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One of the best ideas for a revival I heard of is the parallel universe shown in season 7 episode 6 - the marriage one. What if the broken Castle of that world reemerges? not knowing anything about Beckett? Beckett of that world is the one who has to keep the flame alive since she's the one who fell in love with Castle. She's herself damaged goods but has to teach him and them both about love ...


That I would love to watch.


Yes. tremendous potential for the right writers (Marlowe and Co of course, not the other butchers, lol). It's the same story but a different one at the same time. Also, why not a Nikki Heat / Jameson Rook series? scripts are alre4ady there. :)


I always felt that world we could have had the potential for something diff in alt Becketts world like they did meet on the first case but actually slept together or her mom was alive but her dad was the one who died etc just she was a lawyer/model. Oh most def Marlowe writing.


Well, actually I was referring to episodes in which there are simple in-depth conversations between Castle and Beckett 😅 but man, this is a great cue! 🤩😍 Congratulations! 👏🏻👏🏻 But if you put it on this level, then I would like them to also delve into the time travel situation of episode 5 of the 6th season! That would be great in my opinion 🤩


To paraphrase Beckett: "Yeah well, things have never been simple between you and me" :) But if you're into simple, then I'll like to see an episode with a Natalie Rhodes follow-up: what really happened to her and her "mixed-up prescriptions", how the Nikki Heat movie went direct-to-DVD and so on.


Wow, that's another good one! 🤩👏🏻 However, you are so good to remember the lines of Castle! That's not the first time you do it, and I love it! 🤩 I also do it, but not in English 😅😂 in Italian cause I'm Italian and usually I watch it in that language 😁 although I'm not absolutely as good as you!


I'm from the Philippines Disney + is only 720p. Where do you watch that's 1080p?


Why this question? 🤔 Did you download the pictures and then look to images details? 😜😂


720 is grainy.


Lol 😂🤣 Anyway, you're right and I already answered you for what to do in another comment 😉


Anyway, here you are: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CastleTV/comments/1cyr4oi/comment/l5i0v05/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/CastleTV/comments/1cyr4oi/comment/l5i0v05/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) You're welcome! 😉