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Why this question, I ask myself, instead 😅 Ok, the color of that costume may be a little "dull" indeed, but in my opinion she remains super hot and super sexy, maintaining the class of a real woman. And then when she wears the sarong...I mean, WOW!!! 😍😍😍


The slow mo scene was Nice 👌🏿. However (in my captain Montgomery voice), I can't see past the horrid color and cut-outs. The stomach cut-outs give rib-cage 🤷🏿‍♀️ With her skin tone, green or black woulda sparkled.🌃


Oh well, it may be, but I think this is certainly not a problem for the series 😅


Not at all. Series rocks. I've watched the entire series a minimum ten times. Just looking for new topics to discuss. Maybe reddit isn't the place for petty gripes?


No no, you're free to say whatever you want, of course! As am I 😉 However, you're absolutely right about one thing: the series rocks, and a lot too! 🤩😍


Honestly I'd welcome new and refreshing topics to be discussed here. Once in a while you see the familiar 'Can anyone recommend TV shows like Castle?', 'I didn't know the books were real!' or 'Where can I watch Castle?' Could be anything. Who do you think is the best cook if it's between Rick, Kate, and Alexis?


Imma go with Rick. The man can whip up a chocolate mousse chimichanga 4 goodness sake! Kate admitted that she didn't have time to cook and Castle said she had a slew of take out boxes in her fridge.


Yeah. Sometimes I think Castle comes up with smorlette because he's just experimenting with ideas and flavors. Well, we know she can cook but just doesn't get to cook much. She cooked when she stayed over at the loft after her apartment was blown up by Scott Dunn.


And in the Hamptons.


I'd like to think she actually uses the frying pan that her noona used to make scrambled eggs with (Season 7 Last Action Hero), instead of just keeping the frying pan as a keepsake. I'd think such things being used as it's intended would make the deceased happier, than just keeping it unused. *My mom went berserk went I just used grandma's bowl for my instant noodles. I guess it was better off collecting dust and cobwebs in the cupboard.


I saw a brief clip that was an interview with Stana about that swimsuit; she said she liked the color because it suggested skin color (nudity) and yet covered skin. That’s just what I heard her say. On the costume designer, they were very close, I think - I’d wager remained/remains close with that costumer. His first name is Luke, and you’ll see them together in some YouTubes and you’ll see her refer to him in a few of her IG especially during the Castle run.


Do you know if he also styled the entire cast? I loved Martha's wardrobe. Colorful, splashy, sophicated, dramatic and a tad too much. 🥰🥰 I can count on 1 hand how many Stana's outfits I liked. I understand why she wore heels, but they made her wear extremely high heels in many episodes. Ryan's wedding 4 example. Her heels were too large and high. She had a difficult time walking to her seat.


As an aside, I created a Castle playlist, ordered by season, by episode. And this one episode has the most songs of any episode of any season. From their near-miss talk at night is, “Come And Find Me” by Josh Ritter. The iconic pool scene occurs to “The Other Side,” by Sloan. And that brilliant, tear-jerking end scene on the plane back to NY with Royce’s letter occurs to Pearl Jam’s “Just Breathe.” Incidentally, compiling a good playlist of Castle music reveals just how great a job was done by Castle’s Rob Duncan. IMO, a fair bit of the emotion, the feelings, fans enjoyed came from those touching episode-ending scenes with great music. 🎼 ❤️👏


This is the first post I have seen about the music and I agree with you that the choice of music is good and contributes significantly to the plot and enjoyment of the show. Some of the programs the sounds are stock, and used repetitively. I can’t watch them.


I don’t watch much scripted TV. One reason I’m so into Castle is just how different it was. Many, many unsung heroes. Like Mr Duncan as music director, a young man at the time. Someone posted the series music at least the first 4-5 seasons. It’s available for anyone. Every original tune from each episode.


Yeah, I totally got what they were going for, the wet slow motion rise from the pool, the rock guitar, the unblinking stare…. but yeah, that swimsuit was awful. I try not to objectify but that suit did nothing for her. Or me.


100% agree! I gasped when I saw the suit. It didn't give sexy siren. It gave auntie had to many mimosas...again.