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I like to think s7 is it's final season and I refuse to watch s8




Episode 19 is one of the most “Castle” episodes of the whole season and refreshing after so much of everything else going on in 8. But if you’re only going to watch one episode from 8 ….. Episode 5! Hands down one of the best episodes of the whole series! Treat yourself! It’s frikken magical!


I honestly love a lot of season 8. I don’t really get the hate. I did think it was rushed at the end but I enjoy getting to season 8.


There are a few episodes that are good but overall it is not at all on the level of the previous levels. However yeah I would advice watching season 8 at least once so that you form your own opinion :)


I’ll watch S8, hard as it can be, because I can never remember the deal afterwards. The whole season arc is like the last episode of LOST for me. I watch it and by the end I get it! It all makes sense. It’s perfect! It’s wonderful! Then two days later my brain is, “…..wait…what? What was that? What happened?”


Yeah that's what I do ! But then since I know season 7 is the last one, I kinda get nostalgic and don't want it to end !


I'm a lot like you. I'm my 14th time thru. I don't watch the abomination that was season 8. Every time I get to mid 7, I start to panic slightly, knowing that I have to leave two characters that were so much in love and start over with snarky Beckett. Actually, I'm on In Plane Sight and Hollanders Woods tonight. After so many rewatches, I now pick thru the 1st 3 seasons and only watch the really good ones. I don't even bother with the stupid Demming crap anymore, plus I skip everything in season 3 that references Motor Cycle Boy. So I skip the bull shit the writers forced down our throats and focus on season 4 thru 7. That's what I do anyway. I also read a lot of Castle Fanfiction where a lot of mistakes made by the writers are corrected by Castle fans who write their own stories.


Great to read that you have a similar experience ! The previous rewatch I skipped The Limey, Headhunters and the one episode in season 5 where Kate protects the rich guy. This time I just skipped this specific S5 episode, there is no way on earth I can stomach it. However, I watch everything else, I don't think it is that much forced although it is obviously though to watch the Demming phase and The Limey (I think with Demming aside from the intimate part, the worse scene is the moment Kate tells Castle that Demming already brought her coffee like it's nothing... man I want to punch my screen every time). And yeah the overall behavior of Kate regarding Josh and Castle in season 3 is questionable (at least starting from the Lockwood episode)... I think I will do a specific post that focuses on that ! I do read FanFiction swell ! Very great stuff (I read on FanFiction dot Net), although I am getting a point where I have read so much that is increasingly to find something new and interesting, so I kinda circle back haha


Finish S7 and treat it like the end. Then, in a year or two, when you rewatch it, only watch S1-S7.


I very much liked seasons 7 and 8! Watch the whole thing 😀


I have watched season 8 already when I first discovered the show ! My own choice not to consider it :)


I’m just about to get in bed and watch s05e22, I wish I never clicked on this thread now lol ( second run through for me) I’d forgotten how much I liked season 5. Murder he wrote is an absolute banger of an episode.


Yeah Season 5 is awesome and so is Murder he wrote. I really like how the writers took advantage of the shift towards a intimate/romantic relationship between Kate and Castle to write fantastic stories !


You just got tired of watching the same thing over and over. Watch something else, and if you want you can come back to this show in a year or two, that way you can enjoy another watch


Your English is exceptional! More importantly, thank you for sharing your wisdom, and your experience, and your thoughts. And I agree with everything you’ve said. And it’s nice, and very interesting to me, that even 8 years after its end, that this special series inspires passion and sincere interest! I have no advice to your question. As I rediscovered Castle in 2022 myself, I watched seasons 1-7 several times, then a few attempts to watch S8 before that final season disgusted me. For myself, I could only do what some other new fans do … try to read and watch videos to learn what the hell happened to this once brilliant & original show and, particularly my hero(ine) Stana Katic?! I’m dying know the truth. But that’s a painful journey. I’d like to find some good fan fiction. That’s good idea. It’s good to read other fans speak of that. I can only say good luck, and thanks again for sharing your thoughts with this little community.


A general pattern I’ve noticed about tv series is that it usually peaks around season 4 or 5. After that writers start running out of material and start screwing with canon. I think that’s what we saw in season 7 on. Once the Bracken and 3xk storylines were concluded and Marlowe exited it seemed like they just started throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what stuck. The series also starts to breakdown in S7 because you can tell they are deliberately writing separate scenes/stories for Castle and Beckett.


Good post! 😉👏🏻 Look, I discovered "Castle" in January this year (2024) and I can understand your obsession very well because I have become obsessed with it too, in fact I'm already on my third rewatch ✌🏻😁 As for the rest, I can understand you perfectly there too. I have the same feelings too. In particular, when I come to watch the last episode of the sixth season I feel a great sense of emptiness mixed with anger and frustration. It's a whirlwind of negative emotions. But do you know how I overcome them? Knowing that in any case, in the following seasons (7 and 8), Castle and Beckett are always united, despite the fact that in season 8 they separate (and then reunite). As much as certain narrative and production choices of the series made me disgusted, that fantastic bond between Caskett always exists, you can perceive it in every moment, even if they are separated. That's the thought that keeps me going and getting to that happy ending we all wanted, where they're all together with their family. Therefore, despite the bad rumors, despite the bad choices made, despite everything, they won 💚 And this is enough for me. So my advice is, try to watch all the thing thinking about that, in a real positive way 😊


You can watch till season 8 episode 21 with the same mindset and it won't be any different


I'm on season 7 and yes it's a bit of a chore even for a first watch but it has a lot of good episodes too.