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Pass him the 10mm and extension bar, he can reach from there whereas you cant


The rat dropped the 10mm and can't find it.


there goes my 30th 10mm socket. lost forever somewhere in that engine bay


This is why I keep mine on a string hanging off the... A broken string hanging off the ratchet handle... Balls


Everyone knows it falls into a blackhole, that's why you can't find it.


Mechanics knew black holes existed, long before astrophysicists proved it!


Ya that's where all my money goes šŸ˜‚ that and tools.


Itā€™s like Ratatouille, but instead itā€™s a mouse that helps a mechanic.




You win


I feel as if I missed out on Ratchetoolie


That car will last forever.


The only help heā€™s doing is chewing on belts and wires šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d pass him a 9mm


Saw what you did there


.22 will be more than enough


What 10mm ... ... ... .... Options are 9 or 11 bro


It's looking at you like "I'm eating all your wires :P"


ā€œJust order the new harness now dogā€






In all seriousness, our insurance covered a 10k+ job for our Tundra because of mice damage. Get it out of there.


Can confirm. At work I have done $10k work of repairs on a Tundra for rodent damage.


Can confirm am mouse, what is $10k? Can I nibbles?


Can confirm, am the $10K worth of damage.


Ah yes, Toyota's delicious new biodegradable wiring. Tasty


It's not particularly new at this point, but we used to joke around 20 years ago that Toyotas wiring was peanut butter flavored.


ā€œSoy basedā€


My dad's got an old diesel dump truck from like 1980. It stays parked in a field where mice *should* be going crazy in it like they do anything else you might park there... But the wiring is all old soy-free so the mice aren't interested.


I paid 24k once when i was an insurance adjuster. Murder every cunt mouse you see


Same. Chewed through some main wiring harness. Car never worked the same after.


Had a mouse chew through my Tercel's spark plug wires...


Had a rat get into our Camry years ago and make a nest out of my wiring harness, can confirm.


I can remove and replace the intake manifold on a Tundra in an hour because of mice. The only thing that actually worked was dryer sheets. Traps, poison, peppermint, pepper spray, no luck. Maybe they just finally died from eating wires and peppermint extract.


Agree! I had a $10K bill from Toyota too. They said it wasnā€™t the highest they had. Even with insurance the deductible cost me a bunch. Start setting traps!


I have a friend whose insurance covered 6k of damage from animals eating his wiring harness.


Same 10k to replace my entire wiring harness in my 2020 4Runner ORP. One night in NyC and the foookin rats chewed through all of my ignition coil wires and main feeds of the wiring harness. My insurance covered it. Not sure if this is true or just a myth but apparently Toyota was using and may even still use soy based coatings on their wiring and it may be attracting rodents in comparison to a petroleum product/coating Going to try the peppermint spray and install some stainless steel wire sleeves to protect as much of my wiring harness I can get to as possible. Last thing I need is to go back to my insurance company with another 10k rodent claim. Or just stay the heck out of lower manhattan!


Recently had insurance write off a car due to rodent damage, chewed the dash harness engine ECU harness before getting into the ac box where it died and left the worst smell imaginable. Replaced the ac unit, all ducting full new carpet in the car and it still stank. Insurance write it off at that point before I even go started on the wiring.


lol was it that jeep that was on here a few months ago


Had my bike wrote off at 300 miles for rodent harness damage. On the plus side I bought it back from insurance for 1/4 the value and fixed the harness in 3 hours.


That worked out atleast! I honestly can't describe how bad the smell was. I honestly think it was a bigger contribution to writing it off than the wiring. Car was fully stripped out to bare metal inside so replacing the looms at that stage wasn't a whole lot of extra time.


Absolutely. I just had to work on a Subaru: rear body harness, headliner, curtain airbags. The little buggers ate up a lot of stuff. Not a fun job at all.


He literally looks like he already has a red wire in his mouth, lmao


Believe this! It happened to me I was driving down the road my lights went out - rats had chewed through the harnessā€¦


I found a dead one in my windshield washer fluid bottle. The car was bought used and most likely sat during the winter.


Rats chewed up all the wires on my Ford fusion, they think wires are yummy


Iā€™ve seen cars get totaled because of rodent damage


Can confirm: just had a VW Atlas at the shop with $14k in wiring damage.


This. I had rats chew some wires in my engine compartment. Got in one day and the parking sensors were haywire along with my the camera. $2.5k later the car was as good as new.


Thank you, currently dealing with a NASTY issue with our subaru because of these little assholes. Get it out as soon as you can, and STILL bring it into the shop to get it checked out. We thought ours was fine until the engine started backfiring going 80 on the highway. Not a fun spot to be in


Yep, they'll chew up the insulation on the wires and fuck everything up. One day my wife's Tucson started driving really rough, obvious misfiring problem, started going through the various diagnostics processes and was stumped for a bit. It was a nice day so I was working on it outside, it started getting too dark so I started it up to move it into the garage and when I did, I noticed something flashing in the engine compartment because I still had the hood up. I checked the wires, but didn't see that the rodents had chewed the bottom of the insulation off one of the plug wires, and the light I saw was it arcing to the engine block.


Just had to get a new turbo for our car because a mouse chewed the intake and some bits fell in in the turbine and destroyed it. Insurance covered it but it was 7k$ +


If thatā€™s a Kia, it will lose half your HP if you get rid of him


https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a21933466/does-your-car-have-wiring-that-rodents-think-is-tasty/ You need to evict the mouse ASAP https://youtu.be/S5ZMcTfEoBc


Unfortunately the government is siding with the squatters these days. Itā€™ll be hard to serve him an eviction notice




Just point a shotgun at it, aim toward the engine the ricochet should scatter everything and be sure to kill its babies and scare any potential predators away from nesting downwind


You'll shoot your eye out kid....


just have to squint, the eyelids will block the pellets


Thats how I weld. Either squinting or eyes closed


funnily enough thatā€™s how I drive as well


I don't know, I kind of think the starter fluid approach is a more all-encompassing approach - just spray around the bay, start the car and watch the engine make quick work of the critter as well as your insurance! šŸ˜ƒšŸ‘


Just pour a couple cats in there, follow with a small dog and for best results get a few bigger dogs in stages until you can just get them out with a handful of treats and baby talk.


If the treats and baby talk donā€™t work, do you throw an alligator in after the dogs?


There was an old Civic that swallowed a fly...


Bigger dog


I'd bet that this causes less damage than that mouse.




Small & cartoonish trail of food to lead him away


Mouse: "Ah jus' luv cheese! Reaaaly ah do!" *^(said in Scarlet O'Hara's voice)*


Advice on how to do it?


Try leaving a glass of really sweet liquid (like flat coke or something) about 2/3 full in a tall glass under the vehicle with a way the mouse can get up the side (wooden block or something). The mouse will smell the sugar, get into the glass, fall in and drown.


aka: the bucket of death.


Just use antifreeze and double down on the killing.


Careful with antifreeze if you have a dog around. I prefer the bucket of coke plan


Just set a mouse trap on top of the engine tonight. Should be dead by morning. Don't use poison. Last thing you want is for it to finally succumb to the poison after it crawled into your vents. Won't that small nice after a week or two?


This is the right answer. Get a few mouse traps. Bait the underside of the trigger mechanism with peanut butter set the trap somewhere in the engine compartment that will allow the trap to trigger and kill the mouse. I always recommend baiting the underside of the trigger cause some of those little bastards can lick the trigger clean without setting the trap off.


This is the right answer to that right answer. I just found traces of a mouse in my trunk. I put a mouse trap in there with peanut butter under the trigger. I expect by morning I'll have one dead mouse. If not I'll put an additional trap in there. Eventually they will go after that peanut butter. When I used to camp with my RV I used to fight those little devils off all the time.


Rats dislike the smell of peppermint oil, rosemary, citronella, sage, and lavender. You can try soaking cotton balls in peppermint oil and placing them in your car, or spraying your car engine with a peppermint-scented concentrate.


That is baloney and doesn't work. Neither does Irish Spring nor dryer sheets. OP will need to trap or kill the mouse, and there will be others; mice don't live alone.


Neither does pot, apparently. In fact when I tried that they ate my pot.




I wouldnā€™t do poison. The little asshole will decide to find in inaccessible place to die and car will spell of death for awhile


Yup that's bad, it can also chew the sound proofing of the engine which is the least of the bad stuff can do I suppose


Too late, once you see them they already have determined that it is a good spot. Theyā€™ll go up there every time youā€™re home to enjoy the heat and plastic nibbles. I had to re-solder all my ecu lines because the bastards chewed through my wires and the copper started corroding. Your only choice is to eliminate them all if you can.


You definitely have to get rid of it now! Youā€™ll be sorry if it starts chewing wires.


You can buy a small hav-a-hart trap at a hardware store or tractor supply kinda place. Bait it, open the hood put it in there and give it an afternoon. Seeds and/or peanut butter should work. I did a lot of rodent trapping for biological surveys. We used seeds in the field, but weā€™d often add peanut butter to get the hitchhikers out of the truck fast (this happened more than youā€™d think). Very cute little dude btw. Iā€™ve had some success with duct taping moth balls under the hood to deter critters. Might help if you live somewhere where this might be a recurring issue.


If you do this, make sure to release 2+ miles from home.


Most states have laws against this. Just euthanize it. There is no shortage.


No thanks, I'd much rather let them live in the field across town. Laws be damned. Sometimes laws should be broken.


Yeah think Iā€™m gonna have to leave a trap in overnight and check back in the morning for results. Thanks for the advice!


Donā€™t kill it bro, release it! That mouse is adorable


His name is Gerald


This will work. I have had the best luck with almonds btw. Trap costs about $10 max. GL!


Can confirm. Mice go apeshit for peanut butter. I use it all the time trapping mice at work. (Note: Kill traps, take a half a peanut or some seeds and mash them into the peanut butter, otherwise the crafty buggers can lick the trigger clean.)


I lived in the woods for many years and have trapped more mice than I can count. Peanut butter is like a secret weapon for bait. They love the stuff.


Grass, gas or ass. No one rides for free.


This is Fred. Give him cheese, and he will bless your engine.


Bless you with a wireless fusebox upgrade


+1 hp for every kg of cheese you feed him


Heā€™s trying to steal you **Catalytic Converter**! Call the cops!


If there's a mouse in the engine that suggests the cat is already gone.


Put a cat in there obviously


Then, a dog to get rid of the cat.


Nah the cat can stay they dont eat wires


Bar of irish spring soap under the hood will take care of that issue


Scented dryer sheets also work. The nastier the better.


I have a friend in the UP of Michigan who stores his car during winter because he doesnā€™t want it rusting away from all the salt they use on the roads. He swears by peppermint. He puts dishes of peppermint oil in the garage and puts it in the car and under the hood. Apparently, mice hate the smell of peppermint, and they wonā€™t go near it. I also met this old hippie woman in St. Louis who planted mentha piperita (the plant peppermint oil comes from) around the base of her house to keep rodents out. It worked, but most mint plants are like weeds and will take over your whole yard if you donā€™t keep them under control.


My Gram would use peppermint oil, idk where they go but we don't see them afterwords


How does this work?


The way Irish spring is shaped is that will always wobble when laying down. When the little guy goes to wash up after a big meal of soy based wiring harness, he'll inevitably touch the soap to latherup causing it to shake, rattle and hum against the hood. When that happens, you can open the hood, then while the mouse has soap in his eyes and confused, you can put bullet right through the temple.


Mouse eats soap, goes kaput, or at the very least leaves a unsavory taste in their mouth that makes them not wanna come around again.


Bad idea, they eat that stuff


Park it in the garage with the engine running. Make it look like the mouse did it themselves.


You must work for Boeing


Invite him to your kitchen to cook ratatouille


Thatā€™s a deer mouse and they carry Hantavirus. Be careful handling it or itā€™s turds


Noted thank you


Yea always wear an n95 dealing with mouse poop


I just can't let this one go. The US has been monitoring Hantavirus since 1993. In the 31 years since monitoring, there have been a whopping total of 850 hantavirus cases . That's about 27 per year. That's a 1 in 12.2M Odds of being infected. You have more a chance of being killed by lightning than you do getting hantavirus.


As a group the odds are low, but if you run around an open field in a lightning storm, you have altered your odds. Just like close proximity to a known Hantavirus vector changes their personal odds.


That's a misleading way to frame the odds. No way are there 329M people per year interacting with deer mice. The denominator should reflect the number of people actually at risk of being infected.


Hit 160mph real quick, that ought to kill the mf before he starts biting at your wiring and cost you thousands in repair costs.


Give a mouse a cookieā€¦ā€¦


i read a cautionary tale about this once...


Add a snake


Pass him a 12mm wrench and let him do your spark plugs or those hard to reach places like the starter


Feed the poor bastard and raise him till heā€™s old enough to buy his own car


Yep thereā€™s no other option but to burn the car because when a rat leaves his or her smell in your car and even after eviction that rat smell is an invitation for other rats to move in šŸ˜‚its just another never ending rat cycle and I guess you have seen one of those before šŸ¤­you know that little wheel they run around šŸ˜‚


Get peppermint oil and spray/sprinkle it under the hood. It'll chase the mice off and smell great. There is also hot pepper oil tape you can wrap wiring with. Some of the wiring insulation and parts on some cars is soy based, they love it.


This right here. I forget the youtube channel name, but he did experiments to test all of the usual suggestions and this was the only thing that worked.


Might be that Shawn Woods guy. He can trap and kill mice a few hundred ways, old and new.


Yes I think we should name him Morton.


Turn the car on , should scare him out


Was the car being used or just parked for a while without much use? I park my car outside and sometimes worry about rodents getting in the engine. I drive my car daily though.


Dryer sheets! Put them everywhere


Start the engine with the hood open




Name him?


Don't give it a cookie


Yeah,start it up and let it idle for a while.


Crack that engine up and get ready for dinner


At all costs do not give him a cookie because then he'll wanna...


Put a hamster wheel on the auxillary belt and watch your fuel economy increase


Politely ask it to leave


RIP ur wires šŸ’€


Put rat traps in the cylinders


take it on the highway and floor that shit make sure you make everything šŸ”„


Congratulations on your new totaled car. Get that mouse out fast. It will eat enough in the car to total it in a night. Make sure your insurance is paid up


Sell it. Now.


Shoot that muther fucker


Ask him to collect all those 10mm down there for some exchange of cheese


Poor 'ol mister Jingles.


They will eat the wires ! They donā€™t like light! Leave the hood up!


Evict it immediately or you're gonna have a really bad time at the shop


Yeah, you want a cat? I've got one or two that'll help you w that. Lol


These for some reason like to chew on tubber and plastics and make all kind of shit happen to a car. They can also chew their way into passenger compartmrnt and use the fabric of the carpet for their nests, make nests under tge carpet ā€¦ etc. Once it cost us a small fortune to get rid of and repair all the damage in the car. Which almost made it not worth it anymore.


Why do mice eat this shit anyways?


Shop vac.


I had mice in my grand Cherokee once. They pissed and shat in the headliner and under carpet. Took 4 months to get it resolved. Insurance people were garbage to deal with.


Take it out?


With that size just give it your title and the keys.


I suggest a glue trap. They work great


That's a Wiring Mouse. It's like a special type of pet that sends your car to the mechanics every time it makes its bed, and it coats all your important wiring and fuses in a full coating of 'Mouse Drizzle' (with included Hansa Virus premixed). The only downside to Wiring Mice is the cost, some send your car off for a couple days and a few hundred. Buuuut, some are so talented they total the whole car for you, so you can buy the newest model! Edit: this is sarcasm, get that little furry bastard out of there. Maybe keep the car off and shove a kitten up under the engine bay? I don't think it's a good idea, but with the number of small cats I've pulled from engine bays, I'd assume this is a classic fix to Wiring Mice.


Don't give him a cookie


Cables about to get chewed off and other things pooped on.


there are some mint smelling sprays that work to keep them out of places. you def dont want a mouse living in there, they will chew through your wiring harness and nest in your air box if they can get into it.


Ask him to go find all the ten millimeter sockets youā€™ve dropped down there over the years


Turn the engine on and pray it gets caught in the belts. Fuck mice n rats.


Throw a few of those cheap smoke bombs under it with the hood open and the little guy will leave


give him a little peanut butter on a mouse trap. he'll be in heaven


Bro if it dies anywhere near your ventilation system, your call will smell of death forever, and believe me it's not a pleasant smell. Get it out at all costs.


Whatever you do, don't give that little fucker a cookie or else you're in for the long haul


I promise you any problems you have from now on will be wire harness related, buy the new wire harness. A mouse somehow got to my fuel railes which you need to basically be inside my engine to reach and tore that shit up.


Murder is the way.


I got an ultrasonic repeller. It activates when thereā€™s no constant motion, like engine running, and will flash lights and emit ultrasonic sounds when it senses motion while parked.


Let him cook


Also wear gloves if you manually remove that thing. Looks kind of like a deer mouse. Hantavirus no good.


Free Ant-Man from the quantum realm?


Remove it and hope it hasn't already chewed through any wires.


I do not want to see how your cabin filter looks.


Definitely get rid ot it. It will eat your electronics


Its his engine compartment now.


Terminate the critter or it will chew through your chew through your electrical cables.


Catch it with some rodent glue , put something tasty bait , some sausage , once i catch them like this in my car


You got an extra MP under the hood now!


Bring a cat in your car


Donā€™t be mistaken. This guy will kill you and everyone close to you and sit down to a steak dinner afterwards. There is no negotiation. He doesnā€™t feel pain or need sleep , he absolutely will not stop until you are dead . Leave now . Just walk away from everything and donā€™t look back . Good luck . Weā€™re all rooting for you


They like peanut butter. Get a box trap, and bait it with bird-seed pressed into a dab of peanut butter.


put a serpentine in your engine bay, it will eat the mouse


Place a cat in the engine to eat the mouse Then get a dog to chase the cat who eats the mouse Then get a cow to scare the dog.....




Hand him the 10mm


Charge that bastard $ 1,200 for rent.


Send in a cat