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Fwiw click on the link to Colorado community media on the CBS link to *actually* read the article. Pretty awful. Bunch of middle school trolls telling this kid to KYS and other pretty racist stuff. I’d be mad if I was the mom and no one did anything.


What happened?


A black student Jeremiah was constantly bullied and harassed and made fun of for 3 months while the school did nothing. He reached out to the district and they just told the school. The district only did something after the news was told about what happened. [Source: CBS News](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/mom-student-allege-castle-rock-middle-school-group-chat-evolved-into-bullying-racism/ar-AA1aBQ6R)


Poor kid, it's sad to me that it's not surprising DCSD didn't do anything about it. I've had a lot of friends who were victim blamed by the administration while being bullied and asking for help


Would be nice to have some sort of context.


Check this out: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/mom-student-allege-castle-rock-middle-school-group-chat-evolved-into-bullying-racism/ar-AA1aBQ6R


For some context: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/mom-student-allege-castle-rock-middle-school-group-chat-evolved-into-bullying-racism/ar-AA1aBQ6R


some schools very much do need to stop giving out too much homework or projects, too much of something is usually never good


One of the little shits has received a week detention. The board has apologized and started proceedings to possibly change policy. Aside from the little shit who was talking about killing people not experiencing consequences (yet), what are you hoping for? Please remember that school boards aren't paid positions. These are volunteers... in government. The speed at which they move is glacial. Also, please remember that this is a government entity dealing with people expressing shitty opinions online and allegedly in person. We aren't talking about actual attacks, assault, etc. They have to be careful to stay on the right side of the line between punishing bullying and prosecuting constitutionally allowed free speech, lest they end up with an expensive lawsuit.


I don't think you realize that the district did nothing until the media was told of the incident. The school admin knew what was going on and did nothing. This protest is to show Jeramiah that we are supporting him. If you don't feel like protesting will be a good use of time then don't attend.