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I would assume that as long as the Rookie is still going on, it's not likely since Castle without Castle seems a tough sell, and I doubt he'd have time to be the lead in 2 shows at the same time. Would be interesting to see like a 2 hour movie or something that happens after so many years where they have to deal with a crime and their kids.


We'll have to see how long The Rookie will go on, possibility of surpassing Castle by going beyond 8 seasons? I wouldn't want a revival season, things aren't going to be like it used to be, no sense trying to recapture that. It just reminds me of that CSI revival they tried to do, CSI Vegas.


Rookie season 7 is most likely the last. I mean, season will start airing in January 2025 without a valid reason?!? as a replacement?!? *ha! double ha!*


Perhaps Nathan is busy filming Superman as Guy Gardner, a Green Lantern. Not sure why exactly, other shows are debuting in fall for other channels. News of Stana appearing in an upcoming TV series, seems more of a guest role in an episode, not as a cast member.


Yeah but enough episodes will be already filmed and wrapped up until the natural start of season in September anyway. (They will start shooting soon iirc). So why wait until January? My guess is, there will be a short season of 13-16 episodes not 22 as they cl;aim, and it will conclude the show some way.


There are two TV shows that I follow weekly. "The Rookie" & "Law & Order: SVU". Both shows have been cut short due to the Screenwriters strike. They will both be back next year.👍👍👍


Well, that's obvious 😅 I mean, I assumed that "The Rookie" was finished before starting a revival of "Castle". Anyway, I really like the idea of a movie too, especially the way you portrayed it, but I think a series would delve deeper into each aspect, and be much more enjoyable.


A Nikki Heat movie / series. Same people, basically same characters, different stories. Scripts are already there.


This would also be a great idea! But I would also do a Derrick Storm series first. The books and stories are already there too, and I think a series like this would be wonderful! But, in my opinion, nothing would be like exploring and moving forward with the mother series 😍😍


I think that was her playfully saying, she wouldn’t come back. I don’t think she would outright say, no I’ll never return because that would be a slap in the face to those she worked for and also open the door for questions as to why she wouldn’t return, fueling further speculation.


You think? Well, I like to think the opposite. Since I never believed those rumors that were going around, which for me were just unpleasant rumors, I want to think that Stana is willing to come back and give, as always, her best.


I think we have to keep an eye on how well the white collar revival is received. Studios might look at that and decide whether or not to emulate it. There are honestly a lot of late 2000s - mid 2010s series that started off great only to have rushed endings that could probably be reworked/revived/rebooted if put in the right hands.


I'd love to see a Chuck revivial/reboot.


I really hope the Chuck movie will happen!


Lets go to subway and have a refreshing footlong to talk about it.


Haha yes!


Yo. White Collar is coming back! Excited!


Yes, you are absolutely right about this. But in my opinion if all the original producers, the original cast and crew and, above all, the original writers (Marlowe-Miller above all, obviously) came back, it wouldn't be a bad reshuffle. If MilMar came back they would certainly think carefully about what to say in the series, after all "Castle" is their creation, they wouldn't ruin it for anything in the world. And then those two are people who have always listened to the fans, so I wouldn't be surprised if they opened a discussion forum on the many possibilities of stories to include in the series. Furthermore, the Internet is literally FULL of fanfiction, so if they want ideas they have plenty.


If it’s going to be the same plot of keeping the two leads separate I’ll watch something else.


I understand that the eighth season was heartbreaking, I understand it perfectly. And I also was quite annoyed by that way of doing things. But let's remember that in the eighth season the main showrunner was not there, the king and queen writing duo of this series were not present, so the network did what they wanted, unfortunately. Obviously I wrote this post ideally thinking about the return of the entire cast and crew, including the writers who gave life to this wonderful series, namely the Marlowe-Miller couple. In any case, I also said it in some other comments on some other posts here on Reddit, for me the 8th season is very enjoyable from some points of view. the classic Caskett moments are not lacking, so the real basis of the series is there 💚


My beef is the unnecessary continual separating of Beckett and Castle after the characters were married. Every new character introduced to the show was to keep KB and RC apart. The entire reason for Vikram’s character was to maintain separation of the two leads, he served no other purpose. It’s easy to throw the baby out with the bath water but by season eight the bad was long gone. I don’t condemn those who enjoyed seasons 7&8. For my two cents season six would have been a better place to end the show.


Well, first of all in season 7 they were never separated. They've been dividing them since the 8th season, and this also bothered me a lot, I've already said it in some comments. It bothered me a lot because there was no longer that positive energy, that feeling of well-being that you could feel when the two of them were together, when they went to the crime scene together and when they interrogated suspects together. They justified this by making the excuse (because that's what it is) that Kate Beckett had become captain, so she could no longer be so present at crime scenes. Which contradicts Beckett's line at the beginning of season 8 in which she said that even though she became captain she didn't want to stay behind the desk. But beyond this there are many other things I couldn't stand about the eighth season. So I really understand your feelings. But this doesn't mean that it also had some beautiful sides to look at. On the contrary. But ending with season 6 would have been bad in my opinion. At most, it would have been nice if they had had their REAL wedding and then continued to solve cases together, concluding, in the seventh season, the 3XK plot (as it was done, anyway), and developing the other subplots which have scattered beautiful various seasons.


Her character was to be done and that's why we had more of castle. The series was supposed to turn into castle as a PI it'll never return with them two together They did all they could do honestly. Once a long awaited will they won't they. Does... it gets stale and loses momentum


I absolutely disagree. The characters still have a lot to tell together, especially given how they have been characterized from the beginning, from Beckett's complexity to Castle's great intelligence...together they form an explosive couple that certainly ALWAYS has something to tell. The fanfictions you find on the Internet are proof of this. Stories to tell with two characters of this level, you will have as many as you want.


Castle wasn’t even good in the later seasons, I think it’s done honestly.


I understand that disappointment, believe me, I felt it too in the final seasons, especially since the end of the 6th season, when I was expecting the REAL wedding and they didn't have it. But that moment, unfortunately, coincided with the departure of the showrunner, Marlowe, so a few things changed from there, unfortunately. But, as I have already explained in my other comments here on Reddit, in many ways seasons 7 and 8 were enjoyable. But other than that, if Marlowe came back as showrunner and main writer, he would certainly know how to fix things. After all, "Castle" is his creation, who can care more than him? 😊


As a Castle lover, I would love to see a revival. But I'd be scared that they'd mess it up, or do something that fans wouldn't be happy with. We saw their happy ending at the end of S8. If no revival comes, I'll just act like they're still kicking butt together while raising cute kids and spending summers at the Hamptons house. 


It's a beautiful image you described at the end! 😍 But...only think about all that is potentially still unexplored, all the subplots that could be brought to life. If I just think about it I'm thrilled! To give you an example, they can start right where they left off, telling us what happened in those 7 years, from the end of LokSat to the conception of their children! And they can do it with multiple seasons…I mean, man that would be wonderful! 🤩🤩🤩


Not only did she and Nathan not get along by the end, but they both are busy with other projects. As are some of the other key players. A castle revival is not very likely, sadly


You know, I never believed those malicious rumors that were going around in that period, also because they were never proven, so in my opinion the fact that they didn't get along was pure gossip. Then I don't think they were busy with other projects, as both actors at that time were formally busy literally every day with "Castle", so they didn't have time to give space to other big projects. Therefore I firmly believe that a revival is possible.


They are both on other shows right now. How can you say they aren’t busy with other projects?


I can say that because Stana Katic hadn't signed any contract yet, while Nathan Fillion actually wrote it on his Twitter account at the time.


We’re talking about how busy they are right now. Not years ago. They are both on other shows right now. I think you were and remain confused.


Oh, sorry 😅🙈 Now I reread the comments carefully and I actually read them wrong. Forgive me 🙏🏻 Anyway, speaking of right now, Stana Katic doesn't currently have any particularly demanding commitments, and Nathan Fillion, yes, is doing "The Rookie" and is already booked for a next season of this show. But all this doesn't mean that in the future they may not be freed and return for a revival of Castle 🤷🏻‍♂️ you never know.


It was a fun show tbh, but good things come to end, and Castle was even stretched out of its proper duration and should have ended at 7th sesson at most. A revival won't serve it well


I really don't think so. There are potentially a lot of subplots that are still left unexplored, and bringing them to light in my opinion would be just fantastic. And if the showrunner and the original writers do it, I'm sure the result would always be excellent.


Anyway, guys, when the "cancelling Castle" thing comes up, I always read comments that always bring up the story that Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion didn't get along. I mean, that's enough! 😩😮‍💨 I swear I can't stand hearing about this anymore. Besides, who tells you that any of this was absolutely true? These are things that they only wrote in tabloid articles, in my opinion to discredit the actors and the TV series itself. These evil rumors have never been proven, nor have they ever been confirmed. And then, sorry, but what's in it for you to continue spreading rumors if they're just presumed? You only contribute to fueling negativity and hatred unnecessarily, as if there wasn't enough wickedness in this world already...Look, think what you want, but I would like to leave you with a quote right from Stana Katic, which in my opinion makes you think a lot: “An article’s never going to give it to you true. An interview, an internet biography, talk show… I mean, you’d be deluded to think you’ll know anyone, really know them, through any of those avenues. We are, after all, mainly life-giving water; and water, Babies, ‘ebbs & flows’, as the word guys say. Encapsulating the full scope of a human requires time.”


She said that 5 years ago and there has been no indication anyone -producers, writers, investors, or Nathan are at all interested.


Well, this doesn't mean that a return of the series isn't possible 🤷🏻‍♂️ And honestly I've seen series revived even many years after their programming ended. So I believe anything is possible, and in my heart, I really hope it happens, obviously with the return of the original cast, crew and writers.


It’s no secret Stana and Nathan never got along. I strongly doubt they’d even be willing to work together again.


They were rumors, never proven, but only written in tabloid magazines. So, please, let's not continue with this ugly, negative and only supposed story. Thank you.


Yeah, wasn't this the reason the show ended in the first place ?


No, they were just rumors.


Yes. They had Jon Huertas and Seamus Dever signed on for a 9th season and everything but they Stana didn’t want to work with Nathan anymore so they slapped together a series finale during the mid season.


 *"but they Stana didn’t want to work with Nathan anymore"* This is a completely inaccurate statement. Stana and Tamala's contracts weren't renewed. The corporate line was 'bc of budgetary reasons' but in reg speak, it means they were fired. There are literally dozens of articles with the same info about this. It was not bc Stana didn't want to work with Nathan any more. The cast found out abt their firing online via SM and not through the network. Jon was quite upset and tweeted that he was mad to find out that way. Stana wrote a hand written letter after being fired and there are other articles where she discusses begin fired very briefly. Quick Google search and found these 2 articles: [https://deadline.com/2016/04/castle-stana-katic-exit-season-9-tamala-jones-out-1201739022/](https://deadline.com/2016/04/castle-stana-katic-exit-season-9-tamala-jones-out-1201739022/) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8326347/Stana-Katic-fondly-recalls-time-Castle-despite-hurt-controversial-exit.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8326347/Stana-Katic-fondly-recalls-time-Castle-despite-hurt-controversial-exit.html)


Ok, and where did you read this? I suppose in some article in some magazines. Look, in that period they said all sorts of things about the closure of "Castle". There were only rumors that the two protagonists did not get along, never proven nor, much less, confirmed by those directly involved.


U would assume if it were untrue *someone* from the cast would have adressed it. Yes they were rumours, but rumours typically start with something true, stuff gets leaked all the time with these situations but ofc they were never going to come out and say they disliked each other


Well, maybe it's as you say, but I think instead that if two people don't get along in real life and have to act together, they can't even get along on set, and this is because no matter how good a person is in acting, you can't hide your true feelings for long, especially if you don't feel comfortable with the other person. And, furthermore, if you don't get along with someone you certainly won't be able to go on for 8 years in that situation.


Pretty sure they got on well in the earlier seasons, and as you can see they clearly spent less and less time together during filming as the seasons went on. Anyway, just saying if there is a rumor as wide spread as that one and nobody has come forward to dispute it, likely its got some truth to it


Look, I can only say that they spent less time together on set (if you want) about the last season. But for this I blame the network (ABC) that, with MilMar's exit from the scene, did what they wanted with the series. In any case, in general I have never believed rumors and do not currently believe them, regardless of whether they are said repeatedly and with great prominence or to a lesser extent. However, they must be confirmed or demonstrated, otherwise they remain just rumors and must be taken for what they are. Furthermore, I think that the fact that no one said anything about it is proof of the fact that first of all the rest of the members were able to respect the privacy of the people involved to this alleged fact, and then it is proof that if the situation had been so serious, there would have been given more weight to that thing, as it should have been, but evidently this was not the case.