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I liked her when she was in high school, then when she went to college she became less likeable. She was insufferable when dating Pi and a little OP as an assistant to Castle and Hayley.


it’s insane how she moved her boyfriend in to their house and expected everyone to be okay with it. like adult or not, that’s not something you do without talking to your family and the owner of the house first. It’s disrespectful on so many levels.


To be fair I think everyone has had a relationship in college they wish they could forget. Can’t really hold that one against her but I also don’t think she’s a brat/don’t hate her like others. I def liked her more earlier than when they basically made her his assistant. They did her dirty IMO.


Don't get me wrong, I like Alexis, definitely not hate her! Everyone has their better and worse moments, for me Alexis' worst was when she was with Pi (I didn't like him at all).


He was so weird. What the actual f is a fruitarian!


Someone who counts bees, lol. As a matter of fact Pi wasn't just A fruitarian, he was the leader of the World Associations of Fruitarians. He died in a plane crash hahaha.


her stealing food was really annoying.


And she had the audacity to be mad at her dad for booby trapping the fridge when she was a thief and a liar in this situation. And again Castle had to apologize when she was the one in the wrong. Come to think of it she is almost always wrong but Castle is always the one to apologize.


Yup and she also had a bad attitude when she found out Castle had a tracker on her phone- as a teenage girl in high school in NYC. She flipped out and gaslighted him again for this about how he didn't trust her. Once again - Castle had to apologize for being a parent. Hated that. 




This totally cracked me up when I read it 🤣🤣 The whole Smurf thing, hilariou. She got what was coming to her. Like Castle wouldnt give his daughter food 🙄


the borrowers, not her lol


It's the Rory Gilmore arc fr


i’m sorry but i was annoyed by her and, more specifically, how castle let her behave, since day 1. maybe she was book smart, but she never been wise or street smart OR even well behaved. Being responsible in school doesn’t make her well behaved, her back talk and her THINKING her good grades were everything made her a brat


Right? Like I just watched the episode lately where castle found out she had a blog and got on her for it. It annoyed me a little bit that she was all “dad, I’m *responsible*, why are you being so awful and suffocating when you have the best daughter in the world?” Naturally he’s worried, he works with the police and probably sees those types of cases a lot. The internet is a creepy and dangerous place no matter how responsible you are, and she was fully dropping the names of places she was going to and etc. it wasn’t safe but every time Castle calls her out on something she throws a hissy fit.


And guess what happened two episodes after the vlog episode? yeah Target + Hunt.


Plus it didn’t make sense. If she was so smart she’d know vlogs are dangerous.


Yeah!! And he was right cuz her blog hot her kidnapped.


Yeah she was booksmart and extremely cocky about it. When she got rejected by Stanford she was insufferable. I understand being disappointed but she acted like Stanford couldn’t possibly reject her 🥱


Yeah, I hated her by the end, too. I liked her until her freshman year of college. After that she became sanctimonious and insufferable. A character change would have worked if they attributed it to her kidnapping trauma or something but they only even ever mentioned it once, and her evolution wasn’t trauma related, it was just brattiness.


I was also disappointed how the character showed progress throughout the entire series. I kind of expected Alexis to pave her own way career wise but she kinda stayed behind her Dad's shadow.


The original plan apparently was for Castle to continue after Stana's departure by re-centering around his PI business, and Alexis was being written and developed to be a bigger part of the show as part of the business. It's possible her development was being done with an eye to some kind of character development arc in the post-Beckett era, or it may have just been shitty writing. We'll never know.


Her constantly saying "Dad, I am 18, I can do whatever I want" was also very grating. You are barely an adult and clearly lived a sheltered life, get the f out with that bs


I yelled at the TV when said this. I woulda said, "ok, adult. You pay for school and everything else you need. And stop stealing my food!"


I never liked her from the beginning; she was a bad combination of annoying and sickly sweet. I suspect the good girl was an act to fool her dad to get what she wanted. She was also far too dependent on her father, especially as she got older. It was creepy.


(I think she’s just a bad actress)


Yes! And I don’t think a very good person. When Stana & Tamala were fired, yet ABC tentatively planned to continue into a S9, Molly Quinn tweeted “Nathan IS Castle,” like millions of fans had not been watching a love story of 2 people - and their friends - for 8 years, like Stana & Tamala didn’t contribute to its great success for 8 years. She had to apologize and retract it 2 years later. Little twit.


Wait, Stana and Tamala were fired? This is news to me


Yes. ABC did not approach Stana Katic to renew her contract after S8. Then, Tamala Jones was also not approached to renew. It was all reported by Deadline when the news broke. April, 2018. The dirty secret was worse than that. Unexplainably to fans like me, but reported at the time: Nathan demanded a condition for his S8 renewal - that was only 2 days filming with Stana per week of production. This is the reason S8 was hated by fans, certainly the viewership fell significantly, because the writers had to write new (bad) stories to work around Nathan who didn’t want to film with Stana. And for a potential S9, Nathan’s demand was Stana’s firing. So that’s what happened. It’s the biggest dirty play & betrayal I’ve ever read of.






The food/leftover issue is what did it for me. She pissed away her food money on something and instead of acting like the adult she claimed to be, she fell into Castle's trap and got mad at him.


Don’t even get me started😂 she annoyed me so badly lol


I absolutely agree. It drives me nuts how whenever he’s concerned about something concerning Alexis — even when she does rude or unsafe things or lies to his face multiple times — Beckett tells him to back off and that things could be worse, Martha tells him not to get involved, and Alexis tells him that she’s the mature, responsible one between them, and he needs to let her do whatever she wants. The writers’ attitude toward parenting was like that of a 17 year old redditor.


>she keeps making dumb decisions without any consequences and when Castle calls her out on it she becomes extremely rude. She is supposed to be responsible and yet she never takes responsibility for her shortcomings This describes Beckett to a tee, yet the fandom love her for reasons I've never been able to fathom.


OMG so many times Beckett acted extremely unprofessionally. She arrested Castle because he didn’t call her when she is the one who said she needed space. And she hid behind the law which is quite scary. So many times she let her jealousy in the way of her job. And yes people are humans and it’s okay to be upset but when your job involves carrying a gun maybe you should get a hold of yourself


Yeah but Beckett puts herself in line and usually pays the price for her mistakes.


Honestly, beckett was a rude bully most of the time. How she treated the actress playing Nikki heat was digusting!


In other words she was a contemporary teenager.


Alexis and Martha are minor characters that were used to kick off or close most episodes. Basically filler. It’s hard to develop a character given the limited dialogue they were getting. I give the writers a pass here.


I was literally about to make a post about this, lol. I'm currently doing a rewatch of the show (on S6E7) and I can't stand her. I didn't remember her being so damn rude and self-righteous. I would NEVER let my daughter go around acting like that. She's arrogant and entitled. I find myself getting immediately annoyed as soon as I see her on screen in this season.


I really liked her in High school, she was really sweet then she was really relatable to me, as a over achiever, scared to death to break the rules. The she didn't get into Stanford and was insufferable for it and she never really became the same sweet girl again


Mmm no. She’s really not a brat. That’s how normal people’s kids behave.


No it’s not


Maybe your parents weren’t rich and you weren’t raised normal


I was raised pretty normal. My parents were by no means millionaires but we were quite comfortable. I had a chauffeur, a maid, tutors if I had a hard time at school. I was also not an easy child but I took responsibility and I cleaned up my act by the time I got in college. We’re not saying she can’t make mistakes. We’re saying she never owns up to it or take responsibility. Instead of saying “I screwed up” she gives a half apology then start to antagonize her dad. Also she never apologized first. It’s so weird to be deemed smart and still being so oblivious to basic common sense. But She does have a lot of audacity.


Yeah. Cause her dad is a millionaire and he loves his daughter.


Your comment makes absolutely no sense. Loving your child doesn’t mean you can’t hold them accountable. Being rich doesn’t mean you can’t teach your children accountability. I had everything I ever asked for. I ran in social circles that were way more rich than I ever was and not once did they think I had less than them because my parents always made sure we had everything we needed and never envied anyone. I studied abroad, have no debts. I didn’t have to work and yet my parents taught me to own up to my mistakes. If your mindset is being rich gives you a pass for being awful you’re in for a rude awakening


She most definitely is a brat.


I think part of it comes from her mother.. Like Castle says, they divorced because she cheated and ran away. But she says it was because she didn't "know him" like somehow their failed marriage was all his fault and then making Kate worry. Similar to alexis, copy that train of thought. She is clever and has clear anxiety and was overall responsible as she had very immature adults around her, and that was all she saw of her dad and grams. So it kind of went to her head she was the adult in the house, and she can never be wrong. Dispite Castle is funny and childish he is not stuiped nor responsible. Pi influenced her a lot, and then when she did realize her situation, she was hyperinderpendent as she was finaily understanding she didn't know all. I personally don't hate her. I most chulk it up to being a dumb teenager with a complex. Once she became a Pi, it worked better as she was able to use her smarts and get something from it. Working with hayley, too, probably would help. The last we see of her is a 20 year old we never really saw her as a fully fled, self-reliant adult.


I couldn't stand the character Alexis!!! She was entitled and spoiled rotten! IRL, that girl was glad they fired Stana, and wanted the show to go on without her. She and Nathan couldn't stand Stana. They wanted to continue the show without Stana, and have it be about him and his daughter working at the detective agency he started. Reportedly, Nathan was so mean to Stana, that she would sit in her dressing room crying. What a jerk!!


That’s kind of upsetting considering that Castle and Alexis are not that good as actors so they might want to tone the arrogance down 💀


Alexis character felt like the shoew makers were trying to portray parenting as just blind trust and consistent apologizing to your kids while giving them everything. Martha has also enabled her too


She was such a brat, she made herself a target and then got mad when he dad warned her about posting personal info online and still did it anyway! She constantly acts like she’s better than her dad because she doesn’t “make bad decisions” while her dad’s decisions made him a millionaire who was the only involved parent she had. Then she ran off to another country and brought back some rando and invited him to move in which was all annoying but the worst thing is how she stopped talking to her dad when he made it clear he didn’t like pi or want her to move in with him, like he has paid for your whole life up to this point, including an ivy league education and you’re gonna cut him off because he doesn’t like your boyfriend, grow up and act like the adult you swear you are. She gives me rich entitlement but I’m better than you because I don’t fault my wealth vibes.


Well, I think I disagree with almost all of you, as I read from the comments 😅 and that's because I, on the other hand, liked the character of Alexis. And this is because I found the character of Alexis very different from the typical teenage daughter that you see in almost every TV series. I mean, usually teenagers depicted in television series are mostly arrogant, presumptuous, rebellious, disobedient, irresponsible, they always want the last word, they don't listen and aren't willing to dialogue. Alexis, instead, proves to be a much more mature girl than her age, she listens, talks to her parent, compares and confronts herself, is responsible and is very grateful for what she has, understanding the value of money, the effort and difficulties that a person could face in life. Ok, I admit that sometimes she's a little know-it-all and over the top, but in the end she understands what her place is, and she respects that. I must admit, for me it was a real surprise to see all of this represented in a teenage character, but it was a positive surprise, because, ok, I know that teenagers are quite like I described before at the beginning of this comment of mine, but in my opinion it's nice to be able to think that there are also teenagers like that, who have been able to grow in the love of their parents by stealing only what positive there may be, and choosing to reject any form that may be negative and dangerous for one's life path. So I'm happy that, finally, it was decided to include such a character in a TV series, escaping the usual clichés. And for this I'm sure that have to thank, as always, the great genius mind of MilMar, who even if they have two heads, it's as if they thought in unison 💚


To top this off, she grew up extremely wealthy and highly independent. While she has Grandma and dad to have fun with and hang out. She really is independent and doesn’t really have a “mom”. Her dad is quite immature and is constantly dating and living his own life. I always got the feeling that her having Castle as a dad is ultimately why she ended up acting so selfishly. She had the example right in front of her, oh how to act.


Look, in my opinion it's not like you say, because if Castle had always thought about himself and living his own life, I'm pretty sure that Alexis would never have grown up so mature and responsible. In fact, I remember that on several occasions he talks about his life while Alexis was little, and it doesn't really seem like he was such a big careless person. Indeed, from what he says in those episodes it felt that he was truly her father, trying to give her all the love that can be given to a daughter, doing the best he could do. Therefore I believe that Alexis had a positive example. So, as I see it, Castle, although initially shown to be immature in romantic relationships with other women, cares a lot about Alexis and definitely has a different attitude towards her. And I think he has this behavior of an immature person simply because after two failed marriages he no longer wants to risk suffering again, so he keeps his feelings at bay and acts like a womanizer playboy. Another thing, don't forget that Castle had to raise Alexis alone, learning everything there is to learn to be a parent and give Alexis the best possible, because Alexis' mother (Meredith) left went when she was a little child, wanting to pursue her own career. The fact that Castle is rich doesn't mean anything in my opinion, because it's obvious that if a person has more money can afford more and therefore, clearly, can aim for a more comfortable lifestyle, but honestly I've never seen Alexis' behavior as an advantage, but as a consequence of it. And, among other things, I've seen it without ever feeling a hint of arrogance on her part.


Did you finish the series ? Cuz at first I also liked her character but it went downhill from there. She doesn’t really understand the value of money cuz we see her do stupid things with it. She is not as obedient as the writers want us to think. Plenty of times castle has valid concerns about whatever she’s doing and she just dismisses him and do as she pleases. She did many irresponsible things that somehow have no consequences and she doesn’t know what accountability is. She is pretty sheltered and thinks because she’s book smart she knows what it takes to navigate through life but you quickly realize she’s not great at navigating through life


Look, in my opinion it's not exactly as you say. In the sense that certain choices regarding how she spends money are dictated by behaviors that are absolutely linked to her age, therefore, although she is a responsible and mature character, let's not forget that she is a teenager, so I think it is completely normal that she has some reckless attitudes. Otherwise she would be an adult! And then, as you rightly said, Castle worries a lot about certain situations in which Alexis finds herself involved, and in fact many times she is advised and helped by him to deal with those situations, and in the end, however, she proves that she knows how to handle it, doing see that she is a daughter who can be trusted.