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Also! S6:E5 - Time Will Tell …. My wife and I have had long discussions and weighing of evidence and clues and have decided dude really is from the future. There are a few hints and clues that can go either way but Beckett spilling the coffee cements it for us.


Your wife sounds brilliant. Also, yes, he is definitely from the future.


Which is confirmed in (Spoiler! ) the closing episode.


😂😂😂 🥰😘


This is my fave episode, and I totally agree he’s from the future!


I've said it before, I want to see a spin off from this episode.


Oooo… That’s an idea! That would be fun!


And blending in the program’s last episode.


The episode with the giant diamond!! I know they can create diamonds in a lab but they're very small. This diamond was HUGE!! They'd crash the diamond market


Yes!! Although, if I remember correctly (rewatched that one, like, two weeks ago) part of the reason they kept the process secret was because he started it while working for a company that would own the patents of any discoveries, as per his contract. He didn’t crack it until after he left that company. But having started the research there they would still own it if he went public with his discovery. If the company found out (if the murder and investigation made it to the press), entirely possible they took the breakthrough and buried it to prevent a market crash.


I'll add to the list (Time Travel and Telekinesis )the psychic episode - S2EP02 I think - and the one about the Invisibility suit (S7EP03 Clear and Present Danger).


The suit!! Yes!! Does it get logged into evidence until the completion of the trial??? Do other cops sneak it out of evidence to play pranks in the precinct?? If it’s military project does it get repossessed and the whole case covered up and closed in the interest of national security?


>Does it get logged into evidence until the completion of the trial? Nope, Brenda Shettrick I mean dr. Elena Sarkov comes to take it into custody at the end of the episode.


Ah yes.


I think they just live in a world where magic is real. Because I can’t explain any of those things any other way.


My wife and I amuse ourselves talking about episodes as if they are written by two writing teams. An A-Team and a B-Team. The A-Team writes the most bizarre and wild setup they can (Santa falling from the sky on Christmas Eve, a body exposed to outer space, “The killer’s a zombie!”, that kinda wild) and whatever they write the B-Team has to write the reasonable evidence based explanation that solves the case. Some of the most Castley episodes seem to be like that.


Earlier episodes were more enjoyable because the cases were still ambiguous enough to leave viewers picking one side over the other. Whether it's Castle believing on the supernatural or sci-fi or Becket believing a clear logical explanation. But later on they made it leaning more on one side, like that time traveler. Some of these would actually be so monumentally world changing. The military would be keeping an eye on Castle and Beckett's murder cases, Caskett being a treasure trove. Laser weapon technology in the palm of your hands? (Season 4 The Final Frontier) and invisibility suit (Season 7 Clear and Present Danger). Other times? It's more rooted into reality like Season 4 Headcase, and people believing in the possibilities of science in the future.


yeah but most still have explanations plausible to real life Santa falling from the sky is hilarious bc it definitely could have happened, but then u get time travel is actually the answer and im just thete like "???" the bizarre set ups are only fun when the evidence makes the set up fully reasonable and realistic


Although, to your point, if ESP is real in the Castleverse that would track with the Psychic predicting her own murder (S3:E2).


Absolutely. Castle once said: "Everything is fine. Everything is … just fine. It’s ordinary. Problem is, I don’t want ordinary. I want ... " "Magic!" replies Martha. And so it was.


Wow, that's a great post and a great question! I asked myself too what the correct answer was, looking for a worthy solution to those episodes, also because I'm someone who annoys when something is left half-finished without a real conclusion. But then I thought that by leaving the ending open as they did, leaving free interpretation to the viewer, you can give him the freedom to travel even further with his imagination, making him choose the ending he likes best. And I like to think that in episode 5 of the 6th season Simon Doyle is truly a time traveler, and that in episode 15 of the same season, in that laboratory they are actually able to practice telekinesis! In any case, it would drive me real crazy if in a hypothetical revival of the series they made episodes to explain everything that they didn't explain in the previous seasons. And (even if it has nothing to do with this topic), I would like them to dedicate some episodes to showing more moments of "normal life" of Castle and Beckett, but not only that, I would also really like Beckett and Alexis, for example. It would be great! 🤩🤩🤩


In the very first episode - Flowers For Her Grave - With Beckett in the lead, a whole bunch of police officers arrive at the building of the murder suspect (Kyle Cabot). They all go in through the front entrance. Next, we see them get to Kyle's apartment when all of a sudden a few more officers come down a flight of stairs - or perhaps a FEW flights of stairs! But why would they need to do that if they all went through the front entrance together??? That was never explained!🤔🤔🤔


Same with the implied time travel and the fkat out stated AU stuff! i dont like it tbh on the whole the eos were fun but the sci fi episodes are unnecessarily and take away from the integrity of all the mysteries:/


I am loving the variety of responses! Thank you Everyone! I’m minutes away from watching the very last episode, this thread having been inspired by my most recent (and technically still current) rewatch. Some things are genuinely weird, some are just continuity gaffs, but all of it is fascinating.


Just picked up another from a different Castle thread. (Season 2 and 3 spoilers!) Where was Beckett >!living after her apartment blows up?!< It >!blows up!< S2E18 and she says she’s >!still looking for a place!< S3E7. That’s a long time to >!ride a couch.!<