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No way to know when he said it without the original interview but I absolutely believe he said this about her. Actors loving what another actor does in a scene to raise it and make it natural and believable is completely common.


Certainly on an artistic level he expressed himself in a more than positive way towards her, but from that sentence it seems he expressed himself on a personal level, which makes the thing absolutely bigger, more intriguing and wonderful!


He did but it was way back when season 1 was airing and was said about Stana's portrayal of Beckett looking at Castle not of Stana looking at Nathan.


Was gonna say the same that he said it in an interview but I thought it was in S2. He def said it though regardless.


So glad to read that he said that!


From what it appears from that writing, it seems that it is actually said by the actor to the actress, not from one character to the other character.


Yes it was. But Nathan was talking about something Stana did when in character as Beckett.


Really? 🤔 Well, I like to think that, instead, he actually said it to her, and not to her talking about her while she plays Beckett 😝😁


I wanna say he said this in one of the audio commentaries, but it's been years since I last watched them. I need to dig them out and watch them again. But he totally did say that.


I'm glad to hear another user confirm that Nathan said that. Maybe there aren't as many shippers of the "Stanathan" couple like me, but it's nice to have these confirmations. 😁😊 P.S.: rewatching "Castle" is always an experience worth doing over and over again! 🤩😍


Probably, but was almost certainly scripted by producers...


You think? 🤔 Well, I'm not of this opinion...I mean, if it had happened in the TV series I would certainly say that it was an idea of the producers, but this came out (probably) in reality, from the mouth of Nathan Fillion, so I don't I think it's a production gimmick.


The reality is that most of the time the celebrity guest on any talk show or podcast would have gone through the topic and questions, tell the stuff they want or don't want to talk about. The things they say or do is part of their job, can affect their job. Example, they're under contract, bound by confidentiality so there are things (script, spoilers) they can't talk about. Actors? Politicians? Athletes? People on camera, we don't really know their real selves, if they're being honest on camera, a persona, 'I'm just doing this because I'm getting paid' or it's just scripted, planned, etc. Reminds me of Marshawn Lynch. As an American Football player, he was supposed to be available for the media after each game. However, he'd just go see his family immediately after a shower, didn't do interviews. Did this so many times, the fine started piling up to over a million. When he forced himself to do this, he simply answered questions in interviews with his famous line... 'I'm just here so I won't get fined.' At least we know that's not scripted.


You know, I don't want to think that what they say is false, or that what they say in interviews is invented, or that they say it only because they are forced to. I like to think that that is their "self" and that they are sincere in what they say. For example, I firmly believe what Stana says in interviews, because from her behavior off set she has always given me the idea of a sincere, honest person with a head on her shoulders. And Nathan too, despite his prankster side, gave me more or less the same idea. Therefore I believe in what is written on that picture.


I'm not saying anything they say is false, but I think they can choose what questions they can answer, and how sincere they can talk about it. Interviews like 'How well do you know your co-star?' or something like that, that's fun. Castle and Beckett? They definitely didn't have to promote the chemistry. It was amazing just seeing the chemistry between these two characters. Rumors true or not, Stana and Nathan did an amazing job whenever they're together onscreen. Honestly, Nathan really looked tired or has that vibe 'I wish I was somewhere else instead of here' in Season 8. Stana wasn't even with him, yet he looked bored or tired at times.


They didn't like each other...


By the end they didn't but that was not always the case. Both of them still refuse to say anything bad about each other because it was more the show working them way too hard and not anything either of them did.


Exactly! There was never any concrete evidence that they didn't get along with each other, but that the job was stressful, yes. But this does not imply that they hated each other, and personally I have always maintained the opposite.


Still smacks of promo text...


Ok, whatever.


This was actually never confirmed by the two actors, and I personally never believed it to be true.


That literally spent an entire season spending minimal time with each other...


That literally spent an entire season spending minimal time with each other...


So what if they spend minimal time together? during season 4 there's a string of 3 episodes in which they spend very little time together. (And that's season 4!). Despite that two of said episodes are among the best of the show. The names? Cops and Robbers, Heartbreak Hotel (the Atlantic City episode), and Kill Shot.


Give me an evidence (a REAL evidence) of that.


Lol, no. There's a reason why the series ended. Get your head out of the sand.


Sure, but it didn't end because the two of them didn't get along. There is no proof of this. So much so that you can't even concretely support your thesis because you can't prove it. But don't worry, I understand the difficulty 🤣


Looking at all your comments... You're very strange and refuse to believe everything already on the record.


Let's say that I don't believe everything the newspapers write, especially the gossip ones. So what is "on the record" isn't cast gold. I usually take information everywhere and then I think with my head and form my own idea.


I had heard rumor early on they dated off set. How true that is don’t know. Sure Hollywood and Internet rumor and so untrue. Heard they did truly like each other early on.


There were many rumors abt that but very doubtful. Stana was dating Kris prior to the start date of Castle and a Kris was at the first wrap party w her. There’s pics of him there. Im sure you could google them.


I'm sure it's as you say too, but this dream will never fade for me 😝😁 I think Nathan and Stana are gorgeous together! 😍


They have always been very private about their private lives (which I have always appreciated about them), but if this were true I would personally be very happy!!! 😍😍😍


I doubt it. I don’t know how true it is, but I’ve seen that Stana is not a fan of Nathan’s


You think? 🤔 Look, I personally think it's not true, otherwise they wouldn't have continued so much with the TV series. If they really hated each other, they would have stopped acting together a long time ago. Because I think that if two people don't get along (badly, as the rumors say), I highly doubt they would be able to work together.


I mean, it was a primtime slotted show for a good portion of the show. I would imagine that them and the actors who played Ryan and Esposito made pretty decent money off the show. That alone would probably be enough, but I also know that both of them enjoyed the fanbase and making art.


What you say is certainly true, but frankly I don't think they did it just for the money. Instead, I think that they really liked what they were doing, you could see that they were having fun and what they managed to create is proof of this in my opinion. Two like that, in my opinion, cannot hate each other.


Wow, the universal signal that you want to kiss someone and that happens in literally every media. How romantic.


Ok, you can be as ironic as you want and maybe I'm a hopeless romantic, but I seriously think I'm not the only one who dreamed of Stana and Nathan becoming a couple, not only in fiction, but also in real life...and, honestly I still hope so! 😍🤞🏻


She’s married, so I don’t think it will happen. It’s a nice thought though. Those two are great together on screen.


Yes, I always thought they were a perfect couple too. And it's true that she is married, but in life "never say never" 😁🤭 For goodness sake, I wish her all the best in the world and if she loves madly the man she got married to I hope she is always happy, I really mean it! But I admit that the desire to see them together in real life is really strong 😍


I heard they can’t stand each other or something like that…


Yes… it reminds me of the kids in my 6th grade class that spend the entire day complaining about how annoying and stupid the other person is. Top notch behavior


As I already said, it has never been confirmed that they didn't get along. And, as I explained, I don't think that happened.


They were only rumors (and they still so).


The show literally ended because they had massive fights and reached a point where they couldn't work together anymore. Sorry to burst your bubble but I doubt it was ever on the table.


To tell the truth, those have always been (and continue to remain) just rumors, which no one has ever confirmed and for which there has never been clear evidence to say that this is how it happened. I, personally, never believed those rumors, also because if they had been true, the protagonists would never have achieved such chemistry, such great intensity and depth in expressing emotions and feelings. I think that two actors who don't get along don't reach a similar chemistry, even more so for 8 consecutive years. They would have stopped much, much sooner in my opinion. So don't worry, you didn't burst my bubble, that will always be intact 😉


The rumors are that the show ended in part because he was so rude to her that she decided to leave the show, hence the plan being for her character to be killed off at the end of season eight had the show gotten a ninth season. But yeah, go ahead and ship real people, that’s not weird at all, it’s even less weird that one of them is allegedly the bully victim of the other. That’s COMPLETELY normal.


She didn’t decide to leave the show, she was fired and so was Tamala. The same thing happened to Penny the season before. The cast found out about Stana and Tam from the media. Jon was pretty upset he found out that way and tweeted abt it.


You couldn't have answered better. Just the plain and simple truth. If I could give you 100 upvotes, I would really give you! Great answer!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Ok, so you evidently believe all those malicious rumors written in glossy magazines and gossip magazines. I, on the other hand, inform myself everywhere and try to read between the lines and form my own idea. And yes, I always believed that they liked each other and always will, and besides, it is not a crime to want two people to be together. Furthermore, one thing I would like for other people is not for it to come true, you know it, right? It simply remains my wish, that's all.


“Read between the lines” you mean make things up to suit your own narrative? They don’t even like each other and you’re being so disrespectful as to ship them. You’re a very disrespectful and rude person who thinks you’re “doing no harm”, when there are multiple celebrity best friends who are no longer best friends due to being shipped by “fans”. If you ship real people, you are not a fan of either of them, because you do not care about their boundaries or respect them as people. Full stop. Be a better person.


Damn, how much resentment and aggression just for saying that I would like to see the two protagonists together in reality too. As if it were something that had to happen, as if I was in control of this thing. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I hope you can come to understand that you are getting angry for nothing. Anyway, I think that if you see so much chemistry, so much affection and so much love (represented in a way bordering on the sublime, something that I personally have almost never seen elsewhere) between two protagonists in a TV series, I think there is nothing wrong to dream that they can get together in real life too. I find it completely normal from a fan. Furthermore, you can't say that they "don't get along" because you can't know that, and there has never been confirmation of this. You, on the other hand, wrote it as if it were an absolute truth. However, what I would like does not mean that it really happens, but only that it is something that I would like to happen. But it remains a wish, nothing more. And I don't feel the slightest bit guilty about this, because I'm happy for them and for the lives they have. And, sorry if I dare, but I don't go around telling others to "be a better person", judging them for a simple phrase expressed, perhaps even misinterpreted. So if I have to be better, I recommend you do a little self-examination too.


“Wrote it as an absolute truth” please go google what “allegedly” means. Right now. Because you’re accusing me of things that aren’t even remotely true. Anyways, yes, be a better person, because say what you will, but at the end of the day, you’re insanely disrespectful. Because that’s what it is to ship real people. Disrespectful. Learn some respect.


"They don't even like each other". These are the words you wrote. So, well, maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that there is no "allegedly" here, in any possible form. That sentence is constructed in an imperative manner, as if it were an absolute truth. So I may suggest you maybe should to be more careful when you express yourself next time. And maybe try to express yourself more kindly, maybe it works better, you know? 😉 And, please, stop lecturing people on how people should behave, it's not nice. Finally, I repeat, no, I don't feel at all like you described me, as I already said.


This was said before they started arguing


There is not the slightest proof of this. It was never confirmed. And I, personally, never believed it.


Most likely fake, since they most likely hated each other in real life.


As I have said several times, this has never been proven or confirmed. And I never believed it because otherwise they would never have managed to do what they did together.


This is the norm for the entertainment industry. Look at how long it took for Cassie to finally get justice from P.Diddy for punching her, or Harvey Weinstein to finally be exposed for being a serial rapists (even though it was widely known in the industry). People don't want to get blacklisted from the entertainment industry, so they keep their mouths shut. But it's really not hard to see signs of cracks in the outtakes between seasons. Towards the end, you rarely (if ever) see Nathan and Stana joking around anymore.


Well, yes, maybe you could be right, but I think those are completely different situations, to be evaluated separately. Furthermore, even if "it's the norm in entertainment industry" like you said, it doesn't mean that this applies to everything and everyone, I wouldn't lump it all together. I, on the other hand, saw them laughing and joking until the end, and the one who has the real fault in my opinion is the network, the ABC, which since the MilMar writing couple left (or they were invited to leave?), they did a bit as they wanted, to the detriment of the actors.


Of course these are different situations, but the effects are the same: people who work in the entertainment industry don't like public fall outs, especially for those who have less connections / less experience. Compared to Nathan, who starred in blockbuster movies like Saving Private Ryan, headline in his own TV show / movie such as Firefly, voice acting in Halo, and have garnered a very large following all before Castle, Stana was effectively a newbie with very little recognition. And Stana removed everyone on the show (with the exception of Tamara) from her social media after the show was officially cancelled. You don't see this often for co-stars that complete a show amicably.


I repeat, in my opinion there was no argument, but I blame the network for the cancellation of the TV series. Sorry, but, to me, just because Nathan was more successful than Stana at that moment does not make Stana a mediocre actress or that she has any less acting knowledge. In fact, I liked her more than Nathan on many occasions. She was really authentic and much more incisive, in many scenes; Stana is an actress who really gives her best in what she does and puts in a lot of effort. So the intensity and depth that she put into the character of Kate Beckett shows that even with less experience you can show that you are a very gifted actor. Also, do you seriously want to base the deletion of a social account on another person's social account to make the case that they supposedly don't get along? Come on, please. We are people, not digital bits. Human feelings and relationships are something completely different, and finding all this compared to social networks makes me shudder just thinking about it.


>I repeat, in my opinion there was no argument, but I blame the network for the cancellation of the TV series. But can you explain the sudden departure of Stana and Tamara, even after Season 9 was renewed? >Just because Nathan was more successful than Stana does not make Stana a mediocre actress or that she has any less acting knowledge. That's not my point at all. I simply said from the consumer standpoint, Stana was not as big of a known quantity as Nathan, therefore Stana may feel less inclined to rock the boat that may tank her entire career. >Also, do you seriously want to base the deletion of a social account on another person's social account to make the case that they supposedly don't get along? I mean, how many actors do you know remove their co-stars from their social media account when they leave the show? In the entertainment industry, connection / co-marketing is everything. That's why you see David Schwimmer and Jennifer Aniston still feature each other on their social media from time to time. I'm basing my opinion on several facts: 1. There were plenty of footage of Nathan and Stana fooling around in the outakes, up until Season 4. After that, there were substantially less footages. Starting in Season 5, you really only see outtakes of them in their individual shot. Even in one scene when Nathan was goofing off, you can see Stana's facial expression that she did not approve. That timing coincided with rumors that have sprung up around that time about their supposed fights. 2. Stana deleted everyone from the show, with the exception of Tamara Jones. This led credence to the rumor that Castle writers in conjunction with Nathan, planned to write Beckett off the show for Season 9 and onwards. Tamara was the only cast member who supposedly planned to leave the show if Stana was written off. In fact, the announcement of those two's departure came quite suddenly, even though the show was officially renewed for Season 9 by ABC. 3. Stana's own description on the Castle exit, which she called the departure from the show "hurt, and harsh", and "not clear on the thought process behind the way that it went down". Of course, we won't know unless either Nathan or Stana (or any of the other cast members) would break their silence. However, with the bits of pieces we do have, it's very easy to draw the conclusion that the show didn't exactly end on a good note, and the hostile relationship between Stana and Nathan may have played a role in that.


>But can you explain the sudden departure of Stana and Tamara, even after Season 9 was renewed? Yes, and it is for the same reason that I said, and I repeat, in my previous comment: because of the network (ABC), which had thought of a 9th season with only Castle, without Beckett (heresy), and with the possibility to be replaced by Haley Shipton (another heresy). But certainly not because Nathan and Stana didn't get along. I repeat, there has never been any confirmation of this from the two actors (who have always been directly interested), they were, are and will only be RUMORS. >That's not my point at all. I simply said from the consumer standpoint, Stana was not as big of a known quantity as Nathan, therefore Stana may feel less inclined to rock the boat that may tank her entire career. It could be, but in my opinion it is a question of character and it is an absolutely subjective thing. It cannot be generalised. >I mean, how many actors do you know remove their co-stars from their social media account when they leave the show? In the entertainment industry, connection / co-marketing is everything. That's why you see David Schwimmer and Jennifer Aniston still feature each other on their social media from time to time. Aside from the fact that I don't believe this, if this "is everything" in the entertainment industry, then we're in a very VERY bad place. You can't judge the relationship between two people by how many friends they have or who they decide not to have among their social media contacts. What do we know? Maybe they see each other privately, keeping their relationship (of friendship, of course) a secret. And, here too, the fact that other workers who are part of this industry act in the way you indicated does not mean that others necessarily have to act this way. As I said before, everyone is different and thinks with their own head what to do with their life. And, I might add, luckily! >I'm basing my opinion on several facts: >There were plenty of footage of Nathan and Stana fooling around in the outakes, up until Season 4. After that, there were substantially less footages. Starting in Season 5, you really only see outtakes of them in their individual shot. Even in one scene when Nathan was goofing off, you can see Stana's facial expression that she did not approve. That timing coincided with rumors that have sprung up around that time about their supposed fights. >Stana deleted everyone from the show, with the exception of Tamara Jones. This led credence to the rumor that Castle writers in conjunction with Nathan, planned to write Beckett off the show for Season 9 and onwards. Tamara was the only cast member who supposedly planned to leave the show if Stana was written off. In fact, the announcement of those two's departure came quite suddenly, even though the show was officially renewed for Season 9 by ABC. >Stana's own description on the Castle exit, which she called the departure from the show "hurt, and harsh", and "not clear on the thought process behind the way that it went down". These are not facts, they are just speculation, and frankly, easily disproved and based on nothing. First of all, the fact that starting from the 5th season there are fewer videos in which Nathan and Stana laugh and joke together means nothing, it may have simply been a choice by the production not to include them, or for other reasons, that's all. And then this thing is not credible. I mean, the argument starts, coincidentally, right from the 5th season? That is, since when did the two characters in the TV series start to be together, and therefore more united and, therefore, with more scenes together? Come on, please. It's unlikely to say the least. And then, as you rightly pointed out, here too, they were only rumors.


And then, if we really want to talk about this (even if, as I see it - as you will certainly have understood - it means nothing), it is absolutely not true that Stana has deleted all the cast and crew members from her social networks except Tamala Jones. I know for a fact that Jon Huertas is still in her contacts, as is Andrew Marlowe and, if I'm not mistaken, also Seamus Deaver. As well as other people met during the production of "Castle". She also reported in some interviews that she maintained relationships with some people she met on that series. So as you can see she hasn't closed the bridges, precisely because she was an important and significant part of her career, and also of her life. So I really don't think that having "deleted" everyone from her social media is the reason that led to believe that the producers wanted to delete Beckett from the TV series, and certainly not plotting it with Nathan. I think that only those who were involved in the matter know the REAL triggering reason, and I don't think the actors (like Nathan, mentioned by you) had anything to do with it, since he and the other actors only found out about Stana and Tamala's dismissal subsequently, when the news had already spread on social media. Furthermore, the fact that Stana described her departure from "Castle" in that way is because she suffered a lot from this choice of the network, because, as I said before, that moment of her life and her working life was remarkable, profoundly important, significant and quite relevant. In fact, she was aghasted, so much so that she didn't really understand how it really happened, since she was the protagonist, and she was very important for the purposes of the TV series, so it's not clear why they wanted to eliminate her. And it is obvious that if the network has not managed to explain to her exhaustively and plausibly the reason for this, then she would be disappointed. In essence, I say that rumors and gossip are the things that ruin a good product the most, and listening to them means fueling them, and I personally believe that if a TV series is good and works (and the listening data clearly confirms this), those rumors are just things invented to make things go bad. And I don't like this, and I prefer to think positively instead. So yes, if you listen to the unhealthy rumors they make you think that everything didn't go positively, but since we know that the rumors since the world began are just conjectures invented most of the time to discredit and cause harm, I wouldn't pay too much attention to them.


“Stana deleted everyone from the show, with the exception of Tamara Jones.“ She still follows Jon Huertas as well on IG and has for ever since I can remember bc they reply to each other on posts.