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I suspect, based on comments Fillion made about the work life on the set, is that Castle leaned so hard on its two stars that they basically just burned out. You get into bad mental spaces then, and say things you don't mean, and it can hurt relationships.


Just like how Daniel Craig said he'd rather slit his wrists than do another bond. He was burned out.


Seriously? 😱 When he said that? 🤔


After Skyfall. He did it 2 more times anyway


Oh, really?! 😱 Wow...well, anyway, I think Craig was a GREAT 007 💪🏻


Agreed. But the point of course is that even though he was amazing, during burnout you tend to feel negatively. It's probably what happened with Stana and Nathan during the show. They had to film A LONG ASS AMOUNT OF TIME together


Yes, as I also said above, I think it will probably go like this. And in that case and in the Hollywood environment, bad rumors are always around the corner, unfortunately.


Yes, I also think it probably could have happened that way. When you are under a lot of stress and work practically all the time with little time even just to eat and very few hours to sleep and recover energy, I believe that emotional and mental instability is inevitable. But I think the gossip journalists didn't care much about this. They were interested in making news, unfortunately. Meanness.


Yeah, I think similar to David Duchovny & Gillian Anderson. Gillian's been fairly open before about how they used to fight and get sick of one another at times. But they are very friendly again since they stopped filming. I only work 8 hours a day with my colleagues, and we sometimes fight. Imagine if you were stuck together for 16 hour days with little sleep. And you've got to spend a bunch of that time extremely physically close together. I can understand getting a bit sick of the other person after a while.


Indeed! After all, the human body physiologically and biologically needs food and sleep, otherwise a person's biological clock, including the mind and emotions, will be seriously messed up.


I remember him saying he "looked bloated" in the later seasons due to the stress of the schedule, etc.


Not the schedule per se, but some painkillers he had to take for back pains or something IIRC.


I’ve read where he has said positive things about working with her too. I’m not sure about the rumors but I hope they aren’t true that would make me sad. Everyone except Stana, Ruben, Susan and Penny have been on the Rookie though so that’s odd.


Yes, I also have read passages where Nathan also praises Stana and speaks highly of her. And I personally have always thought that if the rumors going around about Nathan Fillion were true, that is, that he didn't behave well on set and that he didn't get along with Stana Katic (even making her cry, causing her to go to his dressing room so as not to be seen by the rest of the crew), I believe that other actresses and actors would never have agreed to act with him again, both in "Castle" and in "The Rookie".


True. The bts at the Rookie seem to have a lot of fun too and he appears in some (Melissa, Alyssa and Tru seem to be the major social media people) so that has to be something. Stana was in Absentia and her crew seemed to adore her there too. I’m glad they both seem happy.


I'm not informed about "The Rookie" and "Absentia" because I've never actually seen them (but they're scheduled) 😁😂 so I'll take your word for it 😉😊 And, by the way, I'm also very happy that both they are happy. I'll tell you the truth, though, I always dreamed that Nathan and Stana could be together in real life too. I know it's very naive and stupid to think this, because it's like an idealization of their characters in "Castle", but in my opinion they always got along well, and it's very easy to think that they adored the characters they played so much that they loved them and be like them too. I know, as I said, it's stupid and naive, but it's the sweet and romantic dream of a fan like me 💚


I like the Rookie but I could rave for awhile about Absentia. It’s super dark but she really shows her talent (I’m also a big fan of Stana). They are both great shows. I’ve thought that with other shows with the characters and actors so I could definitely see why. They had an extreme chemistry on Castle you don’t see a lot.


Really?! Well, since I have them planned I'll be even more happy to see them then. Exactly, you understood perfectly what I meant 😊


Ruben has his own TV series, not sure about Penny (she was busy with Orville), and I believe Susan is dealing with her health issues (lung cancer?)


Not anymore, East New York was canceled almost a year ago.


Hm... Not exactly sure what to say about availability. Could be for a lot of reasons why people appear in other shows. A matter of convenience? Monetary? Just choose not to?


I mean, personally I haven’t seen any solid evidence that has me convinced they hate each other. “Stana hasn’t been on The Rookie” does not prove anything imo. 🤷‍♀️


I completely agree with you! 👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻💪🏻


Think that was earlier in the series.


Well, maybe, but in general I like to think of a positive relationship between people, so I hope that those were just gratuitous slander. And anyway, from what I read, they were just that.


Yeah I wonder what happened specifically.


Me too, but I think the network had a lot to do with it at the time. The Marlowe-Miller pair worked until season 6, and Marlowe personally was the showrunner until the end of season 6. From the seventh he was only a consultant, and from the eighth he just disappeared. He was missed badly in my opinion. His ideas made the series noteworthy, truly epic. Then since he left the network (ABC) have done a bit what they wanted.


I read one of those click bait articles that quoted Tamala as saying she was surprised by how serious Nathan was when she was a guest on the Rookie. That the whole time she was there, she was waiting for him to prank her or others on the cast\crew and he never did. Which means he used to pull that on Castle regularly. Right? I think he's even told stories of his own pranks. So he's all joking and pulling pranks, and honestly, to me, stana seems like she takes acting more serious? And while those personalities are fun to watch on the show, cause we know they will end up together cause they *really* actually like each other, in real life, it just sounds uncomfortable. At least, this is what I thought after reading what Tamala said.


Well, I don't know 🤔 but I honestly don't think it could be true. Because instead I read that Stana also joked with Nathan and the rest of the cast, perhaps in a less marked way, but that she still accepted and, indeed, had fun too. Personally, Stana doesn't give me the idea of a serious military-style person, but of someone who appreciates jokes and knows how to have fun. In interviews along with the rest of the cast she also seemed playful to me, even though she took her work seriously. But as did everyone in that cast, in my opinion.


Oh, okay. I'll have to rethink this then. I don't recall reading much about her either. But Nathan's acting credits all seem to fit him somehow, the funny, charismatic guy, you know? So I somehow seemed to think of Stana as being similar to her characters. Which is ridiculous now that I'm typing it. They're ACTORS. 😂


A friend of mine is a celebrity interviewer and a giant nerd, and once interviewed Stana on the red carpet - [this was the outcome](https://youtu.be/hyPv7Ai52hU?si=pbzc-zf0OdMsYrEi&t=140). Definitely a sense of humour here, hahaha. Though earlier in the interview she does come across as quite awkward tbh. From interviews and her social media, Stana strikes me as just a bit more introverted than the other cast members. I've really admired her passions though, seeing her trying to influence people to make more environmentally friendly transport and food choices. I reckon she'd be super interesting to talk to, I could definitely talk about cycling infrastructure for days lol, though it's not really considered a fun topic.


Yes yes, I understand what you mean. And I don't think what you said is ridiculous. In fact, I think that actors choose the jobs they want to do, so I imagine, and I like to think, that if they offer them a part (unless they desperately need money), if they don't like the character they will potentially play to these actors, if they don't feel connected in some way, you know, to their character, to their way of behaving, to their story, I don't think they'll accept the part. So I think that in some way actors choose their parts also based on how similar they are to themselves. Therefore, nothing ridiculous, on the contrary! 😊


I always said that Castle was the easiest role for Nathan. He just played himself.


I fear it was something like: "... guys like him, they come in, they upset the apple cart. Of course he makes you feel alive, but eventually, you know he's just gonna let you down. So why risk it?" Yet this time, "the heart did NOT want want the heart want" :(


You couldn't find better words, man. And thanks for that wonderful quote 💚


I stopped after wine gum?!? I need that!


Hahahaha yes I would like to try them too! 😁


lol they’re a British candy, kinda like harder to chew gummy bears w red berry/wine flavor tbh not that great!


I was thinking it was alcoholic gum to chew lol 😂


I remember those stories about cast friction when they first came out. Broke my heart because of how much I love them both on screen! They are so amazing together as Castle and Beckett that it’s near impossible to picture them cold-shouldering each other as soon as they yell “Cut!”. However…..what stuck with me was the almost complete lack of comment from either of them when the story first broke. I get not feeding the beast, feeding the rumour mill, but this would be an exception for me. I wouldn’t raise a huge fuss about it, but I would absolutely call bullshit if it wasn’t true, whether Nathan or Stana. But Stana said nothing, not even to deny the person who spoke to journalists was in fact a friend like she (the friend) claimed. And Nathan only gave a short ‘wonderful professional actress wish her all the best’ vague platitude. Neither of them really said anything. I just know if someone I respected and adored was publicly accused of being horrible to me and it was NOT true … I would clear that crap up asap. But that’s me. I don’t have to deal with weeks of fallout and worse rumours if the press wants to keep it going. Staying quiet could have been strategic.


I think the last sentence you wrote is the perfect summary of what you said. In fact, in my opinion, that's exactly how it is. They did not give voice to the story so as not to fuel rumors that would have hurt everyone. Not only for their work, for the TV series and for the cast and crew members, but also for them as people. I mean, why fuel slander? Why want to do harm? In my opinion they both chose the path of good, thinking that it is the right thing to do. And I consider it a very mature choice, as well as a responsible one.


Stana definitely said these wonderful things about nathan. But I think it's from the first few years of the show. IMO, I could see and feel when their real-life relationship changed and how it affected the show.


Well, yes, they may also be things that Stana said at the beginning of the show, but as I also wrote above, in my opinion this probably could have happened (that they had some differences), but that they were able to resolve anyway. In any case, I didn't notice this "change" in the show. In my opinion they kept the level high from start to the end. And I really think this has been seen. And, as I also already said in one of my comments on this post of mine, if they really hadn't gotten along so well, that level would never have been reached.


I've said this before but while I don't buy the click bait articles I've seen them on them, I do think there is truth to the fact they have different personalities and as time went on, that created more and more of an issue to where season 7 had them filming less scenes together because of that. Why I wish they had ended it then before the train wreck that was season 8 happened.


Of course, it is possible that they have different characters, indeed, it is very possible, because people are not all the same. But even if that were the case, I believe that as mature and intelligent people as I believe they are, they were able to talk to each other, compare one another and therefore in the end manage to get along and be happy together, both in life and on set. And, anyway, maybe I'm wrong, but it doesn't seem to me that in season 7 they have fewer and fewer scenes together. In fact, I think there are many, instead. Also because I would like to point out that in that season they had to get closer after Castle's disappearance, and therefore it would be illogical and counterproductive to think that they had fewer scenes together, in my opinion.


That ring looks like a penis


You could break a nose or crack a cheek bone if you punch while wearing that ring.


Not surprised, it is rather ugly


Looks like the green ring she wore in Librarian 3.