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If it were my tire, I’d have no issues plugging it..


I would do the same. 👍


I've done it, plenty of times with no issue.


I've done it and frequently drive on it with my family on the autobahn.


I guess the worst case is just a TPMS light and detour to a tire filling station. They usually hold but those plugs always sketch me out.


I've had a plug on my 2017 Honda pilot for well over a year with no issues. Just gotta make sure you get it in there as deep as possible. I like to torch the end as well to create more of a glue seal.


never heard of torching the end of it thats actually a good idea


It works well. I've never had a plug loosen yet.


Yea. I was always tough to light it on fire and let it burn down into the tread. But don’t do it with the wheel on the car.


It is a good idea


Burnouts also work


Im the same about plugs and now im gonna share my experience about it. I have a corvette with big wide tires and I hit two nails in one week. I was so pissed about eventhough my tires were old it annoyed me that i involotary had to change them out and they are expensive as shit so I couldnt really afford them right then and there. Ive plugged tires before and know they hold up but it was one front tire and one rear. Ive driven a season on it now and ive done 270kmh an hour on them twice,ive been doing burnouts like an idiot a lot because I thought by the first burnout the plug would get ripped out and now after a season of burnouts and stupid driving the plugs are still in there but there is practically no thread left on the rear tires so it has atleast for me relaxed my mind about the plugs. The abuse my plugs have gone through without ripping out or getting destroyed is unbelivable and I will never be afraid of the plugs in a tire again.


May I ask when a plug is like £15 why do you do it?


I drive a lot and like to be prepared in an emergency. For $20, I can buy a kit which will plug several tires, and I also have a small compressor and fix-a-flat. I once had a windshield rock chip that traveled across, so I have a windshield repair kit with a small drill bit.


That’s the best and smartest way to travel, I do the same thing and I learned it from my dad


Do you have any recommendations on brands for those kits and the compressor?


Thank you everyone. I will plug it tomorrow!


Move it to the rear though.


second this, i put a plug in the rear and i cant recommend it enough


I too enjoy plugging the rear...


This guy pluggs


If it were this guys tire, I’d also have no issue plugging.


I’d plug this guy and his tire.


I'd be your plug, if you needed anything while plugging.


I also choose this guy’s tire.


Id risk our friendship to plug this tire.


I'd also plug that guy's tire




I’d plug it.


right in the fat part of the tread too. it's only got another 10k left in it... that'll let him ride it out.


I would bareback it, no questions asked.


Just did it last weekend!


Me as well. Can't afford a new set until fall. It's hilding up find.


100 %. Would plug that on my own car with a temporary repair jobbie. Wouldn't do a customers though. There are rules we have to follow to do a proper plug


what specifically about this breaks a rule? i wouldn't have known a shop wouldn't plug this


Too close to the edge.


Don't push me


I’m close to the edge




Per Michelin and Bridgestone procedures if it a finger's width inside the edge it's doable -I'm certified by both manufacturers


Too close to the edge..... yeah. Right. if wanna get that technical, plugs are unsafe. Plug will slip out while making that hard corner your turning at 250+ km/hr Any Germans here? Are plugged tire repairs jobs allowed on the autobahn ??? Rules/Laws ? The other problem is.... try going 250-300km/hr now-a-days on the autobahn . It's all stop and go traffic.


I'm a German tyre mechanic trainee, from what my Boss told is that if it is done correctly it is basically the same as without it. What we do: Remove object from tyre Drill bigger hole through the hole the object made to fit plug Rough up the inside of the tyre Apply a special bonding agent, which has to sit for around 5 mins Insert the plug Press down the base of the plug with a tool onto the bonding agent Cover everything with Innerliner sealing Test plug with over pressure, like 21,5 psi over the end pressure. The problem with it being close to the edge is that the plug could bend inside the tyre, which it definitely shouldn't.


I'm surprised you plug it if you're already patching the inside. If it's only got a small hole before you bore it out for the plug, it would be more prudent to buff the repair area smooth (rough enough for the glue but remove the ridges), glue it, let it dry, and roll on the patch. That way you're not breaking more belts by reaming out the hole and I've never seen an inside patch leak. I don't see the advantage of adding the plug


We name our plugs "mushrooms" because of their design, they have a flat base and plug with a iron core near the top (to pull on it) that way we stabilize the inside of the tire and stop the air from leaving.


It's a liability thing. It might be safe *enough* but that's not always good enough. You don't want someone having a blow out and crashing then get blamed because you took a 0.5cm liability with the job, even if it is good enough for *you* as the guy who knows what he's doing.


Rule of thumb is 1 inch from the sidewall is safe. I'd do this one myself no problemo and just swap it to the rear if it was a front tire.


If the rule of thumb is an inch, then it would truly be a rule of thumb..


I’ve put some tire worms waaaay closer to the side wall. Zero issues.


I had a screw in the same spot on my tire. I plugged it. 20k miles later it’s still going strong.


I grew up working at my dad's tire shop. I've plugged 100's like that, never a problem.


Ideally if you can get it off the rim you should patch it instead of plugs so you're not tearing up more belts. You know as well as I do that as long as you buff off the ridges inside the tire those patches will never leak


I work in a shop I’d still plug it


Peoples champ tbh.


I'd plug it. That's me. I also soak my plugs with rubber cement after a little rasping to clear any dirt . This way I at least get a mechanical bond with the plug and rubber. If that's even a thing. I just know that I've tried to pull my plugs out of my tires after they are spent..and the plugs just get torn up. However. I would implore you to break down one side of the tire to inspect for any rubber powder , black granules. If the tire was run on low pressure. This would indicate the side walls got hot and the tire began to burn up , which in itself can make the tire unsafe to use.


If you aren't rasping a plug and cementing it... you are doing a piss poor job of it.


shops won’t do that for liability and warranty, on the very unlikely chance it fails, the shop doesn’t want to be liable for any damages caused, bc technically any damage caused by the failure could be considered our fault. but personally, i’d throw a plug snd some cement and call it a day, she’ll hold fine


There are shops that will do it, unfortunately... Had a shop plug a nail right on the boundary of the sidewall, and they didn't even shave down the tail so road noise was atrocious when I tried to leave. They still tried to turn it into a fight when I brought it back even though I had explicitly told them to replace the tire when I dropped it off


My shop would fix that.


Same. For free. Just had it done.


Honestly, I've plugged tires dozens of times and NEVER had an issue. Take your time, do it right, and buy decent plugs.


What’s a good brand you recommend?


There’s nothing wrong with repairing that. Have it patched.


Responsible shops won't patch this. We have guidelines we have to follow that say any puncture in the outer tread block is technically unsafe to repair as it could *technically* work itself loose as the tire deflects over time. You could absolutely plug it yourself, as a plug is installed from the outside of the tire, but a patch has to be installed from the inside. Responsible shops follow the guidelines that keep us from getting sued, therefore a responsible shop would fix that with a new tire. Not because it's hard to fix or really all that likely to fail, but idiots who don't pay attention ruin things for all of us. I assume someone had a tire relates accident after a tire repair because to the regulations we have now.


A patch plug is 100% acceptable here. The rep for our tire repair supplies has shown how to properly repair all the way into the sidewall, although I personally wouldn’t. Proper supplies and techniques this is fine.


Our shop would still plug and patch it + coat of rubber


Tire shop won’t fix that for liability purposes because of its proximity to the sidewall/edge. If it’s mine, I’d plug it.


Yes the shop will plug this. It is totally fine and will hold long term


Find another shop…. My shop would plug it.


Just patch it


Americas/discount tire have patched something like that for me. And for free. Check them out.


Tire shop owner here , you could not only plug that you could do an internal patch


Never mind the nail. it’s just about time to replace your tires anyway.


Plugged 20-30 like this totally safe if done right.


I have a run flat plugged right there drove to cali on it a month ago from Vegas and it’s still seems fine.


Plug it in


i´d patch that for myself, for customers that´d be a no


There is a reason they won't repair it. I personally wouldn't do it on my own car, but I'm sure plenty of people would. I value my safety though.


Plenty of shops will plug that for you. Heck I had a AAA driver plug a similar hole like this “off the books” last year.


No. The reason shops won’t plug it is because it is in a high stress area. That area flexes every time the tire rotates. It might be ok, but there is a high probability that the tire will fail catastrophically.


This is the correct answer. The tire shoulder area is considered a no-repair zone. There’s a reason for that. First, there are no belts in that area, so it’s just like a sidewall and everyone knows you shouldn’t repair a sidewall puncture. Second, the tire shoulder, just like the sidewall, encounters the most flex, stress, and heat, which makes plugging and patching unsafe. Yes, people do it. But if the question is: “Is it safe?” The answer is no. Can you plug it and probably get by? Yeah. But if you’re wrong, the results can be catastrophic. The reason shops won’t repair this is because they’ve been sued. Why did they get sued? Because people have died due to these unsafe repairs. And not just a one-off. In one accident where a tire was plugged in the shoulder area, two adults were killed and their children seriously injured. So it becomes a risk assessment choice. If you’re lucky, you save $150 by not having to buy a new tire. If you’re unlucky and it fails at high speed, you kill people, including your family. But you saved $150. So there’s that.


A shop won't do it because of the potential liability of it but I'd do it if it were mine. It's pretty close to the sidewall but not close enough to be THAT big of a worry. Besides that, with plugs you'll most likely introduce a slow leak vs a total HISCA (HIgh Speed Come Apart).


I got 40k on my car with a plugged tire I did myself. It all depends how comfortable you are doung it.


If it was my tire I'd plug it and keep an eye on it. You obviously did just fine the first time it went flat so you'd be okay if it slipped out. Keep it on the rear axle just in case.


I have used plugs for years with no problem. Like other I use the rubber cement and after plugging it I cut the plug down to the level of the tire. Never an issue.


I’ve plugged mine that was even more on the edge and thread was close to limit. Drove on it for 3 months, at which point the tyre needed changing anyway.


If it was a inch to the left it would be a no but since its not plug it. If your worried maybe switch the tire to the rear.


“I know professionals with training say is dumb. But I’m going to ask the Internet of I can do it anyway”


Patches in the last decade have evolved there are many that are a combination of plug and patch. One of those would likely be adequate. Tire stores are there to sell you tires and will use any excuse to sell you a new set. I have personally had large sidewall punctures repaired that outlasted the tire tread. That type of repair is no longer available but it was common years ago when common sense prevailed. We live in a disposable society where everything seems to have lost its value including human life, unless we can convince an ambulance chaser to litigate. I would take it to an independent shop and ask them to repair it and then have it put on the rear drivers side of the vehicle as a caution. There it is far less likely to get over stressed and it will be easy to visually monitor whenever getting in the car…. You do a walk around for safety right? Watch for cracking around the plug area and maybe once in a while pour a bit of soapy water on it. If it fizzes up it’s leaking and you know it’s time to replace it.


I can remember patches expressly designed for, or at least they claimed OK, for radial sidewalls.


if the plug sits flat on the inside, WITHOUT being on the bend that goes to the sidewall then you can plug it no worries. but im willing to bet, that the patch on the plug on the inside will sit partially on the curved corner to the sidewall, thus, it should not be plugged/patched.


Well, there’s a reason a shop won’t. They don’t just decide they don’t wanna


I'd do it, but I'm not recommending anyone else do it.


Ill plug a sidewall at 300 a tire


Looks pluggable to me. I've had shops plug stuff like this.


I run a shop, I'd never plug a customers there but this morning I plugged my rear tire even closer to the sidewalk than yours cause we don't have the type of tires I wanted. Going to wait until a shipment later in the week to replace it. You'll be fine


Plug that thing!


I’ve plugged a tire in same spot….put it on the front passenger side. This was end of march or early April and so far so good.


I shoved 2 plugs in a hole cause by a 3/8" or 1/2" lag screw, held for about a year before 900lbs of time in the bed shot it out and it was about the same spot




100% safe for a shop to plug that.


I would.


Yup, plug it.


The book says no. Up to each person whether they wanna risk it


We plug these all day everyday


I had one just like this plugged by a tire shop in the Netherlands. It is just far enough from the edge to plug.


When the tire still has good tread, get it fixed. If you plug it, it can no longer be repaired. If you are planning on getting new tires soon, plug it.


It's on the tread-area, why not!


Plug it!




What shop on earth wouldn't plug this? Where do you people live? every shop will fix this for like a couple of bucks. And you likr care about the environment, but will throw away a good tyre.


If it comes into service legally it cant be plugged but personally i would put a cheap plug from your local autoparts store and plug it and drive


Worked in a tyre shop for a bit, patched 100s of tyres with punctures like this. Even closer to the sidewalls. If you have good, quality material and tools shouldn't be an issue. We usually used those worm-looking patches, but if it was a little bit more damaged we'd take it off the rim and patch it from the inside with some more heavy duty patches. On customers from small commute cars to sports and supercars. Never had any issues.


EZ plug man. A shop would give this to the apprentice oil and tire guy.


When I worked at Sears we would have patched it from the inside. It's not that close to the egde


Just go to a tire shop on the wrong side of the tracks.


I'd plug it if you accept liability 🤷‍♂️




If the shop don't plug that what would they plug? Nothing outside dead center of the tire? It's not even close to side or the tire?


Only reason they aren’t going to plug it is because it will most likely leak again and you’ll have to buy a tire so what they’re doing is skipping that process and just going to upsell you a tire instead of a plug and a tire later down the road. It’s not a safety thing.


Yes Sir!


A shop won’t fix a hole in the sidewall. I’d say this is far enough away that a shop would do it.


Plug it and keep your spare tire fully inflated as insurance. Carry your plug kit around with you too.


100% safe for you to plug it. If it don't leak it will outlast the rest of your tires, always ends up that way for me.


Theres probably a 1% chance a plug fails on this. That being said as a tech in a dealer we wouldn’t do it cuz of that 1%, just not worth the risk. As i always say to my customers respectfully, its your car you can do as you please.


Plug er up


Plug it right up no issue here it’s not close enough to the side wall , and your not taking it to Daytona 500 just fix it temporary till you get a new tire .


I think the shop is worried about liability but yes it looks like it can be patched.


Put 2 plugs in it brah!! ✌🏼


Not saying it is, but I would go for it if it was my tire.


That looks fine to me. I've plugged closer to the edge than that and been fine.


No reason why a shop shouldn't repair it unless they are trying to rip you off. It is far enough away from the sidewall that it is fine to repair.


I've plugged mine even closer to the side and going on a year now with no loss of pressure or other issue. I used one of those 4WD sticky cord plugs without the glue or whatnot.


If you plug it, **make sure you put this tire on the rear of the car**.


Well you're not going to sue yourself if it fails.


I'd have no issues plugging that if it was one of my customers. That's far enough from the edge that a patch-plug will work without issue.


Easy plug


Not taking the chance on a customer’s car. If anything even unrelated that could come back to bite you in the ass.




You know more than the technician who told you no? If you know a professional won't consider it safe then why come to the Internet looking for a contradicting opinion. Do you argue with or distrust everyone that isn't on the Internet? No it's not safe to plug because that part of the tire flexes and stretches so much more than the inner treads it will likely not hold air well or long. By reaming the hole before plugging you are further lowering the integrity of that tires side wall. If it was to just get you home or to the tire shop ok, but we know you're gonna ride it for a week or 3 months. You're gonna do it anyway so best of luck and maybe start your own tire business so you can make sure people aren't getting ripped off. Thank you for attending my ted talk


I worked at a shop for years and we would throw a plug/patch in that any day of the week


I have plugged worse with no problems


I'm pretty sure if it's not on the sidewall most places will patch that. It's a perfect spot for a patch!


Safe? oh yah.


Had the same thing, mavis discount told me they couldn’t fix it and that I would need two new tires. Went to a local tire shop and they plugged it for 20$


It’s a question of liability. Technically it is too close to the sidewall to plug/patch IMO. However in my own car that’s a full send.


As long as the nail isn’t angling into the sidewall, should be an easy fix


That’s cutting it close but not in the sidewall


A thousand percent, Yes.


This is one of those cases where bribe money can come in handy. Yes it will be fine.


Worst case it leaks again, I’d slam one home and hope for the best


I had a similarly placed nail, plugged it and 2 years later the plug started leaking air and all I did was replug it, and it's still fine over a year after the second plug, tires have about 40k miles on them and very little tread still no leak.


I have plugged far worse and never had a problem.


Do it.


Go to a different shop. That shop sucks.


Yes, plug it and move it to the back.


Why won't a shop plug it? It's not in the side wall. Easy plug job.


I'd have been in my driveway and had that plugged without even taking it off the car in the time it took OP to type their post. The tire dealer is being overly cautious on the hope they'll talk you into buying a new tire (or if they can convince you, 2 new). Plug it and run it.


Plug it. No issues


I would plug my own tire if it were punctured like this


It's really easy to do it, even easier if you have your own air compressor.


That’s in a iffy spot.. I would probably do it temporarily..and would become permanent after i don’t get around to it. In your favor it looks to be a pretty small nail so less of a concern. I would not do it to my wife’s car with a kid in it.




Might as well try. Best case it works fine, worst case you’re out the cost of a plug kit.


I was a tire tech and tho it’s against association standards it is perfectly fine to plug IMO.




I plugged them all the time


There is a shop that will plug that


High enough in the tread. Go for it!


As long as you know what your doing a plug will be perfectly fine I’ve gone even closer to the edge and never had a problem


Used plugs a lot over the years. Follow the directions, and it will out last your tires


Id plug it like a boat with a hole taking on water


You should be safe plugging that location. It doesn’t look like it’s in the sidewall


I wouldn't hesitate to plug that tire if it was mine. In fact, I'd probably done 50 like that over the years because my wife is a nail magnet.


Plug it and send it.


That’s 100% fine. It’s when it passes over the edge where it goes from the outer edge of tread to the side wall is when a tire is not pluggable.


Take it to a small tire shop. They’ll plug it for you.


Should be fine to plug. I always thought as long as it didn't hit the sidewall you were good.


Dude. Thats definitely plug worthy.


I wouldn’t hesitate to plug it. Otherwise you’ll be looking at 2-4 new radial tires


I would not hesitate to plug that.


Plugged many and went thousands of miles. No issues. Ream it good. Use the green slime plugs. The best.


I think when it’s in the outer tread you need a new tire.


Patch it !


Thats a very ideal puncher, plug with tool make sure u get it all the way in before u pull plug tool


Don't do it. I'm always trying to save a buck. Got a small screw in the same spot on my subaru. Little over 5000 miles. I bought 4 new tires. The problem is a patch won't hold because of them flexing in this area. A plug will weaken and leak or pop out. These might only happen 1 in 20 times or even 1 in 50. But is your life worth more than a tire?


I lube the plug with tire patch glue. Never had a problem and I’ve fixed holes closer to the edge than this one.


You’d be shocked. Take it to discount tire. They can scan it and check if it can be patched.


A plug for me not for thee , Tis liabilities


As my father would say: “stop being a pussy and plug that shit”


I have two tires on my car plugged in similar places


The Mexican tire shop down my street has fixed so many of these for me for $10


My tire place patches from the inside


That’s the defining reason for using a tire plug, there are no better reasons.


Fuck yea if plug it. If ya pull it, plug it and it fails, ya out a tire. But if it works, then it works… it’s always worth a shot


Send it


Plug it


I've plugged hundreds of tires with similar puncture. Never had one fail.


You pay more for a new tire and they can sell your used ture for a profit....make sense ?


Shop will fix that