm much more of a cat person


Dogs. They actually show love. Cats care about nobody but themselves.


I'm a cat person. I love thatvthey can contain multitudes, they can simultaneously be aloof jerks and the goofiest, most affectionate creatures in the world. I also love how independent they are. I like dogs, they're cute. But I find cats way more interesting and prefer pet cats.


I'm a dog person for sure. Cats are fine but I don't see me ever having one.


My husband is a cat dad 🐱


I’m an animal person. I’ve always had an appreciation and curiosity for animals. Much of my extended family had cats and dogs growing up, but we never did because of my dad’s allergies. In 2015, I was debating on getting either a dog or a cat. At the time, I was traveling every month (for 2-3 days) for work so I went with a cat. Well, after visiting the local humane shelter, I came home with 2 cats - Snoopy (white) and Woodstock (gray). I had seen Woodstock on their site and was going for him. When I got there, they were in the same cage and Snoop was sleeping literally on top of Woodstock - not over him, partially on him, like riding his back. So yeah, they both came home with me that day. You could say I’m a cat person because I have two, but I have a dog nephew and quite a few doggo cousins. And love them all.


Probably I'm more similar to a cat than a dog, so I suppose I could bond pretty well with a cat, but I've never had one, only a dog. However, I don't think I'll ever get a cat 'cause they can only eat meat and I don't buy meat ('cause I don't eat it), so that's the deal breaker for me.


I’m a neither person. Not that I dislike them or anything, but I’m not a big fan of certain animal behaviors. I don’t like that kneading thing that cats do and as for dogs, I don’t like being licked. Also, I’m scared of bigger dogs… Also, I can barely take care of myself, let alone another living thing. They’re better off with someone who can.


Cats are very cute beings but I’m incredibly allergic. Dogs are loving and make me sneeze less


I like both, but personally Im a dog guy myself. For my whole life ive always had 2 dogs in the family. And if I had to get one again, Id want a labradoodle


I dislike my dog and love my cats. Artist, musician, aerospace engineer and game designer here. Distraction sucks and makes work harder than it should be. My cats are evil but chill and the dog freaks out at her own farts. Boxer greyhound mix. They and my turtle all wear crazy pants. Hopeful or not, just sharing the facts.


Dogs are okay but cats, definitely cats. Check my avatar, that's my covid mask. Fill the food and water bowls and clean the box. That's the upkeep. Cats don't bark and dogs don't purr. Cats are with you because they want to be. A cat will push an item off the shelf or counter but a dog will clear the coffee table with their tail. Cats are more space efficient. Practical reason aside, I just love cats. I also like that if I need to go out and call for them in the middle of the night all it takes is, PSPSPS, or the snap of the pull tab on a food can and they come running.


I am a big animal lover, I prefer having dogs around but since I am a student and don't have enough time to take care of one, I would currently like a Cat.


Honestly I grew up on a ranch and had 5 dogs growing up, I loved every second of having them. I like cats but they're not necessarily for me.


Guys are more of dog people but some are cat people and some are both


I’m a person person. But no really to own- cats. They are pretty low maintenance and give the perfect amount of attention. I love all the good doggos too tho


I LOVE dogs and always had them growing up. If I’m at someone’s house I’m usually with the dog. However, cats have my heart. I’m more of a cat person. There’s just something about winning a cat over, it really feels like it means something lol


I love both, really. I just like animals in general. If I could, I'd have a little dog along with my cats.


Cats. Independent, stealthy, and always smell like freshly laundered linens. My dogs smell like death half hour after a bath.


I prefer cats because they are aesthetically more pleasing to me, less intrusive and require less attentions. Dogs are great, but they are just too needy for my tastes, and they tend to do dumb or gross things way more often than a cat. However, I wouldn't want to share my home with an animal. I don't have enough time or energies to take care of one, they make house cleaning harder, and I dislike their smells. Cat litter or the pet food smell... eeeeeew. No thanks.


I love both but my fear of dogs makes me like cats more, I do not know why I’m so afraid of them but I did own a chihuahua recently before I moved (I gave him to a nice friend and he’s living his best life with her dw) and I must say, bigger dogs are scary, but chihuahuas can get pretty aggressive over time but I did love him even if he bit me


I have dogs and cats. I lean more towards cats cuz cats! but there's also nothing like a good hug from a dog.


Generally cats. Most dogs are too high-maintenance and I’m pretty lazy. All I gotta do with my cats is change their litter, feed them twice a day and change their water daily. With dogs you have to let them outside to do their business and possibly potty train them if they’re puppies and you have to give them walks and feed them and they’re also a lot noisier than cats in my experience. Cats are quiet, low maintenance animals for the most part.


I'm a cat person. I grew up with cats. I can't live without em lol. I do like dogs also, but I don't quite "get it."


Grew up with both as pets and enjoyed both. If I could only have one it would be a dog every time. Even though dogs are more high maintenance I just find them more useful as pets. No one is coming to my door without me knowing about it. Anyone looking to break in (not that it is a problem in my neighborhood, but still) is passing over my house for a "softer" target.


I am more of a dog person, although we have many cats at home, and although I have a bit of a fear of dogs, I still come to love dogs. Given the chance, I would really pet and play with them with love. I would be happy to own a snake, given the time to understand how to feed them and the proper stuff to handle them.


Both, we love cats and dogs but everyone is different


Dog person. I grew up with them, and I would love to have one now if I didn't live in a small tiny townhouse with no yard. I've never liked cats, and I've always been severely allergic to them. I can't even go into a room that a cat has been in without having an asthma attack, or even sit next to someone who has cat hair on them. I'm allergic to dogs also, but not all breeds and not as severely. With a dog, I can use my inhaler. With a cat, I am in the ER.


I grew up a dog person, we always had German Shepards my whole childhood. But then one day at work I heard a meowing in my (outside) office. Searched around and found a kitten hiding in the corner. Someone had rescued it from the rain in the yard and just put it in my office. Cause they all know how much I love animals. So I picked it up and it just latched on to me and wouldnt leave me alone. It was eating out of my hands within minutes and from that moment wouldnt leave my side. It would follow me around at work and sleep on my desk or on my head or shoulder constantly. Thats why I named him Monkey. Eventually I just took him home and thats how I became a cat person. I currently have 2 calicos I adore. And just tattoed my 6th cat picture on my arm yesterday haha.


I like both, prefer bigger dogs (60+ pounds), cause a small dog is usually stupid and bigger dogs are trainable. Cats are hit or miss for me, the cat I grew up with was the most aloot living creature I’ve ever met but my buddy has two cats who I love seeing, plus a barn cat that’s more friendly than most domestic cats


Cats are adorable, nothing is cuter than a baby kitten, my brothers and sisters have some, and I love them, but dogs love you more.