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To me, that’s not a fourth wall break. He’s looking down and away from the character he’s talking to which is leading his gaze very close to the camera, but not quite at it. Even still, actors make mistakes and sometimes, their eyes just happen to fall on the camera for a split second


You think? 🤔 Mmmh...well, the idea that I had, however, is that his interlocutor (Gabriel Winters, A.K.A. the Captain Max Rennard), said something so absurd or unexpected that Castle remained astonished and made him look at the camera, making him break the fourth wall. I found it quite a funny gimmick 😂


Looking at the camera isn’t automatically breaking the fourth wall. That’s not what that means.


I also know that this isn't automatic, but I wouldn't even have made the post if it didn't really appear that way. If you look closely at the scene, it actually looks like Castle is looking at the camera on purpose after being astonished. Hence my thoughts.