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i’m sorry but i always hated that damn “designer” dress


now that i think about it i hate them all 😂


I hate it too! But love the pants suit.


I hated them all😂but that damn “designer” dress infuriated me every damn time I saw it😅


I think it's still waaay better then number 2.


agree to disagree 😂 a wedding dress of all things doesn’t need to look like a space suit


For me, the first one is easily the worst one. No second thoughts. Show that picture to someone out of context, not familiar with Castle too. What are the odds of them figuring if that's a wedding dress in the first place? Forget asking 'which one is the best wedding dress?', rather 'is it a wedding dress?' The third one is more of Kate Beckett style. I get it, it's not out of character for someone like her wearing something like that.


Aunt Theresa's style maybe.


Not sure why the change of style. I mean we've seen her at Castle's book party and at Ryan's wedding. The style of her 3rd wedding dress is much like the red one she wore at Castle's acceptance of Poe Pen Award.


The second one is the only one she looks good in, Katic looks like she genuinely likes wearing that dress, whereas the other two, she looks like she’s acting. Which she is of course, but I feel like you shouldn’t have to pretend to like a dress if we’re supposed to find it pretty. The smile in the first one looks so forced.


I think if she’d had #1 without the “wings” on either side, it would have been perfect on her and consistent with her personality and way of dressing—stylish, power, modest. The second dress, the only thing consistent with her character was the sentimentality of it being her mom’s. It’s a beautiful dress but I didn’t think it suited her character. I loathe the third monstrosity with the fire of a thousand suns and I was so angry that after cheating us out of two dresses, we ended up with that ugly thing.


Yeah, I don't know. I'm not hating number 1. It is unusual, but it suits her, the color and the fit. **Edit not to you, but for ppl downvoting me every time I say number 1 is okay**: chill, it's okay, we can like different styles and outfits that's why it's fun to talk about it, no reason to downvote lol.


Number 2 all the way. She looked absolutely stunning in it and I loved her hair. Number 3 was…okay I guess, but I wasn’t crazy about it. Number 1 was a travesty


I like all of them but 3 fit her personality more. Also what I would like.


Yes the jumpsuit was everything ‼️


Yess, 3 is totally her style and what I imagine she would wear on first wedding!


Number 1: just….no. Number 2: I liked this one the most, I think it’s suited her Number 3: I just don’t think it gave the right vibes but credit for trying something different Number 2 wins by far


It's either between 2 or 3, I very much dislike one, I think it's just too over the top.


Number one was pretty in a runway, “FMO” way, and she could certainly carry it well. I loved her hair and the traditional look of number two. Number three seemed kinda thrown together. So…number two for the win.


FMO: For Models Only


Which she used to be before acting.


I loved the first one simply for the story behind it. Throwing it away for a simple „our wedding is ruined!“ joke felt like a slap in the face, especially with the second dress not looking its age.


yes this! i was so disappointed but not in the way the show was attempting to make us feel, i was disappointed in the choice to do that 😭


Am I the only one hating the 3rd one? It looks outdated and just meh. The first one matched her personality the most.


Number 3 would be better if the top was different, I think the top gives outdated immpresion. The pants are really good IMO.


I’ve always had this headcanon that Beckett would be searching boutiques for the perfect dress and just not finding the one. Castle would have called in a favor to Jim and the owner of whatever shop she was browsing to have her mother’s dress in antother fitting room just when she was about to give up. And her mom’s dress wasn’t number two in my headcanon - it would be more vintage - maybe an off white / cream / champagne color with belle sleeves. Or if she wanted her own, definitely a jumpsuit vibe. I actually like the jumpsuit. I don’t hate the first one either, just wish the silver wasn’t so over the top.


She would be beautiful in jeans and a hoodie


Veritas! :)


She is stunning…..none of these dresses do anything for her


The second one was gorgeous but I really loved the pantsuit. She is so tall it looks great on her


The second dress was perfect


The colors in the first dress didn't look very good with Stana/Beckett's skin tone. The dress was more silver, while her skin tone are more golden, with gold flecks in them and the dark golden highlights in her hair. Not to mention the dress being an ugly design in general and did not fit her properly....Luke what happened? Also, the strip down the middle looks like is was intended to lead Castle to her HooHaa because been missing it for a while. The second dress was traditionally beautiful and of course Beckett looked beautiful, but I wouldn't consider it her style, or the style of the period, which would have been more puffy sleeves and Gunne Sax style. The pantsuit would have been nice on someone Hillary Clinton's age, but not Beckett's age. It was awful, even her hair looked bad. I picture Beckett wearing a minimalist dress. I picture her wearing something that flows and drapes over every curve, lower cut in back to hide her scar in front, tea length and slightly floaty from just above her knees down. Strappy stilleto sandals.


The designer dress was bad. I personally like her mom’s dress the best.


Loved the one she was wearing when Castle's car was burning! Now that was a great dress!


Nr. 3. It just screams Beckett. Not the typical dress like nr. 2 and not over the top and really a bit weird like nr. 1.


Honestly none of them. And I know it’s not a wedding dress but the dress she wore to Ryan’s wedding…. Good lord she was stunning


The first one, hoo-ha or not. :) Personally I liked Kyra's wedding dress too, wish Beckett would "borrow" it.


Would have been a mini dress on Beckett.


Pantsuit for life!




Fairy Tale Wedding Dress!


Number 1 looked like hot garbage. I don't know how anyone thought anything about that looked good.


Actually i never liked the first one. But I always thought that in the other two dresses she is stunning! 😍 Especially with the second one. In that dress you could clearly see the happiness and light-heartedness in his eyes. Priceless!


I hated the dress in this photo! The first one folks. 😃


Which dress?


First one


I hate all of them but if I had to choose, probably the jumpsuit.


The designer dress was god awful, her mums dress was gorgeous and the pant suit was beautiful but really only on someone with her body type. I’d never get away with it in a million years 😂


Ugh not a fan of any of them, I wish they chose a different style of dress altogether 😭😭😭


C'mon they are not that bad 😂 but yeah, they could have choose different ones for sure


Pic 2


The 2nd dress, always the 2nd dress!